3 Everyday Photo Solutions for the Chronically Uninspired

I’m in the stage of life where I’ve run out of photo taking opportunities–or so I think. My kids are really no longer “cute,” I have no grandchildren, and I really don’t need any more photos of my dogs. Seriously, 1400 photos of the same adorable canine expression are probably enough! I need help!
Sound familiar? Check out these great helps:
365 Picture Today. Play along with 365 Picture Today’s daily photo prompts that will get you noticing the world around you. These are typically broad tips to help spark your imagination and creativity while photographing daily life. And the best news is . . . there’s no pressure. Play if you can, pass if you’re pressed for time.
Blogs (photography or creative). Creative or photography blogs offer a lovely variety of inspiration–often including daily photo prompts. The Wonder Forest published a free February Photo Challenge in 2017. These photo prompts for the month of February could easily be incorporated into a scrapbooking layout.
Google Images. Okay, seriously folks. Google Images is a one-stop-shopping mecca for the chronically uninspired. Need inspiration for recording everyday life? Shop no further. Type “Photo-a-Day” into Google Images and prepare to be whisked away to . . . well, somewhere fabulous, I’m sure! You’ll find boatloads of photo prompts from real life bloggers and photo enthusiasts.
QUESTION: What are your go-to inspirational ideas when you need a boost?
Leave a comment below. 😀
Author: Jen White | [email protected]
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This is so me – we don’t have kids (but we have 2 dogs that you guys see in LOTS of my LO’s), I’m home sick so never get out and do stuff so I often struggle w/ this, too! Thx for the inspiration!
I run out of ideas, too. I don’t have any grandchildren, and you all have seen many, many pictures of my horse, Tristan!
I’ll have to keep these ideas in mind!
Sometimes new papers or kits will remind me of photos that I have that I have not scrapped yet.
I loved that 365 Photo Prompt PDF – that was great! Soon my youngest will be gone and there are only so many photos of my dog that I can take and I need ideas and inspiration! Thank you!
I’ve run out of ideas for taking photos today and/or can’t go safely out of doors because of the cold, snow and ice. I’m too afraid of falling. But, I have hundreds of photos to organize and scrap and family memories to journal. Look through your old photos, keepsakes, postcards, etc. You may be surprised at the number of happy memories they bring back, along with the urge to scrap and journal them. If you have no descendants to inherit them, a local historical society might be very happy to get them. Your life and memories are the history others are seeking today, or will be seeking tomorrow.
My inspiration is easy…go visit the grandkids! They are always full of smiles, stories and antics, and they know gramma will do a scrapbook page!
Same here, Nanci!!
365 reminded me of a project I did when I was 65. I took a picture of what I was doing every day. I made a photobook with just one photo of everyday. In my opinion, it turned out great and like going back to see how life has changed and remained the same.