Colored Letters

Colored Letters
by Jenifer Juris
Add emphasis to a title by coloring the letters to match a project.
For this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to make a fall print exactly like the one shown here, but feel free to use this idea on a project of your own. This project is US paper size so that if you want to print and hang it for the fall season, you can.
Step One: Download and Open the QuickPage
- Download and unzip the quick page I created for this tutorial.
- Open the quickpage-AutumnDays-KristinCroninBarrow.jpg file (File > Open) from the download folder.
Step Two: Add Text
- Get the Horizontal Type tool.
- In the Tool Options, choose a font (I’m using the Girlfriend font). Set the Size to around 100 and the Alignment to Center. Click on the Color Chip, then click on the color wheel to open the Color Picker. (PS: Click on the Color Chip opens the Color Picker.)
- In the Color Picker, enter 4c2c1d for the Hex #. Click OK to close the Color Picker.
- On the document, click once in the top middle of the cream rectangle to place the cursor.
- Type “Life” and then press Enter (Mac: Return) to go to the next line.
- Type “is” and then press Enter (Mac: Return) to go to the next line.
- Type “colorfall!” and then click the checkmark to commit the type.
Step Three: Color a Letter
- Get the Horizontal Type tool.
- On the document, click and drag over the letter c in colorfall to select it.
- In the Tool Options, click on the color chip, then click on the color wheel to open the Color Picker. (PS: Click on the Color Chip opens the Color Picker.)
Note: Opening the Color Picker automatically activates the Color Picker tool (Eyedropper tool).
- Sample an orange color from the document and click OK to close the Color Picker.
Step Four: Repeat Until Finished
- Repeat step three until you have finished recoloring the word “colorful” as shown below.
- Add embellishments if you like to.
- Save the project as a high quality JPG file (File > Save As) for printing.
- Close the working document without saving.
Here is how my completed project turned out.
Here’s another example of how I used this technique on a scrapbook page.
I can’t wait to see how you use this tutorial!
After posting your results online,
return here and include the link in the comments.
Page: Jenifer Juris
Tutorial: Colored Letters by Jenifer Juris
Kit: Autumn Days by Kristin Cronin-Barrow
Fonts: Girlfriend, Salt & Pepper Ornaments Smooth/Emma
Page & Photo: Jenifer Juris
Tutorial: Colored Letters by Jenifer Juris
Kit: Memory Keeper by Kim Broedelet
Fonts: Emma, Kiln Serif
Author: Jenifer Juris | Contact Us
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I love this idea! I was wondering about the font (Girlfriend)…the only one I found for free has a shadow around it. Is this a purchased font? If so, do you know of a free one that’s similar? Also, I’m assuming your lovely layout is a .psd format, correct?
Hi Christine! I’m so glad you like it!! 🙂 The font is not for free. I believe I purchased it in a font bundle. As far as the format, yes I create all of them as a .psd. But if you’re referring to the quick page I included as a free download – that is a .jpeg file.
I’ve just read this blog and I love your tutorial, Jenifer! Thanks for the quick page instructions, too!
Thx so much Donna! I’m so glad you like it! 🙂
thank you so much for this
You’re so welcome! 🙂