Enter to Win — Happy 14th Birthday, Digital Scrapper

Looking Back…
On September 4, 2003, Linda Sattgast turned 50 years old. That very week she and her husband Charlie launched a website dedicated to teaching scrapbookers how to use Photoshop and Photoshop Elements to create digital scrapbook pages.
The website, originally called ScrappersGuide.com, eventually changed its name to DigitalScrapper.com, but its mission remains the same.
Looking Forward…
On September 4, 2017, Digital Scrapper turns 14 years old. (Let’s not calculate Linda’s age.)
To celebrate the twin birthdays, we are giving YOU the chance to win a free seat in one of our fantastic classes.
Contest has ended.
The winner is Sheila Zorn.
- One gift certificate redeemable for one current or future class at DigitalScrapper.com / QwikLearn.com.
- In the comment section below, wish us a happy birthday in your own special way. Here are some ideas:
- Just say “Happy Birthday.”
- Sing Happy Birthday to us.
- Leave us a link to a birthday card.
- Anything goes, but you must comment.
- One entry per person, please.
- Contest ends Monday, September 11, 2017, 1PM Eastern.
- One winner will be randomly chosen from the comments below.
- Winner will be notified by email.
- Winner’s name will appear in the Digital Scrapper News.
Be watching our newsletter next week for a special Happy Birthday Present that EVERYONE will receive. It’s gonna be BIG NEWS and you’re not going to want to miss it.
Author: Jen White | Contact Us
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Of course I want to wish Digital Scrapper a VERY HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY. It has given me nearly 14 years of happiness. It’s my daily “Pick-me-Up”!!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!! And may I add, thank you for so many wonderful tutorials over the years!!
Happy Birthday Blessings to you Linda and Congratulations to Digital Scrapper! Wishing you many more years!
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
-William Arthur Ward
I appreciate your gift of teaching; I have learned so much since I discovered your site.
Happy Birthday tot he both of you! Love this site!
Happy Birthday! My wish for you includes sunshine, smiles and laughter.
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy 14th to a place that makes a positive difference in people’s lives. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Fellow September babies!
Happy Birthday, Digital Scrapper! Here’s to many, many more!
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Linda and DigitalScrapper.com????
Happy, happy birthday to you, Linda, and Digital Scrapper! Doesn’t seem like we have been together for 14 years. Time flies when we’re having fun! 🙂
Happy Birthday, Linda. It has been a wonderful 14 yers of learning Thank you for sharing your talent with us all theses yers – and many more to come! Blessings to you and your family
Happy Birthday Linda and thank you for the awesome gift of creating Digital Scrapper I believe I have been with you for 12 years. You are truly blessed and so are we.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m glad you are both in my life. You’ve made it better.
Happy Birthday!! And many, many more…………
Happy birthday and thank you for 13 years of learning and enjoyment
Happy Birthday and thanks for all you put into our learning experience. God Bless you and yours.
Has it been 14 YEARS already!! Here’s to a Happy Birthday and a wonderful year ahead!!
Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper. You’ve done an amazing job over the last 14 years.
A very Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapper!!!!! Thank you Linda and Jen and everyone!
Happy birthday Linda and happy birthday to Digital Scrapper. Almost everything I’ve learned about digital scrapbooking has been from Linda and DS. All the way back to PSE 6. I think I have every one of your classes and kits saved on my computer and 2 EHDs. Love you to bits.
Wow 14 years it doesn’t seem possible. Happy happy birthday.
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper & Linda too! What wonderful “therapy” it has been for me these last 14 years to be able to “wind down” and learn from the greatest!.Thank you for all your hard work over the years
happy birthday – you all have taught me so much
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper – you’ve taught me a lot!!
Thank you!
Oh, my! Well, then….
Thank you!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Digital Scrapper and thank you for teaching me so much over the years.
Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns (oh… and many MANY wonderful classes and tutorials to come as well)!
Happy Birthday, Digital Scrapper! Thanks for all the fun projects over the years.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Wishing Linda and Digital Scrapper the best of wishes now and in the future! 🙂
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the wonderful classes and tips, and the amazing kits. Loved how I have grown along with distal scrapper.
Happy Birthday Linda! I have absolutely enjoyed every class you have (and I think I have taken every one of them)! I have learned so much in all the years I have been on your site. You are very appreciated.
Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper! You taught the almost everything I know about Photoshop and I couldn’t appreciate it more. Thanks for being there for me!
Happy Birthday 14 Years of teaching others
Happy Birthday! So glad I found you!! I have learned so much from you site Love, Love, Love!!
Happy birthday Linda.
It was my birthday on the 2nd and I hope you had as good a day as I did, spoilt by my husband and son.
Thank you for all you hard work on the lessons. I’ve learnt so much.
Happy Birthday to Linda and Digital Scrapper. I love your lessons, but due to some health issues this year haven’t been able to catch up on the classes. I pray I’m on the mend and will be back to learning from you soon.
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper!
Keep up the good work!!! I love your lessons.
What a great year, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday…A few years younger then me…My Birthday is September 10th
Happy Birthday Linda. Been with you during your evolution the last 14 years. Always informative and inspiring.
Fourteen years already? Happy Birthday!!! I so enjoy your wonderful tutorials over the years and many more to come!
Happy birthday! I just want to thank you for helping me preserve so many memories!
I don’t know how long I have been with Digital Scrapper, but I’m pretty sure I am one of the “originals”. You are the reason I even considered purchasing PSE. When I realized that your instructions and guidance were included with Elements, I decided to give it a try, and I have never looked back. I have all of your classes safely stored (and backed up) and continue to go back and “refresh my memory” more times than I can count. Happy Birthday and thank you for all that you do. Here’s to many more years!
Happy Birthday Linda and Scrapper Guild/Digital Scrapper.
Happy Happy Birthday, now eat your stinkin’ cake!!! (you need to sing as you read this, sounds better)
Happy birthday to an awesome teacher and wonderful person!
Happy Birthday, Linda and Digital Scrapper. You have both helped me improve and enjoy the craft of digital scrapbooking!
Happy 14th Birthday to Digital Scrapper! Most intuitive, helpful, informative website for Photoshoppers!
Happy Birthday!!????
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday ??????
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Linda And Digital Scrapper 🙂
Sadly, due to the time constraints of running a scrap store, health issues, taking care of my black lab thru
cancer surgery and trying to help my daughter cope with the loss of her husband in a horrific car crash a
few short months ago, that left her a young widow with a 4 yr. old and 1 yr. old twins, I’ve not been able to
take part in the wonderful challenges you’ve had. But, I have learned so very, very much about the things I
wanted to hone my skills at in Photoshop. That is all thanks to you and your team! I’m looking forward to
all the wonderful new things you’ll be showing us! Thanks for all you do ~ Hugs ~
Happy, Happy Birthday and may you have many more to come. I have been with you since inception and have learned so very, very much over the years. (And you’re right, it doesn’t seem like 14 years!!!) You make learning fun and what’s more, always give me inspiration to try new things and continue loving what we do. Happiest of Birthdays! Let’s grow old together!
Wishing Linda and Digital Scrapper a wonderful birthday! I haven’t been along for the whole ride, but have enjoyed learning and creating with you for about 8 years!
Yay! Happy birthday! So thankful for the help and inspiration I’ve received and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Glasses up for many more years to come! 😀 ~Gina
Happy Birthday, and many more!
Happy Birthday and Best Wishes for your continued success!
Happy birthday Linda & Digital Scrapper!
Happy birthday Digital Scrapper…you rock!
Happy 14th Birthday, digital Scrapper, Scrappers Guide, Linda, Charlie and family. Glad to be a part of it !
Happy birthday Digital Scrapper. Looking forward to another 14 awesome years with you.
Happy Birthday! We’ve been together a LONG time!
Happy Birthday! Where has the years flown. I have been with you since the beginning. I have truly enjoyed what you have taught us and what is to come. Thank you.
Happy Birthday! Digital Scrapper makes me smile!
Happy Birthday to Linda and Digital Scrapper! May you both have many more years. Thank you for all the wonderful tutorials over the years.
In my best Stevie Wonder voice: Happy birthday to ya! Happy birthday!
Wishing you many more bithdays!
Happy birthday and many happy returns (and I really do mean that…I have enjoyed all my time with you)!
♥♥♥ Happy 14th Birthday! ♥♥♥
Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper! Been with you since it was Scrapper’s Guide. My favorite place to play and learn. Thank you for all these wonderful years! Digital Scrapper, You are my world in which to escape.
Hippity, hoppity, happy birthday! So glad to see your website going strong after 14 years!
Happy bday and many more!
Happy Birthday!! Wishing you many many more!!!
Happy TRIPLE birthday. Yes, Happy Birthday to Linda, Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapper, and Happy Birthday to me (tomorrow, 9/6). Wishing all of us the best in the coming year and many more to come!
Happy Birthday! And congratulations on 14 fab years!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday ???
Happy Birthday! Another year that you have provided a fun outlet for my scrapbooking habit.
Thank you!
Wishing all those at Digital Scrapper a Happy birthday and an individual wish to Linda for many more happy days!
Have a very happy 14th birthday Digital Scrapper!! And wishes for many more birthdays to come!??
Happy Birthday, Digital Scrapper. I don’t remember when or how I stumbled across your website, but I do know I would not be creating beautiful pages and books had I not taken the classes and tutorials available on this website. Hopefully age will not keep the team from giving us more help and ideas in the future.i apologize if that sounds selfish but I do depend on the offerings from Digital Scrapper to keep going with digital scrapbook ingredients. May you be around to celebrate many more birthdays.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday to a great site!
Happy birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper! Wishing you your best year yet!
Happy Birthday! Love, love, love the classes!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper. You’ve affected so many lives in such a positive way. THANKS!
Have a joy filled Happy Birthday celebration – and you too Linda!
Happy, Happy Birthday to both Linda and Digital Scrapper! (You wouldn’t want to hear me sing it, believe me.) I’ve been with Linda and her wonderful classes since 2011 and have learned lots ( and forgotten lots), so I really appreciate having lifetime access to all the classes so I can review. Each time I check out a lesson from the past, I see things differently than I did the first time I took the class. One’s perspective changes as one grows.
Linda, I’m 11 years your senior and still learning new things and growing. And you and the Digital Scrapper team have been a delightful part of my scrapbooking. May I wish you much good fortune in the next 14 years and beyond. You have given so much to the wonderful digital scrapbooking community. Many, many thanks to all of you!
Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper (although I still have to make my brain go from Scrappers Guide to Digital Scrapper when looking for the folder on my computer)!
Hope you have a great day!!!!
Happy Birthday. Scrapbooking is a way of of life for many of us. Happy scrapping.
Scrapbooking is a way of of life for many of us. Happy Birthday and Happy scrapping.
Happy happy birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper….blessings to you as you have been to me!
Wow! Happy, happy birthday – to both Linda & Digital Scrapper!
Wishing Linda and Digital Scrapper a very Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapper. It is a great place to learn and I especially like all the great tutorials.
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper!
Happy Birthday is not enough. Think of what you have started and the generations to come that will enjoy the results of your work and training. Just imagine if your ancestors had done likewise – wouldn’t it be wonderful to enjoy their scrappiness today? Keep the good work coming!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Linda & Digital Scrapper, Happy Birthday to you. And thank you for ALL you do. You’re the BEST!
Happy birthday to you…..Happy birthday to you…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ‘DIGITAL SCRAPPER’ HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY to you.. and pray that you continue to have many many more…..
I also have a birthday in September…..26th…. YAY!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday and many more!
♫ Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Digital Scrapper. Happy Birthday to you. ♫
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper! 14 great years!
Happy fourteenth birthday to you all! Thank you for all I have gleaned from you over the years I have known you. And thank you for the chance to win a new class from you. I have enjoyed everyone I have taken.
You’re celebrating your birthday and I’m celebrating 14 wonderful years of fantastic classes here. I’ve learned, and continue to learn, so much from all of you! Thank you!
Wishing you an awesome 14th birthday…. and many many many more.
Can’t believe it’s been 14 years! Was I around at the very beginning? Not sure but certainly shortly after that. I’ve learned a lot but there is much more that I need to understand and develop. Happy Birthday, Linda (which I didn’t get to wish yesterday) and to Digital Scrapper too!
Happy birthday ? to you!?
Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper…..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
And Many More !
Wow! What a difference you have made in my comfort with PS. May you have many, many more birthdays.
Happiest of birthdays to both you, Linda and Scrappers Guide.
Hippity Hoppy birthday to you and thanks for all the instruction and encouragement over the years
Happy Birthday!
Happy, Happy, Birthday!
Happy Birthday Linda and DS, my B’day is this week too, and I’ll turn 64, still young and scrappin?
Happy Birthday!!
Happy day! I remember it well.
Happy Birthday ! I’ve loved you guys from the beginning
Congratulations Digital Scrapper on 14 years! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and much continued success!
Happy Birthday, Digital Scrapper! 14 years of blessing the digital scrapbooking community and their families! Congratulations!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Digital Scrapper and friends! Wishing you many more years of success ! I’ve loved your site and courses through the years, and I’m with the ladies above who are SO SO thankful for these learning opportunities and the RELEARNING opportunities since we continue to have access to them.
All your hard work behind the scenes to make this place so successful, really really is appreciated!
Here’s to at least 14 more years!!!
Happy happy birthday. Thank you for all the years and content to help us grow in our skills as digital scrappers. I’ve appreciated everything I’ve gained from you.
Happy Birthday
Hoping for many more
Happy birthday!!
wishing you a great Happy Birthday
How is being a teenager going? Thanks for all of your good tutorials.
Happy Birthday to both Digital Scapper and Linda! I have learned so much from both of you!!! Thanks and many Blessings. Debi Anderson
Blessings to both Virgo birthdays – I am in good company as I am also a Virgo!! Your classes are creative as well as very informative.
Happy Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper!
Happy Birthday to my fav digi site and teachers!
Happy (belated) birthday, Linda!!! And a very happy birthday to Digital Scrapper, as well! I feel like you and your company are a gift to us!!! I have really enjoyed all of the lessons, help, ideas, and feedback over the years! And here’s a wish to you for MANY more years of good health, happiness, and scrapbooking enjoyment!!!
Happy Birthday! What a lot of successful years to celebrate. I have shared my love of digital scrapping with so many friends. Many only feel up to the challenge of Elements when they realize that your lessons make it such fun to use. I have used the skills taught by digital Scrapper to create many different memory projects. Thanks for your constantly evolving instruction methods. I love it.
Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper.
from a short timer.
Happy birthday Digital Scrapper!!!
Happy birthday! ??????? . I have learned everything I know about digital scrapbooking and photoshop elements from you for the past ten years! Thank you so much!
Happy Birthday and may you and Digital Scrapper have many more!
Happy Birthday and thanks so much for all classes and hard work, I never would have learned to digital scrap with out you.
Happy Birthday! Wishing you continued success!
The very happiest of birthdays to the whole Digital Scrapper family, including all of us out here!
Such a wonderful website and a great way to make new friends. Happy Birthday, Digital Scrapper.
Happy Birthday! May you and Digital Scrapper enjoy many many more years of success! ???
Happy Birthday to Linda and the best learning site on the web.
Woooow, 14 years …oh my I was on board since 2007 ..I remember I ordered the cds with the lessons of Linda of 2005 and 2006…. girls you got me addicted to digital scrapbooking and I never stopped since then!!!
have a great 14th BIRTHDAY
many blogs and shops and formus have disappeared ove the years but not you! Thanks for being always there and for giving us another wonderful opportunity to learn something new! I hope it’s me!!!! eh eh eh! ROFL
Happy Birthday and may you have many wonderful ones to come!
Happy 14th and ?? birthdays! and lots more.
A very happy birthday to Linda and Digital Scrapper! Congratulations on your accomplishments!
?HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY? to Linda and Digital Scrapper! Wishing all involved with this celebration many wonderful, happy years ahead.
?HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY? to Linda and Digital Scrapper! Wishing all involved with this celebration many wonderful, happy years ahead.
I have always felt a glow of satisfaction after a session working on your tutorials. Well done and a very happy birthday.
Sincerest birthday greetings! Like many have said before me, you’re a gift to us. The past 8 months have been a challenge for me, fighting breast cancer, but one thing I looked forward to the most were the blog posts and the classes every couple of months. Thank you Digital Scrapper and Linda!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Digital Scrapper! So much fun to be a part of this site. Thank you for all the ideas and help.
Wishing both Digital Scrapper and Linda, Happy Birthday!!!! Both have made it possible for me to learn and enjoy a great hobby! And with this hobby I’ve been able to capture many, many memories for my family and friends!
Happy Birthday and many more to come. I have learned so much from you about Photoshop Elements. Look forward to the next year with you.
Happy birthday to both Linda and Digital Scrapper! I’m so thankful for you both!!!
Wishing you a very happy birthday and many, many more. At 74, I still enjoy
Digital Scrapper.
Best Wishes on this Happy day when the Birth of an idea lead to an incredible awakening. This has been shared with others, globally, and has created a tremendous following. Fun spirit and knowledge has enlightened us all. To that I send my heart felt wishes on this wonderful day. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!?
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper! Congratulations on a fantastic milestone of 14 years! I’ve been a loyal student and fan of your website for pretty much ALL of those 14 years and am so grateful for the great training I’ve received from your classes, tutorials and community. Here’s to another 14 years of wonderful things coming your way!
You are the gift that has made my scrapbooking life easier. Happy Birthday and thank you for all the knowledge you have shared!
Happiest if birthdays to you, Linda, as well as Digital Scrapper!
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!
Happy 14th birthday – Digital Scrapper!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper…and many mooooorrre!!!
Happy Birthday, Linda! I have been enjoying your site since the very beginning…..back in 2005, I believe. My friends think I am VERY computer/photo savvy, and I always give you the credit for that! I have most of your classes, and enjoy going back to them many times for inspiration. Thank you for providing them!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper….you are definitely the cause of my “digital scrapbooking addiction”
Started with you in the beginning and haven’t stopped since!
Time flies when you’re having fun. Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
Woo-Hoo! Congratulations for another year!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! And thank you to Linda and Digital Scrapper.
Happy Birthday. And may you have many, many more.
Best wishes for a Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear scrappers, Happy Birthday to you. AND MANY MORE. Thank you for all that you do.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy, happy, birthday to you. You are very much appreciated for all you do to make all of us a better digital ‘ scrapbooker’, I still struggle with it but with your classes it makes it a little easier. Thank you!
Happy 14th Purrthday Digital Scrapper!!!
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Digital Scrapper and Linda Sattgast. Happy birthday to you. I’m wishing you many more happy returns. So happy you were spoiled on your special day!
Happy Birthday, Linda!! You look wonderful 14 years later and so does Digital Scrapper! QwikLearn is awesome! Happy Birthday to both of you!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Digital Scrapper, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Happy Birthday! We’re not getting older, we’re getting better!
Digital scrapper happy birthday to you ! happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you!
Congratulations and best wishes for your 14th birthday! Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your wonderful classes.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIGITAL SCRAPPER. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday! I took my first Photoshop Elements class from you to learn how to do digital scrapbooking. I have produced many scrapbook pages and have taken a few more classes since then. I am always ready to learn more.
Happy Birthday – hope you have many, many more.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You have brought so much happiness into my life. I remember years ago having spent $90.00 on a one day class for Elements. I came away completely defeated. I could see that the program could do wonderful things because I watched the instructor do them. However, when I got home ( without so much as sheet of helps) I could not make it do anything because she had failed to show us how to get the page. As I was reinserting my disc, I noticed an ad for something called Scrapers Guide. I joined…have loved it ever since. Thank you!
Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true.
Wishing Linda & Digital Scrapper the happiest of birthdays and many more to come!
Happy Birthday!???????
I love the classes, and how much those and other tutorials have taught me! Happy 14th birthday…and MANY more!
This month is such a special one,
It’s birthday time for you.
I’d really like to celebrate
This happy time with you
So, zippity yay and hidie-oh
There’s something I must do
I’ll sing a song that we all know
Happy birthday to you!
From the Children’s Songbook
Happy Happy Birthday!
You were ‘born’ same day as my only grandchild! She turned 14 yesterday as well!
Happy Belated Birthday.
Happy birthday, linda. You have become a dear friend to me through the years. You have sustained me while I wrapped myself in the comfort of your voice whileci listening to you lessons
Happy Birthday. Sure do miss the old Scrappers Guide….
Happy Birthday and thanks for all the help and advise I have received from Digital Scrapper over the past 14 years.
Happy birthday! I’ve been with your company a long time and loved to see you grow and change. I’ve encouraged my kids to subscribe as they have grown. And every time you have sent out a call for new talent I have been tempted to apply. Mainly because I think you and Charly would be fun to work with. Best wishes on the next 14 years and thank you for the legacy you have created.
Happy Birthday – Glad Digital Scrapper is still going strong!! Hope there are many more birthdays to follow.
Glücklichen Geburtstag! In any language, this wonderful organization has taught me so much. Not just about scrapbooking but more ways to use a computer and introduced me to a terrific group that offers help and camaraderie.
Happy Birthday, Linda! Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper!
Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en vele jaren in goede gezondheid!
Wishing you a very happy birthday! Have always enjoyed your website to learn how to digital scrapbook! Just love everything you teach!
Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapbooker!!
Happy Birthday and thanks for everything you do.
Happy Birthday and many more.
Happy Birthday! God’s blessings for many more. Thanks for the years and years of monthly presents. I have them all and love them!
it’s my birthday Sept 8. Happy Birthday to us!
Happy Birthday to you and to Digital Scrapper!
Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday GOD Bless and Watch Over You! Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy 14th Birthday. Let The Party Begin!
Happy Birthday, Linda, and Digital scrapper. More Power!!!
Sing it,
shout it
talk about it,
Scrap it,
journal it ,
post a page
and no dought it
will use the skills that
we have learned
in 14 wonderful years.
Happy Birthday Linda and
Digital Scrapper, thanks for the
lessons learned an
the projects completed
Sheila Zorn, Your comment placement was selected via random generator. You are the winner of the free class. Be watching your email for details. Congratulations!
I just KNEW that Linda had to be a Virgo (mine is 9/5). Virgo designers just love to tweak our design to pieces! Digital Scapper is a success because there is no other way with a Virgo sister! Congrats and Happy Birthday on many fronts!
Happy Birthday! and thanks for sharing your Love of digital scrapping. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Happy Birthday
This is my first digital scrapping home! A very happy birthday to both you Linda and your wonderful site. I have learnt so much from you and Scrappers guide, oops I mean Digital scrapper. Here’s to many more birthdays to you both!!!
Aren’t birthdays fun?! Happy
Wishing you both an awesome birthday filled with many surprises and good times.
You have taught me so much, so Happy Birthday to you, and hope the classes keep on coming.
And Linda, a great big Belated Happy Birthday to you too, so glad you enjoyed your day.
Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper!
Hau`oli Lā Hānau
Warm birthday wishes from Hawaii to Linda and to Digital Scrapper!
May you enjoy many more wonderful years.
Aloha and mahalo!
Happy birthday to you and Digital Scrapper. All of you have really contributed to my improvement in scrapping and picture enhancements. Thanks
Happy Birthday to the best digital scrapping site out there!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper. I Love all my files and classes I’ve collected from you over the years. Thanks for being here for all us Digital Scrappers.
Happy Birthday, to Linda, a special Christian gal, who brought digital scrapbooking to us, when they was NONE!
Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapbooking that made this kind of scrapbooking, a popular and incredible art!!
Happy Birthday! Hope it’s the best one yet!….
Happy Happy Birthday!!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!
Warm wishes and Happy Birthday to Linda and Digital Scrapper.
Happy, Happy Birthday! And many more!!!!
Happy 14th Birthday Digital Scrapper! Thanks to Linda and the staff for 14 years of marvelous products, tutorials and inspiration. Have loved all of it. A special Happy and Blessed Birthday to Linda. She is the ultimate!
Happy birthday Linda, and thanks for all the years we’ve had to learn digital scrapbooking from you.
Sung to the tune of itsey bitsey spider:
Oh the itsey bitsy spider climbed up the birthday cake.
Soon he realized he’d made a big mistake.
He climbed up on the candle before the cake was cut.
oh the itsey bitsy spider he burned his little butt.
happy birthday
Happy Birthday to you. Wonderful site, very easy to navigate. And I love all of the tutorials.
Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper
A very Happy Birthday to all of you at Digital Scrapper and also to you, Linda. Don’t just celebrate a Birthday—-celebrate a Birthday Season—-More fun. I have enjoyed you for years.
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper, and may you have many more! I would be lost without all the many classes I have taken.
Happy Birthday, Linda and Digital Scrapper. I’ve been a Premier member since about 2008. Still learning new skills.
Happy, Happy Birthday. I hope there are many more to come!
Sure wish you went back to the old way of doing classes. Would work on one a week but “Happy Birthday” anyway.
Wow . . . 14 years! Thats amazing & a wonderful achievement. “HAPPY HAPPY Birthday Digital Scrapper”
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It is good to be a part of your “family”. Many happy memories and many more to come.
At first it was Scrapper’s Guide, then Digital Scrapper… I have been with you almost from the beginning. Wishing you a very happy birthday,
Happy Birthday!
Hope your birthday was extra special! Daisy and I wanted to wish you Happy Birthday in a very special way so we will do it on FaceBook.
Happy Birthday to both of you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank you for the splendid work you do for all of us! I’ve been enjoying and using your classes and tips since 2006.
Happy birthday to Digital Scrapper and Linda! We love you both.
I have also been with you since the beginning. I always look forward to you new classes. Not only do I enjoy them, I learn so much! Wishing you a very happy birthday.
Happy Birthday to my favorite digital scrap booking site.
?HAPPY BIRTHDAY Digital Scrapper! ????
I’ve been a member since early in Digital Scrappers existence. What an amazing resource it has been to me throughout the years.
Happy birthday, Linda & Digital Scrapper! May you both have many, many more wonderful years!
Happy birthday and, selfishly, I wish for many more.
Happy Birthday. I am so thankful for all this site and you all do.
Wishing Digital Scrapper and Linda a fantastic Happy Birthday! And many more…
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays (and many more)!
Happy Birthday and thanks so much for all you have taught me.
Happy birthday to both Linda and Digital Scrapper
Happy Birthday! I’m ever so thankful I found this wonderful place to learn and grow
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper. My first subscription was given to me as a birthday present from my daughter many years ago.
Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapper, and also a belated Happy Birthday to Linda. I have been
a member for years now, and I am so glad I joined. For a girl who hated photoshop I spent
more time running frightened of it then actually working it, but thanks to Linda and her classes
I now love it and can never get enough of it. One thing for sure is I now have no problem trying
new things, I just go for it and learn so much along the way, all thanks to Linda. So once again
Happy Birthday and many many more.
happy birthday, digital scrapper. here’s a song for you:
I love Digital Scrapper. God Bless all who work there and have given me many years of training and scrapbooking kits.
I wish all of you who work at Digital Scrapper a very happy 14th Birthday. Cheers!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Digital Scrapper! Wishing you many more!!
Happy Birthday Linda and DS!! Thank you for helping me create a life that lives on in the scrapbook pages I create.
Happy, Happy Birthday! You just keep getting better and better!
Happy Birthday! I’ve enjoyed all the years of learning.
Happy Birthday!!! My pages would be so boring with out you!! Have been blessed beyond measure.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear DIGITAL SCRAPPER, happy birthday to you..
Bet you were singing by the time you finished reading those birthday wishes…….
Linda, Happy Birthday to you and Digital Scrapper!! I’m so glad you have blessed us with your talents and have welcomed us to be in your scrapper family 🙂
A birthday song for you: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=barbershop+quartet+happy+birthday&view=detail&mid=CB0A2D3F5FF25DA6A014CB0A2D3F5FF25DA6A014&FORM=VIRE
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I hope it’s a wonderful one!
Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapper
Happy Birthday! Not everyone can teach. Happy birthday to someone who does it very well.
Happy 14th Birthday to both of you.
Linda & Digital Scrapper, the two of you have been a part of my life for “oh so many years”. I am not a consistent scrapper, which means that I forget a lot of things that I learn, but I love being able to reference the tutorials and relearn the steps and methods. May the two of you continue to thrive and enrich the lives of your many followers. Happy Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Sceapper , Happy Birthday to you,…and many mooooore.
Happy birthday!! I normally send a photo of a woman screaming and running away from a cake on fire. But, I couldn’t attach an image 🙂
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Sceapper , Happy Birthday to you,…and many mooooore.
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper Linda Charlie and team. I joined you all in 2006 and what a wonderful time I have had, you all have taught me so much, I love being part of this family, and what a stash I have collected over this past 11 years. thank you all so very much. I wish you love and happiness and a wonderful birthday.
Happy, Happy Birthday to the scrappy ladies and gent at digital Scrappers!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapper,
Happy Birthday to YOU!
I am relatively new to Digital Scrapper, but it has been such a big help to me, in Digital scrapping. I Pray that Digital Scrapper can continue for a long long time. I am a slow learner!
Feliz Cumpleanos y espero que va a continuar por tantos anos en el futura.
A very happy birthday to both Linda and the team of Digital Scrapper ! ??❤
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you . . . . . . sung in the usual style of the Happy Birthday song.
You both just keep getting better.
Happy happy Bday Digital scrapper. I have only joined your membership in the last few years, but have learnt so much. So have a super special one and many many more years.
Happy Birthday. It seems just like yesterday that Scrappers Guide became DigitalScrapper. I have all the lessons and kits from the very beginning on my computer and external hard drives and treasure this trove of pure happiness. I wrote a nice comment and submitted it without filling in my name and email etc. and lost everything I wrote !!! Oh well. I love digital scrapper . Thank you Linda for hours and hours of learning, fun, , memory keeping and so much more.
Happy Birthday to the best Digital Scrapping Club ever!!!!!
May you live long and prosper.
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper (although, to me, you will always be Scrappers Guide). I found your site when I moved to Norway in 2005…. I still have the very first “kit” from that time – Fall Harvest! A few papers, a leaf PNG, and a grid to make Stained Glass Window pages! It was my first foray into digital scrapping and I had PSE 2.0 and our first digital camera.
Your site was AMAZING and taught me so much …. you have a true gift for teaching and I am very grateful for all of your wonderful tutorials and lessons over the years. I love how DS has grown and become a much loved community and resource for the scrapping world.
Wishing Linda and Digital Scrapper many more years of scrapping fun ahead!
Happy Birthday to the best site to learn digital scrapping.
Maligayang Bati!!! That’s how we say Happy Birthday in the Philippines
A very happy birthday to you. Digital Scrapper was my first introduction to digital scrapping and I have learned so very much over the past two years since finding you – so sad I missed out on the previous 12 (although, I HAVE taken advantage of some of your older classes and tutorials).
You are such a talented group of ladies (and Charlie, of course – my pictures would still be in boxes or lurking on my computer if it wasn’t for you – thanks for the inspiration!
Happy Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper! You’ve been a great source of inspiration and knowledge for me.
Happy Birthday!!
It’s your birthday, it’s your birthday, you’ve gotta part like it’s your birthday!! Congrats!
Happy Birthday to you and your wonderful program that has helped so many of us through the years.
Happy Birthday!! Seems like just yesterday you started making my life more fun – keep up the great work! It’s been a FUN 14 years with you along for the ride.
A very Happy Birthday to both Linda and Digital Scrapper. I have been with you from the start and it has been a wonder 14 years of happiness. Looking forward to many more years with you. Linda and Digital Scrapper you are just the BEST!
Happy birthday Linda and Digital Scrapper!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!! You all do such a great job, thank you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ??? Digital Scrapper & to all the talented staff who provide us with tons of inspiration and the knowledge to make our ideas come to life on our scrap pages. I have learned so much since becoming a member in 2008–thank you for being such a valuable resource…I wish you all the best and hope for many more years of Digital Scrapper!!!
Happy birthday to you
Happy 14th birthday to Digital Scrapper and my granddaughter! I love you both!
Happy Birthday to Linda and Digital Scrapper! I have very good memories of DS’s early years because that’s where I learned the fundamentals of digital scrapping. Thank you for all you’ve done for the world of digital scrappers.
Happy Birthday. Thanks for 14 years of inspiration!
Happy birthday. You have been a very enjoyable experience for me since 2007. Best wishes to you
Photo won’t add, but……..
Happy Birthday! Thank you for creating this fabulous website!
Happy Birthday to you!
There is no one like you!
You inspire us to new heights
With Photoshop and scrapping…
Without you, what would we do?
Best wishes!
Happy birthday! Thank you for all the wonderful tutorials over the years!
Happy Birthday – and many more to come
Celebrating with you on 14 years of creativity and learning! The happiest birthday greetings to Digital Scrapper and belated birthday greetings for you, Linda!
Happy Birthday to both of you!
Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy Birthday! Your 14 years makes me wonder how long I have been with you. I know it has been quite a few years. I am even pretty caught up in documenting our grandkids’ lives via scrapbooking.
Happy happy birthday with wishes for many more to come!
Dear Linda and Digital Scrapper. Happy Birthday to you, Thank you Linda for Digital Scrapper – for sharing your gifts with us all – at home and overseas.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Would LOVE to win!!
Happy birthday! I’ve been enjoying Digital Scrapper for years and wish you many more years.
Happy birthday!!!
happy birthday or van harte gefeliciteerd (dutch )
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper! Have learned SO much over the years from you. Very much appreciated!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m so glad Digital Scrapper is still alive and growing, unlike other digital scrapbook sites. So, here’s to many more years of scrapbook fun.
Happy Birthday!! 14 years, your the best!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper!
Happy birthday, Digital Scrapper and Linda! Thank you for teaching me new techniques to create scrapbook pages I’m truly happy with.
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday….. and many more………. Thanks for everything you do.
Happy Birthday !!
Happy Birthday, DIGITAL SCRAPPER! ….and many more
Happy, Happy Birthday. Two birthday wishes, one for Linda and one for Digital Scrapper. I learned everything I know about scrapbooking from you Linda. Love and best wishes for much success in the future.
I’ve been with you about 85% of those 14 years. My second daughter will be turning 14 in a few more months too. Happy birthday!!! I wanted to include an image I picked out but I don’t see a way, so here’s the link to it. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9c/c6/3b/9cc63b896b14bc93674be248ddd8de48–birthday-images-birthday-clipart.jpg
Happy birthday!! And MANY more. Thank you for all you do!
Happy Birthday to the BEST tutorials and instructor! I have learned so much and enjoy scrap booking more than ever! Here’s to continued success and learning! Thank you for sharing!
Happy Birthday! Love your classes…
HAPPY 14th! You’re still a teenager – which means wild creativity, pushing the edges a bit (*smile) and so much more ahead. It has been fun and educational being a part of this group for the past few years. Can’t wait to see what lies ahead.
Wow, Happy 14th Birthday! “And many more to you!” 😀
Happy Birthday, Linda, and to Digital Scrapper! What a milestone for both! Hope you enjoy your special day to the fullest and thanks for all the fun scrapbooking ideas! Love them so much!
Happy Bird-egg to you.
Happy Birthday! I have learned so much from you guys!!!
Happy Birthday to the best scrapbooking site around. I will never get tired of recommending you because you have made it so easy to learn.
♫♫♫♪♪♫ Happy Birthday to You ♫♫♪♪♫♫
Happy, happy, happy Birthday to you! 14years is amazing – and I can’t quite believe that I’ve stuck with anything that long!! Thank you for making digital scrapping both fun and challenging! Love you all.
Happy Birthday! You’ve been such an inspiration.
Wow time flies!!! I am also a Virgo, my birthday is next week on the 14th and DS is 14 years strong 🙂 Seems like there are so many birthdays lately hahaha. Does anyone else share my birthday??
Happy Birthday to all the lovely Virgo gals!!!!!!!!!! 😀
I hope we all have 14 more years together 🙂
Happy Birthday, Linda. How does it feel to be the parent of a teenager, with all the trials, frustrations and pure pride and joy that brings. Thanks for all the help you have given to all your fans.
Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapper!!! I am so happy Linda and Charlie gave birth (launched) to you! Hope you have many more happy years.
“Lucille” and I want to welcome you to the S. C. Club, You’re in for a ggggggrrrrreeeeaaaat ride!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
Dear Linda & The Team: Yes – the internet is frenetic; and by design it allows us a Voice. And often the subsequent question is … ‘are we really being Heard’? Know that this Birthday Celebration is our way of shouting back THANK YOU – so you can Hear Us All! Thank you for the light and vision, for providing inspiration and for motivating us to push our creative, artistic boundaries. Be Joyous, Boisterous and enjoy a Well Earned Celebration! HAPPY Birthday!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper!!!! So glad we have met!!!
I wish I had found you 14 years ago and was able to learn so much more. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my short time here, learning and trying to soak in all I can. Thank you for your team and all the hard work you do to bring us so much information. Keep up the wonderful work you all do.
Happy birthday! I wish you many more!
My little “Logitech” mouse chittered, saying, “Hey, it’s Digital Scrapper’s BIRTHDAY. 14 Big ones!” 🙂
Happy Birthday from Australia!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for every year of fabulous instruction! You are great at what you do and you just seem to keep getting better. Amazing!
Happy, happy birthday to both of you! Wishing you another 14 years that are even better than the last 14!
Happy Birthday!
Happy, happy birthday!! Hope you’re all having an awesome day!! As always you’re my favorite! Or “happy birthday to ewe! Happy birthday to ewe! Happy birthday dear Scrappers, happy birthday to ewe!!!! And many more!”
Happy Birthday. I’m so glad you started Digital Scrapper. It has opened a whole new way to scrapbook for me. Thanks. Ania
Many Happy Returns Linda…thank you so much for helping me out of a very black place, please keep on doing what you’re doing! Hugs and prayers to you and all your family. x
Happy birthday! My scrapping life changed for the better when I stumbled across your Scrappersguide website and then purchased your training disk. Things got even better when your training disks were included in the new versions of Premiere Elements (v5?). You and your staff at Digitalscrapper/Scrappersguide give us so many words of encouragement, hints and freebies, it’s like it’s our birthday all year long. It’s nice to be able to wish you a very happy birthday! Thanks for all you and your staff do.
Happy Birthday! I’ve been learning from you since 2008/
Happy 29th birthday! Like my math???
I have celebrated my 29th so many times now!
A very Happy 14th Birthday!!
It’s somebodies birthday
We all wonder who
So we’ll all sing happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday Digital Scrapper!
Happy birthday to you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Linda and Digital Scrapper!!! Have very much enjoyed all the neat things I have learned and still learning from the wonderful teachers and support people through the years. The teachers are the BEST!!!!
Happy Birthday to Linda and to Digital Scrapper! Every class and tutorial teaches and inspires me. Congratulations and many thanks to Linda, Charlie, and and their wonderful team!
Happy Birthday — I have so enjoy my experience with Digital Scrapper and it continues to give me both a learning experience and a lot of joy.
You’ve been giving us gifts for 14 years. Here’s a grateful and heartfelt “Happy Birthday.”
Happy Birthday to both Digital Scrapper and to Linda!! I enjoy Digital Scrapper so much. You are an excellent teacher, Linda.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday and Many More!!!
Happy birthday to Linda and Digital Scrapper. We appreciate all the hard work you have put into sharing your passion with us. Your classes have been inspirational and have enhanced our skills and love of what we do. Looking forward to all that the next year brings us.
Oh happy day. HaPpY hApPy birthday Digital Scrapper!! May you have many more!!
Happy Birthday To You!
And many more!
Happy Happy Birthday to Linda and the whole crew at Digital Scrapper! I have learned SO MUCH from all the classes I’ve taken and I couldn’t have done it without you!! Enjoy this celebration – you deserve it!!!
Happy Birthday Digital Scrapper. Have MANY more.
Happy Birthday! Love your classes.
May you have a wonderful Birthday Celebration! I’m celebrating with you! I have learned so much from you; and now Digital Scrapbooking is my Passion! Thank you all so much!!!
Happy Birthday.
I’m a newbie. Looking forward to my first class.
Happy, Happy Birthday….I have been following you for years!!! You are my go to for tips, training and inspiration.
Happy birthday! ? Here’s to many more…?
Happy Birthday
Because of your website I finally was able to understand and apply Photoshop Elements
Happy Birthday!! Also, a happy birthday to Digital Scrapper. I am so happy that I discovered you. It is because of your wonderful tutorials that I took on a new hobby, digital scrapbooking. I have loved it!
A Belated Happy Birthday Linda and may God Bless You for being so generous
with your talent. A Happy Birthday to Digital Scrapper also.
Linda, Jen and the rest of the team thanks ever so much for all the help in my endeavor
to learn PSE, Thanks everyone since I’m 82 years young I have a terrible time trying to remember where to locate everything So I Would Like to Take the Class Getting
Organized. I Can’t remember the exact name. I’ve been a member since 2009.
I’m sorry I’m late but due to the fact we got 4’6″ Water in the house I haven’t had a
chance to get on the computer until today. For some reason I cannot bring up E-mail
on my cell phone all at once.
Oh, my, Doris—you were affected by the floods! I hope things are getting back to normal for you!
A very Happy Birthday and many, many more!
?Happy, happy Birthday!
This is your special day.
Happy, happy Birthday,
I’m just here to say…
Happy, happy Birthday,
May all your dreams come true…
Happy, happy birthday
From all of us to you! Hey!!???
Happy Birthday! Thank you for so many wonderful years of digital instruction. It is the best.
Happy Birthday!! What a great milestone and what a great resource you are to those of us who really need your help!!
Happy, happy birthday! I have enjoyed Digital Scrapper since 2006 when I realized that digital scrapping was as fun – well maybe “funnier” than paper scrapping with no mess! Yay!!
Happy Happy Birthday to You – Very Happpppeee
Happy Birthday!?
Happy Birthday! I have learned so much from you in the 12 years that I’ve been a subscriber and have enjoyed the camaraderie of the Digital Scrapper community. I hope to be a subscriber forever!
Til hamingju með afmælið – that’s Icelandic for Happy Birthday (or actually congratulations relating to the birthday) which is so appropriate for me as I used many of the skills I’ve learned through Digital Scrapper to make a photocollage 2’x3′ wall poster of our family trip to the land of our heritage. Looking forward to learning lots more!
Happy Birthday ?
Happy Birthday, Linda and Digital Scrapper! Who knew that 14 years and a multitude of versions (PS/PSE) later, that we would be just as addicted and our world would be so much better because we scrap our memories. I’m so glad I have been part of your little piece of this wonderful endeavor. You have made my memories look that much better by teaching and stretching my imagination. Thank you!
The best thing I ever did was join your monthly club. You continue to teach me how to improve my skill set and make my memories look so good. Thank you and Happy Birthday.
Dear Linda Ma’am,
In my country India, 5th September is celebrated as Teachers’ Day as a mark of tribute to the contribution made by THE TEACHERS to the community, society and country. 5th September is the birth anniversary of a great teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education, and a well-known diplomat, scholar, the President of India and above all, a teacher. Dr. Radhakrishnan was born on September 5, 1888, in a middle class family in the pilgrim town of Tirutani, India. When some of his students & friends approached him and requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday, he said, “Instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege, if 5th September is observed as Teachers’ day”. From then onwards since the year 1967, the 5th of September has been observed as Teachers’ Day in India – till date. In India, a Guru or a teacher is as revered and respected for children, as the parents are.
So, to me, it’s a matter of a very sweet happy concurrence that The Digital Scrapper and its founder, Mrs. Linda Sattgast’s Birthday week coincides with Teachers’ Day in India! Thank you Ma’am, for giving us a chance to know more about a wonderful person that you are and you definitely are a great teacher! I have very recently discovered & joined your privileged digi-scrapper community – and being a very novice student at that – I sure hope to learn great techniques about this fun art through the wealth of useful information, tutorials and resources that you very generously offer at your site for the benefit of all digi-scrapping learners, worldwide! And I also greatly appreciate Mr. Charlie’s magnanimous efforts in starting this amazing website purely dedicated to teaching this art and supporting you in this venture! May you both continue to guide the Digital Scrapper Community and enhance their creative skills for a lot many many more years to come. Ameń!
“A Teacher Is Important.
They Teach, They Show, They Guide Your Path,
But More Importantly, They Encourage, Challenge, And Help You Grow
While It’s Hard To Show This To You, I Want You To Know – How Much I Appreciate You!
Thank You For Being Here,
I Hope You Special Day Is Filled With Cheer!”
My Best Wishes to the Power Couple and the Entire Wonderful Team at Digital Scrapper! Namaste!