Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 Review

by Linda Sattgast
The giveaway deadline has expired. The winner of our FREE PSE12 software sponsored by is . . . Liz.
Good News! Adobe has donated a free copy of Photoshop Elements 12 to give away to one lucky individual! But first . . . let me tell you about Photoshop Elements 12.
Last year Adobe introduced a radically different version of Photoshop Elements that was very well received overall. This year, right on schedule near the end of September, as is their yearly custom, they announced version 12.
Here is an overview of the new features, starting with my personal favorites:
Pet Eye Removal
We’ve had Red Eye Removal for years, but that didn’t help the furry creatures among us.
Now the Red Eye tool has an option to check “Pet Eye.” Click once on an eye to remove pet eye. If you don’t like the results, press Ctrl Z (Mac: Cmd Z) to undo, adjust the Pupil Radius and Darken sliders, and click on the eye to try again.
Unfortunately, you can’t use the sliders after clicking to adjust the effect. You must Undo first and guessimate the adjustment. But it’s still a lot better than leaving your pet with glaring demon eyes.
Auto Smart Tone
The Enhance menu gained a great new tool: Auto Smart Tone. This tool displays a button and four thumbnails of possible changes. Drag the button toward one of the thumbnails to get more of that effect.
This tool is intuitive and easy to use. It’s also smart. It will learn what you like and begin to suggest changes based on your prior choices. You can reset the learning part of this tool in Preferences under the General menu.
Content Aware Move Tool
Move objects in your photo to a new location with the Content Aware Move Tool. It’s located at the bottom of the Tool Bar with an icon that looks like crossed arrows.
With this tool, check Move for the Mode in Tool Options and draw a loose selection around the object. Click and drag the selection to a different place on your photo. Photoshop Elements does a pretty good job of copying it to the new spot, getting rid of the original object, and smoothing things over with Content Aware technology.
You may have to do a bit of cloning now and then to clean up your photo, but it’s really quite amazing how well it works!
FYI: The Content Aware Move Tool replaces the Cookie Cutter tool in the Tool Bar and even steals the Cookie Cutter shortcut key: Q. The Cookie Cutter tool moved in with the Crop tool and shares that shortcut: C.
3 Quick Edit Additions
There are three new features in the Quick edit mode. Here’s an overview of the new Quick edits, using my original photo. The three new icons are in the lower right corner next to Adjustments.
• Effects lets you add photo effects similar to apps on smart phones. I used the Cross Process effect.
• Textures lets you add textures that blend with your photo. I used the Blue Wash texture.
• Frames lets you add a frame to your photo. Effects and Textures are really quite fun, but I found frames to be less appealing, especially since they often appear to lose their proportions after being fitted to a photo. The one frame that I liked was the aged photo frame, which I used here. I think the frame is pretty, and it adds a curve and drop shadow that look really nice.
3 Guided Edit Additions
There are also three new Guided edits, which you can access by clicking Guided at the top of your program.
• Restore Old Photo is good for novices who don’t know much about the tools for fixing photos, but it has fewer options for those who do know how to use those tools.
If you use this Guided Edit, you still have to do all the work yourself—it just tells you what to do next and makes it a little easier to access a tool you may not be familiar with.
• Zoom Burst creates a zoom motion effect that is really fun for action photos. Yes, you could do it on your own using the Radial Blur filter and a layer mask, but this is fast and easy.
• Puzzle Effect lets you turn your photo into a puzzle, remove pieces, and place them wherever you want. This is a fun effect that would be very difficult to simulate on your own.
Here are a few more nice changes:
Content Aware Fill in the Straighten Tool
After rotation, Content Aware Fill will fill in any missing pixels around the edges, if you check Autofill edges in Tool Options. In this example, it did a great job filling in the dock, water, and horizon.
Below on the left is my straightened photo with the edges filled in by Auto Smartfill.
After straightening, I went into Quick mode and used the Vintage effect on my photo for a fun, old-fashioned look (below, right).
Camera Raw Improvement
Adobe added an easy way to open files (jpeg or raw) in Camera Raw, and you can open more than one photo at a time. Sweet! You’ll find the new command in the Menu Bar under File > Open With Camera Raw. You can’t apply this command to an image that is already open, however, so make sure the images you want to adjust are closed before using this command.
I’m disappointed that you cannot apply one correction to multiple images, as you can in Photoshop. I hope they’ll add that to the next version.
Share to Twitter
For those who are Twitter enthusiasts, you can now tweet directly from Photoshop Elements Editor, as well as post to other social media sites and galleries. A new Share drop-down menu was added next to the Create menu to make sharing easier.
Organizer Changes
There have been tweaks to the Organizer, but the main two changes are that Places and Events tags have been added, and you can choose to sort your photos alphabetically.
“Cloud” Subscription
Photoshop Elements 12 comes with a free Adobe version of a “cloud” subscription at The free version is only 20 GB, however—not enough for the serious hobbyist. So you would need to purchase a larger subscription, if you wanted to sync your photos.
Magic Extractor Disappears
If you currently use the Magic Extractor, you’ll be sad to hear that it was discontinued in Photoshop Elements 12. Why? Adobe is transitioning to 64 bit support, and the Magic Extractor does not support 64 bit. They would have needed to rewrite it from scratch, so they made the decision not to pursue it.
Should I Upgrade to Photoshop Elements 12?
This is always the big question, and the answer is always the same—it depends on you. If you like the latest and greatest, then you’ll want to upgrade.
If you see something about the new version that you can’t live without or would really enjoy using, then upgrade.
For me, easy access to Camera Raw for photo editing is a big draw. I like the controls so much better than the Quick edit controls. And there are several fun or useful items that I really appreciate having, like the Pet Eye tool and Auto Smart Tone. Plus, the new photo effects and textures are really cool!
Here’s where you can watch my YouTube video on the new features.
Learn Digital Scrapbooking with Photoshop Elements
Ready to learn digital scrapbooking from Adobe’s Official Scrapbooking Expert?
My class, Learn Digital Scrapbooking, has been carefully constructed to give you a solid foundation in digital scrapbooking that will grow in a logical progression from the very first lesson—all the important information you’ll need is covered. Learn more.
Qualify to Win
Adobe Photoshop Elements 12
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So now it’s your turn. Do you plan to upgrade? Let me know what you think! I’ll randomly choose one person who comments to receive a copy of Photoshop Elements 12! Here are rules:
To win this:
One fully licensed copy of Adobe’s NEW Photoshop Elements 12 (sponsored by
Do this:
• Tell us if you plan to upgrade to PSE12 and why or why not in the comment section below.
• One comment/entry per person, please.
• The deadline for eligible comments is Midnight EDT Sunday, Sept 29, 2013.
The giveaway deadline has expired. The winner of our FREE PSE12 software sponsored by is . . . Liz.
• Late comments are welcome but will not be eligible for the drawing.
Then we’ll do this:
• Collect all eligible comments from this blogpost on Monday, Sept 30, 2013.
• Draw a winner via random generator.
• The winner will be emailed directly on Monday, Sept 30, 2013.
• The winner of this drawing will be announced in Issue 39 of the Digital Scrapper News.
Author: Linda Sattgast | Questions? Email us at [email protected]
All comments are moderated. Please allow time for your comment to appear. Thanks!
I don’t plan on upgrading because I currently use Photoshop. I would really like to win this, though, to give to a friend.
Auto smart tone
I would love to upgrade from my version 10 to 12 but I can’t afford it. I am a digital scrapbooker and love to work with PSE.
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome upgrade.
Adobe always only seems to get better. Who wouldn’t want to upgrade and be able to fix their pet’s eyes. Or play with any of the new upgrades available. I love everything adobe. And maybe this will get me doing a lot more digital scrapping. Which has been sorely lacking. Thanks for the opportunity.
I imagine I will upgrade to 12. I started with 6, moved to 8 when I took a Photoshop class, and bought 10 as soon as it came out. Seems like 12 would be the logical progression! 🙂
It also seems to work out, for me anyway, that improvements that I really like or can’t live without happen every other release.
So yes, I’d love to win a copy of PSE12! 🙂
I definitely plan to upgrade to PSE12. There are a lot of exciting changes that I will use in my scrapbooking. I do a lot of pets, so the pet eye feature will be great. The frames feature will be nice since PSE no longer supports On One Photo Essentials which I love. I have to bring up PSE9 to use it now. 🙁 The frames do not look too sophisticated, but they may be a good base to do some quick editing when in a hurry.
I have several animals in my family so the red eye advancement will be one item that will be helpful to advance to the Adobe 12. Looks very interesting.
I currently am using PSE 10 – it has been my custom to upgrade every other time a new version is issued – so 12 is definitely on my “wish list”.
I plan on upgrading, if I can afford it. I’m looking forward to the effects that are quick. Even though I’m a veteran photoshop & Elments user, I still like the fun and easy looks that some smartphone apps give and having something similar in Elememts is welcomed.
Boy would I ever love to upgrade, but sadly, it’s just not in the budget. I am currently using PSE 9 and love all the cool new upgrades. Thank you so much for the chance to win!!
Thanks Linda for the great info about the upgrade. I will probably upgrade about Christmas time when Costco has it on sale. I aways watch for it each year.
I will not be updating to PSE simply because I can’t afford it. I would purchase it if I could. I purchased PSE 11 and have thoroughly enjoyed learning some of its features. I have a lot more learning to go, but it has sparked something in me that has caused me to have a great desire to go out, take pictures, then come back and get to work on them. My photography skills are improving and my excitement for digital scrapping has soared! I have learned so very much from the classes you offer. You make it achievable! Thanks so much!!!
I will be upgrading especially for the pet eye. I have a dog and two cats. My black cat has the most beautiful gold eyes but they always look ghostly white in pictures. I will love this tool to capture truer pictures of my lets.
Yes, I want to upgrade to PSE12! I love the new features available. I am still learning how to use PSE11, but if there are built in features that can do things much quicker and easier…I am all for it! Whoo who!
I love the latest and greatest so I’ll probably upgrade!
I probably won’t upgrade to PSE12. I have PSE11 and am pretty happy with it. 12 has some new bells & whistles, but nothing that is imperative to my scrapping. I was hoping for some tweaks in the Organizer (colored background so white elements showed up, ability to see brushes and fonts) – things that I use ACDSee for.
I do not plan to upgrade this time. There are a couple of reasons for me not to. 1. It’s too soon, I upgraded to 11 in June and I absolutely love it. I use PSE on 2 computers so it’s always a lot of work for me to upgrade on both. 2. I’ve just recently taken 3 classes at Digital Scrapper, so I don’t think my husband would appreciate me spending more money. Especially since it’s my son and husband’s birthday in 2 weeks (they were born on the same day). Hmmm, I could tell him it’s for him… 😉
Because I like to have the latest things for digital scrapbooking and photo enhancement, I’ll be asking Santa for this. 😀
I would love to update from PSE8 and be able to use the you beaut new additions to my digital scrapbooking and card making
I would very much like to win the PSE 12, but I feel that I hesitate a bit to upgrade, since the magic extractor is gone. I use it a lot and love it. There are a lot of new nice features in the new edition though.
Wow – they did it again!!!! I’m still with version 9 which I like a lot…but now some of these new features combined with last year’s upgrades make it very tempting.
I would use the Auto Smart Tone and Content Aware Move features as well have some fun with the Zoom Burst and Puzzle effect. I’m anxious to read what others are saying about it. 🙂
I am undecided if I will upgrade – but the new features are pretty neat! I might wait until 13 but it all depends. Thanks for the chance to win!!
I’ve enjoyed using Version 11, but I must say, the pet eye feature in 12 sounds like a winner since we have several pets in the family and it’s close to impossible to get a shot with their eyes looking normal. I think I’d enjoy using Auto Smart Tone–especially with its intuitiveness; Textures feature looks promising too! Thanks for the review of PSE 12’s new features!
I usually procrastinate for a while on should or or shouldn’t I Then when I find the best price I buy the newest version. This time though the new additions are not that compelling for me. I have no pets and only a few old pictures of pets the best new addition for me is the old photo fix. that might be enough to make me grab the new version if I find a price that I like. Like I said I procrastinate and then I usually buy the new version. But getting one for free is a lot better.
Of course the answer would depend on the price difference, and maybe Santa’s budget.
I would love to have it though, that pet eye repair and tone features would probably be enough for me. The rest, as they say, is gravy.
Thank you for the chance to win it!!
I haven’t yet decided whether or not to buy PSE 12. I love having the newest bells and whistles, but need to think more if it will be worth the cost. If I buy the new version, what will I end up not being able to purchase. Decisions….. Sure would be nice to win it.
I will definitely be upgrading. I currently use PSE9 and I’m just getting too far behind with all the new enhancements
I have chosen 2014 as my year to really delve into and learn Photoshop Elements. Although I upgraded to v.11 last year, I really haven’t used it very much. I know this is a powerful tool, not only for digital scrapbooking but for handling my old photos for genealogy, too. I really want to learn how to use it well, so decided that I would have a “Year of Photoshop Elements”! If I don’t win the new version, I’ll buy it so I can take advantage of the latest tools…learn with the best!
I curently use PSE 10. I will eventually upgrade to PSE 12 (or later) when I can convice my employer (college where I teach PSE) to upgrade the college’s computers.
Thanks for the great review of PSE 12!
The new upgrades sound great! I would love to upgrade. I think my version is #6! LOL!
Thanks for a great review on PSE 12, and thanks for a chance to win it!
I’m there! Would like to have the latest and greatest! Can’t wait. Thanks for the review!
I’m not sure if I will upgrade or not. I will have to investigate Elements 12 further before I decide. I am happy with Elements 11 so 12 would have to have several improvements over 11.
I’m not sure if I will upgrade or not as I am happy with elements 11. I will have to investigate 12 further before I decide.
After 4 years of ‘playing’ with PSE8 it is time to get into some serious FUNTIME. Thus, this is the year to upgrade. Hooray!
I don’t think I will upgrade as I like having the magic extractor tool. Great informative review. Thanks.
I am not sure what to do about 12, as I haven’t broken in the 11 that I purchased a couple of months ago when I got a Mac. Previously I was working on an Dell Laptop that was a PSE challenge because the screen was so small. It would be nice to win it and learn it and use it! I am also a bit confused by the Revel Cloud so have a learning curve there too,
What a nice review. I just purchesed PSE 11 a few months ago, so I will probably wait to buy PSE 12. It sounds like the new features are great though.
I will be upgrading to the new PSE 12 at some point. The new photo editing tools and treatments are great and very creative. This new creativity could also be applied to the digital scrapbook pages, digital books and cards that I create.
I want to upgrade. I’m really excited about the Content Aware Fill in the Straighten Tool. Since I purchased a water camera, I’m often floating around while snapping shots and need to straighten photos. This addition is a winner for me. The Zoom Burst and Puzzle Effect look fun!
Hi Linda,
Boy do I appreciate the information about Elements 12. I’m sure glad that you are up to date and share with all of us. Being a person who doesn’t always need the latest and greatest I think I will not invest in 12 this year. The new additions are not exciting enough for me – I’m not sure I would be using them most of the time. I do like the puzzle feature. It looks like fun! I also am somewhat intrigued with the content aware move tool. Maybe I’ll change my mind!!
I love Photoshop Elements, I’m always updating…Can’t wait to either win it, if I don’t win it, I will buy it..sounds like it will be awesome
I think I will update to 12 at some point,
because I was just doing a digital
scrapbook Of my kitty’s and
complaining that in the pictures
That require flash they look like aliens. Lol
I need that new improvements!!! Pluse the last
Time I updated was 9 so it’s time !!
I think I will update to 12 at some point,
because I was just doing a digital
scrapbook Of my kitty’s and
complaining that in the pictures
That require flash they look like aliens. Lol
I need that new improvements!!! Pluse the last
Time I updated was 9 so it’s time !!
You did a wonderful job on your review and I really would like to purchase however I do need to check the price first and see if I can swing it. Thank you so much for this opportunity to win Elements 12.
I have updated all the time since PSE3, which was my first. At this moment, Iam not sure if the changes from 11 to 12 are enough for me, but that is also depending on the upgrade price
I have PSE 9. Have been planning to upgrade to PSE 11 for sometime now but it never happened. Thanks to Linda Sattgast’s DS blog there is a chance to win the next version and I did not want to lose out on a chance to win PSE 12! Thanks for this great opportunity.
Not sure whether to upgrade, but I like the idea of the pet red eye removal. Kids, dogs always seem to be messed up
yes I plan to upgrade.I have PSE 10 and like the new features that have been added.
I love new technology. It was a bit of a challenge for me to adapt to PSE 11, but once done, I was hooked. I’d like to try PSE 12, but now is not a good time for me to be spending $$. I would love to win the new software, of course! Good Luck to all those who enter the drawing.
I like the latest and greatest… but depending on the price and difference between the two choices.
What I would like is to be able to customise shortcuts as in photoshop. I don’t know if it will be possible in this edition.
Interesting new features for me:
-Content Aware Move Tool
-Content Aware Fill in the Straighten Tool
-Puzzle Effect
-Organizer Changes (hoping improvements)
I was thinking of upgrading to PSE 11 ,but now I am wondering what the price difference will be between 11 and 12. If the price difference is huge then I will not upgrade to PSE 12, but will upgrade to 11. At the moment I am using 8 so 11 would be a big difference, but it would be nice to get PSE 12
I wouldn’t mind getting the new one, but I only got PSE-11 a few months ago and I really can’t afford to buy another one quite so soon.
I am considering an upgrade–I skipped PSE 11 and I don’t want to get too far behind!
I will probably not upgrade this time. I see small changes but nothing dramatic enough to warrant an upgrade. Elements 11 is just too cool. I will live with it for a while.
Love elements, love having something to be creative with, love not having papers all over my table. If I could afford to upgrade every year I would, but I try to go every other year, this isn’t my year:( Bet it will be great!
At this point I am not planning on upgrading from version 11 to 12. I’m interested in some of the new features, but don’t know if I would get enough use out of them to justify the cost of the upgrade.
The new elements looks like fun. Plan to upgrade since we have our first grand baby on the way & I want to try some of the things I saw in the review.
I only recently got PSE11, and am still playing with the new things in this version that is different from 10. I use it on my lap tops as I have CS3 on my reg PC. PSE12 seems to have some quick fun edits that may be neat to use. I would like to see it in action a bit more to decide if I will upgrade or not.
Thank you for the opportunity to win PSE12. That would be awesome!
Looks like some amazing new additions to PSE! I hope to upgrade as soon as budget permits. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love Photoshop Elements! But the key to when I upgrade to the newest version is if Costco has a purchase incentive add-on from Digital Scrapper!!
Absolutely will be upgrading to 12. I’m using 9 and I’ve been a Premier member for years; and it’s getting harder to follow the video lessons. I don’t want to miss out on the fun.
Wow! I would love to get the new Photoshop Elements 12! I love the pet eye feature, the fill feature in the straightening tool, and the addition of filters like instagram is fabulous!!! At this time, due to $ constraints, I will have to make do with my Photoshop Elements 10… unless I win one from this wonderful site!!! Thanks for the opportunity to do so.
I have been planning on upgrading to PSE11, so now I can just get all the great features from 11 with a few more perks! Thank you for the chance to win, Linda.
I love PSE11 and probably won’t purchase the version 12 update since the new features aren’t major (such as the layer mask in 9 and the load actions and layer styles in 11). The only additions that might just temp me are the new content aware features. Winning the update would be nice 🙂
I would like to upgrade to PSE 12. I will be looking at pricing and deals to see if it is in the budget. Thanks for the chance to win … Free is always in the budget!
I am thinking about upgrading. I am back on Photoshop Elements 9 – it’s probably time! Since half my pictures are pet pictures, I think the new pet eye fix would be a great feature for me.
Right now, I’m thinking no. If Adobe had changed it so I could move my photo bin where I wanted it to be, I’d have considered it.
I would love to (I mean really, really love to) upgrade. I’m still using PSE8 for all my scrap booking and card making projects. But, unfortunately, the recession hit my husbands’ business (we’re still trying to recover) and can not really afford to upgrade. I enjoy your reviews, tuts and love my monthly subscription which keeps me doing my favorite hobby very affordable. Thanks Linda!
I’m thinking of upgrading. I’m still on 9. 🙂
I’d like to update because of the easy changes, and I take a lot of animal photos, so I can definately use the pet eye.
I really, really want to upgrade, I only have Elements 10 and I think the pet demon eye remover would almost make it worth while. And as I always shoot in RAW the access to a quicker and easy way to open in ACR sounds fabulous. And yet another reason, my sister just bought Elements 11 and I have to have the newer version than her!! ( I think I am joking about that last part!).
WOW! This sounds like a really exciting upgrade which I plan on doing. I especially look forward to using the Pet Eye correction! The content aware and content aware move tool are certainly interesting and of course the auto smart tool.
These are all things I will useQ
As much as I want the Pet Eye tool for all the pet photographs I take and have, being a senior citizen, I will pass on this upgrade. I originally started with PSE 5 and found that I did not have to upgrade every year, but, PSE 11 was a noticeable upgrade jump that I had to have.
But……………..boy am I tempted with the Pet Eye tool…and how I would love to win this contest! My Dachshunds would look so handsome without those darn blue eyes it takes me so long to fix!
Thank you,
I JUST upgraded to Photoshop Elements 11 , the only way I’d upgrade at this point is if I won it. However, having said that, I love the new tools, the Vintage Photo restore and the Pet eye – all other “red eye” removals don’t seem to work for MY pet photo’s. The auto smart tone looks to be a GREAT tool addition! Content aware looks to be another great addition. Camera RAW Improvement is GREAT – I wish more “user friendly” software incorporated the ability to use better RAW features, it’s the best format to take photo’s in. All in all, several great new tools, but DANG I just upgraded!
Yes! I plan to upgrade!! Love the eye fixer for pets! I have many pets that I always take lots of photos of ..I love playing around with my PSE 10 and 12this sounds so much better:)Thanks for the chance!
Looks like another great update! The pet eye tool will make life so much easier and I’m always ready for Camera Raw upgrades.
I’m always amazed at what they can add to this product! I’ll be sad to see the magic extractor go. I think I’ll have to add this to my Christmas list… Of course that is unless I win a copy.
This looks so amazing. Not sure I would update because it would probably require me to get a new computer. My current laptop needed to be adjusted to run PSE 7 so not sure how this would do on it. But…if I won the program I would take the plunge. LOL! Thanks so much for this great review!
I had my heart set on upgrading to PSE 11, but now I’m not sure–I’m all about the text paths. Love the Pet Eye fix, but not so happy about losing the Magic Extractor. But I always want the latest! Thanks, Linda, for the opportunity!
Thank you so much for the review of PSE 12. Tho it has many nice new features I was not planning to upgrade at this time. My husband is about to retire and I need to watch the pennies these days.
I usually upgrade every other version so will do so in time. I have been scrapping like a mad woman since I got PSE 11 and took your class. Recently I sent off 60 pages to be printed.
Keep up the good work. A devoted fan.
Yes, I will upgrade to Version 12! I am excited about the pet eye removal tool (I have 8 cats), and I love the puzzle effects. That looks like fun! I have Version 9 now and have been waiting for #12 to take the plunge!
I plan on upgrading from PSE 10 to 12. I had to buy a new computer this week and thought I’d start fresh with PSE 12. Winning it would be most appreciated!
I’m planning to upgrade primarily for the pet eye fixer and the guided photo restore.
Thanks for a chance to win. I just purchased new computer with windows8 64 bit and have no problem using my PSE 11 program. I love everything about 11 and do not plan to upgrade at this time although the PSE 12 looks enticing.
Yes I plan to upgrade. I use Photoshop Elrments for all my photo organizing and editing. I’m learning to digital scrapbook and find it as a great mid-range tool; easy to use, great functionality.
I would like to upgrade because it has been all about everyone else for the past few years and I don’t think I’ve made one scrapbook page. So with the new version I will be excited to start scrapping those memories before they are gone from my brain and I think learning something new will help me personally find myself again and do something I truly enjoy. I want to stop just collecting digital scrap stuff and start using it! Thank you for this oppotunity:) Happy Scrapping!
While I think some of the new features sound like fun, your blog post only says that Adobe is “transitioning” to 64 bit. So I PRESUME that means that PSE 12 does not yet support it and for that reason, I would pass on 12 and wait until 64 bit is fully supported. I hope I have understood correctly regarding this particular issue.
I have PSE 9, so I would love to upgrade. It looks like there are lots of new features to play with.
I doubt I’ll upgrade because we have no money for it right now. But it would certainly be nice to win the new version. Thank you for the opportunity!
Love the content aware move, straighten fill and pet eye fix. Great additions to the program.
I hope to up grade depends on the price. I really like the puzzle photo and fixing the older photo quickly.
I was planning to upgrade my Elements 10, but I was hoping that Linda was doing the Costco thing. I also have had computer problems and Adobe only lets you install the program three times. I do hope that they change that because PC’s go down all the time.
I haven’t decided yet! I currently use PSE 10 and really like it. If I find 12 at a really good price, I will probably buy it. Winning it would be even better.
I don’t think I’m going to upgrade this time. I moved from PSE 7 to 11 last year, and I’m enjoying that so much that I don’t feel the extra features are enough for me to upgrade this year. Maybe next year.
I was on board until reading no more magic extractor.
I do use it.
I would miss it.
Thank you for the review!
The new version sounds like the upgrades would be great to have but to spend money I would want to try it out before even considering to buy it. I spend a lot just on kits and can only spend so much! Would love to try it out when it officially is on the market.
Of course I plan to upgrade – I have upgraded each time since 3! I don’t use the magic extractor but I will miss it – I will keep version 11 tho!!!! I like that contect aware move tool too!
Linda since I don’t have and up date Adobe I would like to have this one and see if I can learn to do digital scrapbookong. thanks
I am still learning all of the great changes made in PSE 11. I think I will not change to 12. PSE 11 made many great changes. I am sure PSE 12 will be great, also.
I have PSE 10 and I would love to upgrade. The pet eye tool I sine I would use often. Auto Smart Tone looks like another great tool.
The new upgrades that Adobe made sound great! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to upgrade to PSE11 but was so surprised how I instantly fell in love with it, even though it had changed so drastically in appearance. Thanks for this chance to win and good luck to all!
Thanks so much for the review, Linda!
I was really hoping to read that we’d find drop shadows finally given their own layer, or maybe a puppet-warp tool. Those would have been reasons for me to upgrade.
As it is, however, I will be sticking with PSE 11. I’m never the first to run out and buy the latest and greatest, unless it’s for a radically better product. I came to PSE 11 from version 6, which had served me just fine. This is, for me, an expensive piece of software, and I don’t spend enough hours scrapbooking to make another upgrade worthwhile.
Thanks, again!
I bought PSE11 right before PSE12 came out. I really like the new options but can’t afford to buy another copy so soon. I really like your website and I am a member.
I used to upgrade every year but just can’t keep up with the expense. My job was terminated so instead I retired. I guess I have one good reason since there’s no Magic Extractor in PSE 12 I will be okay! teehee!
I probably will. I usually do. I wish there was an upgrade price since I have buying this for years
Yes! I especially love the pet eye fix. I hate taking pics of my cats and seeing glowing eyes. It’s scary!
I would love to upgrade to PSE12. I have had 6 and am presently using 10. Can’t say I am an expert or a pro or anything even close, but my family seems to think I can work magic. I just say thanks!
I’d love a copy of Elements 12 so I can stay up with all the new tool it can make use of! Love the new effects!
Though I find several of the features of this new version very attractive, I think Lightroom 5 serves my purposes just as well, so I am not looking to purchase it just now. Having said that, were I to win a copy I would certainly accept it graciously!
This is going to be a really tough decision for me. I really love my PSE 11 and really haven’t had it for very long. Being on a fixed income means that this would be a really big outlay of funds for me, but, Oh! I sure am drooling over the new camera raw feature!!!
Thank you for the rundown of updates for PSE 12! Extremely helpful. I love the many new features added to PSE (particularly the “Textures” and “Contents Aware Fill” features) and very tempted to buy it, my budget will not be allowing it at this time.
I plan to upgrade for sure!! I really like the Pet Eye tool! I always seem to have the white eye dog in my pictures and can never get it right! Looking forward to that! I also like the 3 Quick Edit Additions, it will be nice to incorporate them into my photos outside of my phone for a change!
Love the look of the new PSE12
Pet eye removal – tick
Content aware tool – tick
Losing magic extractor – not happy!
Every year, I get the newest addition of PSE and think that this will be the last update I will need because this one has everything I can imagine using/needing. Then, the new one comes out with a new feature that speaks to me! So I again put PSE on top of my Christmas wish list. This year is no different. My grand kids may think that is all grandmothers are given for Christmas because that’s the gift they see me open every year!
Your post made me smile!
Your blog post got me excited about PSE12 and I am taking the Artistic Photo Blends class so I may have to upgrade from 10 to 12. Thanks for the overview!
At this time, I am not upgrading to PSE12. I am new to digital scrapbooking and am using PSE10. From my limited experience with PSE10, I can see how the upgrades/new features in PSE12 are going to help do many things with your photos, layouts, etc.
I always start the autumn season off saying “This is the year I am not upgrading my Photoshop Elements,” but then I start looking at the YouTube presentations of the new stuff in PSE, Costco puts it on sale, and boom, I have the new version. I guess what I am saying is that the jury is still out and I don’t know if I will upgrade or not. I bet, though, if past behavior is any indication, if you check back in a couple of months, I will have upgraded to PSE 12.
I have been using Elements 6 now since its has come out. I have been wanting to upgrade but really wanted to make sure that when I did it was well worth the effort and monies. Now the day has arrived, I’m going to upgrade to 12, there have been so many changes since 6 that it makes it very worthwhile. Looking forward to moving ahead
Some really nice features in PSE 12 which appeal to me -but not sure there are enough to upgrade.
I was sold on the idea of buying the new PSE12 as I have bought all the upgrades, but changed my mind when I read that they had removed the Magic Extractor
Just noticed that the Magic Extractor tool is not included missing – which I discovered in PSE 11 and loved it. So for now I won’t be upgrading… The other features are not enough for me to lose this little tool.
I will not buy it right away. I just purchased PSE 11 a few month ago. I want to master PSE 11 before I update. But I am sure I will be purchasing it at some point. I like the idea of having the pet eye removal and the zoom burst.
When I started scrapping (with paper) I always heard that you shouldn’t worry about making every page super special, just have one occasionally that really pops. I disagree, I think every time you turn the page of your photo album your eyes should get a bite of eye candy! That’s what I love about digital scrapbooking and using PSE. I love the monthly videos because they keep me full of fresh ideas. I’m working on a graduation book for my son and I want him to love every page so much that he wants to take it with him to college, and even show his girlfriend! If PSE 12 is going to make this project even easier, I’m definately upgrading!
I plan on updating to the new Elements 12, because the things that you can do with Photos is remarkable. I use Elements 11 almost every day and everyone loves my work that I do. I have a daughter that has had Melanoma Cancer and I done some photos to raise money for her treatments and the hard work paid off. She is now cancer free and doing well. She was 10 at the time and now she is a healthy 18 year old. So if I am chosen to win the ne Elements, I will further my photo shopping of remarkable photo’s for people to enjoy.
I do want to upgrade to PSE 12 (I have V.7) because I will doing a photo shoot of the full year leading up to our 50th wedding anniversary. It will be “a year in the life of us as a couple”, sort of thing. Getting PSE 12 will give me a year to learn the new version and practice, as our anniversary is Sept. 30. We only have a few snapshots of our actual wedding which I had to work on for a long time in order to have a nice portrait, so I’m anxious to do something nice for our golden wedding anniversary. Thank you for the opportunity to win the gift of an enhanced PSE!
Since I upgrade every other year, I will have t win if I upgrade this year.
I would love to have the Photoshop Elements 12, but I cannot not afford it this year. I just had hip surgery this year and need to pay that off first. So, if I was to win that would be a great blessing. God bless.
I probably will upgrade this time. I have PSE10 and skipped the upgrade to 11, but I think it’s time to get up-to-date. Love that tone setting. I think I would use that quite often. And the photo effects look like so much fun.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love PSE!! Can’t wait for the new version. It just keeps getting better and better!!!
I will probably not upgrade at this point. I’m still working my way through Linda’s Scrapbooking class which is based on PSE 11. Once I have that under control, I’d love to have PSE 12.
I have toyed with upgrading over the last 2 years but am still on the fence. All my digital kits are nicely sorted in my organizer and the last 2 times I upgraded, I lost all my tags and had to practically start from scratch. I have 4 years more “stuff” and the thought of retagging all that I have is painful. There are, however, several new things that have come up in the last 2 years I would like to play with, including the Pet Eye fix!! No more Demon cats!!
Scrap Sis
I am very happy with CS6 (mac) and PSE11 (win) that I am now using. However, since about half of my photos are of my cats, I would love to have the pet eye correction feature. Therefore, I will be on the lookout for PSE12.
Well, I have been waiting to upgrade, but I am a little bit worried about the magic extractor. I don’t use it a lot, but I do use it. I am currently working with Elements 9. I think I may have to check for the availability of Elements 11. I like the upgrades and I don’t have to give up Magic Extractor. Oh what to do!
You can always leave your current version on your computer and use it for those occasions where you need the Magic Extractor. I have multiple versions of Elements on my computer. 🙂
Not sure yet if I will upgrade or not.
I definitely plan to upgrade to PSE12. I am currently using PSE10 because I was unsure about upgrading to PSE11 due to the learning curve. Now that I believe I have mastered the program, I am now ready to learn some new techniques.
I do not plan on upgrading to PSE 12 because I just got PSE 11 last year. I usually wait a few years between upgrades. But of course I would love a FREE version of PSE 12!
I love the latest version!
Right now I am not sure. I am still figuring out the last version. I say this but some of the features look very tempting!
I plan to upgrade to Elements 12. After reading this review it seems it has so many fun and useful features. The version I now use is Elements 9, and I think it’s time for an upgrade!
I plan to upgrade because I have a lot of pet photos that need the pet eye correction. So happy to see this option! Would love to win the upgrade.
Yes, I want PSE12. I am still in the dark ages of PSE9 and want to come into the light. I love the idea of improved raw camera and the puzzle effect is awesome.
After reading what Linda has said about the new changes I will upgrade. I have not the last couple of upgrades so now is the time. Auto smart tone looks good and the new move tool. Thanks for sharing your comments.
I will not be upgrading this fall. I’m using PSE 10 due to economic constraints. However, I’d love to win one. (smile).
I’m not sure yet if I will upgrade….unless I win! Thanks for the chance.
I do think I will buy the PSE 12. There were 4 main features I definitely would use and look forward to.
I use RAW all the time and it looks as though that is being upgraded and made into a better tool.
I’m thrilled that the straighten tool has been upgraded with an auto-fill. Its always been a struggle to me to get that to work right.
I adore the new sharing ability to post directly to Social media in one easy step.
The Pet Eye is a wonderful idea. I have a pet and occasionally she gets the Pet Eye in her photos.
So yes, I’m definitely looking to upgrade in the near future. I’ll wait and see if I win though. 🙂
I’m still on the fence on whether or not to upgrade, but it will probably be a “yes” since my latest version is from 2 years ago. I’m drawn to the new textures and photo effects!
I am a photoshop owner but refuse to rnt it so I guess this will be an option
I love the idea of upgrading to PE12, yet it’s a tough time to come up with that kind of money right after the start of school expenses. It would be great to win a copy though! I love being able to do fun things with my scrapbook pages to help the memories stay alive!
I can’t believe it’s that time already and a new version of PSE is out! I LOVE the Red Eye tool for pets but, losing the Magic Extractor,not so much!! I use it quite often that I’m not sure I can do without that one. My biggest hope was with the photo bin and it disappearing and needing to reclick the bin icon…did any of that get adjusted? One way to find out is winning a copy of version 12…I’d LOVE that! 😀 Thank you for the chance!!!
If you don’t want the Tool Options to pop up every time you click on a tool, open the menu to the far right of Tool Options and deselect Auto Show Tool Options.
I am still contemplating the upgrade to PSE12 …… I still have so much to master in PSE11. My laptop is still a 32-bit system, so it sounds like I will have to upgrade my hardware as well as my software – also something I have been contemplating lately……
I am not planning to upgrade. My version is Elements 6, and, although I would love to have a newer version, my husband lost his job this year. He was fortunate to find another, but it is out of state. Due to circumstances with our children, including one that is a senior in high school, we did not move the whole family. He’s living out of state and we visit each other when we can. We have some duplicate expenses, and travel expenses on top, so we’re watching what we spend on everything else. However, I’d love Elements 12 to make a scrapbook for my son’s high school graduation.
Love the site, love the tips, love the videos.
Oh yes, will upgrade for sure! Several enticing features, but the puzzle effect really got me. Have a 60 year old photo that years ago was made into a puzzle – puzzle long last, now I can make the photo a puzzle again.
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I’m still on the fence about upgrading. I’d love to because I like to have the newest. 🙂
I plan to upgrade to PSE12 because I have such an old version of PSE, I can’t do many of these tutorials.
Yes, I plan to upgrade to 12. I currently have 11 and I am very excited about the upgrade to version 12. I can’t wait to try the Zoom Burst since I take a lot of baseball pictures. I also think the New Quick Addititons and the New Guided Additions will be very helpful to me. I love PSE!
I plan to upgrade to PSE12 because I have such an old version of PSE, I can’t do many of these tutorials.
I think I will upgrade this time! I bought a new camera last year and I can’t open my raw files directly from the camera in PSE 10. I think that is the thing about PSE 12 that caught my eye first! I would love, love to win the free copy, thanks Linda for giving us the chance to win!!!
OMG!!! The pet eye corrector feature is my favourite. I have sooooo many pet photos that need corrections. And then the vintage photos. The adobe gods have answered my prayers. I’m still using PS9 so upgrading to PS12 is definitely on my to do list. Thank you for the opportunity to win this. Keeping all my toes and fingers crossed.
I would love to upgrade. Currently using PSE8. thank you so much for the opprotunity to win.
I like the Camera Raw Improvement feature. I would buy the new version.
Yes, I do plan to upgrade because my version is old, PSE 9. It’s time!
I am not planning on purchasing an upgrade at this time. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the newest Elements upgrade though!
Yes, I do plan to upgrade from an older version, PSE9.
I am currently using Photoshop Elements 8.0 and would love to upgrade. I decided not to upgrade previously because year to year I don’t think it’s worth it for me. Now that we are 4 versions out – I think I will take the plunge. I really like the auto smart tone feature
Looks great!! I am using an old version and would love to win this drawing. Thanks for the opportunity!!!
I will not be upgrading to PSE 12. I love the enhancement to the straighten tool and think the Zoom Burst and Puzzle effects would be fun, but not enough to change systems. Plus, I like the magic extractor. Now if they had fixed that photo bin so it didn’t disappear whenever you used a tool, I might consider it. That feature is a pain.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the upgrade, however.
I would love to upgrade, but it’s not in my budget right now. Love all the new features. Winning it would be AWESOME!
I very much like Photoshop Elements. I am thrilled to see the new features and plan to upgrade to PSE12.
I wish I could afford to upgrade. If I upgraded it would have to be because I’m a lucky winner. I do love Photoshop.
I definitely plan to upgrade. I’m excited by the Restore Old Photo Guided Edit since I have many old photos I would like to edit and it’s sometimes difficult to know where to start.
Dear Linda,
I have Photoshop CS4. I’ve wanted to upgrade for a long time. Several of the features in the PSE12 look like fun.
Recently, I’ve taken some of what I’ve learned and used them on canvas. I’ll make the photo then paint it.
It would be a blessing to be able to upgrade and have the challenge of doing something new.
I can’t justify upgrading as I’ve only just installed PSE11 last week, after owning it for almost 1 year! If I happen to win, I’ll install it!
Yes, I would love to win the new PSE 12. I purchase the latest version every year because there is always something new and exciting. In PSE 12 that is the puzzle feature and the Camera Raw improvements. Thanks for the chance!
The new edition 12 looks really good, but I can not upgrade yearly because of financial limits. It sure would be nice to win one! I like the texture adjustments. The move option really made a great improvement on the composition.
I’m still on the fence whether or not I’m going to purchase PSE12. I’m a beginning using CS6, but it sounds like PSE12 could make my life easier. Maybe I should treat myself to a new “toy”.
I personally was hoping they would return to the PSE 10 and older format of being able to view both tools and the photo bin at the same time (I’m probably saying that wrong, but I found it annoying enough that I went back to using PSE 10 most of the time). I would probably only upgrade if I were to win this copy 🙂 or find a really, really good deal. I will eventually try a trial version to see what I think. I always enjoy your reviews of the new versions.
After reading your review, I am planning to upgrade to PSE12. I just upgraded my old Nikon D70 to the Nikon D7100. The improvements in PSE12 of Camera Raw, the pet eye fix, auto smart tone and the ability to share will be great benefits to my new DSLR. Thanks for such a comprehensive review! 🙂
I don’t plan to upgrade unless there is a really big discount on the price because I just upgraded last year and I’m not used to that version yet. Also I think they should offer free upgrades from time to time.
I absolutely plan to upgrade to PSE12. I have taken lots of pet photos and the pet eye removal tool will be a big plus. I am never happy with the results done manually. Also, I have boxes of old photos that I’ve inherited from my parents and I believe the restore old photo feature will be a big timesaver.
I plan on upgrading. I like to be up-to-date on software and the pet eye fix is definitely something I would use.
I will not be upgrading to PSE12. I usually upgrade every other year because one year upgrades is not worth it to me. That said, I would LOVE to win it. Thanks for the chance.
I like the guided edit additions and also the content aware move tool.
I need to upgrade from my PSE 7. I also just need to really start back doing more digi projects and getting my old family photographs ready to scrap.
I like to learn new things and challenge myself. The Pet Eye tool cool as I love to take pics of my dogs. Auto Smart Tone cool!. Plus, the new photo effects and textures sound awesome!
I would be over the moon to win Photoshop Elements 12!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to.
Would definitely upgrade as looks like some great new tools… esp the content move tool and auto smart tone.
Hello. Yes…I do plan to upgrade to PSE12 because I always like to have the latest technology available for all my projects!
I do intend to upgrade to Version 12. I love the Pet Eye Tool. I have three Big dogs and an adorable Attack Cat who are always getting their picture taken. I spend a lot of time fixing their demon eyes. This will be such a time saver!
Great post about the new version of PSE; I’m loving the new features! There is no doubt in my mind, I want to enjoy them all and will be upgrading from PSE11 to PSE12! Eeeeeps!
Yes, I’m definitely going to upgrade. Have 10 now and there are some great new things in 12. Love the pet eye feature
Well, I would love to upgrade but first of all I need a computer upgrade and I still haven’t loaded PSE11! My bad. New features are AWESOME!
Yes, I’m definitely going to upgrade. Love the new pet eye feature.
Not sure. The fixing old photos fix looks very interesting.
I like some of the new features that are listed, like the auto smart tone, textures, and the content aware feature. I would consider purchasing this when Costco has their special, but I need to purchase a new computer first so this new program would run properly. Each new update just requires more memory!
I would love to upgrade to PSE 12 to explore the new features. The Auto Smart tool is one I think I would enjoy…some of the other effects and texture tools also would be great to explore and incorporate into my pages.
Thank you
The questions at hand…. Do I plan to buy the latest/greatest PSE12 and why?
The answer really comes down to….Is this an “I need” or an “I want”. Prior to reading Linda’s enlightening post, I didn’t even know that PSE12 was released. Ahhh… the beauty of ignorance. lol But now that I know that it does exist (thanks to Linda), I not only want it… I NEED IT. lol
In short, this post is the main cause of me wanting the newest PSE12. And yes, I probably will purchase it, but hopefully for the sake of my budget, I will win it instead. 🙂
Yes, I plan to upgrade, mainly because of the “content aware fill” and “frames.” I have had Photoshop Elements since version 3, upgrading about every two years. I currently have version 11, so there aren’t too many changes, but I love new technology, even though I’m old–66.
PSE 12 is on my purchase list. My last upgrade was PSE 8.0, so it’s definitely time! The highlights shared look awesome. I can hardly wait to get started! Thanks for the opportunity.
I would love to upgrade to Elements 12 – the new tools would be nice.
I have been looking at PSE for awhile and I am now ready to purchase – or better yet I’d love to win it. I then will need to start a class. I have been scrapbooking for a couple of years but would like to add in digital &/or hybrid pages. I’m going to keep my fingers crossed. Thank you for the chance to win PSE12.
For now I will stay with PSE 10. Great info.! Thanks for the chance to win!
I haven’t definitely decided one way or the other but will definitely do more research. There’s always a reason to upgrade but there’s also the expense to consider. And we are still pretty busy packing and getting ready for our move to OR.
I am still using the vs 8 that was given to me a while ago as a Christmas pressie. It would be nice to have a more up to date version (particularly like the demon eyes tool and the auto smart tone function) but I’m not sure I could justify the ££££. Winning the new software would therefore be fantabulous!
I probably WILL upgrade, as I am still using either version 7 or 8 and I would love to play with some of those new features. Thanks for this opportunity to win a copy.
Not sure if I will purchase. I like the pet eye correction. Also, a lot of the classes will be using this software so it would be nice to follow along with the same software–I am still using PSE 7 so it is time for an upgrade. Maybe for Christmas.
The Adobe PSE is a great program!! From this new version I love the fix for pet eyes, hope works for humans also, lol! Thanks for the chance to get it FREE!
If I do, it will be at Christmas time, and it would be largely because of the pet eye corrector.
I would love to upgrade to PSE 12. Some of the photo edits that you described sound intriguing, but I am on Social Security disability and money is very tight. Digital scrapbooking is my main source of entertainment. I just love scrapping my grandkids.
Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂
I have had 11 for a short time and I am still learning all the differences there so probably won’t upgrade yet. The new features do sound cool though.
I’m using PSE 10 for scrapbooking and would love to upgrade to 12. I love the edit old photos option, since I have inherited 1,000’s of old photos from my late in-laws.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I plan to upgrade to PE12. Love the pet eye feature and moving objects. Will probably look for a bundle with Premiere Elements or look for a sale unless I’m lucky enough to win. Thanks for the opportunity.
I’m currently using 10 so I think it’s time to upgrade to 12. I’d love to win a copy.
I have PSE 6 and would love to upgrade to PSE 12, I have several pets and I work on old photo’s for a cousin that is writing a book on our ancestry tree. I have taken Linda’s restore old photos class and love doing that and a tool to help would be wonderful! Thanks for the chance!
I am definitely going to upgrade to Elements 12 as I always get excited with the newest versions with new tools that help make digital art and scrapbooking more advanced and easier….thanks for the opportunity…
I always try to keep current with my frequently used applications. Therefore I am definitely going to update to PSE12. Since I do shot in RAW—-the new improved Adobe Camera Raw will be very welcomed. Thanks for offering this “give-away.”
I am not sure if I will purchase 12 – very comfortable with PSE 11. I am still reading all the +’s added to PSE 12
Would love to upgrade form 11 to 12. The easy move tool & photo burst look like great additions!
I love Version 11 and use the magic extractor all the time. Not having that feature would keep me from upgrading. Thank you for the review.
I will most likely upgrade as I have done the last few years. There’s a lot to like that’s new in PSE 12. I really like the idea of having a fix for demon eyed pets and the content aware fill. Both will save me a LOT of time.
Linda…are you going to have a teaching disc in the box this time? That’s a major reason I upgrade…your lessons are the BEST!!!
Of course I would love to upgrade! Looks like some fun and useful additions.
Thank you so much for the review. Even though the new things look amazing I currently cannot justify the upgrade in my budget. But thanks for the opportunity to perhaps win a copy. Thanks again.
I love the textures in the new pse 12. I just bought pse 11 and I waited a while on that one. I will remember from now on to look forward to September releases.
Thanks for the review and the chance to win.
Yes, I guess it’s time to update. I am currently using PSE 8 and I love it but, it’s time! I like all the new additions especially the new guided edit ones. I really enjoy learning new things and that’s why I love your website! Wish I could afford the classes but your free tutorials are awesome!!! Thanks for giving us an opportunity to win PSE 12!
I always love the latest and greatest versions of programs, especially PSE. I would love to win it!!!
I will be upgrading from PSE 9 to 12. Love that pet eye fix! I have show dogs and all of their scrapbooks are digital. This will make my life so much easier. I can think of a reason to use every single new thing in PSE 12!
I am undecided whether to upgrade or not. Not sure if my existing laptop can handle it. I skipped 11, so maybe its time to upgrade.
The latest version I have is PSE 8. After reading all 12 can do I realize what I am missing out on. I will definitely be upgrading. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I usually upgrade every other year and this year is my time to upgrade. I am excited about using the new format they came out with last year.
I would love to upgrade to PSE12 for the pet eye corrector!
Thank you, as ever, for the detailed update description. I have PSE10 and was tempted to upgrade to 11 when the major changes were made, now I’m kind of glad I didn’t. I really like some of the new features you described, they sound like they could be a lot of fun! So I might upgrade, especially if the good special comes through!
I currently have PSE 10 and think its time to upgrade. Thanks for the chance to win!
I agree with grannymike–was hoping they would return to the PSE 10 interface. I have purchased every single version of PSE, all 11 of them, from the very first one, but I currently use 10, even though I have 11. Will I buy the new one? Maybe not. I do not like sharing my screen space with that huge tool option area and prefer the (old-fashioned?) narrow option bar.
Boy this is a toughie. I love the magic extractor but love the new upgrades also….will have to work on this decision. Wining it would probably solve the problem.
Been using Elements 10 and have had several issues. Almost ready to get rid of Elements but I started using Elements years ago and do like it just had so many bugs in 10 I was so frustrated. Sounds like 12 has really improved and would love to upgrade.
I have upgraded every year, it always gets me. I upgraded to 11 because of the actions being added easier and now I need 12 to. So yes I will be upgrading I am sure.
I don’t plan to upgrade yet. I don’t have enough time to have learned what I have (PSE11) to justify upgrading.
I’m not sure yet if I’ll upgrade to 12. I have to determine if the new features are worth it or not. Thanks for the description of the new features!
I’m a fence straddler. There are some new things I like, but don’t want to lose the things they are taking away. I haven’t fully learned version 11. So, right now it is a maybe, possibly, still thinking.
I’m still looking! I got PSE 11 last year and am still learning and hate to think of yet another year to learn. But there are several components I would love to have — so we’ll see!
I have to admit, that puzzle feature is what snagged my attention. How awesome is that!?! I currently have PSE 10 and wanted 11 but wasn’t able to get it. Hopefully this year I can splurge and get this one!
Thank you!
I had PS CS5 at work & loved the content aware — I am currently working mostly on CS4, but have PSE11. I would love to learn PSE12 & might well make the switch from PS since upgrading that is out of the question. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your contest!
The pet eye corrector is a huge draw for me since I have 5 granddogs and one of my own, LOL! I’ve recently gotten into taking pictures with raw mode and would love to have the upgrade for this. Thank you so much for the chance to win the upgrade!!!
I will definitely upgrade to be able to use some of the new features you described – the new guided edit for restoring old photos is at the top of that list. Also, the auto smart fill, the pet eye fix, and the textures and frames. Thanks for offering us a chance to win a copy!
This is a very helpful review. Thank you very much. I really love the Magic Extractor and I am not happy to lose it. I guess I could always go back to PSE11 if I need the Magic Extractor and then move my project back to PSE 12. I appreciate that Adobe does not require us to get rid of the previous versions when we install a new version. Thank you!
I have had Elements 6 since it first came out but used it very little. I just started a class in elements 11, which I upgraded to , so for now I will stay with it but it would be nice to win an upgrade for the future whrn I am done with the class.
I haven’t upgraded my PSE in years. It’s time for me to upgrade! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to win!
I would love to have the new version. I was not planning to buy it. Just so expensive to renew every year. I love my PSE 7. But would sure appreciate the new version.
I was still deciding on whether I should get 11! I’d find the pet red eye removal very useful, and some of the other changes look fun. Count me as “undecided”.
I had planned to upgrade and told my hubs to expect it, too! I’ve been using 10, skipped 11, and am not overwhelmed with the additions in 12. But, 11… I’ve been missing out! So, yes!
I plan to upgrade this time. I just inherited my parents photos and want a way to repair the old photos. I have not been successful with previous versions and think this new guided restoration is just what I need. Plus I love the pet eye and new sorting categories.
I really like most of the new improvements – especially the pet eye fix and the ability to move items and have the “smart” fix the new location as well as the old one. Not so happy about the loss of the magic extractor, however! But with the upgrade, I could still extract on PSE9 and do the rest on 12! I’m still thinking about whether to upgrade at this time but it’s mighty tempting!
Yes, I definitely need to upgrade to the PSE 12. I currently have PSE 7. I thin it’s time!
I really enjoyed reading your summary and review. Since I’m using V8 it’s definitely time for me to upgrade!
I currently use 9, but would love to upgrade to 12. Some of the new features sound very appealing. Unless I’m lucky enough to win though, I’m probably going to have to stick with 9 a little longer.
I don’t like having yearly updates that cost full price. Wish there was an upgrade price for current users. I can’t afford every update, but I got a great price on Version 11 at Sam’s Club a few months ago. I’ll upgrade to Version 12 if I can find it at a reasonable price!
Yes, I would love to upgrade to PSE12 for the pet eye fix. Getting rid of those demon eyes in our pets can be tricky in PSE10 which I use now. Thanks for the chance to win PSE12 and for telling us all the new things that are in this new version!
No, I do not plan to upgrade to PSE 12. I upgraded last year and love the changes, but I try to skip a version or two, for cost reasons.
Wow… always interesting to see what the new features are for PSE. I started way back with PSE 3.0. I’d love to win a copy of 12.0 and check out the new features! I usually wait to upgrade until it on sale, so I may upgrade later.
I need to upgrade from PSE 7 and get back into doing more digi stuff.
I do plan to upgrade to PSE12- I am currently using PSE10. My daughter is taking a design class in college and she is helping me get more out of PSE, so I am excited about learning even more with PSE12. Plus, I love the puzzle option!!!
I currently use PSE10 and would love to upgrade to 12. I know there are a lot of others who wish this also, good luck to all to whom ever is the winner
Was using PE6 on an older computer and loved it. When we purchased a newer computer
one of the first things I purchased was PE11. Just got it in June and am still learning
how to use it. If PE11 is any indication of an upgrade I would love to get PE12.
Love PE 11 and think it’s a really great photo software.
Oh, Yes, I do plan to purchase PSE12, if I am not lucky enough to win it. I read your review of it early this morning and downloaded the trial version at 4 a.m. so I could try it out. Love it, not only the Pet Eye tool but some of the other features too. I even tried the pet eye tool on a couple pictures of the many I have of my cat with those awful eyes, and even withut a lot of practice, I was amazed at the good job it did.
I would love to upgrade to PSE12 but do not have the budget to do so. My PSE7 has been a real treasure to me but I always get so jealous (big sin) when I see the tuts using the newer versions. I am stuck at home so this is my connection to the world and I have a large inventory of wonderful photos from my “prior” life of traveling.
I really like the ability to move an object in PSE12 like the sample with the Eiffle Tower!
FINALLY! Boy – have I ever been waiting for this one!! In the past few months I have become very serious about my projects even to the the extent of changing the name of the extra room we built on to the garage as my “playroom” to my “STUDIO!”. Just did that yesterday! (Loving Linda’s Blending Classes and looking forward to Michell’s edition next week…)
I have been using PSE 8 for quite some time and at the suggestion of a few of the wonderful DS Forum participants, I have been “trying” a free trial edition of PSE 11 just hoping 12 would come out before my time ran out…well – it did. NOW – if I am fortunate to WIN PSE 12 – that’s only the icing on the cake!!!
Have a great day! elaine j
I never “plan” to upgrade. Just wait until I get a wild hair — which is often! I upgraded to PSE 11 and love it! I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t use it either for photos or scrapbooking or papercrafting. The content move really intrigues me.
I love PSE and do plan to upgrade. I didn’t upgrade with 11 because I had just upgraded when 11 came out and felt that I still have a lot of capacity for learning in 10 without upgrading to 11. I am so proud of my learning curve over the past couple of years and feel that I am ready for some new challenges to my art. Learning how to do new things with the software is now my passion. I am constantly learning from Photoshop Elements Magazine, the adobe website, pinterest, facebook and scrapbook designers. The wealth of available resources is sometimes overwhelming but absolutely awesome. I have used PSE 4, 7, and 10. I have tried other software programs and always comeback to PSE. It may not be as user friendly but if I dig deep enough I hardly ever fail to produce the product and look I am happy with. I would love to win PSE 12, but regardless the product is a big part of my memory management system and I look forward to better utilization of it’s new capabilities.
I started with Elements and Scrapper’s Guide. I eventually worked up to CS6 but since I won’t be using the cloud system and I understand Adobe won’t be supporting individuals, I will go back to Elements. My last level was Elements 7. I would love to have the newest one.
Would love to update my Photoshop Elements 6. It’s been a long time and much needed. Thanks for the chance to win.
Well, I had deciided to wait for å later version because the money. But Im a technogeek who loves new features. I use instagram a lot- and love the filter and textueoptions in pse 12- so thats the reason why I planning to upgrade, To win the upgrade- well It would be FANTASTIC
This is going to sound silly I’m sure but my last edition is PSE 9, at which time I purchased PS CS5 which I love. However; after reading Linda review of the new additions to PSE 12 I’m seriously considering buying it for several reasons, but most specifically the Content Aware tool! I love that tool but find it hard to get into my head the CS5 version. Thank you for the opportunity to win one…crossing my fingers!
I do plan to upgrade, especially for the new Content Aware tools. The other additions sound nice, too.
I was just thinking it might be time to get a newer version than pse8 which I use now. Love some of the new features, especially the photo editing. I would love to win it, but think I will upgrade anyway, might just have to be an early Christmas present. Thank you for the update on the new features.
Just started using pse 11 for digital scrapbooking- don’t have plans to upgrade quite yet until I feel like I got my money’s worth out of the program I just bought:)
I won’t be upgrading to 12 as I just recently upgraded to 11. And when I do upgrade I will keep 11 on my computer just for the magic extractor. I use it often. Many of the new features look interesting and I will probably upgrade at 13.
I currently have v10 and resisted the upgrade to v11. Now that I see what v12 offers, I want it! I take a lot of photos of my pets, and the pet eye feature is right up my alley. I am also beginning to use digital photos for my card-making and my art journal, so I can see how much v12 would be helpful. I’m a year behind catching up on my Photoshop Elements magazine, but will now speed that process up in anticipation of v12! Hope I win!
It’s more than time for me to upgrade. I’m still using 8, and 12 looks to be full of nice improvements across the board.
Well, since I instill have PSE4, I guess I better upgrade. I was saving up to try to buy a full-fledged Photoshop, but Adobe took that option away from me with the new CC and I can’t do a monthly subscription. Sigh! PSE12, here I come.
I think it looks interesting enough. I currently use PSE 8 and I still love it BUT I do love the fact of being able to fix my fur butts eyes! Thank you for the chance to win!!
I would love to win this new version as I am still using PSE 9. Thanks for the detailed review.
I would love to upgrade. All the new features look great, especially the pet eyes correction.
I’m using PSE9 right now and probably won’t choose to upgrade unless I can find a great deal. The one I’m currently using I bought at Costco with the great Digital Scrapper CD bundle. Sure would love a free copy though!
I am so excited to upgrade to Elements 12. I have been using Elements 6 and need the upgrade. I can’t hold out any longer!
I would love to get version 12, but I will wait until I get my new computer!
I would probably upgrade eventually since the box will call to me as soon as I enter Costco but I really need the pet eye fix (currently have 3 dogs, 4 cats and 5 chickens) I also use the Organizer as a database for all my rubberstamps and cutting dies and have been wanting to arrange my files alphabetically for years. What took them so long?
I have been plugging along with Photoshop Elements 8 for the last few years. I think I have advanced enough to move up and into one of the newer Elements. I think by looking at all the new features, the things I want to do will be easier in the newer software. I would LOVE to graduate to the new edition :)I love Photoshop!!!!!!
I’m probably the only person around that still uses PE 6! I did upgrade to PE 9 but didn’t use it as I could do most things faster in PE 6.
So now is the year to make the move and with all the new additions, your article convinced me – I edit a lot of heritage photos and love the idea of textures and effects available without purchasing actions.
I would love to upgrade to PE 12.
Thank-you for the chance to win
I really love PSE 11 and hadn’t planned on upgrading until I read your review. I just love the pet eye corrector and the content aware move tool and straighten tool. I can also see myself using the puzzle effect on my pages. So, yes, I will be upgrading to 12! I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance.
I would love to make my life easier with all the new goodies….currently still using 8! HELP 🙂
I took a break from the scrapbook world and now I’m back and very behind. 🙂 Currently I’m on PSE 6!!! WOW, yes I will be upgrading so I will be current for all the classes I want to take. 🙂 Pet eyes will be worth its weight in gold.
I currently have Photoshop Elements 11 and don’t feel like paying for another version! But, I would love to win a new copy. Thanks for the chance.
Yes I would love to upgrade. I am really lovin the redeye for pets and the restore old photos. Thank you so very much for the chance to win one. Bless you.
Just when I thought they couldn’t improve on PSE, they did! I have PSE 8 and would love to upgrade. Will have to save my $$$ to do so. Thanks for the opportunity to get it faster.
I would love to upgrade but the cost of keeping up with the yearly changes is out of my budget. I always envy those that can. I believe my latest edition is 9.
I would love to upgrade, primarily for the pet eye feature and fixing the old photographs. Winning the software would be the best!!
I am not sure if I will upgrade – I need to learn Photoshop Elements 11 first and am currently signed up for Learn Digital Scrapbook. I love the upgrade for the pets eyes and moving an object, so I may just upgrade.
I am using PSE9 and really like it, but I do think this is the year to upgrade. Having the most current PSE makes following all the tutorials a lot easier. There are times that I just miss out.
I am definitely looking to upgrade. I’m on PSE 6!! And I need to get with the times!!
I definitely plan to upgrade to PSE 12 – I’m still using PSE 9, and really coveted version 11 when it came out last year . . . it just keeps getting better! I am especially excited about the pet eye feature — I have a lot of those “demon dog” photos.
I don’t plan on upgrading at this time since I already have 11, but I know once I get into Costco & find a coupon it will somehow magically fall into my cart! I’m such a sucker for the latest technology!
I would love to win it, though.
I am still learning V11 – BUT I am very interested in the Pet Eye and the Quick Textures. Plus, I do quite a bit of old photo corrections so the new Restore Old Photos is a big temptation! In the end, I will upgrade, I just know that I won’t be able to resist.
I do have cs6 but don’t plan to move to the cloud. Want to keep up with some of the new features so will probably upgrade PSE more often. Thanks for this chance to win- fingers crossed!
I probably will upgrade to V12. The new changes look very interesting. I started out with Version 3, then went to 5, then 9 so I am excited to see what I can create with Version 12!
I have PSE 9 and was thinking of upgrading to PSE 11. When I received the email telling about version 12 and all that it will do, all I could say was wow. The temptation is so great to just spend the money, but I have to hold back and put first things first, like food (smile). Even if I do not win, thanks for the opportunity to participate and I wish the best to whoever wins it.
The Auto Smart Tone looks really great. The pet eye feature also looks pretty good. Both of these would make me interested in upgrading! Thank you for the chance to win!
I honestly haven’t decided yet, I feel like I am still adjusting to using PSE 11. 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity to win an upgrade!
I received Photoshop for Christmas from my husband, but still love to use Elements for quick fixes and printing. Some of the new features sound wonderful and I’d love to try them!
Thanks much for your evaluation and demonstration of the newest improvements in PSE12. There are some nice additions, especially the Pet eye fix. Naturally I would love to have the newest version, but I have to think about my dentist, lol. Can’t fix a crown with PSE12! Might have to wait a year.Thanks for a chance to win.
I think I will wait to upgrade when it’s available at Costco; after the Art of Blending class (in which I learned so much and enjoyed tremendously), and I saw how easy it is to move a mask from layer to layer and heard about the ease of installing actions, I’m ready for PSE 12! To win it would be like hitting the ‘Scrapper’s Lottery’!!!
I have PSE 11 and every year I am tempted to upgrade to the latest and greatest but I find I get more bang for my buck when I upgrade every other year. I will probably wait but am interested in learning more about the RAW editing.
It just gets to be too expensive trying to keep up with an upgrade a year. It has been a while since I have and I would love to upgrade, but I just can’t afford it 🙁
I will probably upgrade because the all the new features are very appealing. I upgraded from 10 to 11 at the first of the year. That meant some big changes. As I am just getting comfortable with 11, I’m glad that the basics are staying the same.
I will update to 12. This is an annual holiday gift from my husband and as much as I hesitated to load PSE 11, I have enjoyed it more than I imagined. I am looking forward to the easy access to loading into camera raw and also the fill in with the straighten tool as many of our scans from family members aren’t always level. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Adobe products are terrific and I’m a current fan of Photoshop CS5. I cannot justify the cost for the new cloud subscription service that’s become mandatory for an upgrade version, so I have decided to switch to the PSE version of their product. I look forward to your updated PSE 12 class and will register as soon as it is available! Thanks , Ms. Sattgast and also, thanks to your team, for a wonderful site!
I will probably upgrade. The new features seem like they will make photo enhancing easier (for a novice-me).
I would love to upgrade to PSE 11, especially if Linda does her usual training video. I love her style of teaching and it helps me learn the new tools faster. Thanks for your consideration.
I probably won’t upgrade yet. Mine is a few years old, but can’t afford it yet.
would love to win an upgrade…..I am looking forward to seeing what surprises Adobe has in store for us!
I upgraded to PSE11 from PSE7 last year due to a laptop crash and PS not supporting PSE7 any more. I like it, but if I won PSE12 I’d definitely upgrade since the puzzle feature and the pet eyes would be fun to play with.
I definitely will purchase a new copy of PSE. If I don’t win one I will wait until it gets to Costco to save some $$.
I like hte enhanced straighten tool, the zoom burst. and the Content Aware Move Tool(especially this one)
I’m planning on upgrading. I am always looking for ways to do more innovative and different things to my digital pages. The photoshop 12 has so many great new things. Just looking at them I already have ideas for future layouts.
I keep thinking I need to “learn” the PSE version I have..Maybe I should ask “Santa” for a copy this year. The pet eye feature looks interesting.
I currently have PSE 8, I have been wanting to upgrade for the past few years.
Let me put it another way I badly HAVE/NEED TO UPGRADE. With all the photo editing and scrap-booking that I do, I feel that I am missing out on the awesome new features since version 8. I have been saving to purchase a more newer, faster computer, my current one is 6 years old and I need to upgrade. With the new version 12 I would so be a happy camper.
Thank you
I am using PSE 11 and will probably not upgrade because of the cost. I don’t have many pet pictures, so that feature isn’t a big draw for me. The new feature I would probably use would be fixing old photos. I am doing a lot of that right now.
I will definitely upgrade to from version 11 to 12 for the pet eye feature alone. I just vacationed in Corolla, NC and got to see the wild horses on the beach and have some photos where the eyes need to be corrected. I would love to save the photos. Also I plan to do a photobook for my parents for their 59th anniversary next year and need to restore a bunch of older photos. Thank you.
I would love to upgrade but seeing how I bought PSE11 about 6 months ago, it’s not in my current budget to upgrade :-(.
I would really like to have this. I have 9 grandchildren, take a lot of pictures, but am unable to upgrade each year. Having this would allow me to get current with my photoshopping skills. Although i may be old as a dinosaur, I don’t want my photoshopping skills to be that of a dinosaur.
Ever since my first purchase of PSE 6, I’ve been up to date on each and every upgrade PSE 11 has brought me to new heights in my photo editing and creativity. I’v never been disappointed with this photo editing product, therefore I am happily looking forward to PSE 12.
I love the new features but I am not sure if I am going to upgrade at this time. I purchased PSE 11 and am still learning to use that one.
I would have liked to have seen more substantive changes to the organizer, but the new special effects are wonderful, and easier access to camera raw alone is worth the upgrade to me, so definitely, I will be upgrading.
I DO plan to upgrade! I only upgrade on the even editions, so this is my year. Love all the new stuff!!! Thanks for the review!
I DO plan to upgrade! I only upgrade on the even editions, so this is my year! Thanks for the review, love the new features.
I will definitely be upgrading. I’m somewhat of the PS/PSE “know it all” at all the local scrapbook events and everyone comes to me to find out what’s new and be tutored on the latest and greatest features. I’ve been digi-scrapping for 8 years now and have converted a lot of paper scrappers into digital lovers!
Great review Linda! I’m still using PSE 9 but have been thinking of upgrading. The pet eye and auto smart tone have pushed me over the edge! It’s time. 🙂
I presently use Lightroom 5 to manage and edit photos as I shoot in RAW format. I have been using Photoshop since CS3 came out, upgraded to CS5 and am currently on a 30 day trial for Photoshop CC. I’m not sure if I will go with the Creative Cloud model for Photoshop / Lightroom or if I will stick with Lightroom 5 and buy PSE 12. If I win PSE12 that may make the decision for me! It sounds like it’s come a long way since back in the days when I started out with Elements.
I would love to use all the new features. Still undecided if I will purchase
I hope to upgrade…. Christmas gift! I have photoshop 8 and really need to upgrade! Can’t wait!!
I have been away from scrapbooking for most of this year with my time primarily focused on our home remodel. I’ve been taking lots of pictures through the process and will be making many pages of before, during and after photos! I still have PSE9 and would love to have the new upgraded version. My main muse for scrapbooking is my 120 lb. rottweiler Bruno and I have always struggled with his eyes in photos. I’m most excited about that new feature. Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win PSE12!
I will upgrade to PSE 12. I like the new features such as: Pet Eye Removal; Auto Smart Tone; Restore Old Photos; Zoom Burst and Content Aware Fill. I do not always upgrade each year, but this new edition has so many new features that I would use frequently.
While I would LOVE to win PSE12, I am fully enjoying PSE11 after upgrading from PSE8, so I’m not quite ready to re-upgrade. Adobe has added a lot of tantalizing, fun tools, though! The content-aware move tool, pet-eye, textures and effects are my favs!
I just started to learn Photoshop 11 and think purchasing 12 at this time would just confuse me. The new features look and sound wonderful, but I need to just learn the basics right now. Thanks for the review on Photoshop 12.
I WILL be upgrading. In addition to scrapping, which I LOVE, I really find tweaking and having fun with my photos a creative way to relax and it enhances the scrapping. The content aware capabilities, after a bit of playing to learn, have been wonderful so I am jazzed about the new/enhanced content aware activities. Although I don’t use the guided edits all of the time, they teach me and give me new ideas for my own edits – and they are great to use if I am pressed for time. I have had the full blown Photoshop and some of these things I have used there, but I have primarily used Elements because I like the way it works. I will be buying it, but it would be great if I can win it. (Then I can use one at work too ;D )
Love Photoshop Elements, but I have 11 and am loving it so I will be waiting for the next one:)
I have been upgrading every two years. I am thinking that it is my time. I like anything that would help me with my vintage pictures. Thanks for the
update! It would be awesome to win this!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I am not sure if I will upgrade due to funds but I really want that pet eye fixer. I have so many pet pictures that would benefit from that.
I am undecided about an upgrade to PSE 12. I love PSE 11 and have spent months taking classes and learning its features. The Auto Smart Tone, Content Aware Move and Content Aware Fill in the Straighten Tool are very appealing. But I am not happy that the Magic Extractor will no longer be available and the proposed move to a 64-bit platform leaves me wondering about compatibility with my operating system and other software applications. I will have to do a great deal more research before switching to PSE 12. Who knows, if it’s compatible with my operating system, maybe I can keep both applications on my computer and have the magic extractor available when I need it by opening a file in version 11 to do that work, and switching back to PSE 12 to complete a project. More information is definitely required before I reach a final decision.
Would be nice to have the most recent upgrade but will probably not upgrade since I am already using PSE11.
If only I’d known Adobe was going to produce PSE 12 I would have waited but I didn’t, so I purchased PSE a couple of months ago. However, that wouldn’t stop me using 12 if I was lucky enough to win a copy.
Thanks for the review on 12. I would like anything that would help make my vintage pictures better. I have been upgrading every two years, so I am due!
I really appreciate the opportunity to participate in this give away of photoshop elements 12! I have been signing up for your classes and love them!
Not in the budget.
I would like to upgrade to PSE 12 since I’m currently using PSE 7.
I’m currently using Photoshop CS6. I cannot afford to subscribe to the cloud version so will be switching to Photoshop Elements 12.
PSE 11 had so many new tools that helped enhanced our work and I see that PSE 12 does also. Maybe Santa will bring it to me for Christmas.
I see a lot of cool new features that I would love to play with. I’m still undecided at this time about upgrading, but am definitely leaning to the “yes” side.
Of course I have to upgrade, those new features look awesome!! I believe I’ve been upgrading since their original version. 🙂 Would love to win a copy and thanks for the chance.
I bought PSE 11 and haven’t figured out how to use all that’s available but think I would enjoy using the fix for older photos available in PSE 12.
I plan to upgrade after seeing the new features. I didn’t upgrade to PSE11 and wish I had but now seeing some of the new features, especially the animal red eye fix I will definitely go to PSE12
Yes, I think I will … I’ve had PSE 6 for quite a few years, and my husband bought me the class to learn how to use it for my birthday over a year ago … and I’ve never started! I might as well learn on the latest and greatest, don’t you think?
It’s doubtful I’ll upgrade from v11 to v12. I only purchased 11 about 2-months ago. I do like keeping current, though, so I won’t rule it out completely.
I would love to win this. I like using Photoshop Elements but would be disappointed in not being able to us Magic Extractor.
I love upgrading and the puzzle and straighten tool look really fun.
Thanks for giving us a chance to win.