🧡 Why Crop Your Scrapbook Page?

May 7, 2024 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 22, Issue 19

Hi there!

Here’s a question.

When was the last time you uttered the question, “WHAT THE HECK??”

Problem: Last week, we received the most spectacular surprise delivery from Amazon. It definitely caused us to say, “What the heck??”

Amazon said that coffee pods were delivered to our front porch, but in the box, we found a diving buoy! See the image on the right.

Turns out, Amazon didn’t want the buoy back. We, of course, looked up the value, and it was only $58. I guess we just gained a $58 conversation piece for our pool. HA!

Solution: The best thing to do when life gives you a free buoy is to tell a tiny story about it and include a photo. This event is for sure going on my weekly MEL page.

Here’s another question.
Karen B asked me this excellent question last week.

Can you please explain why I need to
crop a finished scrapbook page?

To answer the question, I grabbed a random layered scrapbook page from my scrapbooking folder. This page has not been cropped. The black outline represents the boundaries of my scrapbook page. Can you believe how much stuff is outside the boundaries of my page?? I really had no idea.

  • My page, before it was cropped, was 377.97 MB. WOW! That’s over a third of a gigabyte on my computer’s hard drive.
  • After I cropped my page, it was 215.13 MB. Much better! Now all those pixels are removed from outside the boundaries of my document. See how to crop a document.
  • Then, I took it one step further and merged all clipped layers, like papers and photos. My final layered scrapbook page is now 122.63 MB.

So, the answer to Karen’s question about why you need to crop layered scrapbook pages is … to greatly reduce the file size of your page.

BY THE WAY . . .
You do not have to crop your layered scrapbook pages. It’s not wrong to keep your file sizes large. In fact, it’s also not wrong to delete your layered scrapbook pages altogether. Just saying.

Love and creative success,

Jen White, Owner of Digital Scrapper & QwikLearn

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P.S. The header above was created using Pretty Day by CarolW Designs.

P.P.S. If you are a member of Stories, My Everyday Life, you’ll now find a PDF of all April prompts in the classroom. Not a member? Learn more and join us today.


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Newsletter Exclusive Sale

Save 30% on The Pointillize Effect by Syndee Rogers

Master the Pointillize Filter to mimic a popular art style that gives your images a painterly look.

Save 30% on The Pointillize Effect now through Saturday, May 11, 2024, Midnight EST.

NOTE: This is not a new class. This sale cannot be combined with any other discount.


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