January Journaling Challenge – Beginnings

January Journaling Challenge – Beginnings
by Jenifer Juris

This challenge has ended.
See the winner below.

Your stories matter.

Because of that, in 2017 we’re placing a special focus on telling stories in a beautiful way.

Every beautiful story starts with the written word. Your words, regardless of how they are presented, draw the reader into your world . . . into the story you’re presenting.

Throughout this year, we’ll walk together, hand in hand, sharing ideas and journaling prompts that will inspire you to get your stories told in a beautiful way.

I’m so glad you’ve joined us. Let’s start January off with this:

Prompt: Beginnings

Where does your story start?

Share with us a place of beginning. It can be anything from your birth to a more recent fresh start: new career, new phase of life, new home, or a new way of thinking about something.

Things to ponder:

  • Facts: Place, Date, Names, etc.
  • Feelings: Fear, Joy, Excitement, Hurt, etc.
  • Focus: What’s the main thing you want to share about this beginning? If there’s more than one, is it worthy of or in need of a second page?

Thinking about these things can help you recall memories and share a more polished story. Spend as little or as much time jotting things down as you like. Most importantly, have fun sharing about yourself, because your story matters.

Challenge Requirements:

  • The only requirement is that your project must include some form of journaling that has to do with this month’s prompt. For 6 alternative journaling ideas, read Journaling With Style by Jenifer Juris.
  • Photos are NOT required, but they can help tell a story if you have them.
  • If this month’s prompt has you creating a page that includes private thoughts you don’t want to share on the web, read Jen White’s Maintaining Anonymity post and still enter the challenge.

Challenge Details:

  • Post your project to the January Journaling Challenge Gallery. See the inspiration pages below.
  • Don’t forget to add credits for the photo(s), supplies, and font(s) used.
  • While you are there, leave some love and encouragement for other entries.
  • Pages are due by January 31st, 2017 10pm Eastern. This challenge is open for the entire month so feel free to make as many pages as you like. There is no limit to how many times you can enter.

Challenge Sponsor:

  • The Digital Press is sponsoring our January Journaling Challenge by offering one winner a $10 gift certificate to their store.
  • One standout page will be chosen from the Challenge Gallery on February 1, 2017.
  • The winner will be notified shortly thereafter via email (the email used to log in to the Digital Scrapper Gallery).
  • The winning entry will appear in this blogpost and be announced in the Digital Scrapper News.

Note: All challenge gallery entries will be moved into their respective Member Galleries two weeks after the winner has been announced in the newsletter.

January Journaling Challenge Winner

Top Pick of the Challenge by pattya


There were so many wonderful entries about all kinds of new beginnings that it was difficult to select a winner! But, in the end, I kept coming back to pattya’s page. Her writing was off-the-charts creative and her photo really helped tell her story, too. I felt at peace just by looking at her picture and reading her journaling. Such a moving layout, pattya! Great job and congrats on winning!!  ~Jenifer Juris


by Vynette
by Vynette


by Terri
by Terri


by Lori
by Lori


by Joyce
by Joyce


by Deborah - Page 1
by Deborah – Page 1


by Deborah - Page 2
by Deborah – Page 2


by Danica
by Danica


by Donna
by Donna


by Kathy
by Kathy


by Jenifer
by Jenifer


by Paula
by Paula


by Penny
by Penny



Jenifer JurisAuthor: Jenifer Juris | [email protected]
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Comments (5)

  1. What inspiring pages! Thank you all for these amazing pages!

    January 2, 2017 at 9:42 pm Reply
  2. Joan Robillard

    Wonderful pages. Journaling is a weakness for me so this a good challenge. I get done a job I have held for over 29 years so seems like a good story of my new beginning.

    January 3, 2017 at 3:40 am Reply
    • Deborah Wagner

      Joan – I have a difficult time with journaling, too. I was amazed when I ended up with a 2 page layout because I had so much to say. Good luck! I look forward to hearing about your new beginning. I will look for it in the gallery!

      January 4, 2017 at 9:49 am Reply
  3. Julie Singco

    These amazing pages have really energized my creativity. Thank you for sharing!

    January 3, 2017 at 12:51 pm Reply
  4. I can see what a hard time it would be to judge these their
    all terrific. I didn’t enter because I have a hard time thinking
    of any thing to say.

    February 7, 2017 at 10:22 am Reply
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