February Digital Scrapper Premier

Isn’t it fun when you get a kit that you absolutely love — especially when it’s perfect for a specific project? That’s how I felt when I saw the featured kit for the February 2012 Digital Scrapper Premier members. It’s called Count the Ways, and it’s created by one of my favorite designers, Joanne Brisebois.

I used this kit to create the following tri-fold Valentine card for a dear friend.

Tri-Fold Valentine's Day Card

I made two panels that were each 5×7 inches — a front and a back. Then I made two inside panels that were 10×7 inches, which I folded in half and taped together on the back side. I pasted the front panel to the back side of the first folded panel and the back panel to the back side of the second folded panel.

That covered everything except the two middle sections on the back. I could have left them white, but I had some peel ‘n stick photo paper that I used to print one of Joanne’s papers, which I then attached to the back of the card.

I wrapped the card with a sparkly string and sent it to my friend. She loved the card, and that made me happy!

Valentine Card

What’s nice is that the Count the Ways kit is versatile enough to use on many other kinds of projects — an added serendipity.

Along with the kit each month, our Premier membership program also comes with a set of templates and four cool videos. Here’s a short video that will give you a flavor of what Premier members are enjoying this month:

February Premier - Watch the Trailer

Many of our Premier members are already putting the kit and tutorials to good use. Take, for example, the tutorial by Jan Walker on how to turn a photo into a sketch and then into a watercolor painting. Here’s Jan’s finished painting:

Aylesford Watercolor

And here is how she blended it into her page:

Aylesford Watercolor Page

Here are three of the many pages in the Premier Member Gallery that used Jan’s technique:

Greva Page

Greva Painting, by amscpa: “I absolutely love this tutorial.”

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof, by tessa5500: “Thank you very much, Jan, for such a wonderful tutorial. I had a lot of fun with it.”

Port of Izmir

Port of Imzir, by Shari: “I had so much fun with this tutorial. I didn’t want to stop.”

These February 2012 videos, kit, and templates will all be in our store eventually, but they’ll never be priced as low as they are right now for Premier members. If you aren’t a Premier member yet, act now and get these terrific goodies before they go away!

Here’s where to learn more about Digital Scrapper Premier membership.

Current Premier members, be sure sign in and download this month’s goodies now.

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  1. I really like your hybrid card, Linda! and thanks for the directions!

    February 27, 2012 at 12:18 pm Reply
  2. Cindy

    If I sign up for the premier membership, will I receive this particular tutorial? I’m especially interested in how to turn my images into watercolor paintings.

    May 17, 2013 at 12:03 am Reply
    • Linda Sattgast

      Hi Cindy—This tutorial was in a past issue, so it will not be in the current Premier offerings. We do sell past tutorials in our store, but it appears this one hasn’t made it into our store yet. I’ll see if we can get that added to the store!

      May 18, 2013 at 3:03 pm Reply
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