Easy Page Design Class
You might have heard something by now about the Easy Page Design class — but so far, no one but the original class members have ever gotten to take this terrific class!
Well, that changes today — the Easy Page Design class is now open for registration — with class starting on June 7! Linda Sattgast (Adobe’s Official Scrapbooking Expert) is the fabulous teacher of this class!
This class will bring you information-packed video tutorials as well as written instructions and fun, fascinating assignments that will help your skills grow. (And, yes — the class materials apply to both Photoshop Elements and Photoshop!)
If you’re still debating about whether the Easy Page Design class is for you, be sure to check out this short 2 minute video:
P.S. If you sign up by May 31, 2011, you’ll get in on a sweet $10 discount off the regular class price. Don’t delay and miss out on this special Early Bird deal!