Journaling With Style

Journaling with Style

The written word is an essential component of history. Without words, images eventually become meaningless, and details become misplaced or misinterpreted.

In this post I’ll share six stylish and simple journaling practices common to people wishing to get their stories told.

Why To Journal:

There are many reasons to journal, including:

  • History. Like I mentioned before, images without words eventually become meaningless and the details associated with those images become misplaced or misinterpreted. Journal to carry on details.
  • Treasure. Future generations cherish the words you choose and how you choose to say them. Think of your journaling as a gift.
  • Therapy. Journaling, while processing thoughts, feelings, and emotions, can be a great way to work through something.

In the world of scrapbooking, another BIG reason to journal is:

  • Wholeness. A scrapbook page is not finished until you complete the story your page is trying to tell. This is done by some form of journaling.

A basic rule of thumb is:

If someone were to look at your scrapbook page, would they be missing vital information to complete the story you are trying to tell?

For example, let’s say you created a scrapbook page that includes a wonderful travel photo and elements from your favorite kit. But there are no words or dates to explain any of the details. You are left with an incomplete story.

Don’t leave future generations guessing. Sharing details, even in a very simplified way, can be all you need to add meaning to a page.

Six Journaling Styles

Some people shy away from journaling because they don’t feel they can adequately express themselves. Others don’t like to journal because they feel their writing skills (such as grammar) are lacking. 

Keep in mind that journaling doesn’t have to be extensive and highly detailed. It can vary from one-word statements to lengthy diary-type entries.

  • Individual Words. Simply make a list of words you associate with the subject of your page. With this style of journaling, you do not have to be a writing genius in order to make a high impact.


  • Phrases. Phrases is similar to individual words, except each thought contains two to four words that form a phrase. Each of the phrases represents a detail of the subject. This is a great way to add emotion to a story.


  • Bullets. Bullets or numbered lists add visual interest to a story. They are typically composed of only words and/or small phrases. Keep each bullet simple and to the point. Vary the bullets to include facts and feelings. The bullets should always be left-aligned.


  • Sentences – Sometimes just a sentence or two is all you need to give meaning to a photo. Splitting the sentence up into several lines will add visual interest.


  • Paragraphs. Using paragraphs to tell a story is the most common form of journaling. When using paragraphs on a scrapbook page, a bit if prior planning is often required to assure the entire story will fit within the design. Paragraphs that are fully aligned make the biggest impact.


  • Diary. Sometimes all the little details of a story need to be documented because it seems incomplete without them. This diary style of journaling requires a big-time investment, but the return is priceless.
    Also, use this style when you just need to get something off your chest. Get it all out, then design a scrapbook page around it. Photos are always optional with the diary style of journaling.


The next time you tackle a scrapbook page or other digital project, consider one or more of these stylish journaling options. Have fun and enjoy the creative process of whichever journaling style you choose to use.


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Jenifer JurisAuthor: Jenifer Juris |
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Comments (6)

  1. User Avatar

    Sweet! Thank you.
    Would luuove tutes or a class devoted to creating personalized font-based Word Art appropriate for displaying journaling titles and key words.

    December 27, 2016 at 4:44 am Reply
  2. User Avatar
    Genie Wooden

    Love these tips. I have always been intimidated by journaling so I did very little or not at all, thanks for the great tips.

    December 27, 2016 at 7:03 am Reply
  3. User Avatar

    This very ideal has been on my mind and in my heart for a while now. I know it’s nothing new, but it is something that has been missing from my pages that I definately want to incorporate. I look at my grandson every day and all the cute and wonderful things he does and think to myself, I don’t ever want to forget this, but I know i will if I dont write it down.You would think it wouldn’t be so hard to get your thoughts on paper, but for some it is. I can’t wait to see what Digital Scrapper and the New Year brings.

    December 27, 2016 at 11:03 am Reply
  4. User Avatar

    Thank you for these tips. Journaling is my “thorn in the side” right after making a title. Those two things sometimes keep me from making a page.

    December 27, 2016 at 1:13 pm Reply
  5. User Avatar
    Renee Diprose

    Thanks so much for sharing these journaling styles. When I look back at all my pages from the past few years my favorite ones are always the ones with a bit of journaling. This will have to be my Scrapbooking New Year’s Resolution – include some form of written words on every page!!

    December 29, 2016 at 2:25 am Reply
  6. User Avatar

    I’m a journaling Nazi. I want my grandkids to know exactly what happened, how I felt and as many other details that I can share. This TUT reminds me how many different ways I can do that. Thanks so much for sharing.

    February 2, 2017 at 9:53 pm Reply
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