Meet Me – Linda

I’m Linda Sattgast, and I’m the HDIC (Head Dog In Charge) at Digital Scrapper. Here I am with my very supportive husband, Charlie.

I’m the one who came up with the crazy, scary, exciting idea of teaching scrapbookers how to create pages digitally. (I woke up at 3 a.m. with this idea, it never having entered my head before.) Unbeknownst to me others were coming up with the same idea at the exact same time, but I was the first to provide a training DVD on how to do it using Photoshop Elements.

Our website (originally called Scrapper’s Guide) has grown from that first training DVD to the website community and comprehensive collection of classes we have today. This could not have happened without a very supportive husband, an amazing team, and YOU, our Digital Scrapper community!

My two most important jobs at Digital Scrapper are to provide vision for our company and to teach how to use Photoshop and Photoshop Elements for fixing and enhancing photos and for scrapbooking. I do love to teach, so it’s a very rewarding job.

I Started Early

At the age of 6 I left home for boarding school (my parents were missionaries), so I wrote a letter home once a week as part of my schoolwork. My dear mother kept all four of her kids’s letters. What a treasure trove! Someday (when I retire) I’ll read through mine.

I was also given a Brownie box camera during grade school. Photos were expensive so I didn’t take many, but the few I took got me interested in photography.

Shortly after I turned 10 my parents gave me a one-year diary for Christmas. That was the start of many years of journaling. In fact, I have a box full of diaries I’m going to read someday…when I retire.

I’m A Best Selling Author

In my 30’s, when my kids were little, I began to write children’s picture books. I had close to 30 books published before I started Digital Scrapper. This is me signing my first book with my daughter Allison looking on. (She’s 30 now.)


In the year 2000 my book The Rhyme Bible Storybook for Toddlers won the Gold Medallion Award for Children’s Picture Books in the religious market. This book has since been reissued with new art.

I no longer write picture books. I’m too busy writing tutorials for YOU!

How I Cope

I confess that I’m an introvert who is easily overwhelmed if I work too much or have too much social activity. The best way to decompress from a hectic schedule is to go on an Alaska cruise. (Try it. It works wonders!) I sit for the first two days and stare at the ocean until some amount of equanimity returns.

Paper and elements from Little Traveler by NLD Designs
Ribbon from Carefree by Amanda Heimann (recolored)
Tag from Travel Adventure by Linda Sattgast
Photo Overlays by Kim Klaussen
Fonts: Futura LT Pro and Annifont

But, since an Alaska cruise is rarely practical or in the budget, I’ve been known to take an entire day to sit and read, which also works wonders to decompress from a busy work life.

My Favorite Page

It’s hard to pick one page as my favorite, but this one of Charlie has to be in my Top 10. It’s of Charlie paddling the canoe while I took copious photos. He says his gift to me is being patient whenever I want to take photos. What a guy. Digital Scrapper would not exist without this man, so thank you, Charlie!

Photo and page by Linda Sattgast
Paper from Beautiful You by Kristin Cronin-Barrow
Photo mask by Kitty Designs
Fonts: CK Journaling, CK Ali’s Hand, Myriad Pro





Comments (43)

  1. Nannette Dalton

    You are an amazing women with so many talents. Not the least of which is that you are humble and giving to others. I am better for knowing you that is for sure. Happy Birthday too!

    September 3, 2017 at 8:09 pm Reply
    • Thanks, Nann. Likewise I feel privileged to have met you in person and worked with you!

      September 4, 2017 at 7:17 pm Reply
  2. Donna

    Thanks for sharing your story, Linda. I purchased one of your books some time ago and then realized one day, after looking at the book again that you were the author! I am so glad you helped me start this wonderful journey of digital scrapbooking!

    September 4, 2017 at 10:27 am Reply
    • What serendipity! It’s always fun to “know” the author!

      September 4, 2017 at 7:18 pm Reply
  3. Linda Schroeder

    I never considered myself very artistic but your classes, Linda, have made me feel very creative and artsy. I remember finding an article by you in the Photoshop Elements magazine and that is what got me started so many years ago. I thank you for bringing me to an amazing hobby that I truly love and get lost in. You have truly made the world a better and prettier place. And Happy Birthday from grammyof6

    September 4, 2017 at 10:29 am Reply
    • Wow, Linda. You go back with me a long ways! Thank you for hanging out with me all this time!

      September 4, 2017 at 7:19 pm Reply
  4. Dorrie Harden

    Dear Linda, I enjoyed reading your article, however it doesn’t begin to tell of the beautiful person you are. I have been one of your scrapbook followers since the very beginning and I feel blessed to also have made your acquaintance. You truly are a wonderful teacher. I wish you the very best in all your endeavors. Yes, and do have a Happy Birthday!

    September 4, 2017 at 11:50 am Reply
    • Thanks, Dorrie. I still remember when I met you in San Francisco. Hope to see you again!

      September 4, 2017 at 7:20 pm Reply
  5. Linda Schroeder

    I really enjoyed reading about all the things you do and did in the past. Thanks for sharing. You certainly have inspired me. I remember reading an article in the PS Elements Magazine by you many years ago and that inspired me to get going on scrapping. I never considered myself artsy but with your classes, etc. I have created some nice pages. You have made the world a more beautiful place. Thank you! From grammyof6

    September 4, 2017 at 12:29 pm Reply
  6. Regency Fan


    More than the digital techniques I learned from taking your many classes, you gave me the confidence and inspiration to try to create my own digital pages and books. I can’t thank you enough for the way you changed my perception of what I can accomplish. You changed me from a dispirited retiree who wondered what possible good I could accomplish besides chasing dust to an active, enthusiastic digital scrapbooker, devoted to capturing and sharing family memories with my siblings and our extended families. God bless you and keep you safe as you inspire others with your generous sharing of your expertise and creativity.

    September 5, 2017 at 1:22 pm Reply
    • I’m thrilled that I was able to point you in a good direction with digital scrapbooking! Let’s keep it up, shall we?!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:20 am Reply
  7. Lynne Chapman

    I really enjoyed this article about you. You have been my digital scrapbooking guru for at least ten years, maybe more. Your tutorials are always so easy to understand. You single handedly brought me into the modern age of computers. Thank you so much! I too am an introvert and digital scrapbooking gives me that rejuvenating break from the noise and chaos of life. I fell blessed to be a member of your tribe. ?

    September 5, 2017 at 1:56 pm Reply
    • Thank you for your kind comments, fellow introvert! And I, too, feel blessed to be part of this great tribe. Thanks for sticking around so long!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:19 am Reply
  8. Vivian

    What an interesting read! Thanks for sharing part of you with us. You are one amazing lady. Thank you for having the dream of teaching others what you loved and following through. You are soooooooooooooo appreciated.

    September 5, 2017 at 3:54 pm Reply
    • Aaaaww! Thank you, Vivian—I truly feel appreciated!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:17 am Reply
  9. Bonnie

    Thanks LInda, Charlie and staff, you have helped me through so many frustrating things. I am a computer flunky, wouldn’t be here without you. Very interesting read. Now I want to hunt for your first book with your pictures. Thanks for sharing and keeping us in your life.

    September 5, 2017 at 4:09 pm Reply
    • So glad we’ve been able to help you through the frustrating times with your computer. I still have a few of those frustrating occasions myself!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:17 am Reply
  10. Karen C.

    It was so fun to read about you and get to know you better! Thank you for sharing some of your life with us. I’m going to look for your book for my new little great-granddaughter.

    September 5, 2017 at 4:17 pm Reply
    • Oh, that would be an honor to have your great-granddaughter reading my book!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:16 am Reply
  11. Kasuku

    Linda, you are an amazing teacher. I had always admired other people’s scrapbooks and wondered how they did it and come up with beautiful pages & ideas?…..then,one day a long time ago, I started researching for scrap booking in the internet, but I wanted only “digital” scrap booking ideas because I was NOT interested in the clutter created by all the papers,pens, scissors, +++ on my dinning table….you get the point!! then one day, stumbled upon Digital Scrappers!!! & the rest is history. THANKS again!! for all of what you’ve taught me/us.
    Happy Birthday to you!

    September 5, 2017 at 5:22 pm Reply
    • I’m so glad you found us! I totally get not wanting to deal with the clutter of traditional scrapbooking. Besides, I can’t even get the darn bow to stay straight! I don’t have that problem with digital bows.

      September 7, 2017 at 12:14 am Reply
  12. Gayle Gillies

    I love your classes Linda, a big inspiration to us all. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher & giving us the opportunity to learn this fantastic art.

    September 5, 2017 at 7:47 pm Reply
  13. Brenda Suplita

    What a great and inspiring story. Thank you for sharing. You are by far my favorite teacher. God has given you a talent to explain things in a way that even the most challenged scrapbooker can learn. I don’t get to scrapbook as much as I would like but I’ve been able to use some of the skills I’ve learned from you to create some marketing things for my job.

    September 5, 2017 at 8:36 pm Reply
    • I’m honored to be your favorite teacher!!! I’m very happy to hear you’ve been able to use your skills for your job—hooray for you!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:12 am Reply
  14. Margaret (Bubby)

    Thanks Linda for sharing your story. You certainly are a great teacher, I have learn’t
    so much from you. When I first started with Photoshop I said this is way beyond me,
    I will never figure this one out, but now I wonder why I ever felt that way. Thanks to you
    I have become very addicted to Photoshop and can never get enough of it. My hubby
    unfortunately does not have a clue what I do and why. He is computer savvy but Photoshop
    and him just don’t mix. If he ever wants to do anything in Photoshop guess who comes to the
    rescue. Funny I am quite sure if he really wanted to he would learn it, but I think he is just being
    a typical stubborn male. Anyway for me thanks so much for all I have learn’t and continue to learn.

    September 5, 2017 at 10:27 pm Reply
    • Ha! I had to chuckle at your hubby. It’s a good thing you’re there when he needs something done. I can relate to being addicted to Photoshop. What would we do without it?

      September 7, 2017 at 12:11 am Reply
  15. LeeAnn Snare

    Thank you for having the vision to start teaching Digital Scrapbooking. I am benefitting from your knowledge and expertise. I haven’t participate online, I just don’t have the confidence to do so. However I am getting better with your help. I keep at it!

    September 6, 2017 at 2:05 am Reply
    • I hope you get up the courage to post a page one of these days, but what truly counts is that you’re doing something with what you’ve learned! Go for it!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:10 am Reply
  16. Janet Hays

    Linda –

    I love that you chose a page of Charlie and his paddle as one of your top ten pages. I was totally thrilled to later learn from you how to make the paddle extent out of the photo … just ONE of your many creations. Like others I admire your teaching skills and over-the-top techniques.

    Hope your birthday was fantastic and your entire year is the same!

    September 6, 2017 at 9:34 am Reply
    • I love doing stuff like that—glad you enjoyed it, too!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:09 am Reply
  17. Julie L. aka MaggieMae

    It’s nice to know that my favorite teacher has had such a busy and rewarding life so far! Happy Birthday and many, many more!! 🙂

    September 6, 2017 at 12:46 pm Reply
    • Thanks, Julie! It’s fun seeing your pages in the gallery!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:08 am Reply
  18. Vicki Spencer

    Thanks for sharing. You have been an inspiration to me!

    September 6, 2017 at 1:39 pm Reply
    • Thank you, Vicki. You’ve been hanging around with me for a long time—grateful for friends like you!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:07 am Reply
  19. Retiredlady

    “It had to be you…” as the song goes. I recognized those facts about your life in the teaser for “Meet Me”. Even though I have never had the privilege of meeting you, I do feel like I know you after reading about you and your Charlie and family over the past 7 years. You were my first teacher of Photoshop Elements and gave me the confidence (and skills) to start on this journey of scrap booking and family memory keeping. I still have the first DVD from Scrapper’s Guide that taught me how not to be afraid of Photoshop Elements. I will always be thankful for your teaching ability and willingness to share your knowledge with us. I wish you much peace, joy and love in the future years.

    September 6, 2017 at 3:45 pm Reply
    • Thank you—so glad to know I helped you along your Photoshop Elements journey!

      September 7, 2017 at 12:06 am Reply
  20. Michelle Wagner

    What a wonderful example you are to so many of us. I need to spend more time decompressing – and I live in Alaska. Maybe a voyage to the Caribbean (away from Hurricane Season). I am a proud owner of your book – and have spent many hours sharing it with the youngsters in my life. A far as scrapbooking – you changed my skill set way back in 2004. I have two daughters who will create paper projects from my slowly dwindling stash, but they are the first to get out my printed digital memories to show off their memories to friends and family. I love what digital scrapping has done to my world – Thank you for being part of that metamorphous.

    September 11, 2017 at 4:09 am Reply
  21. Loretta

    Thank you Linda for all I have learned from you. Because of all the tutorials over the years I have been able to put together several photo books (which included old photos that needed lots of restoring) and several video slide shows. The most recent one I did was last week for my mom’s memorial service. I’m so thankful for all the tools and helps that I have learned from you and the others on this site. Not only is it a wonderful hobby but it has enabled me to help and benefit others. My mom was one of my best encouragers for my scrapbooking and photography.

    September 12, 2017 at 3:02 pm Reply
    • Thank you for your kind words, Loretta. I’m sorry to hear about your Mom, but also encouraged to hear that you were able to create the books while she was still with you! This is especially meaningful to me as my own mother is about to turn 90.

      September 13, 2017 at 4:29 pm Reply
  22. Terri

    Like so many others, I started digital scrapping back in 2004 when the site was Scrapper’s Guide. You have come up with so many wonderful classes and tutorials over all of those years. I also love that you are so open and kind with your advice and are willing to share your vast knowledge with all of us. Your choices of others to teach some of the fun classes and tutorials have been awesome as well. I love to learn and you are one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. Thanks so much for sharing your talent and Happy Birthdays to you!!

    September 12, 2017 at 6:40 pm Reply
    • I so appreciate your kind words, Terri! I, too, have enjoyed having you on our Creative Team and seeing your skills grow by leaps and bounds over the last couple years!

      September 13, 2017 at 4:33 pm Reply
  23. Donna Groves

    Hi Linda,
    I’ve been a digital scrapbooker since 2006 when a co-worker introduced me to Scrapper’s Guide. I have been dedicated to it since, learning a ton.
    Last night my 2 yr old granddaughter chose a book for me to read to her that I hadn’t read to her yet ( I bought this book when my boys were little in the 1990s). After I happened to look at the author’s name, I did some research and was pleasantly surprised to find that you are the author (God Made Me Most Wonderfully). Thank you. It is a beautiful story with a beautiful message.

    September 25, 2021 at 11:32 am Reply
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