🧡 Change is Good! Right?? Check out this Flash Sale.

June 18, 2024 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 22, Issue 24
Hi there!
I remember my first time. Do you?
Last week, in an Adobe group on Facebook, someone felt silly asking this question — “How do I make a rectangular selection? All I see is a round selection.” I could instantly feel their frustration. Photoshop and Photoshop Elements are not always user-friendly.
Plus, they are always changing! I can remember when PSE put tools in the Tool Options. It freaked me out. I was momentarily lost. They moved my cheese!
And have you noticed that PS has recently moved around the Move tool options? The last time I went looking for the bounding box settings, I was once again freaked out. It caught me off guard. It made me feel dumb. Psst…here’s where it is, by the way . . .
Okay, before my rant becomes obnoxious, I just wanted to remind you (and myself) that change is good. After all, it’s one of the biggest benefits of digital scrapbooking! You and I are never fully stuck with anything. We can ride the Change Train all the way into town.
Below you’ll find a flash sale on our most popular class that deals with change, Make It Match by Jenifer Juris. If you don’t have this class, now is the time to change your ways, friend.
Enjoy! I cannot wait to see what YOU create this week in Community.
Love and creative success,
Jen White, Owner of Digital Scrapper
Website | Classroom | Community
P.S. The header above was created using Creative Soul by Bellisae Designs.
P.P.S. If you are one of the people who purchased templates in our new Marketplace . . . BLESS YOU . . . Not only for supporting Digital Scrapper and its instructors, but for pushing through the clunkiness of the new software! Oy! That was an interesting experiment. The good news is, I’m in the process of talking to a new web designer about making things awesome. Stay tuned. xoxo
- One-Off Wednesday. Learn what a one-off photo is and see how YOU can participate.
- Throwback Thursdays. Jenifer Juris shows you how to create a fun background paper in her Graph Paper with the Polar Coordinates Filter tutorial.
- Friday Favorites. See what others found and shared from the web last week. Go to Friday Favorites.
- Scraplift Saturday. See this week’s scraplift page by Anke Turko. It’s not too late to join the fun!
- Community is growing. Join us in welcoming our newest Community member.
Save 30% on Make It Match by Jenifer Juris
The very best way to recolor papers and elements to match your page design.
Save 30% on Make It Match now through Saturday, June 22, 2024, Midnight EST.
Make It Match Student Testimonial
“I use the techniques on a daily basis and feel that I have more flexibility when using my elements. The instructions in this and all the classes I’ve taken through Digital Scrapper are clear, easy to follow and I can go as fast or slowly as I need to.”
Stacia C.
NOTE: This is not a new class. This sale cannot be combined with any other discount.
Page: Linda Salzgeber
Tutorial: Realistic Washi with Dodge & Burn by Jen White
Page: Royanne Hewko
Class: Fabulously Framed by Syndee Rogers
Page: Michelle Cubbage
Class: 10 Timeless Titles Vol 1 by Digital Scrapper
Page: Christine Bishop
Class: Digital Scrapper Premier 2023, Vol 7 by Jen White
Card: Kellie Linn
Class: 10 Timeless Titles, Vol 2 by Digital Scrapper
Page: Barbara Hewitt
Event: One-Off Wednesday
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