The Done Manifesto for the Digital Scrapper—Part 7

by Jen White
Welcome to Part 7 of a series entitled The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers. If you are just now joining, I’d encourage you to start from the beginning.
Sometimes a girl has time to sit and play and be ultra crafty. Then there are times when a girl just has to get things DONE. The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers is for those times.
If you are interested in just getting it DONE, this series is for you.
We’ve been talking about the Done Manifesto by Bre Pettis. It’s been quoted as being “a set of working rules based on a sense of urgency.” We are working together as a team and a community to see how this “sense of urgency” could be applied to our craft of digital scrapbooking by taking a look at one “Done rule” per week and relating it to our world. This week we are focusing on Mr. Pettis’ Rule #7.Â
Done Manifesto #7:Â Once you’re done you can throw it away.
Throw it away? Hello! This guy is obviously NOT a memory keeper! But, hold on. Let’s dig a little deeper. Keep reading.
The Done Manifesto for Digital Scrappers Rule #7.
Scrap it and forget it. No going back.
Remember that summer where you agreed to attend the family reunion on your mother’s side—and they asked you to take all the photos and make a book? (Dramatization. Do not attempt.) Well, once you get that book done, it’s behind you. You’ll never have to scrap that stooopid (did I just say that?) family reunion again!!! Scrap it and forget it.Â
But, here’s the thing—if you want to live by “done” concepts, do not—I’ll repeat, do not—go back and redo old pages. Ooooh. But the temptation is there, isn’t it?!?
I know you scrap better now that you did back then. I know there are fun new products with trendier color schemes. I know you’d do a much better job now. But, get over it. It’s done. Move on.
Linda Sattgast:
I scrapped a family reunion and left my SON’S name out of the roster! And it was a printed photo book, too. I’ve been meaning to go back and fix it . . . but I don’t think I ever will. Maybe I should pencil it in the book. Actually, I can’t remember ever going back and fixing a page. There’s always too much to do on current or past due stuff to worry about what’s done in the past. And Jen, for that family reunion, upload those photos to Shutterfly’s done-for-you app and be done with it. 😀
Now it’s your turn. What’s your take on Rule #7?
Rule #1 Â | Â Rule #2Â Â | Â Rule #3Â | Â Rule #4Â | Â Rule #5Â | Â Rule #6Â | Â Rule #7 |
Rule #8
Author: Jen White | [email protected]
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I LOVE this one! I have also been volunteered at the family reunion photo-book producer. I have learned to delegate, organize and use Power Scrabooking methods. In fact I’m working on another one – due in June – right now! Yep, done is done so don’t look back! And I think I’ll look at that Shutterfly app :-).
Oh my heavens, I cannot ever think I’d go back and redo a page. Maybe to pencil in a corrected date or other tiny redo. But I take a long time to put pages together and once they’re done, I scream in joy, and only look back to enjoy the memory I made.
This is definately my achilles heel – resisting the urge to make a page better…
I would only go back and re-do a page if I used some products that were not completely acid free and then I’d only change out the ones that needed changing out. I may be a better scrapper now but when I look at the pages from the past I see the period reflected in the pieces I used i.e. 1990’s vs 2014. I think the page should reflect the year they were made in just as much as the pictures reflect the year they were taken.
My grandson graduates from high school this June. He earned a full ride football scholarship to a university. I scrapbooked his high school sports activities as a gift for his graduation and sent it to Shutterfly to be printed, and gave it to him. Later I found a big boo boo while reviewing our copy of the book. One of the major photos was not clipped to its frame. I was really upset. I challenged him to find this mistake, so far no one has been able to find it. Since there was nothing I could do, I learned that this big mistake to me, did not affect the enjoyment of his book. Manifesto rule 7 now works for me.
I have scrapped a few (okay, several) pages over the years that I NEVER liked and thus NEVER enjoy looking at. When I do look at these pages, all I can think about are all the things I could do to make them look better and thus bring more joy to me. Therefore, I have no qualms about redoing these pages as time permits and inspiration strikes. While working on my Christmas 2013 pages, I went ahead and re-scrapped my Christmas 1996 pages — and now I LOVE looking at my photos from 1996! I have no plans to redo every page I’ve ever scrapped — or even a large percentage of them — but I certainly don’t mind improving upon what I’ve done in the past. I should note that most of my “unsatisfactory” pages were created with limited paper/scissors/glue supplies. My redos are all digital, which means I also get an opportunity to improve the quality of the photos themselves.
I love going back and re-doing pages. It’s part of the fun of digi. Not if it’s in a printed book, of course. It’s a joke in my family that once a date is in the family history scrapbook that’s the date forever, no matter what any certificate or public records states to be the date.
No way, once it’s done it’s done.
I also love this one! I look at those first scrapped pages and think Wow! I have come a long way and I’m sure there will be more progress with each page I do. I don’t have time to redo when what I need to do is DO!
hee hee, “stooopid” really made me giggle, especially as I read it as “stupoid” and thought, wouldn’t it be cool to call dumb acts “stupoids.” hoo hee.
O my…NOT go back and do over? not that I actually DO, but I always think I should! My list of “must re-do that…” grows daily. O BOY! Freedom! walk away. Thanks!
OMG! Love this one! I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted to do this. You have absolved me of my guilt. Thank you!
I made an album for my daughter’s wedding using 8 x 10 pages in a traditional photo album. Later when I discovered Snapfish, I remodeled the pages to 12 x 12, since they didn’t offer 8 x 10, adapting some pages and remodeling others. There was also one I made for my son’s family but they spilled something on it and when I went to reorder it, I found many pages that I did not feel satisfied with and redesigned them.
Here’s the deal. Several years ago, I took a crochet class and when I finished the class I started an afghan. I spent about 3 months on it and was over half finished with it when I folded it in half and found that it didn’t square up! Unfortunately, the mistakes were in the first 12 inches. I discussed the options with myself for several hours before tearing it back to row 3. I had about 12 balls of yarn in the bag when I got through. Even my teacher thought I was nuts, but when I told her my reasoning, she agreed…I realized that I couldn’t be proud of it if I didn’t make it right. If a project is important I’ll make the changes. If they are trivial, something that only I will notice, I leave them. Trust me, there is ALWAYS something that I find wrong with the finished copy. I don’t know why some of my friends think I’m a perfectionist, when I never turn out a perfect project!
I HAD to go back and fix the page I did on my daughter’s hospitalization due to Hodgkin’s lymphoma and her picture with Santa — I had her diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma so I had to fix that!
I have changed some of my earlier digi pages while taking a class. Especially if I do not have time to do another page and I want to try a technique (such as shadows) on the already completed page. I get to practice the technique and improve the page. So it is a win, win!!
I do at least one layout a day. When I have 100 layouts, I publish a book.
I keep each book in a separate folder. I would never redo one that has already been published; however as I scroll through the pictures in the folder each time I add one to the present book, I glance at them. If time and time again I see that a layout is not ‘up to snuff’, I will make slight changes to give it some pizazz before sending the book for publication. That does not mean I don’t make mistakes. Sometimes I will look at a book several times before I see I’ve left a letter out of a word or something like that. Looking back at this, should make me want to rewrite it avoiding so many ‘I’s’. 😉
My scrapping group has a rule “done is done!”
We don’t go back and redo even if tempted. And honestly it sometimes fun to look at what I thought was cool and good 10 years ago! It’s like looking at high school pictures and laughing at hairstyles and clothes! You shoul have a Throwback Thursday gallery were folks could post old stuff just for the memories and to show how tends recycle (like vellum seems to be making a comeback).