Project 12 – November 2011

If you are new to Project 12, the challenge is to scrap a page or two for each month of the year. By the end of the year, you’ll have a wonderful overview of your year, and you can create an album to preserve those memories for your family!

Each month we like to feature several Project 12 layouts here on the blog. These pages are inspiration for the rest of us! Looking through the Project 12 Gallery, these layouts caught my eye, and I would like to share them with you today!


by riet

I love this two pager! She manages to get tons of photos on each page and really tell a story about her whole month. It’s just a gorgeous arrangement and has great journaling.


by arpeddle

I really like the photo-a-day format on this page! I love the journaling, and all the photos really make it interesting. It’s such a fantastic way of capturing the people and events of the month!


by roseb

I like Rose’s approach of having one photo per week. It’s a good way to not get overwhelmed, but still tell the story of what happened that month! I also really enjoy the way she labeled the pictures with the different weeks. It’s clean and inviting to look at. All of these examples are!

I love looking through our Project 12 Gallery for inspiration, and hopefully you will be inspired, too! These featured layouts were really outstanding!

If you’re new to digital scrapbooking and want to learn how to create your own digital scrapbook pages, check out our Learn Digital Scrapbooking class, taught by Adobe’s Official Scrapbooking Expert, Linda Sattgast. You’ll learn the basics and get started designing your own terrific, unique pages in Photoshop Elements or Adobe Photoshop!

I can’t wait to see what other Project 12 creations will be uploaded to our Project 12 Gallery. Perhaps some of them will be yours!

We will be announcing our prize for completing Project 12 for this whole year of 2011 for those of you who have participated! Stay tuned for next month!

Have a great day! Happy Scrapping!

~Andrea :)

Comment (1)

  1. I wasn’t organized enough to attempt this project for 2011, but now that I’ve taken Linda’s “Get Organized” class, I do hope you’ll be repeating it for 2012.

    November 29, 2011 at 8:18 am Reply
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