Meet Me – Trish


I’m Tricia Roush. I usually go by Trish.


Here at Digital Scrapper

I’m the Forum Director at Digital Scrapper. Mostly my job is to make sure that the forum rules are followed, all questions get answered, comments stay positive, and spammers are banned.

I’m more of a techie person, so you’ll most likely find me helping people resolve technical issues with Photoshop or Photoshop Elements rather than how to accomplish a cool effect.

I also do a little behind-the-scenes customer support, and make sure the newsletter goes out every week.

Meet My Family

I have three kids who are the highlight of my life.

We homeschool, so much of my days are taken up teaching and planning. Between dance, music, P.E., and co-op, our days are full.

It is hard work, but I am glad to be the one guiding my children through school.

Things I Enjoy Outside of Digital Scrapper

One of the things we enjoy as a family is camping. We have a pop-up camper.

We tried a tent when we first moved to Colorado, but it hailed and snowed on us the weekend of July 4th. So, we’re pretty sure we are more pop-up camper people rather than tent people.

The other thing we are involved in as a family is a program called Awana. My children are now old enough to be student leaders, so my husband and I also help with leading. We value this program for the long term effect it has on children and their families.

My Life in Scrapbooking

My favorite scrapbook page is one I did a long time ago. It’s a picture of my daughter up in a tree. The word “Enthusiasm” totally describes her. She is an enthusiastic person and it tends to rub off on others. I love how the branches and twigs of the tree frame her face, and the kit that I used had papers that went perfectly.

Page: Enthusiasm by Trish Roush
Photo: Trish Roush
Kit: Shabby Flora by Michelle Shefveland
Font: Viner Hand ITC



Author: Trish Roush | Contact Us
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Comments (12)

  1. Betts

    Good to meet you, Trish.

    June 27, 2017 at 3:12 am Reply
  2. Esther Perry

    So nice to meet you, Trish! I babysit for the Ladies’ Bible Study, and some of the kids bring their Awana books “because they want help to learn their verses!” I think it’s because they are still young enough to cuddle but feel too old to have their peers see them tucked in on my side!
    Keep up the good work, Trish, “techie” and otherwise. Even with all the recent changes, I’m still very much enjoying DS – just wish there were more hours in the day….

    June 27, 2017 at 8:23 am Reply
  3. Linda Hilty-Tuttle

    I LOVE the layout of your daughter, Trish, and it was so pleasing to learn more about you and your family. You have rescued me a number of times with PSE issues and I’m sure there will be more of that in the future!

    June 27, 2017 at 10:40 am Reply
  4. Donna

    Trish, thanks for all you do here at Digital Scrapper. It is so nice to have you answering all of our tech questions! You are so knowledgeable!

    June 27, 2017 at 11:00 am Reply
  5. Jenifer Juris

    So neat to learn more about you! 🙂

    June 27, 2017 at 12:55 pm Reply
  6. Doris

    Wonderful photos and a beautiful story about your family life. You’re tech skills have defiantly been an asset for DS all of these years! You’re so lucky to have landed in CO. It’s such a beautiful state. Enjoy!

    June 27, 2017 at 3:24 pm Reply
  7. Good to meet you. I love your page about your daughter. she is lovely,

    July 3, 2017 at 10:52 am Reply
  8. Good to meet you. I love the page about your daughter, she is lovely

    July 3, 2017 at 10:53 am Reply
  9. CrimsonCrow

    Nice to meet you and your family, Trish. I *love* that sweet page of your daughter.

    July 4, 2017 at 10:46 am Reply
  10. Terri

    Hi, Trish. Sounds like you are a pretty busy lady. I admire those of you that are “techie,” because I am not. So, have to rely on those that know how to make things work. I see lots of your post and has been helpful to read your answers. Nice to hear more about you.

    July 8, 2017 at 3:46 pm Reply
  11. Kim

    Good to meet you Trish. I homeschooled my kids too, but they are adults now — out on their own. Loved those days!

    July 10, 2017 at 11:22 pm Reply
  12. Leng

    Hi Trish, lovely to be able to put a face to your name, you have also helped me with a bit of tech stuff, thank you. Keep up the good work.

    July 25, 2017 at 8:20 am Reply
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