🧡 Dump the Masterpiece Mentality

January 30, 2024 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 22, Issue 5

Hi there!

Every morning I set peanuts out for the blue jays. I have probably half a dozen jays that hang around every day in the winter. One has no tail feathers; I’m not sure how he doesn’t fall right over!

And then there’s this jay (below). He’s special. Instead of just taking a peanut and dashing off to a favorite branch, he takes his time shaking and sorting the peanuts until he finds just the right one.

How are you when it comes to creating a scrapbook page? Are you all about the quantity of stories you get told? Or, are you all about creating a masterpiece out of every little story? Consider this:


Quality vs. Quantity
Are you a quantity scrapper? Do you:

  • quickly grab a photo or two that represents a particular event?
  • slap the photo(s) on the page, add a plain-ish background paper, and then finish up with an element or two?
  • make it your goal to get and stay caught up telling your stories?

Or, are you a quality scrapper? Do you:

  • take your time sorting your photos and choosing just the right ones to scrap?
  • spend all day getting just the right elements, papers, and word art?
  • make it your goal to create a masterpiece with each story you tell?


Is it time to dump the Masterpiece Mentality?
Here’s the thing—you’re just shooting yourself in the foot if you overthink everything. It really is okay not to create a masterpiece with every page. In fact, YOU should be somewhere in the middle between Quantity and Quality.

Don’t be a slob, but don’t be a perfectionist either. You should be willing to compromise on both sides of the equation.

Will you join me this year in getting more stories told? We have many opportunities for you to dump the Masterpiece Mentality and get more accomplished.

And here’s some good news — the more you scrap, the faster and better you’ll get. Let’s do this!

Love and creative success,

Jen White, Owner of Digital Scrapper & QwikLearn

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P.S. The header above was created using Like a Snowflake by TirAmisu Design.



Newsletter Exclusive Sale

Save 30% on Digital Scrapbooking Mastery 2 by Jen White

12 jam-packed tutorials professionally assembled to create one stellar scrapbook page made entirely by you and Photoshop.

Save 30% on Digital Scrapbooking Mastery 2 now through Saturday, February 3, 2024, Midnight EDT.


Digital Scrapbooking Mastery 2 Student Testimonial
“You will learn so many techniques and tips, really everything you need to make a great scrapbook page.”
Donna W.



NOTE: This is not a new class. This sale cannot be combined with any other discount.


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Class: Stories, My Everyday Life by Jen White


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Page: Anke Turco
Event: Scraplift Saturday


Page: Patricia Balderston


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