Gain a little expert knowledge of the Rectangular Marquee tool to make it easy to create tabbed journaling.
Don't make the mistake of mixing up Transform and Transform Selection. They have similar names, but their purpose is totally different.
Choose the right position (Inside or Outside) for your stroke style based on what you're applying the stroke to.
Quickly back out of everything (in PS or PSE) at anytime during the editing process.
Create striped journaling on your next digital project. It’s a great way to showcase your journaling on a striped background paper.
Duplicate a photo clipping mask and transform it into a photo strip by using distribute and a new fill layer.
Create a paper banner using the Rectangular Marquee tool and a pretty paper without adding bulk to the file size of your finished page.
Control the chaos of your next scrapbook page or card by adding a vellum sticker to type or elements using a color fill layer.
Use a drop capital letter to draw attention to the meaningful journaling on your next scrapbook page using the shape tool and a text box.
Turn an ordinary rectangle into a spectrogram anchor by using the Wave Filter to add texture and a fading edge.