Quick Tip—Stroke Outline

Quick Tip—Stroke Outline
by Jen White
Add a simple stroke outline inside a photomask to give your page a touch of interest and pizzaz. It’s an easy addition when you don’t want a lot of “fluff.”
Here’s how:
- In the Layers panel, activate the photo layer you’d like to embellish.
- Ctrl click (Mac: Cmd click) on the thumbnail of that layer to get a selection outline.
- In the Menu Bar, choose Select > Modify > Contract.
- In the dialog box, set Contract By to 20 px and click OK. The value depends on the resolution of your photo/page.
- In the Layers panel, click on the Create a New Layer icon.
- In the Menu Bar, choose Edit > Stroke (Outline) Selection. (PS: Choose Edit > Stroke.)
- In the dialog box, set the Width to 10 px, the Location to Inside, the Blend Mode to Normal, and the Opacity to 100%. Click on the Color Chip, choose a color, and click OK. Click OK again to commit the stroke. Again, the values are dependent upon the resolution of your photos/page.
- Press Ctrl D (Mac: Cmd D) to deselect.
I really like how the simple stroke outlines gave my scrapbook page a little lift.

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Author: Jen White | Contact Us
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I love your Quick Tip – Outline Stroke!
Thanks for this, great tip for accenting a photo.
Thank you, love all your little tips