🧡 Lazy-Girl Route + NEW FREE Video Tutorial

September 24, 2024 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 22, Issue 38

Hi there!

How do you feel about LOL?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 20 years, you already know that LOL is an acronym for Laugh Out Loud.

Some people use it in text-based messages to indicate that they are cracking up. But maybe you use something different to indicate a tickle of your funny bone?

For example, when my daughter was a teenager, we would substitute MON <milk out nose> for LOL in our texts. It was much more our style.

I’ve also seen ROFL being thrown around. Maybe this is you? For those who don’t know, ROFL is an acronym for Roll On Floor Laughing.

Nowadays, I gravitate toward the lazy-girl route of texting and communicating. I just grab a 🤣 from my emoji bar and instantly the person on the other end of the text will know that I’m supposedly rolling around on the floor and laughing. <Which I’d never do because I probably wouldn’t be able to get back up!>

All this to say, challenge yourself to take the lazy-girl route from time to time. Use emojis and acronyms on your scrapbook pages. It’s a true reflection of what life is really like in today’s world.

BTW, that big red LOL image above was created using the FREE video tutorial in this week’s newsletter. You’ll find the information below.

Have a good week. I’ll see you in the gallery.

Love and creative success,

Jen White, Owner of Digital Scrapper

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P.S. The header above was created using Time Off by Bellisae Designs.

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Flash Sale – Save 25%
From now through September 30, 2024, Midnight Eastern, save 25% on the following classes:

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*NEW & FREE* Easy 3D Halftone Title by Jen White

Add a playful halftone effect to your next chunky title to give it a trendy 3D look.


Page & Photo: Jen White

Tutorial: Easy 3D Halftone Title by Jen White
Kit: By the Sea by Allison Pennington

Fonts: Sofia, Caroni

Card: Jen White

Tutorial: Easy 3D Halftone Title by Jen White
Kit: Artful by Syndee Rogers
Fonts: Hey Hey, Sofia, Alyson Signature

Page: Nanci Radford
Kits: Scrapvine, Dandelion Dust, Billie Irene
Tutorial: Easy 3D Halftone Title by Jen White

Card: Christine Bishop
Kits: Ginny Whitcomb; Palvinka; Schwarzwald Design
Tutorial: Easy 3D Halftone Title by Jen White

Page: Julie LaPoint
Product: Timeless Templates #5

Page: Barbara Hewitt

Page: Lyn Ashton

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