Premier Top Pick—April 2015

Welcome to our Premier Top Picks announcement for April 2015. I’m excited to share with you the Top Picks from our April 2015 Premier gallery, but first let’s take a look at the kit and videos that inspired the beautiful scrapbook pages.

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Featured Premier Kit—April 2015

Eggs In My Bonnet by Amber Shaw
Eggs In My Bonnet by Amber Shaw

[ Shop for Eggs In My Bonnet by Amber Shaw ]


Double Exposure by Syndee Rogers-Nuckles
Double Exposure by Syndee Rogers-Nuckles

Double Exposure Video Tutorial
by Syndee Rogers-Nuckles

I often long for the days of film cameras and the anticipation I felt when opening up that envelope of newly developed photos. Today we are going to revisit a film camera technique and, with the magic of Photoshop, create a double exposure effect.

Page & Photos: Syndee Rogers-Nuckles, Sunny Studio
Fonts: AnnabelleJF LessItalic, Bebas


Artistic Tulle by Barb Brookbank
Artistic Tulle by Barb Brookbank

Artistic Tulle Video Tutorial
by Barb Brookbank

Create a pattern for making a classic tulle overlay that will add fabulous texture to any paper in your stash. Learn how to use a semi-solid mask to turn that tulle into an artistic and edgy element for a contemporary and fun look on your next scrapbook layout.

Page & Photo: Barb Brookbank, Tere
Kits: Give Thanks by Anna Aspnes, Me Personally by TaylorMade
Font: Bombshell Pro


String Art by Christina Rambo
String Art by Christina Rambo

String Art Video Tutorial
by Christina Rambo

Create a unique nail and string art element using simple tools and effects in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. No hammering needed!

Page & Photos: Christina Rambo
Kits: Stories: 365 by Kristin Cronin-Barrow, Nature’s Playground by Kim Broedelet, Live, Love by Kitty Designs, Count the Ways by Joanne Brisebois, Love, Mom by Karla Dudley
Fonts: Tahoma, Prestige Elite


Ribbon Weave by Jen White
Ribbon Weave by Jen White

Ribbon Weave Video Tutorial
by Jen White

Weaving in the land of digital isn’t so much about what you are weaving as much as it is about how you weave it. This fantastic tutorial will equip you with trendy weaving supplies, a simple step-by-step plan, and a magical weaving action. You’ll be amazed at how it all unfolds before your very eyes.

Page & Photos: Jen White
Kits: Stories: 365 by Kristin CroninBarrow, All About a Boy by Shawna Clingerman, Eggs In My Bonnet by Amber Shaw, Sports Mad by Studio Flergs
Extras: Ribbon Weave Action by Jen White
Font: DJB MOM SAYS print


April 2015 Premier Top Pick

This month’s Top Pick goes to lindar for her beautiful Easter card, Somebunny loves you! She created a stunning cluster in front of her ribbon weave backdrop with a sweet little bunny nestled amongst the flowers. This layout is worthy of a Hallmark card in every way. Congratulations, lindar.

by lindar
by lindar


More Great Pages

Congratulations to our other talented digital scrappers featured below (in alphabetical order). Click on the images to see the pages in the gallery.

by BAlex
by BAlex
by Dorrie
by Dorrie
by FloridaGranny
by FloridaGranny
by MaryTurner
by MaryTurner
by rcjoz
by rcjoz
by Retiredlady
by Retiredlady


Find out more about Premier membership.


jenwhite-48x48Author: Jen White | Contact Us
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