Save Frustration! A FREE Tutorial To Figure Your Zoom Percentage Today
January 14, 2020 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 18, Issue 2
Hi there!
I actually hear this frustration-filled comment on a regular basis:
“I just printed my page,
but the proportion of the elements & type
look way out of whack!
What did I do wrong?”
It’s a thing. And, it’s not always your fault.
Bad Idea #1
Some might think they could choose View > Print Size from the Menu Bar and see a perfect rendering of how your scrapbook page will look once it’s printed and placed in your photo album. Makes sense, right?
Bad Idea #2
Others might think that setting your zoom to 100% would render the perfect print size. Arguably, this could also be considered a fair guess.
But, wrong again.
The Problem
Adobe does not give you an easy way to see your scrapbook page at exactly the size it will be when you print it out.
The Solution
A girl must take matters into her own hands. Literally. The solution is to get out a ruler and go to work. You’ll find all the details below in our newest encore blog post: 3 Steps to a Perfect Print Proportion Zoom Percentage.
I’ll see you there. Love and creative success,
Jen White
P.S. My zoom percentage is 73, but yours will likely be different. Put it to the test. Follow the tutorial below.
Encore, Encore!
3 Steps To a Perfect Print Proportion Zoom Percentage
It’s quite a mouthful to say, but it’s not nearly as geeky as it sounds. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to find the sweet spot for making the size of the page on your computer screen match the size of the page when printed.
Read it on the blog: 3 Steps to a Perfect Print Proportion Zoom Percentage
What Are Encore Tutorials?
An encore tutorial is a free tutorial that was written many years ago. But because it’s content is still relevant for today’s scrapbooker, we pull it out, give it some fresh paint, and any instructional updates, and then release it to YOU!
Oh my gosh, this has to be the best tutorial ever! I have asked this questions so many times in so many different groups and have never got an answer. This is going to be the most used tutorial ever as I want to print but the size of my titles and journalling has always stumped me. Thanks so much Jen