Project 12 – June 2012

Here’s a quick explanation of how Project 12 works:
Create a digital scrapbooking layout each month that highlights that month’s activities or experiences, then post it in our Project 12 in 2012 Gallery!
Go check out the Project 12, 2012 Gallery today! And when you put your layout up, don’t forget to head on over to the Project 12 in 2012 Forum and post a link to your page so everyone can check it out!
From our June Gallery:
Check out this fun page by annmangan. Doesn’t it just make you want to dive into a sundae?

And then there’s the equally delicious fruit and vegetable collage by Loretta:

From our May Gallery:
This bright and colorful 2-pager by violetsnana really stood out! Love the great photos and the bold title work!

by violetsnana – love those circles running across both pages!

If you’re new to the digital scrapbooking scene, Project 12 could be a great way to get motivated to start learning and practice your skills. And, especially if you are new to digital scrapbooking — be sure to check out our Learn Digital Scrapbooking class to get a solid foundation in the basics!
Note: We think you’ll like the way the Project 12, 2012 Gallery is set up this year! Unlike the old 2011 Project 12 Gallery, each month in the new Project 12, 2012 Gallery will get its own category. That way, you can find all the pages about January in one spot, and it will be the same for February and so on as the year continues.
So, when you upload your pages this year, be sure to choose the right category — each page should go in the category for the month that you’re scrapping about on your page, not the month that you finally finished creating the page itself.
Please post your layouts for June in the June Gallery – Project 12 in 2012. Have fun and we hope to see you there!