Spotlight on Jan Walker

Jan Walker loves to help people. If you’ve spent any amount of time in our Digital Scrapper Forum, you’ve probably been the recipient of her sage advice. But what I didn’t know when Jan became the first person I hired to help me run my business, was how talented she was.
- I didn’t know what a good photographer she was.
- I didn’t know she was on several creative teams.
- And I certainly didn’t know she had a knack for teaching digital scrapbooking skills.
Her first Digital Scrapper Premier tutorial was called A Touch of Texture, and it was an instant success. Since then, her tutorials have been some of the most utilized tutorials in Premier. She also began teaching some of our weekly Digi Scrap Tutorials. And I discovered she had a special talent for gently but effectively critiquing student’s pages in my Easy Page Design class.
Sometimes you hit the jackpot, and I feel like that’s what happened when I hired Jan Walker.
Which brings me to the main point of this article. No matter how talented you are, there just isn’t enough time in life or work to do it all. If you want to excel in one thing, you may have to let go of something else.
Jan was excited when I asked her to become one of my star class instructors, but giving up her job as Forum Director so she would have the time to teach was very difficult.
“I’m going to miss hearing from people who I’ve been able to help,” she said. I assured her that she would be very welcome in the Forum whenever she had some free time.
I wish I could cheat and tell you what Jan is planning to teach, but I don’t want to steal her thunder. Just know that when she announces her classes, you are going to LOVE them, and you won’t want to miss out. She has 3 amazing classes planned for this year, so keep your eyes and ears open, because one of them will be announced soon!
I thought you would enjoy seeing some samples of Jan’s beautiful work, so I’ve compiled some pages from her Gallery.
To start with, take a look at this beautiful layout ‘yesterday.’ Who else but Jan could style, photograph, and blend a masterpiece such as this? It’s absolutely breathtaking.

inscrutable: This gorgeous page was one of the picks at Gallery Standouts, a site that daily chooses and displays the best in digital scrapbooking. It’s quite an honor to be chosen. By the way, our new Forum Administrator, Darcy Baldwin, recently had a scrapbook page selected for Gallery Standouts as well. What is it with these talented Forum Directors?! (Check out this post to meet Darcy.)

Imagination: And take a look at this imaginative blended page. Makes me happy just to look at it!

Aylesford Village: Jan taught how to create the effect of a sketch-turned-water-color-painting in a recent Premier issue. You should have seen the amazing paintings done by Premier students. It’s a credit to the instructor when the students are successful.

Fortunately we will continue to have Jan as one of our Premier Tutorial instructors. We appreciate everything she has done for us in the past and are looking forward to a future filled with new and exciting lessons!
From everyone here at Digital Scrapper – Thank you, Jan!
By Linda Sattgast & Barb Brookbank
P.S. If you’ve been personally helped by Jan in the Forum or have been inspired and empowered by her teaching, let her know by writing a note in the comments. Jan doesn’t like to toot her own horn, but that doesn’t mean we can’t!
[…] Darcy is taking on the role of Forum Director to free up Jan Walker to devote all of her time to teaching classes as well as Premier tutorials. We’re very excited to gain a talented and knowledgeable person to help us in the Forum, allowing us to reap the full benefits of Jan’s creative and artistic talents in other areas. (Learn more about Jan’s new role here.) […]
Congratulations Jan on your new role in DS. I have enjoyed everyone of your tutorials in Premier, I have even tagged them so I can call them up quickly when I want to review a technique you’ve taught.
I am soooo looking forward to your classes this year 😀
Thank you for all your advice in the forum. I have always respected you thoughts and ideas. I consider you a mentor and someone I aspire to scrap at your level. You are truly an artist and I look forward to your classes.
Awesome news! Congrats to Jan. And how lucky for us! Can’t wait to hear about these three new classes.
What great ideas and changes. I’m truly looking forward to the classes Jan will be teaching – can hardly wait! The change in the forum will be just as exciting for I’m looking forward to Darcy’s comments and help.
congratulations Jan on your teaching role………I am so looking froward to finding out what great classes we have ahead of us …new adventures…new ideas..Lozzie
Congrats Jan. Linda has made a wise choice. You ARE a digital artist and I’m glad that you are going to play that gig full time now. A dream come true, I’m sure. Everyone of your lo’s are favorites of mine. I’ve always enjoyed the pace in which you do your training video’s also. Just perfect. Will certainly miss you as Forum Director, but look forward to your talents being shared with us.
This is really exciting news! I’ve always loved Jan’s tutorials, and her pages never fail to inspire me. Plus, since taking the Easy Page Design class, I know first-hand how helpful her critiques can be in improving my own pages. I am looking forward to learning more from her in these new classes. I know they will be as amazing as everything else she does. Hurry up and let us know the details! Can’t wait.
This is really exciting news! I have always enjoyed Jan’s Premier lessons and her pages never fail to inspire me. And, since taking the Easy Page Design class, I know first-hand how helpful Jan’s critiques can be in improving my own pages. I am hungry to learn more! Can hardly wait to know more details about the classess. I know they will be amazing! Jan is an artist, but better yet she helps others to be artists too.
Such nice, and truthful, and well deserved comments by Linda and Barb. I totally agree! Jan is so artistic and such a wonderful teacher, I cannot wait to see what she will be teaching in the future. I have always admired her photography skills and she is definately knowledgeable about special techniques to take photos and turn them into works of art. I’m so glad she will continue in that on a more full-time basis. Jan, we love you. Thanks for all you do!!!
So excited for Jan and excited about her new classes. Jan you really are a very talented lady and have helped me in so many ways. When I was just begining I had a very timid quesiont I asked in the gallery and you so quickly and kindly helped me. You will still be helping just in a different way. I love everything you do so I know I will love your new classes. Best of luck on this new adventure from me.
Are you kidding me??? Jan saved my life!!! My nephew and his new bride asked me to be their photographer THE DAY BEFORE their wedding. YIKES! I am NOT a professional photographer but wanted to do the very best I could. I put together an album for them using mainly two of Jan’s tutorials: Expressive Eyes and Polished Portraits. Thanks to those tutorials, this young couple will enjoy their wedding portraits for years to come. Thank you, Jan!
Congratulations, Jan! You are a wonderful teacher, and I love to hear your soothing voice! Makes me feel that I can do whatever you’re teaching! I look forward to seeing what you have in the future.
Congratulations to Jan and Digital Scrapper for this superb change of jobs. Jan is soooooo very creative and I have learned soooooooo much from both her Premier videos and newsletter tutorials.
So excited to see that you are going to teach more classes, Jan. I always learn a lot from your instructions. Your pages are gorgeous.
I have certainly benefited from Jan’s suggestions and can hardly wait to see what she will be teaching. Lucky me lives close to this amazing person who has promised to give a talk for my Photoshop Elements Club. I have learned so much at Digital Scrapper since last July when I discovered Linda’s fabulous site.
So looking forward to more of Jan and classes. You inspire me Jan!
Jan, you are perfectly suited to your new post. You have an artistic eye that is always searching for untouched territory in this creative field. You meet this challenge with fun, constructive, loving comments and perspective to further the success and need of we the students. Imagine all those late night, can’t sleep submissions that have inspired so many of us. The search for new uncharted lands will soon have your signature upon them.
Jan, you are such a talented lady! You have done a great job in the forum and I can’t wait to see what creative classes you come up with, we all know you will be amazing at your new classes and I will continue to look forward to your amazing Premier tutorials! <3
Ooooh, I am going to have to go back through my Premiere issues to learn how to do that sketch turned watercolor painting. That is stunning! And I’m excited to learn more from Jan!
Congratulations Jan on your new creative endeavors. You are such an amazing person with so much talent. Your layouts do indeed take my breath away. Your voice is so perfect for teaching students. I believe that you could have a second career as a voice over (or whatever they call it) in the movies. lol. I can’t wait for you to announce your new classes – it is a privilege to count myself as one of your students and fans.
Congratulations, I’d love to take a class with you, Jan. You are such a versatile scrapper!
Whoot Whoot, This is wonderful news, Congratulations Jan! Looking forward to your classes 🙂
I just can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve, Jan. You are an ‘artiste extraordinaire’ and I’ve learned such amazing techniques from you. And thank you for being such an amazing, supportive, and kind person when it comes to evaluating our work!
Wise choice, Linda and Jan….even though it is hard to let go of something that has meant so much to you and so many others. I look forward to the new things to come!
Easy Page Design was my first class at Digital Scrapper, so I probably don’t know Jan as well as the rest of you. My scrapbooking has improved exponetially with the help of Jan’s guidance and comments. EPD will certainly not be my last class. Looking forward to see what Jan’s classes will hold.
Congrats to Jan! I always enjoy your tutorials and your comments on our pages are so thoughtful and filled with good ideas. Looking forward to whatever classes you will be teaching. You are definitely an inspiration to me!
Congrats to Jan,
I have had to deal with Jan on different occasions for different aspects of digital scrapping and she is terrific. I even asked her once if she was a teacher. She has the patience that is sure needed for the endless questions and I ask more than my share. Can’t wait to hear what classes you will be teaching and when. Hope it goes to the emails so we don’t miss it. Good Luck to you and hope to see you in a class.
Congratulaions Jan. I love your tutorials! You really are the best. I am looking forward to learning more from you. I have never posted anything in the gallery or forum but I check it regularly. I like your comments and your work.
Congratulations, Jan! What an excellent pick!
Always love your tutorials! You inspired a lot of my scrapbooking style. Your easy to follow instructions are remarkable. Looking forward for more of your tutorials and classes! Bravo!
Congratulations Jan, will be looking forward to the new classes. I have truly been inspired by your help in the forums & we are so lucky to have this wonderful place to learn, Digital Scrapper!!
Wow Jan, that’s awesome news and I look very much forward to taking classes from you. Your tutorials never fail to amaze me and teach me new skills! Congrats!
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments and good wishes. It has been my joy to head up the Forum team for the past six years. I feel like you’re all family to me, and I’ll miss the daily interaction. But hopefully, I’ll see you all in the classroom. It’s going to be great fun. And we’ll continue to grow, learn and create together!
Congrats Jan. I must say that I am truly excited about your upcoming classes. You are a very talented teacher and such an inspiration to many. So looking forward to your classes.
Jan, I am so glad you will be able to spend more time teaching. What wonderful event for all of us.
Congratulations and thanks for all the help you give us.
congratulations! thank you for all your clear and concise instructions. I will consider any class you teach a must!
Jan, you are AMAZING! Have NOTHING but fun! You deserve it!
I will miss you in the forum. However, I am looking forward to your classes. I know that the classes will be great. I know you love textures and I hope that you have some lessons on them. You are an artist. Can’t wait.
I love the classes here at Digital Scrapper! They are exciting and a great value. I look forward to what Jan has to share with us. Good Luck, Jan!!!!
Congrats, Jan! You were such inspiration to me when I started here. You were always there with a kind word and suggestion. And you still are, with all your wonderful ideas and tutorial! Can’t wait to see what you come up with…I’m sure it will knock my socks off!
Congratulations, Jan! You are an inspiration and I look forward to finding out about your classes and new tutorials.
What exciting news! I can hardly wait for the classes. I hope we can continue to receive guidance in the new classes, Ut us always so valuable. I learn from Jan’s guidance to everyone, not just on my own pages.
Congratulations Jan. You are an amazing artist and a magnificent instructor. I can’t imagine what your new tutorials will be – only that they will be fabulous. You certainly have inspired me over the years with your great tutorials at Digital Scrapper. I always knew you were a gem and I look forward to seeing your creations for this upcoming year.
Congratulations and Cellebrations!
Wonderful News Jan 🙂
Let the Awesomeness Begin…
Jan, like everyone else I am excited to hear of your new job. Your tutorials have been excellent and always easy to follow. I will be looking forward to taking your classes.
I have always been impressed with everything that Jan does (her designs, her photography, the way she handles the Forum, and–oh–that voice in her wonderful tutorials!). I know a lot of talented people but, Jan, I think you take the prize. I have never signed up for any of the classes but now I think that I am going to have to. I love your relaxed but thorough style of teaching. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Your teaching talent is amazing!! Always clear and concise and the techniques you’ve taught are so useful to me. Can’t wait to see what new creative things you come up with next!
Congratulations, Jan! I look forward to hearing what classes you will be teaching and hope to be able to take some/all of them. You have done an amazing job as forum director and thank you so much for that.
It is indeed a joy to recognize the multi-faceted innate talent of our honoree, Jan Walker. Her digitalscrapping skills are phenonimous coupled with her versatile people skills. To be critique by Jan is a honor and privilege because you know that the final results will be a prized layout. I know from experience the gentle hand she places that surely guides you on the right path to creativity one positive step at a time. I will miss her in the forum, but know that I will definitely enroll in her classes. Her essence and superior artistic ability shines so brightly through her tutorials, class critiques, and beautiful layouts. Jan, God in his infinite wisdom led me back to this site after my lengthy hospitalization to Linda and to you. I feel your love. Now let me stop before I get too soapy. lol.
Congrats Jan!
You truly are one of the “special’ people in this world.thank you for all you have done_it is appreciated even if I haven’t always thanked you properly.I had so much fun when you helped critique my red barn LO! I look forward to your classes. I just know they will be superb
You’ve been such an inspiration to me, Jan. I refer to your tutorials so frequently that I now keep them in a separate folder. Can’t wait to see what classes you have in store for us.
I will miss Jan’s encouragement in the forum but she is such a great teacher, I look forward to learning more from her!
I will miss hearing room Jan. no matter how many times I asked the same question at least two or three times or even a simple question that I know I should have known the answer to she was always patient and curteous with her answers and always made you feel accomplished. I wish her luck in her new adventures.
I am new to digital scrapbooking and accidentally came across this post when surfing for ideas.
Jan’s works are really awesome and inspiring! I will definitely look for your tutorial to enhance my skills!