Home Decor & Gifts on a Budget – Class Giveaway

Qualify to Win a FREE Seat in Class! (EXPIRED)
Here’s your chance to win a FREE seat in Home Decor & Gifts on a Budget by Andrea Graves.
All you have to do is tell us who you are most excited to give a homemade gift to for the holidays this year (contest details to follow).
To win this:Â
One FREE seat in Home Decor & Gifts on a Budget
- Sit in the class seat yourself
- Gift the seat to a friend
- If you already purchased a seat in this class, get a refund for the cost of Home Decor & Gifts on a Budget
Do this:
Tell us who are you most excited to give a homemade gift to for the holidays this year by commenting below.
- One comment/entry per person, please.
- The deadline for eligible comments is Midnight EDT Sunday, Oct 27, 2013.  (EXPIRED)
- Late comments are welcome but will not be eligible for the drawing.
Then we’ll do this:
Collect all eligible comments from this blog post on Monday, October 28, 2013.
- We’ll draw a winner via random generator.
- The winner will be emailed directly on Monday, October 28, 2013.
- The winner of this drawing will be announced in Issue 43Â of the Digital Scrapper News.
I’m excited to read your comments, and wish you the best of luck in this contest! 🙂
The winner of the FREE class is Jana Cokeley from Enid, Oklahoma.
Author: Andrea Graves
All comments are moderated. Please allow time for your comment to appear. Thanks!
I would love to give the 3 important mothers in my life something hand made! My Mom, who needs nothing, my mother in law, who loves hand made things, and my sister in law, who is hard to shop for!!!! This sounds like a wonderful class!
I am most excited about giving hand made gifts to my daughter-in-law. She is always so appreciative and actually wears the items I knit for her.
I would really like to make something nice for my Mother. She would definitely appreciate it! This class sounds like just what I need to take care of that empty wall!
I am most excited to give a homemade gift to my daughter. They are in a new house and neat lots of decorating tips.
I would love to give a homemade gift to my sister- she is getting married soon so she would love something for Christmas that might have a newlywed theme to it as well.
My mom who is on a mission in Connecticut!
I would really love to be able to make some home made
gifts this year for the people I love, I find they appreciate
these type of things so much more, rather than spending money
on not so personal gifts. Sounds like a great class, and would
learn so much
I want to give my grown children a piece of myself by giving them something that I have made especially for each of them.
Really all my family get some simple something but this year I’d like to welcome my new sister-in-law to the family so something special for her and my brother.
I’m excited to give this gift to myself! I have never felt very good about putting together displays for my home; I believe this class will give me the knowledge and confidence I need to make my home look so much better!
My two daughters that are actually “in-law”. They always join me in sharing crafty moments and projects.
I would love to give a personalized gift to my mother. She is 83-years old and since I inherited my Granny’s crafty nature receiving those gifts reminds her of her mother. I am recently divorced with two little girls and am just finishing up Nursing School (RN) so I haven’t had time for myself. I recognize that I am out of balance and am beginning to take care of myself by being creative. I would love to make something to my mother and take care of both of us at once!
My mother, because she always appreciates anything she gets even if it doesn’t turn out just perfect!
I would live to give something special to my Mother-in-law. She is in a nursing home and I am always looking for ideas to brighten and change her room.
I had just made the decision yesterday that I would giving homemade gifts for ALL of my gift giving this Christmas. I would love a free seat in this class.
I am most excited to give a handmade gift to my sister. We have recently re-connected, have had a difficult relationship, and I would love to give her a gift from the heart!!!
I want to make something beautiful for “Me” no just kidding for my Mother in law she is such a sweet lady. Thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations, Jana. YOU are the random winner of the free seat in class! I’ll be emailing you directly for more details. 😀
I want to make gifts for my son and daughter in law. They just purchased their first home.
I would love to give a homemade gift to my sister. She loves making homemade items and is such a natural at it (unlike me)!
I will have family coming over for the holidays and would love to adorn my wall with pictures of everyday moments spent with them. It would truly let them know how much I cherish family and close friends.
I would love to make a gift for my cousin who would appreciate it more than anything I might buy in a store.
My gifts would be for my friends. They love personalized gifts made just for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am 75 years old and have some health problems that make it very difficult for me to go shopping in Malls or stores looking for special gifts. Right now my daughter is in the process a trying to decorate her home and as she loves the digital scrapping I do, putting together a wall display for her would be a perfect gift for her. Also, a son and his wife will be moving into new home with many walls to decorate in November so they too would love a wall display.
In fact all four of my children and their families would be thrilled to received a wall display from me! So, in reality this would e a wonderful gift for all 4 of them. 🙂
I would love to make something for my sister whose home is such a warm reflection of herself. She decorates so beautifully for all the holidays… especially Christmas. If I could make something that would add to her Christmas décor, it would be fabulous! My sister is my best friend!
I love to give gifts to my Daughter. I am always in need of something quick as we live out in the country 2 hours from any stores. I also love giving homemade gifts.
I would love to make something special for my hairdresser. She always goes above and beyond when styling my hair and I’d like to show her just how much I appreciate it with a homemade gift.
I would love to do word art for my grandkids, hope , love etc.
I would love to give a hand made gift to my granddaughter who has just bought her very first home.
It would be awesome to give my mum a homemade gift for the holidays. Something to celebrate and bring joy and happiness whenever she sees it. Something to remind her that I love her, that we love her (my wife and daughters)and despite being some distance apart a personal, homemade gift is extra special, personal and made with love. But as a novice to scrapping of any kind attending a class with a talented and gifted instructor would just be wonderful. Thank you.
I would love to make gifts for our grands and greatgrands!
I just moved my in-laws into a seniors apartment. There is one wall that would look great with family pics done into a real decor feature.
Would love to win the class.
My father was in advertising…a professional artist. I never felt my art was good enough, so didn’t explore it as someone would. I wasn’t allowed a coloring book. Imagine that! Well, 30 years of drug and alcohol use later, my first gift in recovery was creativity returned. I have been clean 13 years now. My gift would be for my sponsor, a wonderful woman who has helped me so much. I’m not sure what to make this year but I know anything homemade is good.
I have three grand daughters, one is already a teenager and 2 are “transitioning” to the teen ages and I would like to make them motivational plaques for their very eclectic rooms. I would love to have some help with this project idea.
I’d love to change up what’s on my walls. I’d also love to do something for my grandsons. Perhaps something for a dorm for the oldest.
I would like to give a hand made gift to my husband.(For his Patience with me since 31 years)
This would be perfect for my crafty daughter who is having a great time decorating her first home!
I would like to make something handmade for my closest girlfriend in her favorite color, PURPLE! I think the joy on her face seeing something made for her in purple would make me smile!
I would love to give a special homemade gift to my husband this year. He’s been battling cancer for almost 2 years and we just found out he’s cancer free and a survivor! We are blessed in so many ways. I’ve pretty much lost my creative mojo during this time and hopefully this class will inspire me to make him something special.
I want to make something special for both my daughters. So I have to get busy 🙂 I love to see their faces when I make them something special just for them. My oldest is married with a 1yr old little boy (that I babysit) and would love to make something that would be great for the whole family. (they have a few bare walls) And my youngest is in a small apartment with very limited extra money so has not decorated anything. I would like to make something meaningful for the walls for her to decorate with. thanks for the contest and congrats in advance to whoever wins!!
I would love to give a handmade gift to my two sisters. We live far apart but are always close in our hearts.
I would love to give something to my mom, mother-in-law and sisters-in-law. Something also to send to Ecuador for my missionary son – maybe something in Spanish so he can share down there too. Grandiose plans – but I’d love to do it – even if not for Christmas. Thanks for the opportunity.
If I won a seat in the class I would give it to my daughter. I took an online class last year and loved it. I would like her to be able to enjoy decorating her new apartment even though she is on a very tight budget.
My friends and I are into crafts of all kinds. I’d make a homemade gift for them. They would love it!
I would love to learn how to make a creative home décor gift for my dad with ALS. He doesn’t get around much without his walker and I would love to make him something special to carry a memory with him.
I would love to make gifts for my daughter and daughter-in-law. they are so very special and love handmade gifts.
I would love to make something special for 4 of my friends who I had a great vacation with this year in Corolla, NC. We all go to the same church and have a movie night once a month. One lady has had a tough year. She had to put her mom in a nursing home and then just last month her best friend (they had been friends since elementary school) committed suicide. So I would love to do something special as a reminder of our great vacation and also to try and be a blessing to her.
I would love to make something for both my mother and my daughters. This class sounds as if it could inspire some meaningful ideas.
I just ordered some “handmade” gifts for family, so I would choose to give the next one to one of my best friends who has graciously entertained me on many visits – a gift I can only partially reciprocate since I also just moved to a studio apartment. I’m trying to squeeze my plus-size possessions into a petite-size space. And I need to decorate my walls on a budget (my house has not yet sold)so would appreciate Andrea’s tips.
I would love to sit in your class so I can make homemade gifts for all the families in my church. Thy word have I hid in my heart.
Ooo!! Several of my girlfriends! Who have been there for me every day. I’d love to use some of my collection of photographs to make something special for them. The class sounds exciting.
I would love to make personalized gifts for all of my son’s new family. His family just increased from two, himself and his daughter, to six. I’ve gone from one granddaughter to four grandchildren overnight and personalized gifts would be a great way to welcome them into the family and let each one of them know how special they are to me
I would make gifts for my grandparents. I feel blessed at 42 to still have 3 of my 4 grandparents still living and I would create a gift to celebrate the wonderful memories we have created together over my lifetime.
Thank you for gifting one of us with a seat in this class!
My brother cared for my mother for the last year of her life while she was in a memory-care nursing home. Rob moved from Florida to California so he could visit Mom every day and be sure she was well taken care of. I’d love to make something special for him that would reflect my appreciation of his giving up so much for Mom, and to remind him of the good times he and Mom shared over the years.
My mom is creative as are my daughters and daughter in love. I am the most uncreative in the bunch. I would love to make something for my own home but never seem to know what to do.
I would love to make a homemade gift for a child at Hearts with a Mission, a teen shelter for homeless youth.
I would make a gift for my Grandson and his wife who are expecting their 1st child.
I would love to give handcrafted gifts to my sisters because they love them so much more than everyday purchased items.
I would love to make gifts for my daughter, daughter-in-law and my mother-in-law. Thanks for this chance to win. Sounds like a wonderful class!!
Would love to make something special for my godson & his wife who are spending their first Christmas in their first home.
I would love to give a handcrafted gift to my cousin who always makes the most beautiful cards for me.
I love doing homemade gifts for my mother n law who is like my best friend and prefers homemade gifts feels they are more personalized
My partner & I live in a lavishly decorated home & I don’t feel my crafting is up to that standard. I’m hoping to acquire the skills I need to create things to fit this degree of homecare.
The Lord has blessed me with a new church family and many new friends there who have blessed my life tremendously this year. I would love to make them each something personal to show my appreciation and love for them.
I love to make things for my daughter. She has the ideas and do the work! LOL
I love to make things for my daughter. She has the ideas and do the work! LOL
Can’t make a decision on who I would love to give a specially crafted gift so guess I’d just have to give them all one! thank you for the opportunity to win a seat!
I would make handmade gifts for the 6 ladies (family and friends) that I go to the Utah Shakespeare Festival with every year – and try to get in a Shakespeare theme, of course!
My mother-in-law is spending the rest of her days in a nursing home. I would like to make something special for her wall to make her room a little more homey.
My son is getting married next spring – would love to give them a gift I crafted. My granddaughter also loves to get crafted gifts from here grandparents. Looking forward to this class.
I would make something for my daughter as she will be decorating a new home soon. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am most excited to give a hand made gift to my Sister-in-Law. They have had a hard year with health issues so I would like to make something very special for her.
I don’t have family left to make gifts for but I’d love to get fresh homemade gift ideas for my “Eyes Wide Open” Breakfast Club, a small group of friends that meet once a month for breakfast.
My spouse needs new decor for his newly reclaimed study.
my daughter, she just bought her first home and needs some art work
I would love to design something for my co-workers. This class sounds awesome!
I would really like to make a special gift for Gigi. She is the great grandmother to my three special grandsons. She lives far away in Wisconsin. Because of her age she hasn’t been out to see her great-grandsons, age five, six, and seven. My son is so busy trying to keep them feed and clothed that he has not been able to go visit either. I know she would love to have a special decoration with pictures of the boys to hang on her wall.
I would love to give homemade gifts to my family and to my home. Two Christmas’s ago I repainted our hallways and in doing so, I took down all of the many pictures and haven’t put any back up because I can’t decide how to arrange them and in what color frames, etc. I should really take this class!
I’d give such a handmade gift to my children just to share with them how much I love them.
I would love to give a homemade gift to my best friend. She really loves home décor and homemade gifts.
Sounds like a fun class! I would give a homemade gift to my sweet daughter, who works hard for her family, husband without a job for a couple of years now. She hasn’t had the time to even put her pictures on her wall.
I would like to give it to my mom. Even though I’m an adult, she still loves gifts I make for her.
My daughter for her new home in Florida.
A very timely giveaway, I am trying to make Christmas gifts now for my family.
I would love to give it to my mom. She always appreciates hand crafted items.
I would make something for my parents of a trip the entire family took together.
Looks like a great class. Always looking for new gift ideas.
Sounds like a great class. I love giving home made to my mom, step mom and mother in law. I also like to give a little something to the teachers at school.
I would like to make a 16X20 photo collage for my music studio.
I am really looking forward to this class and would love to make something for my middle daughter
I’d like to be able to make several gifts that I could donate to the Rural Fire Service for fund raising after all the time and effort they have spent in the last week fighting our bush fires and the government doesn’t fully fund them for equipment etc.
My daughter-in-law! She always appreciates what anyone does for her! Thank you for the chance!
My daughter deserves something new and exciting for her walls. She is totally overwhelmed by the demands of her job and of caring for a two-year-old and has no time to do any decorating for herself. I would like some ideas on how to do something special for her.
I would like to make a special gift for 2 close friends of mine! They are always there when I need them.
With 3 daughters that love giving hand made gifts (and getting them), I would love to have a chance to take this class.
I am excited hoping to have hand made gifts for several people that live in the senior apartment building I live in. We are all on fixed income and don’t have much but I would love to be able to have a small gift for several of the residents. I’m already making some homemade cards and having so much fun doing it. They’re even kind of 3 dimensional.
I am always on the lookout for homemade gift ideas to give away at Christmas time. I’ve done photo frames, picture calendars, beaded earings, jars of homemade taco seasoning and cranberry jelly, and jars of homemade pickles. This year I’m putting together scrapbooks for each of the Moms in my life inspired by what I’ve seen here on this website. Who knows what I could do with a home decor class???
My daughter is so artsy and creative, I would be excited to give her a homemade gift that I made.
All the ladies on my list (friends and family). They are all hard to buy for and I know they all would love and appreciate personalized gifts. Hopefully this class can teach me how to make the perfect gifts.
This class sounds great. I would make something for my son, he just got his first job and apartment.
I try to do several handmade gifts each year so ideas for family members of all ages would be great!
I have so many people I would love to make gifts for but in particular I would love to make something for my Mom. She is the most creative person I know but seems to do it for everyone else. She has an open wall going up the stairs and I would love to have help making her something to fill that space. This class sounds like just what I need.
My daughter is just graduating from college this December, and I would like to make her something that says how proud I am of her. She LOVES crafty things!
I would love to gift this class to my daughter so that she can find her imagination and creativity that I know she has – if she’ll only stop comparing herself to others and allow it to come through. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I’m definitely working within a tight budget since my husband had a stroke. I know I can’t afford to buy gifts like we used to, so last year I made bookmarks for my sisters using my digital scrapping materials. My sisters seemed to like them. I would use this class to get some ideas on what projects I could do this year that would be different, but yet, I would still be proud to give as gifts. Thanks for offering a chance to take this class!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!! I love making handmade gifts for friends. I always enjoy giving something from the heart to those who have touched mine. 🙂
I would love to make something for my husband. He does so much to help me so I have more time to spend on my hobbies.
I would love to learn more about making wall prints for my adult children and my own home. I have been thinking of trying this when the class came along. Thanks for the opportunity.
I love making homemade gifts but don’t always find the time. I have my nieces’ names for Christmas and I have some ideas for them, as I want to keep costs down, but I am always looking for more. Would love to see what you have in store for the class!
I would make something for my Mom. She lives far away and would love something I could make that would remind her of our family.
I would make something inspired for my mother-in-law as she loves photos better than about anything else you could give her. It would make her smile every time she sees it.
I would like to give a homemade gift to my daughter. She just turned 13 this year and I want to make it extra special. This class sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for a chance to win!
I have enrolled in your class as I have a hallway I’ve been meaning to decorate with a photo gallery for over a year. Not only is it still blank but I have pictures lying around in wait! As for presents, I think handmade presents are so much more special because of the effort put in. The person I’m most excited to make something special for is 48the love of my life, my wonderful husband.
My daughter and I are always looking to make personalized gifts for weddings, holidays and birthdays. What better way is there to learn than by attending a class!!! Looking forward to it.
I would start giving handmade gifts to everyone! I feel they are so much more personal, and everything has become so commercialized these days. First on the list would be my marvelous mother, who is always giving to everyone else. It’s her turn.
Always so excited to learn new ideas to use all my photos
I would make a gift for the love of my life because he as supported me in taking Digital Scrapper classes while being both unemployed and underemployed. He has paid for most (except for one) of my courses and this would allow me to prove to him that I really am learning something useful!!!!
I would love to give my mom a homemade gift for Christmas as she is separated from most of our family by 600 miles and homemade photo gifts will help keep her connected with her great grandchildren.
As the parent photographer of my kid’s class, i upload photos of class celebrations.
The parents love seeing the fun their kids have and the kids are always happy to pose with friends.
THis year, i am thinking of making a collage with many things i have learnt on digital scrapper and give the whole class a photo print. This i am sure will be cherished by many.