A little help for Christmas procrastinators

December 15, 2020  |  Digital Scrapper News  |  Volume 18, Issue 50

Hi there!

When I was a teacher, I would often bemoan the fact that my students would wait until the last possible minute to start projects that I just KNEW would take them more time than they estimated.

Ironically, I was that way as a college student, and I KNOW I’m still that way as a happily retired person. This year, I was certain I would have my Christmas cards designed, printed and mailed out by December 1st.

Here it is, December 15th, and I still have no Christmas cards, so I was thrilled to learn that this issue of the newsletter includes links to blog tutorials that are all holiday focused! With these great options, my Christmas cards will be done in a flash. Check them out below.


Love and creative success,

Val Sleger, Copy Editor & Community Moderator

P.S. The header and Santa clock above are from That Christmas Feeling by Simple Pleasure Designs by Jennifer Fehr.




NEW! Gift Certificates / Vouchers

The ability to order & pay for gift certificates has arrived in our classroom!

  • Give the timeless gift of online learning from Digital Scrapper.
  • Get what YOU really want for Christmas: just share the link ( bit.ly/DS-vouchers )
  • We’ll even mail you a giftable voucher!


See Our New Voucher Options



Enjoy these Christmas-y tutorials from our blog!



Christmas Baubles by Nannette Dalton
Design your own Christmas bauble using the Spherize Filter and a lens flare. Includes a free ornament hanger and updated step-by-step PDF manual.




Word Split with the Magic Wand Tool by Jenifer Juris
Give your greeting card template the look of perfectly cut paper using the magic of the Magic Wand tool.




Digital Flocking by Nannette Dalton
Who says you can’t have a white Christmas? Come learn how to add a little snow to your layout using brushes and styles.




Pretty Vellum Overlays by Nannette Dalton
Create your own vellum paper strip and add a few shapes for a touch of elegance.


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