Meet Me – Charlie


Role at Digital Scrapper

Hi—I’m Charlie Sattgast, the Mystery Man behind Digital Scrapper. I’m not trying to be boastful, but Digital Scrapper couldn’t run without me. (Linda is nodding in agreement as I speak.) Among my list of duties is:

• Video and manual production
• Web and classroom development
• Managing our server
• Finances and taxes
• Cooking and taking out the trash
• And anything else on my Honey-Do List

Mr. Fix-It

Though I’ve lived in Portland for 37 years, I grew up in rural southern Idaho where I worked in my parents’ hardware store, which means I can fix just about anything. In fact, at our house I’m known as the Fix-It man, and it’s one of the things I really enjoy doing. My perfectionist tendencies even show up when I make toasted cheese sandwiches.

Photos and page by Linda Sattgast
Template from Daily Life Template 12×12 by Susie Roberts
Paper from Cardstock Lunchbag by Susie Roberts
Fonts: Pablo and Optima

My fix-it skills have come in handy at Digital Scrapper where, in the very beginning (2003), I hired someone for two hours to teach me how to create web pages and then proceeded to create our first website.


Music is one of my passions. I learned to play the guitar as a child and the trumpet in junior high, then moved on to electric bass in high school. About 10 years ago I learned the upright bass which I play, along with the electric bass, on our worship team at church.


I’ve been a credentialed Foursquare pastor for the last 23 years and recently earned a doctoral degree in leadership development.

I’ve also been a military chaplain in Civil Air Patrol (United States Air Force Auxiliary) for the last 13 years where I’ve had the privilege of influencing the next generation of young leaders. Some of my strongest friendships are with the fine unpaid professionals in CAP. (All service in Civil Air Patrol is voluntary.)

I currently serve as the Chief of the Chaplain Corps, which puts me in leadership over the largest volunteer chaplain corps in the world. It is both a great honor and a great responsibility.

Learn more about Foursquare

Learn more about Civil Air Patrol

Ch, Col Charlie Sattgast

Leisure Activities

I like cushy activities like ballroom dancing and going on cruises with Linda, but I also love more adventuresome sports like rocking climbing, mountaineering, and hiking. This photo was taken at sunset on the summit of Sahale Peak, North Cascades National Park.

Scrapbooking Consultant (and Favorite Page)

I know you’ll find this hard to believe, but I’m not a scrapbooker. However, did you know that I’m one of Linda’s two main scrapbooking consultants? (Our daughter Allison is the other one.) Linda often says, “I’d like to solicit an opinion. Do you like this better…or this ?” as she hides and reveals a layer, or group of layers, on a scrapbook page. So I tell her which version I like, and she usually goes for it.

The scrapbook page below is one of my favorites because it involves one of my favorite activities—going south for a couple of months in the winter to “boondock” in the desert in an RV. In the photo I’m calling home to say we had arrived at our destination just as the sun was setting in all its brilliance.

Calling Home
Photo and page by Linda Sattgast
Paper overlay from Harvest 1912 by Joanne Brisebois
Tag from Alphabet Soup by Digilicious
Staple from We Celebrate by Julie Mead
Chevrons from Paper Strip Templates by Digital Scrapper Designs
Font: Hero Light

Though I don’t scrapbook, I do my part by letting Linda take as many photos as she wants and enjoying the finished pages. I appreciate being married to someone who knows the importance of preserving our wonderful family memories!



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  1. Donna

    It is really interesting to learn more about the team at Digital Scrapper and I really enjoyed reading this entry from Charlie. Thank you so much for all of your support, Charlie and congratulations on your promotion to Colonel and Chief of the Chaplain Corps!

    August 21, 2017 at 9:23 pm Reply
    • Charlie

      Thank you. Prayers appreciated!

      August 21, 2017 at 9:36 pm Reply
  2. Betts

    Good to know more about you, Charlie. Thanks for making digital Scrapper possible!

    August 22, 2017 at 3:18 am Reply
  3. Kasuku

    Congratulations to you, Charlie!
    Hats Off to you! for keeping Digital Scrappers running smoothly!

    August 22, 2017 at 9:15 am Reply
  4. Jane

    Where in southern Idaho were you raised?

    August 22, 2017 at 10:14 am Reply
    • Charlie

      I grew up in Buhl, about 15 miles West of Twin Falls.

      August 22, 2017 at 10:23 am Reply
  5. Loretta

    Thanks for all you do Charlie! You are a very busy man!! And we appreciate all that you do (and the influence you have on so many).

    August 22, 2017 at 10:37 am Reply
  6. Awesome to read about the main man behind the scenes! As I’ve been around here for a long while too, I know how integral you are in the running of the show! Thank you for sharing with us, and super congrats on your promotion!

    August 22, 2017 at 10:41 am Reply
  7. Judith Wright

    This has inspired me to begin a pictorial display with plenty of journaling to showcase my very talented and extraordinary husband, my beloved mate for the last 52 years. Thanks, Charlie and Linda, for your inspiration.

    August 22, 2017 at 11:46 am Reply
  8. Dorrie Harden

    Wow, the man of many hats! Charlie you don’t have to scrapbook, just continue to keep Digital Scrapper running, because I for one wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t have this website to keep me occupied each day. I still hope that one day we well be able to meet in person. Also, congratulation on becoming Chief of the Chaplain Corps . That will be awesome!! Thank you for posting on the Blog. It’s wonderful knowing more about all the people that make this website my favorite.

    August 22, 2017 at 11:50 am Reply
    • Charlie

      Thanks Dorrie. We do plan to see you on our way down South. We’ll be in touch!

      August 22, 2017 at 1:52 pm Reply
      • Dorrie Harden

        Wonderful! I’ll be looking forward to that.

        August 23, 2017 at 11:11 am Reply
  9. Kim

    I loved reading about Charlie! So nice to know him better. My daughter just finished seminary and is going to do a chaplain internship for the VA!

    Charlie, you do so much that you are an inspiration!

    August 22, 2017 at 11:50 am Reply
    • Charlie

      That’s wonderful! Be sure to have her check out the Military Chaplain’s Association. Highly recommended.

      August 22, 2017 at 1:53 pm Reply
  10. Casey

    Wow! You are, indeed, a man of many talents!! I have really appreciated all of your help in the past, Charlie. Thank you for all that you do for us in your important role at Digital Scrapper! And congratulations on your promotion, and prayers for your continued service.

    August 22, 2017 at 1:40 pm Reply
  11. Dianne

    I am adding my thank-you, too. You are a man of many hats and Linda is lucky to have found you. (So am I glad that she found you.) Congratulations on your promotion. Best wishes and prayers for your continued success.


    August 22, 2017 at 6:43 pm Reply
  12. Kathy

    Love this! So nice to meet you Charlie!!

    August 22, 2017 at 7:37 pm Reply
  13. Joan Storm

    Wow Charlie, I knew you were a major support behind Digital Scrapper, but had no idea that your duties included all of that! Now I see why it couldn’t run without you! Really enjoyed reading about your music passion, and ministry as pastor, and newest assignment as Chief of the Chaplain Corps. Your life reflects God’s love and power within you! Many thanks and appreciation for all you do for us…Colonel Sattgast.

    August 22, 2017 at 10:15 pm Reply
  14. Rikki

    It’s great to learn more about you since you are mentioned so often in all the various threads and posts.

    August 23, 2017 at 4:09 am Reply
  15. Julie L. aka MaggieMae

    Thank you for everything you do, Charlie. It was fun getting to know you. You remind me quite a bit of my husband, handyman, Mr. Fix-It, photographer, etc.! It’s nice to know you are there behind the scenes making sure everything is running smoothly! 🙂

    August 23, 2017 at 1:16 pm Reply
  16. Kristin

    I’m a bit late on my reply; catching up on months of blogs, newsletters, classes. But I just had to comment on how much I enjoyed reading your post. Really touched me. Thank you

    November 28, 2017 at 1:19 pm Reply
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