Project 12 for 2012

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Digital Scrapper Project 12 in 2012 Challenge. It’s hard to believe how fast 2011 flew by!

For those of you who completed their album for 2011 — congratulations on a job well done! You all won a $10 gift certificate! The winning participants from Project 12 in 2011 who will shortly be getting private messages from Andrea in the forum with their prize information are: bichonmom, blkdog70, Bobbie Bluegill, canay, connieg, dimorr, Fulltimer, janicem, JobaScraps, kschro4545, ladydrake64, Loretta, mrsobin, Meisie, norah, NotEnufTime2, pattya, Retiredlady, riet, roseb, Ruth 316, Shar Lamb, and Thejage. The codes are good for use in the Digital Scrapper Shop towards Photoshop & Photoshop Elements TutorialsDigital Scrapbooking Kits, or Scrapbook Templates! Gift Certificate codes cannot be used for existing or future Premier Membership.

You ladies have earned that prize, and I hope you’re all printing beautiful albums with your Project 2011! There were so many incredible layouts posted in our Project 12 2011 Gallery, and it was awesome to see all the different interpretations for this challenge.

This is a fresh new year, and we’re hoping that lots more people will join us for Project 12 in 2012. You will be so glad you did!

Here’s a quick explanation of how Project 12 works:

Create a layout for every month that highlights that month’s activities or experiences, then post it in our brand new Project 12 in 2012 Gallery!

Note: We think you’ll like the way the Project 12, 2012 Gallery is set up this year! Unlike the old 2011 Project 12 Gallery, each month in the new Project 12, 2012 Gallery will get its own category. That way, you can find all the pages about January in one spot, and it will be the same for February and so on as the year continues.

So, when you upload your pages this year, be sure to choose the right category — each page should go in the category for the month that you’re scrapping about on your page, not the month that you finally finished creating the page itself.

Go check out the Project 12, 2012 Gallery today! And when you put your layout up, don’t forget to head on over to the Project 12 in 2012 Forum and post a link to your page so everyone can check it out!

Some helpful tips to get you started:

  • You might find it helpful to choose one template to use for the whole year. You could also change it up a bit if you like, by rotating and/or flipping it.
  • Give yourself permission to use as many or as few photos as you want, whether it be four or ten or even just one!
  • Make it a one-page layout or a two-page spread. You can keep it simple or get as ambitious as you like!
  • Not every month will have remarkable events. No problem! Scrap the simple things — a beautiful sunset, some delicious food you prepared, or a funny thing your child or grandchild said. You will be astonished at the end of the year how seemingly routine things become extraordinary.
  • Check out our Project 12 Forum for good ideas and support.
  • Check out our Project 12 in 2012 Gallery for inspiration.

Each month we like to feature several Project 12 layouts here on the blog. These layouts are all inspirational! This month I just loved this two-page spread by connieg. Her photography shines! Look at that depth of field in the first page — amazing! And not to mention that her very words are an inspiration! Her simple, elegant design just adds to the overall gorgeousness — beautiful work, connieg!

connieg Pg 1

by connieg

connieg Pg 2

by connieg

Jeneeo’s simple, clean design leaves lots of room to showcase her dogs playing in the house and outside in the snow. With the winter scenes, baking, and crafts, I’m left with an overall cozy feeling when I look at these two pages — perfect for January. Very nicely done, Jeneeo!

Jeneeo pg 1

by Jeneeo

Jeneeo pg 2

by Jeneeo

I hope you’ve been inspired by these gorgeous pages featured today. We can’t wait to see what you all come up with for Project 12 in 2012!

– Barb

Comments (12)

  1. Connieg

    I’m looking forward to seeing everyone pages in the gallery. So much inspiration and I really do love getting a peek into everyones life.

    January 30, 2012 at 6:07 pm Reply
  2. I’m sighing a great big sigh of relief. Much as I am happy to have a day-by-day diary of 2011, taking daily pictures for a year got to be a burden…especially on the boring days! I really like keeping a Monthly Diary. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s LOs.

    January 30, 2012 at 7:17 pm Reply
  3. Rosy

    I am trying to find the place where you can sign up for project 12. Can someone please send me the link?

    January 31, 2012 at 7:24 am Reply
  4. Andrea Graves


    To get started on Project 12 in 2012, just go ahead and post your January page(s) in the January Project 12 in 2012 Gallery right here:

    There’s no official way to sign up other than jumping in and joining the fun!

    If you have any other questions, please let me know! 🙂

    January 31, 2012 at 8:32 am Reply
    • Rosy

      Andrea,what is the goal of the project? Any benefit to posting each month/by the end of the year? Do we use whatever we have in our digi stash or are there certain templates or a kit that we are to use?

      January 31, 2012 at 9:47 am Reply
      • Hi Rosy,

        The main goal of Project 12 is to complete an album that highlights your entire year – January through December. Think what a treasure it will be for you and your family for years to come!

        The easiest method would be to create a layout each month and post it in that month’s gallery. That way you wouldn’t have to try to ‘catch up’ at the end of the year to be eligible for prizes. If it’s not possible for you to post every month (life does get busy sometimes!) it is perfectly OK to post your layouts later in the year – just be sure to post them in the appropriate month.

        The prizes are just a little incentive and are given to those people who finish the project by the end of December 2012.

        You are free to use any template and kit that you like!

        January 31, 2012 at 10:22 am Reply
  5. Brenda aka blkdog70

    Project 12 was alot of fun in 2011. I hope that I can continue that in 2012. I even created my own template this year, just not sure if I can stick to just using it like connieg does, or not ;)You are my inspiration Connie, lol. I like to see the little bit into each person’s lives too. Everyone has their own take on this project & I can’t wait to see the January ones! 😀 Thank you for the gift certificate, I never thought I’d receive a prize for documenting my life!

    January 31, 2012 at 3:54 pm Reply
  6. Connieg

    How sweet of you Brenda to say that 🙂 I had my doubts last year too and was suprised I never got bored using the same papers and template. Flipping and flopping the template gave it just enough varity to keep it fresh looking to me. Plus I loved that my photos and journaling was the main focus.

    February 2, 2012 at 7:31 pm Reply
  7. Meisie

    Thank you so much! I’ve done 3 years worth of books now and they certainly are a treasure! I hope to post my January 2012 page soon. I intend to keep this up!

    February 4, 2012 at 10:08 am Reply
    • Three years of books? Wow – that’s fantastic! Looking forward to seeing your pages for 2012, Meisie!

      February 4, 2012 at 3:33 pm Reply
  8. Jen

    I’m glad Connieg suggested I make templates. It makes the 365 project a lot easier to keep up 🙂

    February 4, 2012 at 9:11 pm Reply
  9. roseb

    Connie, you’re right it’s wonderful to peek at everyone’s life. Everyone has such a different prospect on this project, and with everyone involved it keep me motivated.

    February 5, 2012 at 3:36 pm Reply
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