Beautiful Brushwork—Student Showcase

Beautiful Brushwork—June 2016 Premier
by Linda Sattgast
In our June 2016 issue of Premier—Beautiful Brushwork—we focused on the deep potential for art and adventure with the Brush Tool. Yes, it’s one of the most common and useful tools in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, but it’s much more than that.
The Student Showcase
Below you’ll find a showcase of the best examples by our students from the Beautiful Brushwork mini class.
These examples will also be placed in a gallery inside the June 2016 Premier issue AND they will become part of the classroom that will eventually be available as a full class at Digital Scrapper and possibly other affiliate websites.
• Coming Soon—Learn more about becoming an affiliate.
My Top Pick
FloridaGranny’s Pelican page caught my eye not only for the superb job she did on the watercolor technique, but for her tasteful combination of type and elements. I appreciate the “white space” on her layout. It fosters a calm, peaceful feeling where there’s room to ruminate. Well done, FloridaGranny! ~ Linda Sattgast

More Great Pages
There were many more photos and layouts worthy of an honorable mention in the gallery this month. Some of those are showcased below by username.

Author: Linda Sattgast | Contact Us
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Just beautiful. Congratulations to all of those chosen. The brushwork truely is beautiful.
These are all such great picks! Love them all!! 🙂
These truly are “Top Picks”. Congrats to all who made these stunning layouts!
Thanks for all your help in learning a lot about brushwork.
I marvel at the creativity of our members! /well done and congrats everyone!
Congratulations everyone on your wonderful work!
My belated congratulations to Lindar. I am so glad that I had already left words of love. It is so pleasing to browse, and leave comments, to all the fabulous members. 🙂