Anna Aspnes Kit Inspires Digital Art

March 2012 Premier

by Linda Sattgast

When I first laid my eyes on the ArtPlay Palette Family kit by Anna Asnes, I was intrigued. I had never worked with a kit like this before. The kit was to be featured in our March Digital Scrapper Premier membership program. Would our Premier members like it?

The first clue that they would like the kit came when I played with it myself and found it to be a lot of fun. Then our illustrious Creative Team began creating pages that I absolutely loved!

Now that March is almost over, I can say with confidence that Anna’s kit was a resounding success. Many Premier members who had never used a kit like this decided to take the plunge and try it out—and their pages are wonderful!

I’ve also been amazed at the different looks created with the kit and have compiled a few examples for you to see.

This page by annmangan is so sweet and shows how the frames in Anna’s kit can point attention to a special photo.

by annmangan
by annmangan

BeckiB used one of the solid textured background papers to great effect with these photos of bath time, backed by the wonderful masks in Anna’s kit.

by BeckiB
by BeckiB

Then BeckiB made a completely different page using the bright colors of her crocus photo and Barb Brookbank’s Digi Scrap Tutorial. For this, the simple textured white paper, a single frame, and a few colored lines were all that was needed.

by BeckiB
by BeckiB

This page by lanamichelson is what I would consider the more traditional approach of using this kind of kit—very artistic and lots of fun!

by lanamichelson
by lanamichelson

It’s amazing to see how this kit was used to create heritage pages. Take a look at this outstanding page by lkdavis:

by lkdavis
by lkdavis

Now look at this cute page by MaryTurner using the tree from Anna’s kit. Just darling!

by MaryTurner
by MaryTurner

To see more terrific pages, check out the March 2012 Premier Gallery. These pages I’ve shown you only scratch the surface—there’s a lot more inspiration waiting for you there!

The kit isn’t the only fun thing about Premier this month. There are four great tutorials, which you can find out more about in the Premier trailer video. (I even taught one of them this month!) Click on the image below to check it out!

Watch the March 2012 Premier Trailer!

Premier members are having a lot of fun with their videos and goodies this month. Here’s where you can find out more about Premier membership.

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  1. MaryTurner

    Thank you Linda for your kind words. They really got my day off to a nice start!
    I want to take a moment to tell you how much I enjoy the gallery. When I’m stumped for an inspiration, I can always go there (day or night, rain or shine!) and prime the pump of my imagination. I hope that all the people who post their work in the gallery know how much that means to the rest of us, and also, how much their feedback means.
    You must find great satisfaction in reviewing all the projects that are posted, that wouldn’t have been produced without Digital Scrapper.
    Keep up the good work!

    April 4, 2012 at 5:53 pm Reply
  2. nancy

    I would like to see more kits in Scrappers Guide like Anna Aspnes.
    Very nice kit. Loved it

    April 10, 2012 at 9:04 pm Reply
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