One Swift Click Haze Removal – FREE Qwik Tutorial

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April 23, 2019 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 17, Issue 17

Hi there!

One click is all it takes to dehaze a photo.
But, which click is it? Do you know?

My tattered library desk sits in front of a large picture window. As I’m working throughout the day, I have a lot of opportunities to snap photos of my local wildlife. Unfortunately, however, all my photos are taken through double pane glass. As a result, many of the photos I take are hazy.

If you have Photoshop Elements 14 or later, did you know you have a super quick option for removing haze from a photo? Get the details below.

Love and creative success,

Jen White

P.S. In case you’re wondering, this tip will also help if your windows are dirty . . . that may or may not be part of my problem. Hmmm.

P.P.S. The after photo (above) looks SO much better, but it looks totally amazing (below) after a little help from Linda’s class — Fix Photos Fast. If you don’t own this class, you’ll find an exclusive discount in this week’s blog post.



New FREE Qwik Tutorial

With one swift click you can restore contrast and details to a photo that seemingly contains a layer of haze. This could possibly be one of the fastest and most dramatic improvements you could make to your photos.

Read it on the blog: Photography Help — Haze Removal by Jen White



The fastest way to learn Photoshop Elements or Adobe Photoshop.

Save 15% on QwikLearn Photoshop Elements
Save 15% on QwikLearn Photoshop

*NOTE: This is not a new class. This sale cannot be combined with any other discount.


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