The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers—Part 6

by Jen White

Welcome to Part 6 of a series entitled The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers. If you are just now joining, I’d encourage you to start from the beginning.

Sometimes a girl has time to sit and play and be ultra crafty. Then there are times when a girl just has to get things DONE. The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers is for those times.

If you are interested in just getting it DONE, this series is for you.

We’ve been talking about the Done Manifesto by Bre Pettis. It’s been quoted as being “a set of working rules based on a sense of urgency.” We are working together as a team and a community to see how this “sense of urgency” could be applied to our craft of digital scrapbooking by taking a look at one “Done rule” per week and relating it to our world. This week we are focusing on Mr. Pettis’ Rule #6. 


Done Manifesto #6: The point of being done is not to finish but to get other things done.

Are you a list maker? I am. I make packing lists, cleaning lists, chore lists, honey-do lists, meal lists . . . and the “list” goes on and on. The above principle makes sense in my list world. I scratch one thing off so I can move on to the next thing—and there’s always a next thing. So let’s pull this concept into our scrapbooking world.


The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers Rule #6.
Done isn’t finished. It’s progress.

I have one fabulous photo to scrap, then I’m done with scrapbooking and I am ready for my next hobby—said no person ever.

We aren’t working toward “done” so that we can be finished with our craft. We are working toward “done” so that we can find the next group of photos to scrap and work toward done again. It’s a process. Enjoy the ride.

Let’s all stand and recite in agreement: “The job of a scrapbooker is never finished.” There’s always going to be one more photo to scrap and one more gift album that you could create. So, think of “done” as progress. Finish a layout so that you can start another one. That’s progress. That’s getting things done.

On a side note, remember—perfection cripples progress. 

Now it’s your turn. What’s your take on Rule #6?

Rule #1  |  Rule #2  |  Rule #3  |  Rule #4  |  Rule #5  |  Rule #6 |  Rule #7  |
Rule #8


jenwhite-48x48Author: Jen White |
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Comments (4)

  1. mousie

    I have to say #6 to me is how and what to do with the pages? I have done and finished and printed. I want to remove them from my computer but then I say, what do the other scrappers do? Do you delete, flatten or leave them on your computer. I am in a dilemma, I am not a fiddler so once I am done I am done!

    April 1, 2014 at 5:02 pm Reply
    • mousie

      Thank You, for the reply I never looked at it that way. I guess I don’t know enough about digital yet – but find myself redoing a whole page and deleting the existing one when I learn something new. Like Linda’s Shadow class I learned so much just have to open my old layouts and make shadow changes. So I guess I will become a fiddler…
      I did enjoy the manifesto, I guess I can see how it would suck you back in to keep making changes.

      April 3, 2014 at 4:06 pm Reply
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    Linda Schroeder

    This #6 is a great way to look at the “not getting anything done” feeling. It is scrapping that is the hobby, after all, not getting all the pictures done. It is a wonderful feeling knowing there will always be more pictures to scrap! We will never run out. And there is always something new to learn and a new technique to try. What a wonderful hobby! Thank you Jen for putting it all into the proper perspective.

    As far as what to do with pages, referring to mousie’s question – I keep them on my computer and two or three other hard drives. I don’t want to ever lose them. Several years ago I made an album for my mother with all the old pictures I could find about our ancestors. I also made copies for my children. Recently my two brothers and their wives expressed interest so I pulled up all the pages and spruced them up a bit. I have learned some things to make the pages look better and wanted them to have the new and improved version. I added some new pictures and more information that I had from a cousin. Now I can share them with my brothers. It was good to have pages easily accessible.

    April 2, 2014 at 12:51 pm Reply
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    So so true! I was “DONE” all my scrapbooking at one point when my daughter was 3 – every photo was in an album, decorated, journaled about, completed…so much so that I would look at my embellishment stock and take her outside and plan/take photos that would work in a layout with those decorative items…just to have more scrapbooking to do – then scrapbooking became less of a priority and life changed and I went to work and we moved etc…now I have a backlog of 10 years of photos to scrapbook – it is not a sprint, it is a marathon. 🙂

    April 8, 2014 at 9:10 am Reply
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