Black Friday Blowout Sale

Black Friday Blowout Sale
by Jen White
We are SO thankful for YOU. Enjoy these savings and a FREE download from now through Tuesday, November 28, 2017.
Blowout Sale—50% off on Select Classes
Save 50%Â classes by Michelle Shefveland.
We’re retiring Michelle Shefveland’s three click.artistry classes, so get them while you can at 50% off! They have some wonderful creative ideas for making extra special photo effects and scrapbook pages.
Read a snippet about each of these classes or get all the details of a single class by clicking on a link below. Sale ends Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 10PM Eastern. Premier discount also applies.
Blowout Sale—40% off on Select Classes
Save 40% on a few oldies-but-goodies.
A large selection of our most popular classes. Read a snippet about each of these classes or get all the details of a single class by clicking on a link below. Sale ends Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 10PM Eastern. Premier discount also applies.
Blowout Sale—30% off on Select Classes
Save 30% on a large selection of our most popular classes. Read a snippet about each of these classes or get all the details of a single class by clicking on a link below. Sale ends Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 10PM Eastern. Premier discount also applies.
FREE Download
Susie Roberts sent along this FREE mini kit as an exclusive gift to our member and visitors of our blog.
Download Homespun Christmas by Susie Roberts
Again, we are SO thankful for you. All of us here at Digital Scrapper wish you a very lovely Thanksgiving.
Author: Jen White | Contact Us
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Sweet! Thank you.
Thank you so much! It’s hard to believe that it’s almost December!
Thank you very much! Love it!
Thank you. It is beginning to look like I should start thinking about Christmas 😉
Thank you so much!
Thanks….as always much appreciated!!
This is so precious! Thank you!
Happy Holidays!
Thanks ever so much for the freebee
I would also like to know if you are ever going to offer the class getting organized again
Hi Doris. Linda is planning to update and release that class this coming year. 😀
Thanks bunches for the freebie – always appreciated.
I know I am getting PSElements 2018 soon. Can you direct me to some classes or sources to learn to use it. I do have some background in PS, but wondering where to begin with PSE 2018. Thank you
Hi ceevee. I’m glad you asked!
Check this out. It will be the best money you’ve ever spent:
Which version of photoshop elements should I get? I not sure of what the premier version has extra.
Hi Lynn. I’m not exactly sure what you are asking.
Are you wondering about the difference between the single Photoshop Elements 2018 package and the bundled Elements/Premiere package? The Premiere software is for video editing.
Does that help? I personally purchased the single Photoshop Elements 2018 package that is on sale through Nov 29.
Yes, that helps. I don’t do video at all.
Thank you for the freebie…..