The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers—Part 3
by Jen White
Welcome to Part 3 of a series entitled The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers. If you are just now joining, I’d encourage you to start from the beginning.
Sometimes a girl has time to sit and play and be ultra crafty. Then there are times when a girl just has to get things DONE. The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers is for those times.
If you are interested in just getting it DONE, this series is for you.
We’ve been talking about the Done Manifesto by Bre Pettis. It’s been quoted as being “a set of working rules based on a sense of urgency.” We are working together as a team and a community to see how this “sense of urgency” could be applied to our craft of digital scrapbooking by taking a look at one “Done rule” per week and relating it to our world. This week we are focusing on Mr. Pettis’ Rule #3.
Done Manifesto Rule #3: There is no editing stage.
An editing stage sounds perfectly reasonable to me. How about you? Except that it adds yet another stage to our 3-Stage list. I guess it just depends on how you define an “editing stage.” Let’s think this through together.
The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers Rule #3.
Do not be tempted to add an Editing stage.
In this case, the term “Editing stage” is being used to define that time when you would fuss and fuss over the details of your scrapbook page after it’s already done. Believe me. I LOVE to fuss. I’m the world’s greatest fusser. I can fuss with the best of them. And, when I have time, there is nothing wrong with fussing. But remember, we are talking about ways to just get it DONE. And in the Done Manifesto, there is no room for fussing.
You could also think of the Editing stage as that pitfall of time you spend perfecting your scrapbook page. It’s what would come after the draft mode of the Scrapbooking stage if you let perfectionism creep in.
Now, don’t confuse fussing and perfectionism with the Completion stage where you look for errors and omissions. Not the same thing.
Now it’s your turn. What’s your take on Rule #3?
Rule #1 | Rule #2 | Rule #3 | Rule #4 | Rule #5 | Rule #6 | Rule #7 |
Rule #8
Author: Jen White |
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