[inter]National Scrapbook Day 2015

[inter]National Scrapbook Day 2015
by Jen White
The savings, challenges, games, and freebies start now and go all the way through Sunday, May 3, 2015, Midnight Eastern. I’m SO glad you’ve decided to join us!
Entire Shop—30% off
From now until Sunday, May 3, 2015, Midnight Eastern, everything in our shop is 30% off. This includes our vast selection of video tutorials and designer kits as well as all designs by Susie Roberts. (Psst, she even has something new this week!) Premier discount applies. Shop now.
Challenge #1—Scraplift Tag with Nann
Have you ever been scraplifted? If you have, you know what an honor it is. Also, it is so much fun to see how someone interprets your layout. If you have never been scraplifted, well, now is your chance! All participants will receive a set of FREE templates created by Nann Dalton. Play Scraplift Tag now.
Note: We’d LOVE for you to join in both challenges this week, but if you only have time for one, no worries! The participation freebie is the same for both challenges.
Challenge #2—Pick2 with Nann
Ready for a jaunt down memory lane? Join Nann for a classic challenge asking you to use two past tutorials on one layout. It’s a fantastic way to review previous techniques with a fresh perspective. Play Pick2 now.
Game #1—Fill in the Blank with Jenifer
Get to know your fellow scrapbookers both near and far by playing this quick game with Jenifer Juris. All participants will receive a FREE Vintage Pastime Frame Pack from Susie Robert. Play Fill in the Blank now.
Game #2—Clue: Find the Answers with Jenifer
How well do you know your Digital Scrapper products? Jenifer Juris has a quick game of Clue planned for you in the forum using previously released video tutorials and kits. I have to admit—even I had to look things up! All participants will receive a FREE word art set created by Jenifer Juris. Play Clue now.
NOTE: All participation freebies for challenges and games will be sent via Private Message in the forum no later than Monday, May 4, 2015, 10PM Eastern.
Author: Jen White | Contact Us
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Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines . . . and let the fun begin! You have such wonderful things planned for us! In reference to your email, I don’t have any children at home to lock in the closet. Maybe I’ll put hubby in there with a snack and flashlight. 🙂
I’m so excited about all the FUN going on this week!! 🙂 Time to celebrate!