Let’s Party! Here’s how we’ll celebrate iNSD 2013 . . .

Welcome to the week of {Inter}National Scrapbooking Day! I think you’ll be excited to see all we have coming up in the next four days.
- Taught by Linda Sattgast, Susie Roberts, and Jen White
- Scheduled to be released before Saturday, May 4, 2013
- Available to all current and new Plus Members and Premier Members
- See Plus Benefits below
[ sign up for the free class ]
- Like our Facebook Fan Page, get a freebie
- Includes a set of photo masks by Susie Roberts
[ get freebie  ]
- Entire store 25% off
- Excludes our classes
- Includes Designs by Susie Roberts
- New products have been added this week
[ shop now ]
- Four fantastic challenges in the forum
- FREE Template available to all Template Challenge participants
- Speed Scrap Challenge – welcome all Power Scrapbooking graduates
- Check out the inspirational Art Journaling Challenge
- A Scrap Lift Challenge to get your creative juices flowing
- All current and new Plus and Premier Members are eligible to win
- See Plus Benefits below
- Random drawings will be held daily at 9PM Pacific
- Four winners will be announced Tuesday, May 7
[ Sign up for Plus FREE ] or [ Learn more about Premier ]
Have questions about iNSD at Digital Scrapper? Email [email protected].
This is really the easiest contest ever!!! To be eligible to win one of our four daily drawings of Photoshop Elements 11, there is only one requirement:
You must be a Plus or Premier member to win.
Already a Plus or Premier Member? If so, relax! You’re in! Not a Plus Member? Keep reading…It’s easy and free to join!
• Automatic subscription to our weekly newsletter. The Digital Scrapper News contains weekly scrapbooking tips, tutorials, and giveaways—all for FREE.
• FREE scrapbooking papers and embellishments, videos tutorials, actions, styles, overlays . . . yikes, there’s way too much to list here!
We’ll pick one PSE11 winner each day of the iNSD celebration at 9pm Pacific Time, so be sure to sign up early to increase your chances to win. All previous Plus/Premier members are automatically included in the drawings. Winners will be notified by email.
Take a second to sign up. I guarantee you won’t regret it!
I am so glad I have been learning how to scrapbook with Digital Scrapper and have an opprotunity to win someething and take a free class! Thank you! Lorna
Thank you for the opportunity to win something that will add to my Digital Scrapper skills. I am making progress with your classes.
I really appreciate all the classes you offer as well as the kits and quick pages. I am so glad I have been learning how to scrapbook with Digital Scrapper and now have an opprotunity to win someething and take a free class! Thank you! Lorna
What an amazing opportunity to win PSE 11. I have my fingers crossed and thank you for all the other fabulous prizes you are offering, too! I love Digital Scrapper! I have been a member since the very beginning and I still look forward to the beginning of each month. The information is always right on the trends. It’s the best.
I love being a premium member of Digital Scrapper, you get so much for your monthly (or yearly is even better)investment and if you are wondering or even thinking about “Is it worth it?” then sign up for one month and look and scrap and be sure to watch the videos because they really are a bonus you don’t get at every website that has monthly member benefits and the girls here really make learning and scrapping fun. I have tried to find more digital sites because I love learning that much and I cannot find a site as good or even better than here. And I really mean this they are not paying me to say this! I truly love this site! Oh are you going to offer the mini class as a purchase after the give aways I would still like to take it. Thanks for all the chances this week!
Jana, I agree with with you 200% on your entire comment. No other site I’ve tried compares to this.
Absolutely agree!!! No better classes any where!
Thank you for Linda’s custom Drop Shadow Action!! Woo hoo! I’ve already made a preview for it and put it into my filing system that I created in Get Organized Now, one of Linda’s AMAZING classes!
I can’t wait for the party!!!
Sounds like fun and a great time of learning. Thanks for all the work you ladies put into making the next couple days full and fun.
I am so excited about iNSD! And winning a copy of PSE11 would make it even more awesome! Omigosh, that would be so very awesome!
Thank you so much for all you do!
I had no clue how to scrapbook digitally until I joined the Premier membership. I made my son a story of his life from birth to his first child. That book was one of only a couple items he was able to save in Katrina. Thank goodness and he still cherishes it.
whahooo! Fantastic contest, great prizes! thanks
Awesome!! Being a premier member is the very best!!
I am so glad I have a chance to win PSE11. I love getting new scrapbooking stuff each month and have told many of my paper scrapbookers about Linda and how easy everyone on the team makes it to learn digital scrapbooking. I have even converted a couple of people. I don’t do as much as I wish I could but once I am retired I know I will have all the lessons to refer to and will move ahead with my pages.
I am very thankful for Scrapper’s Guide. Linda was able to break the “scared of Elements” barrier for me!
Thank you for the chane to win PSE11. I have to say, I feel like a winner on the first of every month when I open my email and there is my monthly Premier kit just waiting for me to open it up and play!
Thanks so much for all the generous goodies and an oportunity to win pse11.wouldn’t it be nice !
So excited for all the fun offered today. Yours is one of my favorite sites…love the tutorials and helps. Just yesterday you saved me when I had to install a layer style with no metadata file. THANK YOU for all you do.
Oh, and winning would be awesome. 🙂
Yippee! I’m already a Premier member so I’m entered to win PSE 11! Which reminds me, I think it’s time for me to renew. 🙂
I am really enjoying being a premier member and taking most of these fantastic classes. So happy that I can go back check out the classes when I need to learn more. Just not enough hours in the day–but I will get things done. still working on getting organized–I just get overwhelmed with everything—now with 2 great grandbabies I need to get going with these digital pages. Thank you ladies for all your hard work and all you do to help us and now to have a chance to win something and also take a free class. Awesome Thank You so very much.
Thank you for the chance to win, cannot wait to see what is going to happen this weekend.
Digital Scrapper is the best. Just now catching up on some of the classes I purchased. I would so love to get PSE 11. Am using 9 right now. Thanks for all your great tips and inspirations! God Bless You.
I have learned so much so becoming a member of digital scrapper. Thank you for a chance to win PSE11
Awesome! I would love to win! 🙂
As others have said, I’d love to win the PSE Elements 11…I’ve been using 8 and I have no complaints.
PSE 8 is GREAT…. BUT….PSE 11 would be HEAVEN!
The best class ever was the Get Organized Now class. I applied it to all my files, not just pictures and scrapbooking files. What used to be stressful to find is now a breeze. TY Linda.
I too would love to win PSE11. Thank you.
Digital Scrapper inspires me! Thank you
Thank you for the opportunity to win such a great program!
I love Digital Scrapper! Thank you for all the tips and opportunity to PSE11!
I am so glad that I found Linda many many years ago and while I don’t have alot of time to scrapbook, I am saving all the lessons for when I do have time. I am hoping extra hard that I am a winner of PSE11. Thanks Scrappers Guide Team for all you share.
Thank you for the opportunity to win. If I already have a copy of PSE11 [still taking my basics class so I’ll actually LEARN something about this version], can we “gift” it to someone else?
I love taking my classes from Linda S as she makes learning so easy…
You absolutely would be able to gift it to someone. 😀
What a great opportunity, thanks for the chance 🙂
This is my absolute favorite place to learn. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to finally be able to upgrade my PSE. This is the only scrapbooking site where I will maintain a membership. It is worth every penny.
[…] und bei Digital Scrapper gibt es heute einen kostenlosen Minikurs über Photoshop Tools. Unbedingt […]
Thanks for the chance to win a great program! Thanks too for the great freebies and class you have offered for INSD! The class videos are fantastic.
Thankyou for a great opportunity
I love all the information and tips I get from Digital Scrapper! Thanks for a great giveaway!!
[…] und bei Digital Scrapper gibt es heute einen kostenlosen Minikurs über Photoshop Tools. Unbedingt […]