New FREE Mini Class – Scrapping With Filters, Stamp & Paint

March 24, 2020 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 18, Issue 12
Hi there!
With all the COVID-19 emails I’ve been getting lately, I’ll be honest, I’ve felt the pressure to send my own “hope you’re staying safe” email.
But, instead, how about THIS kind of email . . .
Get a FREE Mini Class!
Woot! I know, right? FREE is fantastically refreshing and ultimately uplifting in these crazy days.
From now through infinity and beyond, you can enroll in Scrapping With Filters, Stamp & Paint for a $0 charge to you. Just click the button above and enroll.
Are there strings attached?
Not really. You will have to have an account (or create one, it’s free and quick) in our classroom, but I wouldn’t consider that a string.
What You Get in Stamp & Paint
- 3 full-length step-by-step lessons in both PS & PSE
- BONUS – Finish & Design lesson
- 3 challenging challenge videos to stretch your creativity
- 3 how to complete the challenge videos
- Step-by-step manual & transcripts for every lesson
- Forever Access to your class & your instructor
Enroll In Stamp & Paint Now for FREE
I’ll see you in class!
Love and creative success,
Jen White
P.S. I really do hope you’re staying safe, but I know you are smart and are doing what you can to protect yourself. I’m doing my best as well.
P.P.S. Questions? Contact us anytime.