Creative Team Call


It’s time to have a CT Call. (We’ve only done this ONCE before!) What’s a CT you ask? A CT stands for Creative Team. What does the CT do at Digital Scrapper?

Our Creative Team creates pages for challenges and other Digital Scrapper promotions every month. To see the current Creative Team, please click here.

Before you decide if you want to apply, take a look at the requirements below:

Creative Team Requirements:

1. Create two pages for challenges each month using 100% Digital Scrapper products.

2. Create two other pages each month using 100% Digital Scrapper products.

3. Leave at least 10 comments a week in the Digital Scrapper Galleries.

4. Add photos and text to 1–2 Premier quickpages per month.

5. Participate in the Digital Scrapper Community and Forum.

6. Post your pages to two other outside galleries in the digital scrapping community. (We can help you with this.)

Creative Team Member Benefits:

1. A free Premier Membership for the time that you are a CT member.

2. Free registration for classes that are released during the time that you are a CT member.

3. Exposure on the Digital Scrapper Blog and website.

To Apply:

Please send an email to: with your answers the following questions:

1. How long have you been digitally scrapbooking?

2. Have you been on any other Creative Teams, past or present? If so, which ones?

3. Tell a little about yourself.

4. Send a link to your most complete gallery.

5. Why do you want to be on the Digital Scrapper CT?

This call will close on November 11, 2013, at 5:00 p.m. (Pacific). THIS CALL IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED. ALL APPLICANTS WILL HEAR BACK FROM US WITHIN ONE WEEK. THANK YOU!

We have a lot of talented people in this community, so don’t be shy. I can’t wait to invite three to six new members to our Creative Team, one of the sweetest gigs in town!

Good luck!

~Andrea Graves 🙂

Comments (3)

  1. How exciting! It was be a wonderful experience to work alongside…and with the team here at Digital Scrapper!

    November 1, 2013 at 5:07 am Reply
  2. User Avatar
    Jennifer K

    How exciting!!

    November 2, 2013 at 1:00 pm Reply
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