Quick Tip—Mask to Text Box

Quick Tip—Mask to Text Box
by Jen White

To celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary (in 2013), my hunk and I took a weekend road trip to a hockey game. I had a lot to say about our weekend of fun, so I set out on a mission to create a scrapbook page with LOTS of journaling space.

If you are looking for a unique text box for your journaling, try giving photo masks a try. They often have an odd design that adds just the right touch to a scrapbook page.


This text box didn’t actually start off as a photo mask. Kitty Designs calls it a “magical splat” in her Live, Love kit. I simply filled it with color to make it a mask. Then I used that mask to create a text box. Here’s how I did it.

In Photoshop Elements (v10 and later):

  • Use the Shape tools to mimic the shape of the mask. Just keep adding and subtracting shapes until you’ve achieved the look.
  • Use the Horizontal Type tool to type inside the shape.

In Adobe Photoshop:

  • Use the Lasso tool to trace around the mask.
  • Turn the selection outline into a path.
  • Use the Horizontal Type tool to type inside the path.

Once you’ve finished with the journaling, arrange your photos all pretty-like, and you are good to go. I just LOVE scrapbook pages with lots of journaling! Don’t you?

Tempalte: 1502-1 by Jen White | Kit: Live, Love by Kitty Designs | Font: Courier Reg
Template: 1502-1 by Jen White | Kit: Live, Love by Kitty Designs | Font: Courier Reg


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jenwhite-48x48Author: Jen White | [email protected]
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Comments (5)

  1. DorrieH.

    Jen, I love your concept here on how to Mask to Text Box, however I’m having a problem knowing just how you turned the lassoed selection outline into a path. If I’m not asking too much could you elaborate on the steps you used to do that.

    February 25, 2015 at 4:46 pm Reply
    • Jen White

      Hi Dorrie. No problem. This only works for Photoshop. After you have the selection outline, click on the Make Work Path from Selection icon in the Paths panel. Return to the Layers panel. Get the Type tool. Then, on the document, click inside the path to place your cursor. Hope that helped. 😀

      February 25, 2015 at 4:55 pm Reply
  2. Suzanne

    I’m having the same problem that DorrieH is having. Please elaborate on the steps involved using Photo Shop Elements. Thanks!

    February 26, 2015 at 4:46 pm Reply
  3. Sandi Lax

    I don’t understand how this works in Photoshop Elements. How do you make it take on the shape of the mask?

    February 27, 2015 at 12:42 pm Reply
  4. Shirl

    Thanks for this fantastic quick tip with that awesome mask for PSE. Your ingenuity gave it a totally different persona in your beautiful two pager. Your are the most. 🙂

    February 27, 2015 at 11:12 pm Reply
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