Christmas Baubles

Christmas Baubles
by Nannette Dalton

Design your own Christmas bauble using the Spherize Filter and a lens flare.


Step One: Prepare the Workspace

  • Create a new 3 X 3 inch document (File > New> Blank File) at 300 ppi with a transparent background. (Photoshop: Choose File > New.)
  • Press the letter D to reset the Color Chips to the default of black and white.

Step Two: Create the Bauble Shape

  • Get the Ellipse tool.
  • In the Tool Options, set the Style to None and click on the Create New Shape Layer icon. (Photoshop: Set the Tool Mode to Shape and the Path Operations to New Layer.) Open the Geometry Options and choose Circle.
  • On the document, click and drag to create a circle leaving about a 1 inch border on all sides. Press the Space bar to reposition the circle while dragging. The circle will expand as we apply the filters.




Step Three: Decorate the Bauble

  • Open a paper (File > Open) to decorate the bauble.
  • Get the Move tool.
  • On the document, while holding down the Shift key, click on the paper and drag it onto the bauble document.
  • Press Ctrl T (Mac: Cmd T) to get the Transform options.
  • On the document, click on one of the corner handles of the Bounding Box and drag inward to resize the paper as needed. Click the checkmark to accept the transformation.
  • In the Menu Bar, choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask.




Optional: At this point you can use the Bauble as is, or you can be as creative as you want in adding elements or text. I decided to add some personalized text for that “How did they do that” effect. My font is Bebas at 35 pt.



Step Four: Make a Sphere

  • In the Menu Bar, choose Layer > Merge Visible.
  • In the Menu Bar, choose Filter > Distort > Spherize.
  • In the dialog box, set the Amount to 100%. Click OK.



Note: I wanted my bauble to have more of a rounded effect so I ran the Spherize filter again, but this time I changed the Amount to 65%. If you want to see how the Amount will affect your bauble, in the Preview window, click on the Minus button to make the bauble smaller.



Step Five: Add a Flare

  • In the Menu Bar, choose > Filter > Render > Lens Flare.
  • In the dialog box, set the Lens Type to 105 mm Prime and the Brightness to 100%. Position the lens flare it where it looks good to you. Click OK.



The bauble is ready to add to your layout.

Here is my layout with my bauble. I have added an ornament hanger that you can download here.



Here is my bauble combined with Barb’s Artsy Ornament Tutorial, Little House on the Prairie style. 😉


Digi Scrap Tutorial: Christmas Baubles by Nannette Dalton
Layout: Santa’s Coming by Nannette Dalton
Kit: Spirit of Christmas by Laurie Ann
Dotted brush from Give Thanks by Anna Aspnes
Video Tutorial: Artsy Ornament by Barb Brookbank
Fonts: Myriad Pro Light, Bebas
Software: Photoshop CC2014, Elements 12

Download this Digi Scrap Tutorial




Nannette-DaltonAuthor: Nannette Dalton
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Comments (12)

  1. Jen Juris

    Nann, this is awesome!! Love how this LO turned out!!! 🙂

    December 13, 2014 at 9:41 am Reply
    • Nann Dalton

      Thanks Jen.

      December 16, 2014 at 1:37 pm Reply
  2. Vivian

    Ohhhhhhhhhh I love this tutorial. Thank you!

    December 16, 2014 at 9:52 am Reply
    • Nann Dalton

      Thanks for giving me a smile!

      December 16, 2014 at 1:38 pm Reply
  3. Donna

    Love the use of the spherize filter! Great tutorial.

    December 16, 2014 at 12:17 pm Reply
    • Nann Dalton

      Yes, it is super fun and easy.

      December 16, 2014 at 1:36 pm Reply
  4. Annette

    Awesome, The contour of the bulb was the first thing I noticed before I knew that was the tutorial.
    Thanks Nann

    December 16, 2014 at 1:08 pm Reply
    • Nann Dalton

      You’re welcome Annette.

      December 16, 2014 at 1:37 pm Reply
  5. France

    absolutely love this tutorial! Thank you!

    December 17, 2014 at 5:06 am Reply
  6. Shirl

    This is just fantastic with the combination of these two tutorials. I will definitely have to try this out in my layout page. I have quite a collection of Digital Scrapper Christmas ornaments tutorial starting with the first one that Linda gave us in 07(?). Thanks again for opening up your brain that takes as to new digital scrapping tutorial horizons. 🙂

    December 21, 2014 at 1:05 am Reply
  7. Joyce

    Love this tutorial, thanks so much!

    December 23, 2014 at 9:20 am Reply
  8. Diana

    I love these short tutorials. Thank you so much. I hope you continue these in 2021.

    December 24, 2020 at 8:00 pm Reply
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