Celebrate 18 Years of Service with Us

August 31, 2021  |  Digital Scrapper News  |  Volume 19, Issue 35

Hi there!

Digital Scrapper is turning one year older this week, but even though the birthdays keep on coming, the website is not showing signs of old age.

I, on the other hand, am not so fortunate.

I need to go to bed earlier, turn my TV up louder, and kindly ask the teenagers in my life to speak a little bit slooooower.

Can you relate? If so, it might be helpful for you to know that the videos in our classroom can be SLOOOOWED down to fit your needs.

How To Slow Down Our Classroom Videos
When you come to a lecture that contains a video, look at the bottom of the video overlay and click on the Settings icon. Then, choose a speed to fit your need.



Besides slowing things down, would you also like to see what’s being said in addition to hearing it? All the current classes in our classroom have the ability to enable closed-captioning.

How To Enable Closed-Captioning in Our Classroom Videos
When you come to a lecture that contains a video, look at the bottom of the video overlay and click on the CC icon. This will enable closed-captioning.



If a video does not offer closed-captioning, you will not see the CC icon.

Ready to give it a try? This week in our classroom you’ll find 18 classes on sale in celebration of our 18th birthday. Get the details below.

Love and creative success,

Jen White

P.S. The images in this newsletter were created using Hooray by Sahin Designs.






Semi-Annual BIG SALE + Enter to Win a FREE Class

It’s true! We’ve been serving digital scrapbookers all around the world for 18 years now. So let’s celebrate . . .




Don’t delay. Our semi-annual BIG SALE and FREE class giveaway ends Friday, September 3, 2021, Midnight Eastern.

Lifetime Premier member? Your coupon code will apply at checkout.


Comments (2)

  1. Diane Imfeld

    What got me interested in scrapbooking was seeing Linda giving a demonstration of what we could accomplish in scrapbooking. Then, I was motivated by both the love I feel for my children and grandchildren and my desire to leave them with the precious memories of our times together that I treasure. Then, I saw Jan Walker produce a photo sketch from a photo and again, I became excited. As you can tell, I’ve been scrapbooking, card making and producing artistic edits with DS for a many, many years. I appreciate the clarity of instructions, the support I get from Jen and her team whenever I need it. Well, I’ve said a bit more than I intended. However, thank you all for providing me the opportunity to create, to pass on memories, to gift others with my greeting cards and for being thoughtful, kind and generous always.

    August 31, 2021 at 4:04 pm Reply
  2. DiGi

    I have only been digitally scrapbooking for a couple of years and am not exactly sure how I discovered it….but however I did I stumbled on Michelle Stellings class….joined….and was hooked! I had previously done traditional scrapbooking….now I only scrap digitally. It is so, so much fun!

    September 2, 2021 at 1:42 pm Reply
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