Watch Carla Scrap a Page from Start to Finish + Boogie Week

August 10, 2021  |  Digital Scrapper News  |  Volume 19, Issue 32

Hi there!

Don’t you just LOVE back-to-school time?

The smell of the 24¢ Crayola crayons. The crisp 19¢ spiral-bound notebooks. The pretty yellow pencils just begging to be sharpened for the very first time.

The entire back-to-school season makes me feel like being productive and artsy, and sitting and learning something new! You too?

This week at Digital Scrapper, I’m inviting you to focus your productiveness on:

  1. Boogie Week. Join us as we all work together (in our own separate spaces) to get caught up on classes, photo organization, card making, etc.
  2. Learning from Carla as she shows you her process for scrapping a page from beginning to end.

You’ll find the details below. I hope YOU have a productive and learning-filled week, my friend.

Love and creative success,

Jen White

P.S. The header above was created using Simple Pleasures by Little Butterfly Wings.




Keep an eye out for a new class bundle from Jenifer Juris. We’ve got a special treat planned for you.



Get Stuff DONE This Week
For the next 5 days, we are pulling together to help you get things done. Spend 15 minutes per day for 5 days in a row to finish any dangling classes or projects, or just get more organized.

Join others who are boogying this week in Community.

Do you need to be a member of Community in order to boogie? No way! Boogie Week is for YOU, no matter where you’re joining me from.

Image credits: Keeping On by Dawn by Design




Summer Scrapbooking Series
New Video by Carla Shute

New this summer, the instructors at Digital Scrapper are coming together to create a series of videos where we show you how we create a scrapbook page or greeting card from beginning to end.

Carla Shute has created a video (Mesa Arch) showing you the steps she took to design the scrapbook page above.

Note: You must be enrolled in our FREE Fundamentals class in order to watch this video.



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