Test your shortcut skills + scrapping and tooting and boogieing

Novermber 10, 2020  |  Digital Scrapper News  |  Volume 18, Issue 45

Hi there!

Last weekend, my Indiana weather warmed up enough for kayaking and camping. So this happy girl, and her happy hunk, hit the road for four days of rest and relaxation — which resulted in hundreds of photos waiting to be sorted and tagged.

THIS is why I’m SO glad it’s time for Boogie Week!!

— On the Calendar This Week —

  • Scrap a Tut & Toot a Scrap. Search the archives on our blog to find a new-to-you treasure inside an oldie-but-goodie tutorial. We’ve got hundreds of them waiting for you to play with this week. Learn more below.
  • Scrap 15 Boogie Week for November. If you’re like me, and I’m pretty sure you are, you’ve got some scrapbooking projects or photos that could use a bit of your attention. Let’s do it together this week — just 15 minutes per day. Get the details below.
  • Bonus: find a quick Color Chip shortcut tip below.

I hope YOU have a beautiful week. Love and creative success,

Jen White

P.S. The header above was created using Storyteller Sept 2018 by Just Jaimee.




Shortcut Savviness
Quick Color Chip Shortcut

Did you know that:

  • Alt Backspace (Mac: Opt Delete) fills a layer or a selection with the Foreground Color Chip.
  • Ctrl Backspace (Mac: Cmd Delete) fills a layer or a selection with the Background Color Chip.


What’s it good for? Here’s two things…

  1. Quickly changing the color of a type layer.
    1. Press the letter D to reset the Color Chips.
    2. Activate a type layer.
    3. Press Ctrl Backspace (Mac: Cmd Delete) to change the color of the type to white.
  2. Starting from scratch on a worn out layer mask.
    1. Activate a layer mask
    2. White should be the foreground color, if it’s not, press the letter X.
    3. Press Alt Backspace ((Mac: Opt Delete) to fill the mask with white so you can start masking from scratch.



Scrap a Tut & Toot a Scrap


Get Smart, Get Social, Have Fun!
Scrap a Tut & Toot a Scrap

Join us this week as we search the blog for hidden gems. Here’s how it works:


P.S. The journal card above is from AAT Falling Leaves by Kristin Cronin-Barrow.




Scrap 15 Boogie
It’s time to Boogie!

If you’re like me, you have a digital project (or eight) that needs a little bit of your undivided time and attention.

This could be:

  • A class you started, but then didn’t finish.
  • That calendar you intend to finish before Christmas.
  • Those Thanksgiving 2019 photos you need to get scrapped.
  • A desperate need to get your stash organized and tagged.
  • A desire to weed out your font or kit collection.

Honestly, I think I could put myself in every single one of those categories!! Yikes!

Learn More About Boogie Week

and Get Started Today

How about we get stuff done together. I’ll keep you accountable and you keep me accountable.



I continued with a refresher course on #QwikLearnPhotoshop. It can’t hurt to keep my skills fresh! — Nanci Demko Radford

I “finished” my PhotoBook (still need to go back over the 30 pages for continuity and make my covers). — Kathy Wolf Sacry

I finished another Van Gogh page! — Chris McCune

I really liked the challenge for getting a creative project finished! — Patty Alexander

WoHoo! I finished the Selections 1 class! It took a little longer than 15 minutes a day, but it was worth it! I learned a lot about the selection tools that I didn’t know. Thanks! — Cindy Allison

I edited and scrapped new grandbaby pictures tonight! Hoping to have finished pages tomorrow to post. — Loretta Habig

I organized and tagged a few new kits I had purchased last week. — Deborah Wagner

I’ve just started adding keywords in Bridge. Long, long way to go but I do a little bit every day. — Felicity Farnsworth

I started my 15 minutes this morning and didn’t stop until 4 hours later. Working on my European vacation album. — Gwenda Huijer

I started a page yesterday and finished it today. Yay! I hope to at least get 2 more pages done this week. — Kathy Wolf Sacry

I started this morning and stopped at 1:30 adding captions to photos. — Dottie Gawley

I started converting all my items to TIFF files so they are visible in File Explorer rather than seeing the PSD symbol. Got reacquainted with all the things I made in Mastery 1 and 2 as well as other classes! I’m excited! — Margot Wintemute

Still tagging files. — Joann Dietrich

I’ll be finishing up three LO’s that I put aside to do other LO’s that I had put aside to do other LO’s…and on and on and on! The life of a digital scrapper! — Nanci Demko Radford


Comments (4)

  1. Kellie

    So happy it’s boogie week! Since I lost all my keywords in LightRoom and don’t have bridge figured out yet I’ll be working on re-inventing my work flow. This is a great opportunity for me to weed out some kits I just don’t use so maybe LightRoom did me a favor!

    November 10, 2020 at 7:20 am Reply
  2. April Smith

    I completed my first boogie month last month. Yes I said month not week. I was very motivated to finish a travel book for my daughter that I started two years ago. The book is expected to be delivered to me in two days! Boy does that feel good! I finished my Stories from the Road course I purchased to help me make the book. I do think I will slow it down a bit and try just a weeks worth of booging this month. 🙂 Thanks for the motivation.

    November 10, 2020 at 11:02 am Reply
    • Jen White

      WOW! Well done, April! Finishing feels SO SO good. <3

      November 10, 2020 at 11:05 am Reply
  3. Jeanne

    @Kellie OMG, read your post and immediately went to Bridge to back up my keywords…….I finished the photo calendar I’ve been making for our friend’s Christmas present today. I’m not a prolific scrapper, but have been scrapping pretty much 24/7 the last few weeks. I did finally do the Snow Globe class I’ve had forEVER. I tend to be a ‘collector’. Eventually I’ll plug our photos into the layouts I made for them, but I need to boogie on getting caught up on everything else I’ve been ignoring and it’s just about time for Christmas decorations

    November 12, 2020 at 4:28 pm Reply
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