Linda's been keeping a secret. She'll be revealing it on Monday! Read more >>
It’s the end of the year and we’re cleaning house. We will be retiring 18 of our designer scrapbook kits as of Midnight December 31, 2012. Check them out and…
A box in the mail is generally a fun thing to get, but when it's full of books that you've written, and you're seeing them for the first time, it's…
It's time to reveal who won the Photoshop Elements 11 package! Read more >>
The digital community was shocked and saddened when Eva Kipler passed away suddenly. A charitable kit has been created by over 100 desginers and all of the proceeds from the…
Check out our fabulous Black Friday deals, available until Cyber Monday! Read more >>
Over the years, our dear friend, Wendy Williams, touched the lives of thousands of people in the wide world of digital creativity. Come together with us today to celebrate her…
Adobe has announced the release of Photoshop Elements 11! For Photoshop Elements users, the big question is always whether the new version contains enough new features to merit spending their…
It's Linda Sattgast here, popping in to give you a very special announcement about my new class. Read more >>
Ever wanted to be part of the Olympics? Well, you may not get to fly to England to compete, but you can have a chance to strut your scrapbooking stuff…