2017 Creative Team Call

2017 Creative Team Call
by Jenifer Juris
=> Do you have a desire to tell the story of yourself and your family in a classically beautiful way?
=> Do you thrive in a team environment?
=> Do you enjoy the process of learning and creating?
( If you answered yes to the three questions above, please read on. )
Digital Scrapper 2017 Creative Team Call
Our focus for the year of 2017 is to help everyone, young and old, tell their stories beautifully. To do that, we need a little help from our friends.
We are looking for 11 like-minded individuals willing to give of their time and talent by serving a commitment of one year on our creative team.
Below are the details you need to know in order to apply. Please read carefully as our 2017 requirements are very unique to our site.
Creative Team Requirements:
- Create three layouts per month using a wide selection of kits provided from designers all over the web.
- Be open to creative critique. We are strictly a teaching site, which means we will all be learning together each and every month. Being open to creative critique is part of the learning process and something to be expected while being on this team.
- Leave at least 10 comments in our gallery per week.
- Watch the CT forum and your email for assignments.
- Term of service: December 1, 2016 – December 31, 2017.
Creative Team Benefits:
- Free enrollment with Forever Access in all new classes released in 2017.
- Free enrollment into classes featuring basic and advanced fundamentals.
- Recognition and promotion on our site, on our blog, in our social media, and in our newsletter.
- Make lifelong friends and learn from fellow team members (so fun!).
How To Apply:
Please send an email to [email protected] and include answers to the following:
- Tell me a little about yourself.
- Have you been on any other Creative Teams? Past or Present? If so, which ones and what are your current duties?
- Send a link to your most complete gallery.
- What is your member/gallery name at our site and/or other sites?
- Tell me why you think you’re a good fit for the Digital Scrapper 2017 Creative Team.
I can’t wait for my inbox to be flooded with applications!
DEADLINE is Saturday, November 19th, 10pm Eastern.
Author: Jenifer Juris | Contact Us
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How exciting! I think you will be getting an email from me(:
Deborah you would be GREAT!!!!! If we got to pick I would pick you:)
You are so kind! Thank you.
Sounds awesome and fun, I am always on the scrounge to learn new things 🙂
this is tempting, even if only because is you asking , Jenn!!!! I have a little bit too much on, but is really tempting !!!
Thanks, Cynthia!! If you reconsider, let me know!! 🙂
This would be a wonderful experience. I have learned so much Linda and her team. Time for me to get off the fence…Jenifer I’m sending you an email!!!!!!!!!!!
How exciting for everyone! This is the greatest place for learning! I am so new here, otherwise, I would pluck up my courage and apply!
I think you should definitely pluck up your courage and apply!
Thanks, Patsy! It’s so nice of you to say.
I’m with MrsPeel, this is definitely tempting (especially the part that includes working with you)! I wish I felt like I could commit but since this summer will be our first as full-time FL residents (which actually means leaving for a long period of time when it gets too hot but having no other residence to go to!) I’m not sure how available I would be. Good luck with the call!
Took a deep breath … and sent in my info. Whew!