Adobe Announces Release of Photoshop Elements 9!

Adobe announced the release of Photoshop Elements 9 today. They’ve taken the number 1 choice of software for digital scrappers and turned it into an even better product. I’m creating a series of videos on what’s new in Photoshop Elements 9, but first, let’s take a quick look at the new features:
If you were to ask me what’s my top-of-the-list-all-time-favorite feature of Photoshop Elements 9, I would say, hands down, it’s the new layer mask function on the Layers panel! I didn’t think Adobe would EVER give Elements a real layer mask. Of course, we’ve been using work-arounds for years, but it’s SO much more convenient to simply click a button to get a layer mask.
My next favorite new feature is that Adobe finally added the Organizer to the Mac version, which is just really cool, in my opinion, though some Mac users may not like the fact that the Organizer replaces the Bridge.
Here are some more of my favorite features:
The Spot Healing Brush now has Content Aware capabilities, which makes getting rid of unwanted areas in your photo a lot easier.
Guided Edits (one of the tabs in the Editor) has gotten some great new tutorials. Under Photomerge there’s a new choice called Style Match, which allows you to take the style of one photo and apply it to another photo. Here’s a before and after image where I used Style Match:
By the way, I have a video on this feature at the end of this post.
There’s a whole new category called Fun Edits which you’ll find in the Guided tab:
- Lomo Camera Effect creates a vintage look with a vignette effect.
- Out of Bounds makes it easy to place part of a photo outside the photo edge.
- Perfect Portrait guides you through the process of enhancing a portrait.
- Create Pop Art changes your photo to a Threshold image and converts it to four colors.
- Reflection will add a mirror reflection to your image.
Here’s an example of an Out of Bounds photo. I have a video coming out on this feature very soon!
Creation Tab Workflows
Many of the items in the Creation tab have been improved, and some are new, such as the ability to create photo calendars, greeting cards, and photo collages right inside Photoshop Elements 9. You can print your creations either on your home printer or at one of Adobe’s partner sites, Shutterfly or Kodak.
Small Items, some good, some so-so:
- The Type menu is easier to read, and the interface is much easier to see now. You can actually see the icon for the flyout menu on the panels, but the fx icon, which shows that a layer has a style, is still dark and hard to read, so they didn’t catch everything. Maybe next time around!
- The print dialog box has been improved, though it’s not back to its hey-day of glory that it had during Photoshop Elements 7.
- As soon as you make a change to a photo, an icon appears on the thumbnail in the Project Bin to indicate that there are unsaved changes. That’s all it’s for—just to tell you the file hasn’t been saved. In my opinion, this is more confusing than helpful—makes you wonder what in the world is happening to your photo … so now you know!
Here’s one video to watch today, and I’ll be adding more in the coming days. Click on the photo to launch the video. Enjoy!
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Hi Linda !
I’m not much of a Blog Hopper, but a longtime Digital Scrapper Premier member I sure am.
Therefore I just had to pay a visit to you blog.
Congrats and keep up the good work, I love everything you and your team do ! Renate (NL)
Thanks, Renate! It’s nice to hear that you enjoy what we do!
So will Scrapper’s Guide work out a deal with Costco this year for PSE 9?
Looks like some great new features, is it easy to add fonts, brushes, textures etc. I am still using PSE4 and find it very easy to add extras and have always been worried about updating as some versions were not so easy to instal additions. I looking forward to seeing some more videos
Unfortunately, nothing has changed regarding adding layer styles. I’ve put in a request two years in a row for easier methods. 🙂 I can always hope for next time!
I never thought they would add layer masks, and they did in this version, so all things are possible!
I have been trying to figure out how to add styles to PSE6. I easily added brushes by finding the Preset Folder.
Are you saying there is not a way to add styles to PSE 6? I have some styles that worked with PSE 4 that I would like to have in PSE 6 (more frames).
If there is a way, please let me know. I have found some instructions but still cannot get them installed (I have looked in every folder in PSE6 for the Photo Creation Folder but it is not anywhere).
If you want an easy way to install brushes, styles, gradients and shapes to Photoshop Elements is a program you can get at called Add-O-Matic – it auto installs these items in the program just by dragging the uncompressed files to the gray box…simple.
Do they also have this for Mac versions? I couldn’t find it.
So excited about your blog! It sounds like Mac users won’t have to wait for PSE9 as we usually do for updates. That’s good news, too. Relma
Yes! The Mac version is available NOW! In fact, if you buy the program in the box (instead of downloading it from the Adobe site) it comes with both the Mac and Windows versions, and you simply pick which one you want to license.
Can you load it on both? I have my PC and Mac side by side. I’d love to install it on both.
Hi Jean!
Linda asked Adobe and you can only get one license per purchase. You have to choose Mac or Windows. Thanks!
Was just wondering how many times we can load the program? I have 3 PC’s and 1 Mac. Will it be possible to load on all of them?
BTW thanks to you, I am a digi-scrapaholic. LOL And I love every minute of it!!!
Okay Linda! Headed to Adobe to purchase for my MAC!! If you do the videos and put the disc in the box like before would I still be able to get them if I buy now from Adobe? Please email me too, I left you a message! This is so exciting and I can’t wait to get it home!
Hi Sunshine! My CD will not be in the box at Costco this year. So sorry! Costco wanted to feature one of their services this year as the “special” bonus that comes with the PSE software. Can’t blame them for taking advantage of the opportunity!
I’m working on my training for PSE9 now, though, and will be making it available in smaller modules to make learning easier and getting started more affordable!
Thanks Linda! Great to know!
Oh bummer, I was hoping there would be another training CD. I just love, love the last one in Elements 8. It was fabulous. What I enjoyed was the complete page ideas as well as the how to’s. I learned so much even though I have watched most of your CD’s
Keep up your excellent training and products.
Wow these are awesome additions. I love your new blog.
Thank you so much! We’re excited about the new blog and want to bring you many fun challenges and fun things here! 🙂
LOVE the new blog! This was DEFINITELY needed. Thanks for all the valuable information you continue to share with your devoted fans. And I will most assuredly be getting the new software for my Mac!
Mmmmm…PSE 9, is it a good thing or not? Do you know if they have fixed the awful problems with the Organizer? I stopped using my Organizer quite awhile ago because of issues with it freezing and shutting down…
My thoughts exactly. I stopped using it in the PSE5 version. I have 7 now and would be interested to see if the organizer works any better in this edition. Looks like some nice features though.
I’ve always had problems with Organizer after I upgraded to PSE5, I think. I gave up and am using ACDSee which I love. BUT I went to digital scrap at Adobe last week and the Adobe employee said that the file folder part of Organizer has been problematic. He suggested finding the file “mycatalog” and first repairing it. If that doesn’t work you may have to recreate it. I’ve tried it in PSE 7. That didn’t work. I may create a brand new catalog in PSE9 because I like the automatic synch with “myphotoshop” online storage. But mostly I find ACDSee better and much more stable.
It’s true that the syncing with the online storage is really nice. It’s especially nice to have a backup of your photos in case something happens to your computer. I haven’t tried ACDSee but hope to learn more about it soon.
I’ve never had a problem with the Organizer in any of the versions, so it’s hard to say if you will or not. Did you ever talk to Adobe support about the issue?
I found upping my Memory to 4GB helped, and the upgrade to the new database system in Version 6, I think it was. No problems now, in Version 7, except not enough time to use it ! 🙂
Congratulations on your Blog, and thank you for all the videos you have and intend having ! Great emails, and now a Blog, too 🙂 Love the look of the new PSE9 🙂
Thanks so much canpeg! 🙂
Love the new Blog, Linda! Thanks for the great updates on the new PSE9.
Thank you so much! And Linda is awesome at updating us with all the new features of PSE 9!
Wow the new elements looks pretty cool!
We think so, too! 🙂
Excellent vintage video and PSE 9 update. Thank you so very much. Looks like fun!
You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it. I’ll be uploading more videos in the coming days…
Thank you Linda…..Elements 9 looks good. So does your blog.
Thank you so much! 🙂
Thank You for Posting This. i cant wait to Try Elements 9. Matter of Fact. i’m Downloading the Trial Version of it.
We hope you like it! Thanks!
This is exciting! When will the Mac version be released? I am THRILLED to see the Catalog/Organizer included with the Mac version. I just recently switched over from a PC and missed the mulitple tagging. Thanks for the tutorial. I look forward to seeing more. -Bonnie
The Mac version is available now! You can either download it from the Adobe site or, if you purchase it in the box, it comes with both Mac and Windows, and you simply choose which version to license.
I look forward to seeing the other features.
Thanks Linda
Linda is busy filming videos as we speak to show us all the fun new features of PSE 9! Thanks so much! 🙂
LOVE, LOVE, the new feature(s). I can’t wait til it’s available. Will Costco be caring PSE9?
HURRY!!!!! 🙂
Photoshop Elements 9 is available right now, and yes, Costco will be carrying it. However, my training won’t be in the box at Costco this version. Costco wanted to promote one of their services, so they got first dibs. 🙂
My training for PSE9 will be available soon on my site, though.
The new features sound great. One question, will Costco be selling Elements 9 and will it come with a tutorial disk from you like version 8 did?
My training will not be in the box at Costco this version. Costco wanted to promote one of their services, and they’re the ones carrying the program, after all. 🙂
My training for PSE9 will be available soon on my site, though.
I cannot get the Style Match Vintage Postcard video to play. I can play videos at other websites, so I don’t believe it is a problem with my computer but I could be wrong.
I have the same video on the new DigitalScrapper YouTube channel:
Plus I have a second video there on the same thing, but using a different style to produce a grungy, high key look.
Congratulations on your new BLOG launch!
This is a blog that I will want to follow so now I guess I’ll have to figure out how to have the RSS feed. I am a true newbie to blogging!
I Love using Photoshop for more than just photos, but the tips I learn from you are just as relevant to other applications as they are to scrapping. Thanks for sharing all of your hard work with anyone in the world who has an interest.
You are SO generous to share what you’ve learned. Folks like me (who are out of work and experiencing financial hardship) are truly blessed to receive such valuable tips to improve my skills.
You are a blessing to me, and I pray that God will continually shower you with blessings!
Thanks, Cheri! If you click on the orange RSS button at the top of the blog, it will take you to a page where you can choose how you want to receive the posts.
I use Google Reader. If you google “Google Reader” (not that’s a tongue twister!) you’ll get info on it. It’s very easy to use. I have my reader book marked to make it easy to bring up.
Thanks for the intro to PSE 9. This looks like it has some great new features.
You’re welcome, thanks for visiting our blog, we hope to see more of you in the future! And PSE 9 has some great new features! 🙂
All of the changes sounds great and were needed. The print options in 8 is awful. They really messed it up from 7. The main reason for me not to upgrade is how often they change the programs. I wish they would put a little time between the upgrades. Just when I learn a new program here comes another one.
Thanks for you help for reviewing this product for us. The videos are wonderful.
The print dialog box isn’t quite back to it’s former glory in PSE7, but it has definitely improved and is quite usable now.
Wow! Sounds terrific. Will have to check it out further.
Carol, thank you so much! 🙂
Where did you obtain the frame with the sea shells you put on your vintage post card at the very end?
I made the frame using a stroke outline and images and type from a font called P22 Victorian. It’s not a free font, but I’ve enjoyed using it. You might google “Vintage fonts” or “dingbats” and see if you come up with.
This is sooooooooooo Cooooool!
When does it go on sale
It’s on sale now through Adobe and Amazon!
Love the new blog. Thanks for the heads up on PSE 9. I have PSE 7. If I upgrade, do I need to reinstall brushes, actions, and photo effects that I have added to PSE 7 into PSE 9? How about the photos in the organizer? Would I need to redo that? Thanks for your help.
You do need to reinstall brushes, actions, photo effects, and styles, but you don’t need to reinstall the Organizer.
To make sure all your photos transfer over to the PSE9 Organizer, do NOT uninstall your previous version! When you install PSE9, as soon as you open the Organizer, it will recognize the catalog from your prior version and transfer it automatically to version 9.
Now you can choose to either keep your older version or uninstall it. If you decide to keep the old version on your computer, you can only add photos to one version at a time; so use the PSE9 Organizer from then on.
Hi Linda! I am also a Premier Member…and love your blog!
Bummer on having to reinstall all brushes, actions, photo effects and styles…this is definitely something I would like to see improved for the next version! LOL
Anyway, thank you for the wonderful tutorial video! I look forward to seeing more of those!
Thank you so much, Maria! We appreciate your support of Premier and our blog! And I agree on the reinstall of brushes, but one good thing about that, it makes you remember what you have in your stash and purge whatever you’re not using anymore! Linda is hard at work making more tutorial videos on PSE 9 as we speak! Thanks! 🙂
Will the one from Costco include a tutorial from you? I hope so since now all the Mac users can get it . So glad they are combining the Mac and Pc version into one bundle!!!
Costco decided to promote one of their own services as the bonus for Photoshop Elements 9, so my training won’t be in the box this version. Sorry!
I will have training for PSE9 available soon on my site, however.
Your new blog looks wonderful! And I’m excited for PSE9. I’ve still been using 7 but PSE9 looks worth upgrading to. Thanks for the “new features” videos! It really helps me decide when to upgrade or not.
You’re welcome!
Love the blog, BUT, I am not a Blogger. I have been a Scrappersguide member for almost 5 years and you taught me everything I know. Congrats on your new Blog, where do you get the time to do all you do?
I have a great team that helps me out! Andrea Graves will be in charge of the blog, and she has some fabulous ideas coming up for you!
Thanks, Linda! I’m excited about this blog and can’t wait to get things rolling! 🙂
Your videos are always very informative and more importantly, they express the message very clearly—thank you for that.
Does “P22” refer to a past issue? If so, what month and year would that be?
God Bless you and your family.
Thanks for your comment about our videos, Rosalene!
To answer your question, P22 Victorian is the name of a font made by the P22 Type Foundry. Here’s the URL for their Victorian font:
Hey, everyone—thanks for all your encouraging comments as we start out our new “Blog Life!”
Really disappointed that your cd will not be included at Costco :(. How much is it to purchase from you?
I’m still working on that. 🙂 I’m dividing it up into smaller modules to make it less overwhelming for the newbies and more affordable. Also, those who already know the basics can skip the beginning module and go to a more advanced module.
You’ll be hearing more about my training pretty soon!
great idea!
I’m so sorry to hear your CD will not be included at Costco. Some of us, especially those on a fixed SS income, certainly cannot afford to just keep getting asked for more and more money.
I guess I’ll just muddle through on the ‘free” stuff and see what happens.
Thank you.
I totally understand. If you got the CD from Costco last year or the year before you have everything you need to learn digital scrapbooking!
We also have lots of free stuff on our site. If you just did the Tip of the Week every week you would move ahead by leaps and bounds, so hang in there!
That’s a fantastic idea! Can’t wait for the PSE9 new training videos..
Really like your Blog. Just one question: Can you update directly from PSE6 to PSE9?
Yes, you can. Just be sure you install 9 and open the Organizer first (if you’re using Windows) so it can copy the catalog from version 6.
I agree with an earlier poster that it would be nice if Adobe would give us a bit more of a breather between versions. There always seems to be something in the latest version that I want, and that means an upgrade every year. Sounds like a license to print money.
Congrats on the new blog.
Amen to that! But, at least we do not have to pay for the $999 full Photoshop!
I think Adobe is just constantly trying to improve their product and make it better each year. And I know just what you mean by having something we want in the latest version, lol! Thanks for your support with the new blog, we are thrilled to have it! 🙂
Like your new blog and I like the idea of the individual training modules, great idea!!
Thank you, we’re so glad you like it and we can’t wait to come out with the individual training modules! 🙂
You have got to be kidding. A new version? No thanks, I think I will wait for Photoshop Elements 15. It’s bound to be out in a few months. This is too much. Why buy a version when, like a new car, it’s an old model the day you drive it off the lot! PSE goes too far with this kind of action!
It’s true, they do come out with a lot of new versions, but I really think they do this to continue to improve the program and keep up with technology. Also, if you have a Costco near you, you could wait until they offer the coupon to get PSE for only $40 if this version had features you really were wanting. Just a thought. Thanks for your support on our blog – it’s great to see you here! 🙂
I think Adobe should sale updates for the previous PSE owners. It feels like I am aways paying for a complete package when I only really need the updates. The update should be priced differently.
I totally agree with you, Jackie. It would be very helpful if Adobe made upgrades available, not just totally new versions. It also seems that they should pay more attention to their users’ assessments about the features they should keep and/or improve. I refer lots of people to PSE for scrapbooking, for photo retouching and cropping, etc, but it gets a bit embarrassing to tell them year after year that there’s another version available, just another $100, and another, and another…for just a few new features.
I kind of agree with Joyce – it’s getting very expensive! Wish they could just upgrade existing software sometimes. I’ll wait for version 10 or 11 before I purchase more software. Too bad we can’t recycle all the previous versions!!! Love you, though!
They do come out with a lot of versions, but I really think they are doing so to keep up with technology and to continue to improve their product. We appreciate your support to us and the new blog! Thanks, Phillis!
Great blog! I will definitely bookmark it and visit often.
I am very excited about Photoshop Elements 9. I passed over 8 to wait for the next upgrade. I will however wait until the 40$ specials come out.
Thank you, we’re excited about the new blog, too! And good idea on waiting for the coupon! 🙂
Upgrading is such an individual matter. There are three questions I like to ask when I consider upgrading:
• Can I afford it? (That will sometimes answer the question right there!
• Are there one or more got-to-have features that I’m salivating over?
• Will any of the new features improve my work flow?
For me the layer mask addition qualifies as a got-to-have feature, and it’s a huge time saver for me with my work flow, but not everyone uses layer masks to their full potential, so again, it comes down to your individual needs, wants, and wishes!
Another tactic, if finances are an issue, is to buy the previous version as soon as the new one comes out. You’ll be able to purchase it for far less than it was “new.” Or you can upgrade every other year.
And if you’re totally happy with what you have, and it’s doing what you need, and you don’t see anything you MUST have in newer versions, then that’s totally cool as well—stick with what you have, know, and love!
Love the new Blog! I’m sure it will be a wealth of information for us! Question: I just bought PSE8, but have not installed it yet. How much does PSE9 cost? Would you advise returning PSE8 and buying PSE9 instead???
According to Adobe’s website, PSE9 costs $100. It will undoubtedly be available for less at places like Costco and Amazon.
If you haven’t opened the packaging for PSE8, I would return it and get version 9. The interface is better, the printing works better, it has layer masks at the click of a button, plus a lot of fun new things.
You might have to wait a bit to get it from sources other than Adobe, but it shouldn’t be too long—a week or two maybe?
Great information and thank you! I have been a member for several years and have been waiting for PSE9. I am on version 6 and when I upgraded to Windows 7, emailing pictures became a pain. Do you know if in this version Adobe allows you to email pictures from their application to other emails applications like Thunderbird?
I believe you can, but I’m not certain about that. I went to Adobe’s website today and within 30 seconds or so I had an invitation to chat with an Adobe representative. I was able to ask questions (they had to check with their supervisor on some of them) and get answers, so I would try that. Here’s the URL of the page I went to:
Congratulations on the new blog! I’m fixing to read about PSE 9 which I see is $79.99 at Adobe. I am on PSE 8 now. I think they keep coming out with new versions too close together. Why can’t we just purchase an upgrade for less money? What do I do with all those older versions I have? Anyway, glad to see you have a blog now!
Please see Linda’s reply to the post just above yours. She has some really great thoughts! Thanks so much for your support with our new blog! 🙂
Congratulations on the blog!! I will definitely bookmark it and add it to my bloglist! I am anxious to hear more about PSE9 – skipped PSE8 to wait for “more”. Can’t wait to hear more about the features!
Thank you so much! We are thrilled to have a blog now! We hope you enjoy Linda’s videos that she will continue to post on this blog with more information on the new features on PSE9. It’s always so exciting to see what the new features will be and how they improved it over the last version! Have a great day! 🙂
YAY! Love the new blog!
And cannot wait to get my hands on V9.0.
Thank you! I agree! 🙂
I have had PSE 8 on and off my computers a couple of times this year. What really frustrated me was the way Organizer would shut down while I was tagging photos – or just because it wanted to quit. I called Adobe and they essentially blew me off. I also hate the print mode-I much prefer PSE 7. Like others I will wait for PSE 11 or 12 before investing again.
I do LOVE this blog. It’s really a nice and usefull idea!
Thank you for your support with our blog, we really appreciate it! I’m sorry you had the experience you did with Adobe. I will mention this to Linda and see if she has any thoughts for you!
I asked Linda about your question and this is what she said:
Regarding the Organizer, I have never had that problem so I don’t know what to say, and I haven’t really heard anything about it until now. I would google it to see if anyone has any insight on that. It could be a system compatibility.
I hope that helps, thanks!
Linda, Great to see this video and to add your blog site to my reader. Now to save enough for E9.
Thanks so much, Ami! 🙂
At last. I might not be able to scrap because of my disability, but I can certainly blog using my speech software. Congratulation on this so informative blog. I will certainly put it on my special favorite bar. I am so excited and happy to be a part of this wonderful endeavor. I was there when Linda started our premium club and can’t wait until I am physically able to rejoin. My son purchased eight for me from costco. I hate the online help, but can deal with the rest. I love Linda’s CD, it is just fantastic. I upgraded from version 5, but I was in the hospital for over two years. I agree, it will most likely be version 11 before I upgrade again. Linda is training is the best part of any upgrade from Adobe. I agree, they really should have upgrade privileges. Everyone have a good day. HUGS!!
Thank you so much for your support of Linda’s training CD and our new blog, we appreciate it so much! We really hope you can get to the point where you can scrap again, and hope your health continues to improve. Thanks! 🙂
P.S. A few posts up, Linda has replied with some good words of advice about the age old question: to upgrade vs. not upgrading
Thanks for your thoughts, Shirl. That’s wonderful that you can blog with your speech software! Where would we be without technology?! We wouldn’t be digital scrapping, that’s for sure!
Hugs back,
Love PSE – every version I’ve had, and love Digital Scrapper (Scrapper’s Guide)!
Quick note – the RSS feeder link is wonky in Google Chrome for me, but works in IE, just thought you should know.
Thanks for the update and can’t wait to see how this blog goes…great job on all the new brand updates/upgrades! 🙂
Thank you, Cindy! We really appreciate your support to our site and blog!
I was at a class you gave at a Creating Keepsakes convention in N.C. 3 to 5 years ago (at least!) I am just now getting ready to start digital scrapbooking!! Better late than never! I have a few questions I need answers to and hope you or someone else can help. 1) What type of printer is best to use to print my layouts when I’m done? 2) How do you compensate when the printer doesn’t print up to 12 by 12 pages? (I know there are printers out there that will but money is an issue right now.)
I send my pages out to be printed. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to share the website on here or not. If you want to print 12×12, but can’t afford a large-format printer, that would be one option. Some places will print them for as little as $2 a page.
I know some people who print at home print at 8×8 or 8.5×8.5 if their printers will print all the way to the edge.
Great ideas, Lisa, thank you so much! And you can say the name of the site on here if you would like!
I just saw Shutterfly announcing a $2 price per page—it might have been a sale, I don’t know, and then there’s shipping.
Costco does it for $3, and you can add 2 6×6 brag book size pages or several individual prints at the bottom because there’s left over space on the 12 x 18 paper.
Hi Alice!
Printing is always the big question! I, personally print my layouts at Costco. I know there are quite a few online printing places that print as well. You could maybe try googling to see who has the cheapest price. Also, you can always keep creating your layouts and print them in a few months if that helps the budget – but you can keep creating them while the memories are fresh in your mind and you’re excited about it. I know there are home printers that print 12×12 layouts, but then it’s good to consider the following: are the pages acid free, what is the life span of the printed pages from this printer, how much money does refill toner or ink cartridges cost and the paper to replenish? It’s also good to figure out the cost of home printing by the time you purchase the printer and the supplies and the paper. For me, it was easier to just use the high end printer Costco had that will be nicer then anything I could ever purchase at my home and pay per page. But, everyone is different and you have to do what works best for you and what’s available in your area. I hope this helps! Thanks for your support!
Beautiful blog! I am excited to hear about PSE9. I’m looking forward to your videos to see if I want to upgrade or not. I passed on 6, 7, and 8, but now my PSE5 is starting to look ancient!!
Thank you so much! It’s great to see you here on our new blog! PSE 5 was a great version, I had that version and a few prior to that! Check out the new features, by now, you would probably love the new PSE 9- but that’s up to you! Linda will continue to post more videos on our blog about the new features, and hopefully that will help you in your decision! Thanks! 🙂
I have PSE4 installed and I purchased PSE7 when it came out however I still haven’t installed it. With all the complaints I heard about 5 and 6 it left me leary to install another version. Looks like it is time to install 7 and see if I like it or not. If I don’t care for it I’ll get PSE9. I couldn’t get the video to play here either so thanks Linda for the link to your videos at YouTube.
Congrats on the new blog!!! I’m looking forward to reading it on a regular basis.
Thank you for all that you do for us!
Thank you so much! If you have any questions on finding the training Linda has done for PSE 7, please let us know and we can help you, it sounds like Linda already pointed you there, please let us know if you have any other questions! 🙂
I am new to PSE as well as scrapbooking and just installed PSE9. My plan is to build a scrapbook to give my granddaughter on her 16th birthday next summer – I have almost a year to play. I am hoping that your website and/or blog will be of a big help to me with this project.
Thanks for being here for us beginners.
That’s so awesome you’re starting in PSE 9! We have lots of training here that will help you reach your goal, and what a sweet plan you have to make that scrapbook for your granddaughter, she will love it that you did that for her! Have you heard of our Premier Membership? It’s $8.99 a month and has 4 video tutorials, kit, album on it each month, it’s such a great way to learn PSE. Here’s a link to Premier:
You’re smart to start on this project now, so you can have lots of time to make her scrapbook exactly how you want it to be! Thanks for your support on our site and blog! 🙂
I just figured out what will be at the top of my wish list this Christmas!
Ohhh, good thinking! I hope Santa visits you! 🙂
Thanks so much! 🙂
I haven’t read blogs so this is new to me. Does this mean there won’t be a weekly newsletter? which I look forward to reading. I have been a member of Digital Scrapper Premiere for a long time, and have just retired, so looking forward to doing some long awaited real digi scrapping. I really love your website and you & your team do some wonderful things. Thanks for all the great inspiration.
One more Q. Is PSE9 for Mac as well?
Hi Gayle—the regular newsletter is not going away. We’re just adding the blog on top of it. 🙂 Congrats on your retirement! I hope you get lots of digi scrapping done. I’m so glad to hear you’re a long time part of our community!
The blog will be in addition to the weekly newsletter. The weekly newsletter will continue to be in your inbox each week as it always has. And congrats on your long awaited time finally arriving for you to be able to scrapbook more! We appreciate your support with Premier and can’t wait to see what fun pages you come up with! Thanks!
And yes, the PSE 9 comes with both Mac and Windows in the same box, you just have to register one of them, so you’re in luck! 🙂
Thanks so much! 🙂
I want to get RSS feed. I am using Safari on a Mac. I don’t see a link to subscribe to RSS. Help, please!
Hi Becky!
If you go to the blog:
and then to the right of the twitter and facebook icon is an orange icon, that is where you need to click and all the info comes up on the right side.
I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions!
Well – I clicked on the orange icon and what came up was a full screen of single spaced text with formatting codes in it. I don’t think that’s what’s supposed to happen, is it?
I just tried to watch the video on PhotoMerge Style Match. I get the sound, but no pictures. Any suggestions?
The video is a QuickTime video, so you may need to upgrade to the latest version of QuickTime. Or you can watch it on YouTube:
I hope that helps!
Thanks – it sure helps. It now works!
Love the new blog!
Went to Adobe to check out the download for PSE9, 1.75gigs Yikes!! Photoshop CS5 extended is only 979MB.
Any idea why the file is so huge.
Hi Paulette!
We’re so glad you’re enjoying the new blog! Regarding the size of Elements, I’m not sure why the size would be so much bigger. Linda said she would have to ask the guys at Adobe. 🙂
This is my first time blogging and this morning I “chatted” for the first time! Oh my! I’m so behind!
I’ve had every version since 4, and am having more problems than ever with 8. I’ve been a Premier member since that time, too. Other than being frozen out of the organizer at least once or twice daily, my main issue is the email/photomail feature. I’ve used it regularly since it’s been available and never had a problem. My kids and friends love getting photos. Now, with ver8, it won’t even accept my account application! Last week I was on the phone over an hour with support, it worked while I was on line, but later the same day it failed and my client list disappeared.
I will scrape together enough to get 9 in the hopes that this problem especially, will disappear.
Loved the video, love this blog site. Look forward to more videos.
Glad you’re here to respond so quickly to us, Andrea, and would like to go on record as saying Linda has taught me everything I know to date. Her videos and tutorials and newsletters are always so full of easy-to-follow insttructions. I am grateful that I found her in the beginning. Thanks to you all!
Hi Patricia!
That is so cool you are blogging and chatting for the first time! Fun stuff!
I’ve also had every version since 4. I’m so sorry you’ve had so much trouble with PSE 8. Have you ever tried taking that version off your computer and reinstalling it? I had a few PSE versions flip out on me before and that always fixed it. I will ask Linda about your problem as well.
That’s so awesome you have been a Premier member for so long – we appreciate your support of our site and blog so much! I hope PSE 9 will help your problem, it sure looks like a cool upgrade!
Thank you for your kind words about Linda, I will pass them on to her, and I agree she is so awesome at what she does! We’re grateful you found us in the beginning, too! Thanks again for your sweet words!
This past week I followed the Troubleshooting suggestions in my Photoshop Elements 8 for Windows: The Missing Manual.
First I deleted the Preferences in Editor, then in the Organizer. That didn’t help.
Next I turned off Auto-Analyzer Options.
My next step is to disable the Adobe Active File Monitor in the Windows drop-down tab.
The last resort (in the book), is to go into the Editor>Help>Deactivate, then, in Windows7,
Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs>Remove PSE8 and Reinstall. Big Pain!
I’d almost rather just move to ver.9.
Thanks again for your suggestions, and I’ll get back with you when things are once again running smoothly.
Hi. thank you for your blog. Can you tell me anything about organizer? I am extremely dependent on Bridge, and I use keywords extensively. I worry about losing Bridge! Does Organizer work in a way that is similar?
thank you.
Hi Hanna!
Regarding Bridge vs Organizer, it is similar yet different. It will definitely take some getting used to, but it’s a good program. You can see thumbnails of your photos, but you must physically import them or they won’t show up. There is a Folder view that might help (the thumbnail view is the default. The Folder view shows the folders along the left side and the thumbnails on the right. It has a really great tagging system, and I think the tags you’ve already given will show up when you import, but I’m not positive about that. I know that photos from istock come with tags that Organizer recognizes and lets you decide whether you want them to be included or not. I hope that helps! 🙂
thanks for your response! I keep my digital elements in folders, labeled with the artist, the kit name and keywords. Some folders have hundreds of elements in them.
I will watch for more info… I’ve always been grateful to have Bridge rather than Organizer!
That’s cool how organized you are! I prefer Bridge as well! Thanks! 🙂
Thanks for this announcement, Linda. I’m excited about the improvements! I posted this link on Splitcoast Stampers so the digiscrappers there can come and visit your site and read about the update!
Hey, thanks for sharing our blog with other digiscrappers! We appreciate it!
That is totally cool! Yes, thank you for sharing! 🙂
I love your videos, your instructions are always so clear and easy to learn from. PSE 9 is well worth the purchase for all the improvements. Looking forward to more of your tutorial videos.
Thank you! We are glad you’re enjoying the videos! Linda is working hard on fliming more. And I agree, PSE 9 is well worth it! Thanks so much for your support! 🙂
Hi Linda,
I am so impressed by the fact that you ladies take the time to read every comment and reply with a thank you or an answer to questions or a simple comment. You girls are fantastic. Very professional. Thanks for all your dedication.
Awe, thanks, Cristi! We love what we do! Thanks for your sweet words and support. 🙂
Congrats on the new blog! What fun for us all! ALL your videos set me on a path that has been addictive, rewarding, challenging and a joy to many. I do thank you for your generous sharing and organizational skills.
Thank you so much! We’re excited about the new blog! We’re so glad you have enjoyed the videos and that they have helped you! 🙂 Have a great day, Rhondda! 🙂
I have just tagged and organized 15,000 photos in Bridge CS4 for PSE8. Can I continue to use my current version of Bridge rather than Organizer in V. 9 for the MAC?
To use Bridge to open photos in PSE9, right click on the selected thumbnails in Bridge and choose Open With > Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. You might also be able to make PSE9 the default program for Bridge, but if you have Photoshop, you probably wouldn’t want to do that. If you just use Open With, it works fine—I do it all the time. Hope that helps!
Love the new blog & looking forward to Linda’s videos for PSE 9. I d/l the trial version & love the new interface. Perfect for these old eyes.
Thank you so much, Jean! Glad you like the blog, an good luck with PSE 9 – it’s awesome! 🙂
Hi Jean,
interested to know if the download file is as big as it says on the Adobe site 1.75GB. I would love to download PSE9, but that’s a large chunk of my 6GB monthly download allowance.
I was so excited about PE8 and its features. Then I read the requirements and found it requires an Intel processor, which I do not have. Guess that leaves me out of luck and Adobe out a sale.
Hi Marianna.
Unfortunately, that seems to be the case with all things computers that I have experienced. They are always changing and upgrading the technology. At least the software lets you know the system requirements before purchasing it vs. after it’s on your computer and it’s not working or crashing. I’m sure Adobe is not the only software out there that requires an Intel processor. I’m all about making computers last as long as they can, and the software seems to keep demanding the computers to have beefy components, which can make extending the life of your computer harder. I’m sorry that leaves you out of luck. It sounds like you have a different version of PSE that does work on your computer, so at least you can still scrap! 🙂
I have Amd processors on both desk top computers (mine and my husband). I’m running Adobe PS8 on mine and PSE 7 on his with no problem? My laptop has an Intel Processor? So are you saying 9 won’t run unless it’s Intel?
Okay, so it depends if you are Windows or a Mac. If you’re running a Windows computer, then no Intel is required. If you are a Mac (which I assume Marianna, the above poster, is) then Intel is required to run PSE 9., I just looked up the system requirements at Adobe and this is what they are:
1.6GHz or faster processor
Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 or 3, Windows Vista®, or Windows 7
1GB of RAM (2GB for HD video functions)
3GB of available hard-disk space (additional free space required during installation)
Color monitor with 16-bit color video card
1024×576 display resolution at 96dpi or less
Microsoft DirectX 9 compatible display driver
DVD-ROM drive
QuickTime 7 software (required if importing QuickTime formats)
Internet connection required for Internet-based services
Multicore Intel® processor
Mac OS X v10.5.8 through v10.6
1GB of RAM (2GB for HD video functions)
3.4GB of available hard-disk space (additional free space required during installation)
1024×768 display resolution
DVD-ROM drive
QuickTime 7 software (required if importing QuickTime formats)
Internet connection required for Internet-based services
I hope that helps! Thanks! 🙂
Oh! – thanks for the education! I know so little about Macs. I’m so excited about this I don’t know if I can’t wait for Costco’s discount coupon!
Will you have a Scrapper’s Guide downloadable product for PSE 9 tutorials? If so, when will this be out?
Hi Karen!
YES, Linda is working on tutorial videos as we speak. There will be some that are free and posted on this blog and others that can be purchased. Please keep checking back here and our site to see when they will be available. I know Linda is working on posting more of these videos here on our blog, this week. Thanks! 🙂
I have had PSE3 for Mac for MANY years! And I love it. But I really wanted to upgrade so I could enjoy newer features. So I bought PSE8 for Mac earlier this year. I had wanted to wait until I upgraded to OS 10.6 before installing, but finally just went ahead and installed it last week. Even though I’m sure the new features should outweigh the bad things I’ve encountered, they don’t (continuing licensing errors and crashes when trying to access Help areas)! And I really wish there was an easier way to transfer my effects/actions from PSE3 to PSE8. I’m not even going to try yet. It seems so complicated. Is it any easier on PSE9? It was SO easy on PSE3. But I really want to get beyond PSE3!!
Hi Sheila,
Transferring effects and actions hasn’t changed from version 8 to version 9. (I’ve asked Adobe to make this area simpler, so I hope they will in the next version!) You might try following the steps I give in our Forum for adding layer styles. It may look difficult because there are a number of steps, but each step is easy to follow.
I hope you can resolve the technical issues (crashes) because the newer features in the later versions are so amazing. I was just working in PSE2 on my Mother’s computer recently and was reminded of all the improvements since then—things like selecting multiple layers and a MUCH better QuickFix for photos to name only two. So hang in there!
Answers to Questions
We’ve had a couple of questions that I asked Adobe for answers:
Question 1: Why is the file size of the PSE9 download larger than Photoshop?
Answer from Adobe: The addition of the Organizer and content.
The Elements Editor is essentially Photoshop with some stuff removed and some stuff added. So, probably about the same size.
Then, we add in all the creative content for Books, Cards, Calendars and such. Then we add the Organizer.
Question 2: I’ve had problems with the email/photomail in PSE8. Will this be fixed in version 9?
Answer from Adobe:
Are the email issues related to Windows Live Mail? If so, this might help for PSE8:
In PSE9 this issue should be fixed.
Is the “Spot healer” in PSE9 really any different than in PSE8? shows it in the new features for PSE9.
Yes, you can choose to use Content Aware as the basis for how it works, which does a really nice job for certain kinds of healing. It isn’t as robust as the new Photoshop version, but it still is an improvement over the older healing brush.
Will a Windows version of the organizer for PSE 6 load or convert into PSE 9 for Mac now that the organizer has been added to the Mac version? I converted to PSE 8 for Mac awhile back and tried to use Adobe Bridge but would really like to use the organizer I created in PSE 6. Thanks.
I don’t believe you can cross transplant the Organizer from Windows into the Mac, but the photos should retain their tags, so when you import them into the Mac Organizer, check the box that says you want to keep the tags. The Organizer should put the tag names into the side panel for you, but you may have to move and organize the tags where you want them.
You could always try to back up the Windows organizer and transfer the backup file to the Mac, but I wouldn’t hold my breath that it will work!
Really enjoy this blog. Linda gives us so much help and info and I can’t believe how much time you ladies take to answer each comment. Thank you so much.
I bought PSE 8.0, and opened it, but haven’t used it yet. Can I still find tutorials for Version 8 now that 9 has come out?
Most of the tutorials we have on our site,, will work for both versions. We featured PSE9 just to show the new features, but future tutorials will be applicable to PSE in general (and Photoshop!).
Every week on our main site at we have a PSE tutorial that would apply to almost any version of Elements, so check it out and sign up for our free newsletter to get notice of when there’s a new one. Our team of Tip instructors is really awesome!
Most of our tutorials will be filmed in Photoshop Elements 9, but will be applicable in other versions as well. These first few videos on PSE9 are simply highlighting the new features.