Remember Why You Started—iNSD 2017

Remember Why You Started — iNSD 2017

by Jen White

Take a moment to reflect and remember why you started scrapbooking. Not just digital scrapbooking, but scrapbooking of any kind.

Maybe you:

  • Wanted something prettier than a peel & stick photo album. Or, perhaps you realized your peel & stick album was ruining your photos! Eek.
  • Wanted a creative outlet. Admit it, you bought those irresistibly adorable stickers and needed something to “do” with them.
  • Wanted to gift an album to someone you love to mark a moment in time–like a graduation album, wedding album, or vacation album.

Whatever the reason you started your scrapbooking journey, we’re inviting you grab hold of the passion you had and run with it once again.



25% off all currently offered classes**

Sale ends Monday, May 8, 2017, Midnight Eastern

Premier discount also applies

**sale excludes 2017 Design Beautiful Pages



Comment below and answer these questions to be entered into a random drawing for one free current or future class from Digital Scrapper Classes.

——- Contest Has Ended. Winner: Jeanne Rice ——-

  1. WHY did you start scrapbooking?
  2. Which currently offered classes at DS have you taken?
  3. Of the currently offered classes, which was your favorite and why?

Leave your comments below, then tell a friend about this opportunity!

Comments received before Saturday, May 6, 2017, Midnight Eastern will be entered into a random drawing for one (1) FREE current or future class from Digital Scrapper Classes. (Excludes class bundles.)

The winner will be privately emailed and appear in this post after the contest has ended.


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Comments (52)

  1. cindy

    WHY did you start scrapbooking? I love the creative way to show my photo’s
    Which currently offered classes at DS have you taken?
    My Classes

    Selections Pt 1 Master the Basics – Lifetime
    Actions: Fix and Enhance Photos Fast Bundle – Lifetime
    Actions: Enhance Photos Fast! – Lifetime
    Actions: Fix Photos Fast! – Lifetime
    Custom Shadow Mastery 2 – Lifetime
    Custom Shadow Mastery 1 – Lifetime
    Help For Heritage Photos – Lifetime

    Of the currently offered classes, which was your favorite and why? Custom shadows – This class brought my pages to life.

    May 4, 2017 at 3:30 am Reply
  2. Sheryl Hardin

    1. I began scrapbooking to honor the memories I had as a child and continue to do so for my children and granddaughter.
    2. Design Beautiful Pages, A Year Of Cards, Actions: Enhance Photos Fast, Actions: Fix Photos Fast
    3. I am really enjoying Design Beautiful Pages, but loved all the classes.

    May 4, 2017 at 3:30 am Reply
  3. Kathy Lake

    I started because I wanted to help my pictures tell a story, plus it is fun!
    My Classes
    Picture Perfect Gift Books – Lifetime
    Actions: Fix Photos Fast! – Lifetime
    The Savvy Stasher – Lifetime
    All Season Snow Globe Class – Lifetime
    Custom Shadow Mastery 2 – Lifetime
    Custom Shadow Mastery 1 – Lifetime
    ClickArtistry – Photo Art Blends – Lifetime
    Art of Blending – Lifetime
    Soulful Silhouettes – Lifetime
    20 Terrific Type Tutorials – Lifetime
    ClickArtistry Pop Art Posters & More – Lifetime

    My favorite would be the blending class, so many possibilities! 🙂
    Thanks for all you do!

    May 4, 2017 at 5:39 am Reply
  4. Julie Singco

    I started scrapbooking in 2009 after our first child was born. We captured so many great moments in pictures but I wanted to embellish those pictures with words. Journaling continues to be my favorite part of the scrapbooking process.
    I have taken all of the classes except for the click.artistry series.
    My favorite class is Jenifer’s A Year of Cards. Just this week I created 5 more cards – easy peasy.
    I already have money set aside to purchase that series so I would use the coupon to purchase a future class.

    May 4, 2017 at 5:43 am Reply
  5. I love the idea of perserving our photos and reliving that experience for years to come.

    I haven’t taken any of the classes as of yet. But, I was a Digital Scrapper member for years.

    I would love to take the class, The Art of Blending 🙂

    May 4, 2017 at 6:12 am Reply
  6. Joan Robillard

    I started scrapbooking because I wanted to do something with the tons of pictures I had and for a creative outlet. I started digital scrapping because when I scrapped with paper I would leave it out for a week or longer – what a mess. I also had switched to digital photography so it made sense. All I do is save me project and close the programs and everything is neat and clean.
    I have taken Fix photos, Enhance Photos, The Art of Blending, Selections, a Year of cards, Custom Shadow Masterly, Snow Globe, and Click Art Photo Blend. Plus others not currently being offered, Like the one where we learned about Light.
    My favorite (besides the current class on design) was the Art of Blending. I hated to see that end and it was so interesting. I want to go back and redo it again. But currently taking the Design Class and a year of Artplay so kind of busy. Just because I am getting up there in age doesn’t mean I can’t learn.

    May 4, 2017 at 6:16 am Reply
  7. Gwenda

    I started because i wanted to organize my photos but also to make my albums beautiful. I’m currently taking the Design Beautiful Pages class but every class I’ve taken have been great and I’ve learned a lot.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity.

    May 4, 2017 at 7:04 am Reply
  8. Jenny Hunt

    I would LOVE TO WIN! I am always trying to learn a new Craft or do a NEW Project! THANKS for the Chance!

    May 4, 2017 at 7:56 am Reply
    • Jen White

      Hi Jenny. Please answer the questions above to be placed in the drawing for the free class. 😀

      May 4, 2017 at 10:39 am Reply
  9. Ann

    I started scrapping in 1964 to remember a trip to California. It was off & on after that until I discovered digital scrapping nearly 50 years later.
    My Classes
    Design Beautiful Pages 04 Compelling Clusters – Lifetime
    Design Beautiful Pages 03 Designing in Thirds – Lifetime
    Design Beautiful Pages 02 Mastering Masks – Lifetime
    Design Beautiful Pages 01 Rocking the Rectangular Grid – Lifetime
    ClickArtistry – Photo Art Blends Special Access – Lifetime
    Art of Blending – Lifetime
    Little Known Secrets Using Adobe Photoshop Tools (Mini Class) – Lifetime
    Little Known Secrets Using Photoshop Elements Tools (Mini Class) – Lifetime
    My favorite was probably the Art of Blending — I learned so much & it really boosted my confidence.

    May 4, 2017 at 8:00 am Reply
  10. Lois B

    I started many years ago so I could scrap my granchildren and create family memories. I am cuurrently enrolled in Create Beautiful Layouts. I believe I have taken every corse offered by Linda. It would be too hard to pick a favourite as Iblearned from all if them. I really picked up a lot of god info from her shadowing coyrse taken a while bacj

    May 4, 2017 at 8:03 am Reply
  11. Linda Holden

    1. It is an artistic way to document life. To remember what happened and keep a history for the next generation.
    2. I’ve taken all the classes except: A Year of Cards, The Savy Stasher, and PopArt Posters.
    3. Help for Heritage Photos–Learning to scan and restore precious photos.

    May 4, 2017 at 8:16 am Reply
  12. I started scrapbooking fairly recently although I have been a member for a few years. I decided to dig in because I want my pictures to be enjoyed by my family and friends for years to come. Most of my images reside on my computer where no one but myself has an opportunity to see them and I want to change that.

    I am currently taking the Design Beautiful Pages class, but I have taken numerous classes such as Mastering Masks, Shadow Mastery, Fix Photos Fast to name just a few.

    One of my favorite classes is Painting with Light because it mimics what is naturally done in nature when we get those scenes that take our breath away.

    May 4, 2017 at 8:22 am Reply
  13. Dawn Miner

    thank you I would love to win a class

    May 4, 2017 at 8:27 am Reply
    • Jen White

      Hi Dawn. Please answer the questions above to be placed in the drawing for the free class. 😀

      May 4, 2017 at 10:38 am Reply
  14. Lynn Aldous

    1. I started scrapbooking because I found my grandmother’s and great grandmother’s scrapbooks. I wanted to do something special with the photos to preserve them for my relatives.
    2. I have not taken any classes. I think I signed up for one a long time ago, but never found the time to take it.
    3. Anything with photo fixes. I need to take a class on elements, so Digital Scrapbooking with Photoshop Elements.

    May 4, 2017 at 8:40 am Reply
  15. Rhonda Miller

    I started scrapbooking when I bought a computer with Photoshop Elements on it and didn’t know how to use it. I bought a CD from Digital Scrapper that has taught me “everything” that I know concerning scrapbooking. I have taken ALL of the classes offered by digital scrapper and loved every one of them. The Savvy Stasher I think is my favorite class because there are techniques that I would never have know to use that I use pretty much every time I scrap. I LOVE DIGITAL SCRAPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    May 4, 2017 at 8:47 am Reply
  16. Liz Papenfuss

    I started to document my children’s milestones.
    I am currently taking the Design Beautiful Pages class.
    I loved the Custom Shadows class!

    May 4, 2017 at 9:35 am Reply
  17. Yan

    1. I started scrapbooking to get our photos off the computer into a book that we can hold and page through.
    2. I have not taken any currently offered classes.
    3. clicK. artistrY photo art blend is my favourite. I’d like to learn more about blending.

    May 4, 2017 at 9:38 am Reply
  18. lawyerlyn

    1. I want to preserve memories
    2. None yet
    3. if lucky enough to win a free class, i’d choose “the art of blending”

    May 4, 2017 at 9:48 am Reply
  19. Linda Replogle

    I wanted to preserve memories of a trip to Hawaii in 2006. My niece encouraged me to try digital scrapbooking. I purchaced PSE5 and the rest is history. I have taken Fix Photos Fast with Actions, Enhance Photos Fast, The Art of Blending, A Year of Cards, Custom Shadow Mastery, Help for Heritage Photos, The Saavy Stasher, and All Season Snow Globe. Of all the classes, The Art of Blending is my favorite. It opened up a whole new artistic digiworld for me.

    May 4, 2017 at 9:51 am Reply
  20. Jeanne Rice

    I started scrapbooking to preserve my photos. I started into digital scrapbooking because of its flexibility in designing pages. I have taken Designing Beautiful Pages, year of cards, Shadow Mastery, art of blending, Picture Perfect Gift Photobooks, the Saavy Stasher. Designing Beautiful Pages is my favorite because I love learning how to make pages look and make sense when I look at it.

    May 4, 2017 at 10:25 am Reply
  21. Steph

    I started scrapbooking because I want to pass on some family history to the next generations. I wish I had been more aware of this when my family was younger to capture random moments, but I have been the picture gatherer for the past 15 years. I have several classes – Design Beautiful Pages, The Savvy Stasher, Actions, Fix Photos Fast, A Year of Cards and Selections: Master the Basics. I think The Savvy Stasher is my favorite class so far. I love learning unique ways of using what you already have and learning to look at things in a new way. Plus Jen White is a fabulous teacher!

    May 4, 2017 at 10:28 am Reply
  22. Loretta

    I started scrapping because a friend gave me a scrapbook and a group of friends were scrappers so they got me doing it with them. Then I “got the bug” and haven’t looked back since. Switching to digital was the best choice around 2007!
    My Classes

    Design Beautiful Pages- Lifetime
    Selections Pt 1 Master the Basics – Lifetime
    A Year Of Cards – Lifetime
    Actions: Enhance Photos Fast! – Lifetime
    Actions: Fix Photos Fast! – Lifetime
    The Savvy Stasher – Lifetime
    Art of Blending – Lifetime
    Learn Digital Scrapbooking: Master the Basics (PSE) – Lifetime
    Power Scrapbooking – Lifetime
    ClickArtistry Pop Art Posters & More – Lifetime
    Wow, to choose a favorite…..probably would have to be the very beginning basic Learn Digital Scrapbooking as it got me started and was a great foundation for learning PSE and helped me understand the basics.

    May 4, 2017 at 10:40 am Reply
  23. CrimsonCrow

    I love all the changes to Digital Scrapper. I know sometimes change can be difficult yet, so far, all the changes have only made everything easier to navigate, easier to find and, I think, updated the look!

    I started digital scrapbooking because I wanted to find a way to commemorate, and remember friends and family and personally important occasions or moments.
    I also wanted to find a way to expand my creative skills. I live in a small space where using analog supplies has always been difficult due to space constraints and storage issues. Using my computer seemed like a great way to “save space” and eliminate the “mess” associated with mixed media and collage arts. Additionally I love the process of learning to use favorite computer applications. Digital scrapbooking has continued to delight, expand and challenge me. Digital Scrapper has been my “go-to” site since first discovering it years ago.

    I have taken many classes through Digital Scrapper including:
    Design Beautiful Pages; The Art of Blending; Selections 1: Master the Basics; A Year of Cards; The Savvy Stasher; Photo Art Blends Class by Michelle Shefveland; ClickArtistry Pop Art Posters

    It is almost impossible to say which I have liked best or which I have learned the most from. But if someone was threatening to take my computer away if I didn’t choose, I’d have to say: Design Beautiful Pages. This class is so well thought out. The examples and instruction, both visually and in narrative are impeccably clear. I also really value the way the modules build as the weeks progress and the way they build upon the skills learned in the previous module.

    All in all, I have never been disappointed by a class.

    May 4, 2017 at 10:48 am Reply
  24. Kathi

    Why I started scrapbooking? I was spending a lot of time with my grandchildren and wanted to make scrap pages for them. Something I didn’t do with my children and wish I had. Having digital has made it a lot easier to do.

    The classes I’ve taken that are currently offered are:

    Selections Pt 1 Master the Basics
    Actions: Fix Photos Fast
    Actions: Enhance Photos Fast
    The Art of Blending
    Picture Perfect Books
    The Savvy Stasher
    Photo Art Blends by Michelle Shefveland

    My favorite class was The Art of Blending. It helped me understand the blending modes in a way that finally made sense to me. Up until the class it was a struggle for me to grasp the concept of blending.

    May 4, 2017 at 10:56 am Reply
  25. Bev

    1.) I kind of started in high school. I kept all kinds of mementos, etc but when I my first son was born in 1991. I took the First year baby book to a new level. Once they started school and sports I had binders of pictures and information typed for each team and each teacher, each grade level. The summer of 2007 one of the mom’s on my son’s baseball team showed me her 12×12 paper scrapbooks. I made my son’s first 12×12 scrapbooks. I loved it but what I didn’t like was cutting my pictures and the mess of cutting and gluing things down, along with not able to change my mind. That’s when I stumbled onto Linda Sattgast. I joined her, purchased everything she had available at that time and learned to make scrapbook layouts digitally! I have made books for everything and everyone!
    2.) My Classes –
    Actions: Enhance Photos Fast!
    Little Known Secrets Using Photoshop Elements Tools (Mini Class)
    ClickArtistry Pop Art Posters & More
    Ten Terrific Photo Techniques
    Help For Heritage Photos
    Your Story. Brilliant. Class
    3) Favorite & Why? That’s a hard one to answer, each class taught me so much. I think I will pick, “Your Story, Brilliant Class”. As a mom I was making layouts and documenting memories and milestones for everyone in the family, this class made me realize I was actually leaving myself out. Always behind the camera and not necessarily in the story.

    My children are grown now, maybe grand-kids soon, until then I have started with another hobby. Genealogy and I am enjoying making scrapbook layouts to go along with the old photos and stories I am learning. Thanks Digital Scrapper for teaching and inspiring!

    May 4, 2017 at 11:18 am Reply
  26. I started as a child but never completed an album. Then, when my first son was born, I created albums for us and the grandparents – those ‘magnetic’ albums I’m now stripping. Then, when my first grandson arrived, I got into digital scrapbooking as the best way to create one album and be able to give a copy to each family member. It was several years after that before I got into Photoshop Elements and found Linda’s Learn Digital Scrapbooking class. I’ve taken all of her classes ever since. The only currently offered class I have not taken is the Photo Art Blends Class. It is very difficult to pick a favorite! I probably use the two Actions classes’ materials most often, but much of the lesson information from such classes as Learn Digital Scrapbooking, Help for Heritage Photos, and the Art of Blending, of course, is embedded in my work. Perhaps the Art of Blending was my favorite because it happened to be offered at a time when I could fully participate in the class forum and gallery. Not only did I learn a lot but I felt I was really a part of the Digital Scrapper community.

    May 4, 2017 at 12:11 pm Reply
  27. Irene

    1. I began scrapbooking to preserve the memories for my family and future generations. I think family heritage is very important. I love digital scrapbooking because of the ease of making pages without all the mess and shopping for new products all the time.
    2. It would be easier to say which classes I don’t have because I have them all – except for A Year of Cards, but I have Digi Cards 101 so I’m not sure if that is similar.
    3. The class I’ve enjoyed the most is Design Beautiful Pages. It combines so many things I’ve learned and helps me improve on them. I especially like the challenges. The class I use the most is Fix Photos Fast. I LOVE those actions and use them all the time.

    May 4, 2017 at 12:32 pm Reply
  28. Julie Singco

    I got into digital scrapbooking in 2009 after our first child was born. I wanted to document the stories behind all the pictures we took. Journaling continues to be my favorite part of the process.
    I’ve taken all the classes offered except for the click.artistry series. I’ve already set aside money to buy that series so this coupon would be used to purchase a future class.
    My favorite class is Jenifer’s A Year of Cards. Just this week I created 5 new cards!

    May 4, 2017 at 2:35 pm Reply
  29. LeeAnn Snare

    Why I started Scrapping–I had lots of pictures and a new friend was really into scrapbooking. She even had a scrapbooking group that she had started. She invited me many times and I finally decided to check it out and do something with my pictures. That was the beginning of lots or fun with the group and actually accomplishing something with the pictures. The group eventually disbanded but I continued scrapping. The problem was that getting out all of the paraphernalia to do it and then put it away discouraged me. I had been looking at digital scrapping, but had not really done any. I started checking out all of the free online classes I could find and made my self start learning PhotoshopElements. I am still definitely a beginner but I am progressing and learning more and more, and my pages are getting more pleasing to me.

    The classes I have taken from Digital Scrapper are 2016 Premier, Design Beautiful Pages, Selections Pt 1 Master the Basics, A Year Of Cards, Actions: Enhance Photos Fast!, and I just signed up for the Art of Blending. I have also tried Scrapaneers, but I have found the Digital Scrapper Classes to be the most helpful because to the handouts that are so detailed that I don’t miss something. Thanks for that!

    I loved the Premier monthly classes and was sad to see them end, but of the other classes I have really found the Selections Class to be super. I have wanted to do things that I knew were possible but couldn’t figure out how to make the selections. Still working on that! I am so looking forward to the Art of Blending and the changes it will make to my scrapping!

    May 4, 2017 at 2:47 pm Reply
  30. Marilyn

    I began scrapbooking as a way to preserve memories with my family. Been going strong for over 30 years. Have always loved it but really loved the digital scraping!
    I have taken almost all the classes here at DS, but I loved the Fix Photo Fast class the best. Use it over and over.
    Yes, I’m currently taking the Design Pages class. Not as much time to practice this year, but photos are always there to preserve the memories:)

    May 4, 2017 at 4:07 pm Reply
  31. Marty

    My first child, a daughter, was born in in 1978, and I was determined to document her childhood. I tried calendars and baby books, but finally stuck with good old scrapbooks. However, I wasn’t into the memorabilia as much as I wanted to preserve the actual photos and stories. After four children, two step-children, and six grandchildren, I’m churning out six or seven 35 to 80 page digital photo books a year. I no longer paper scrap. I’ve found a great sense of accomplishment and creativity through digital scrapbooking, something I never thought I was” artsy” enough to do.

    My current classes include:
    Design Beautiful Pages
    Learn Digital Scrapbooking
    The Savvy Stasher
    Little Known Secrets of PSE Tools
    20 Terrific Type Tutorials
    Help for Heritage Photos

    I love, love, love Design Beautiful Pages, however, my standby is Learn Digital Scrapbooking! Every time I go through it or use it for reference, I learn something knew or have an ah-ha moment! (I’ve grown with PSE and Digital Scrapper from PSE6-10 to PSE15!) I have tons of tutorials from Premier Membership which I have categorized and use as problems arise in my scrapbooking. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t take a class anywhere else. I’ve tried and the others do not measure up to Digital Scrapper!

    May 4, 2017 at 5:13 pm Reply
  32. Pamjoy

    I started digital scrapbooking as an alternative way to showcase photos that would otherwise be left in the computer. I now use digital scrapbooking techniques to showcase my handmade cards. I’ve taken a few of the current classes e.g. Learn Digital Scrapbooking, Fix Photos Fast, the Art of Blending. But my all time favourite is Learn Digital Scrapbooking and I often refer to the basic techniques when I haven’t done scrapbooking for awhile. I can highly recommend it to anyone who is seeking a n easy way to learn an enjoyable hobby.

    May 4, 2017 at 6:26 pm Reply
  33. Cathy Lamb

    Started scrapping to get all the photos I took in one place and easy to see. Along came the digital world and I was hooked. Love the ease of template and sizing photos and elements.
    Loved and use often the water color blending class.

    May 4, 2017 at 6:29 pm Reply
  34. Lisa

    I started scrapping in college as a way to tell the stories behind the photos. It was mostly fancy scissors with colored cardstock and a few stickers back then! I started digital scrapping when I realized that my photos were all digital, and I thought, there has to be a way to make a scrapbook page on the computer. I tried using MS Word at first. When that wasn’t working, I started searching the internet and found out that lots of people were using photo-editing software like Photoshop Elements to scrap with!

    May 4, 2017 at 7:20 pm Reply
  35. Ruth Everson

    I started because I love to take photos and scrapped many trips before everything went digital. Then I explored what I could do with photos after I got my first digital camera. I enjoy working on the computer and it was less messy than cutting and pasting photos in an album. I’m not the most creative person but I love learning how to use PSE and with the classes I’ve taken I can make a decent layout and not be scared to share it.

    May 4, 2017 at 9:36 pm Reply
  36. Kellie Linn

    I starting scrapping because it was something fun to do with my friends when our kids were little. One day it dawned on me that I could use my apple works software to make some scrapbook pages on the computer. I thought I was a genius and was surely the first one to ever discover such a great hobby. Well I owned a copy of PSE3 but didn’t even know what it was for! Imagine my delight when I discovered Digital Scrapper! I am a class junkie and have enrolled in every class that DS has offered. It’s hard to pick a favorite but I think the Custom Shadow really took my pages to the next level.

    May 4, 2017 at 11:37 pm Reply
  37. PatriciaD

    My favorite class (and I’ve taken almost all of them) was the Learn Digital Scrapbooking because that was how I really got into scrapbooking. I was enchanted, enthralled, encouraged and absolutely delighted. I started scrapping because I found a way to do it that I could do anywhere as I traveled (I was a traveling trainer). I wanted to document my family story because even though I personally don’t have any biological children there are lots of nieces and nephews who will someday want to know the story of our family. I wouldn’t change the journey I’ve made with digital scrapping for anything. I have seen huge growth in my page designs, have a long way to go and look forward to all I’m able to do that I wouldn’t have been able to do with Linda and her training.

    May 5, 2017 at 12:59 am Reply
  38. Debbi R

    WHY did you start scrapbooking? I started scrap booking initially to have a creative outlet and organize my photos. I started digital scrap booking because I was often not happy with my results but undoing and redoing just didn’t work well in the actual ‘paper’ world. I also realized it was easier to share when it’s digital so I made it my huge project to archive for the family. My laptop and portable scanner made a lot of trips to relatives getting photos I didn’t have.

    Which currently offered classes at DS have you taken? I loved the premiere membership and took most of those since I joined. It was a great way to regulate myself monthly to make sure I did something. Besides that I have taken Learn Digital Scrapbooking, The Savvy Stasher, A Year of Cards, Help for Heritage Photis, Fux Photos Fast and am working on Desugn Beautiful Pages.

    Of the currently offered classes, which was your favorite and why? The Savvy Stasher was my favorite so far because it gave me access to more flexibility with existing materials.

    May 5, 2017 at 8:08 am Reply
  39. Karen Holberton

    I first started scrapbooking when my grandchildren were born. I wanted to get all of those picture out of the computer and onto physical pages the kids and grandkids could actually look at and hold.

    I have taken

    Actions: Fix Photos Fast! – Lifetime
    Little Known Secrets Using Photoshop Elements Tools – Lifetime
    Little Known Secrets Using Photoshop Elements Tools (Mini Class) – Lifetime
    20 Terrific Type Tutorials – Lifetime
    Learn Digital Scrapbooking – Photoshop Elements 6-10 – Lifetime

    I personally valued the Learn Digital Scrapbooking class and although I took the elements class, I have not graduated to Adobe Photoshop and there is so much to learn, I love the short tutorials that you provide.

    May 5, 2017 at 12:02 pm Reply
  40. Sharon Parry

    I started scrap-booking initially to chronicle my daughters growing up years, over time this has morphed into scrap-booking to remember many different occasions and events in my and my family’s life. I hope these will be saved and treasured by future generations.

    Classes I have taken:
    Fix photos fast
    Enhance photos fast
    Shadow Mastery 1
    Learn digital scrap booking
    The savvy stasher
    A year of cards

    I enjoy and learn so much from all these classes, but I have to say the one that really got me started with confidence was ‘Learn digital scrap-booking’ . I still go back to these videos.

    May 5, 2017 at 1:50 pm Reply
  41. Grace Taylor

    I first started digital scrap-booking in order to showcase some photos my mother took in the 30s. She loved sharing the books with visitors. I took classes: Fix Photos Fast and Help for Heritage Photos classes helped me restore images. Some turned out so well that I took the class A Year of Cards. Now I can produce cards more easily-I don’t have to start from scratch every time.
    My favourite class that is currently offered is Design Beautiful Pages. I find that it covers some basics that had forgotten while teaching me how to improve the design of my pages. I learned so much from the Skill Test examples and particularly from the chance to observe the changes scrappers made in response to helpful critiques.This year I even have a publisher for a book using my mother’s old photos!
    I am so glad I started scrapping. At first it was to share my mother’s stories but what I have learned in my classes makes me confident I can now share my story too.

    May 5, 2017 at 2:26 pm Reply
  42. Betsy

    1. I started digital scrapbooking mainly to document my son’s life, but also to do something more creative and interesting with my photos.
    2. I have taken the following currently offered classes at DS: A Year Of Cards, Picture Perfect Gift Books, Actions: Fix Photos Fast!, Art of Blending, and Help For Heritage Photos.
    3. Of the currently offered classes that I have taken, my favorite was the Art of Blending because it revealed how to transform a plain photo into an interesting work of art.

    Thank you for offering these wonderful learning opportunities!

    May 5, 2017 at 3:01 pm Reply
  43. pjscraps

    My scrapbooks are pieces of stories: my own, my family’s, my friends, and my world. They record joy, honor memories, celebrate life, share thoughts, and describe ideas.
    Growing up, most of our family pictures were loose in shoe boxes in a credenza. To me, that credenza was a treasure chest of wonderful prizes. I loved looking at those pictures, just grabbing a handful and gazing at them one by one. I loved to remember the individuals, the names, the relationships, the events, and the places captured in those photos. And although my favorite photos were of me, I loved every photo regardless of the subject.
    However, I didn’t know everyone or every place; I didn’t know the stories. Very few of the photos had any information recorded on them. The date stamped on the photo by the processor was merely the date of film processing. Sometimes, I could catch a parent to fill in the information which was delightful… and rare. I would learn things about family, friends, myself, and our histories – shared and separate. But it was never enough; it wasn’t the whole story, the related stories, the why’s and wherefores. And the loose, unsorted photos were always jumbled higgledy-piggledy in the boxes which made remembering the stories and keeping them straight a challenge.
    So, I make scrapbooks to tell the why’s and the wherefores, to collect related photos in one place, to curate my stories.

    May 5, 2017 at 3:34 pm Reply
  44. Sue

    I made photo albums and scrapbooks from my travels but in a haphazard way. Then I discovered digital scrapping and made my first ever page in a class at Digital Scrapper. Then I joined premier and took lots more classes. Of the current classes I took all the Click Artistry classes and the other classes by Michelle. Also help for heritage photos which if I had to pick out of these, would be my favorite as I have used it over and over. I have loved all the classes I have taken here and learnt so much. Thanks for the community here too.

    May 5, 2017 at 9:54 pm Reply
  45. We had moved many times in my 20 year old son’s life and he was struggling to remember where and when he did certain things. This lead me to Scrapbooking his life story for his 21st Birthday. That is about 30 years ago and I haven’t stopped since. I’m trying to move into Digital Scrapping because we travel often and it is too hard to take the traditional supplies with you. I’ve really enjoyed the classes I’ve done and am looking forward to completing more when time and internet connection allows. Thank you so much for encouraging and enhancing my skills – love the way the classes are presented.
    The classes I have signed up for are :
    • Design Beautiful Pages 04 Compelling Clusters – Lifetime
    • Design Beautiful Pages 03 Designing in Thirds – Lifetime
    • Design Beautiful Pages 02 Mastering Masks – Lifetime
    • Design Beautiful Pages 01 Rocking the Rectangular Grid – Lifetime
    • Selections Pt 1 Master the Basics – Lifetime
    • Picture Perfect Gift Books – Lifetime
    • Learn Digital Scrapbooking: Master the Basics (PSE) – Lifetime
    • Help For Heritage Photos – Lifetime
    My favorite is Learn Digital Scrapbooking because it gave me an easy to understand path into Digital Scrapbooking.

    May 5, 2017 at 10:43 pm Reply
  46. Lana Visser

    As an amateur photographer, I wanted to be able to showcase my favorite photos other than filling my walls with framed prints. Sometimes I had a photo with a story behind it that I wanted to remember and share with others. My daughters introduced me to the hobby of scrapbooking, which I tried and loved. It fulfilled that creative side of me that allowed me to tap into storytelling and photography at the same time. I did the traditional paper scrapbooking for many years. During that time, a dear friend of mine, who did digital scrapbooking only, was always telling me about the cool and wonderful things she did with digital scrapbooking. She kept encouraging me to try it, but I always had an excuse. One day she emailed me a page that made me go “WOW – I can’t do that with my paper scrapbooking!” So I looked into digital scrapbooking with Digital Scrapper, and was total converted. I do so little now with paper. I got a Premier membership, took the “Master the Basics” class, and was hooked forever. I’ve taken most of the classes – Enhance Photos Fast, Fix Photos Fast, The snow globe, Custom Shadow Mastery 1 & 2, The Art of Blending, and A Year of Cards. Plus all the great tutorials which were contained in each month’s Premier classes. Which one was my favorite? All of them!!!! Each class helped me learn a new technique that not only helped me create increasingly incredible scrapbooking pages, but it helped my photography as I learned what photos were best to scrapbook and why. I started looking at my photography subjects in the context of not just preserving the moment, but “how do I take this shot so it will make a fabulous scrapbooking page?” That mindset made me a more careful photographer and increased my photography skills while giving me some great photos to scrapbook. My only problem? Not enough time for photography AND scrapbooking!

    May 6, 2017 at 11:04 am Reply
  47. Laura

    1. I started scrapbooking so my kids would know more about their childhood. It is also a creative outlet for me.
    2. My classes:
    Design Beautiful Pages
    Selections Pt 1 Master the Basics
    Picture Perfect Gift Books
    The Savvy Stasher
    Custom Shadow Mastery 2
    Custom Shadow Mastery 1
    ClickArtistry – Photo Art Blends
    Learn Digital Scrapbooking: Master the Basics (PSE)
    Get Organized Now!
    Ten Terrific Photo Techniques
    Help For Heritage Photos
    3. Right now my favorite class – Get Organized Now! It has really helped me to get things put together and all in one spot. This is one that I’m still working on, but at least I’m heading in the right direction.

    May 6, 2017 at 4:50 pm Reply
  48. Gen

    I started scrapbooking as a way to keep track of my kids growing up years. The classes I have taken from DS that are currently offered are:

    Design Beautiful pages
    Actions: Enhance Photos Fast!
    Actions: Fix Photos Fast!
    Art of Blending
    Learn Digital Scrapbooking
    Help For Heritage Photos

    My favorite class is Art of Blending. I discovered I really enjoy creating photo art – even more than I like scrapbooking :-). I love the classes that help me make my pictures look better.

    May 6, 2017 at 8:07 pm Reply
  49. I took my first scrapbooking class in Chicago while visiting my cousins. He daughter went with me to the learn scrapbooking class and I had to drive in the snow for the first time. I loved it. At work the next month a gal started a scrapbooking class after work so I went. Then in 2009 I met Linda on a cruise ship out of Long Beach on a galley tour and she showed me her book she made through Shutterfly. It was so cool , I then joined digital scrapper and learned digital scrapbooking. Classes,, Help for Heritage Photos , Actions fix photos fast, and Click Artistry Pop art posters.

    May 7, 2017 at 12:29 am Reply
  50. Margaret (Bubby)

    Hi, I have been scrapbooking for a while now. Years back I started Video Editing with PE4, to bring
    back to life all the videos and pictures taken on our trips. I started looking for a new way to showcase
    all the stills, and use them in my projects. I originally started with Craft Artist, and kind of got hooked with all the different layouts, then I discovered Digitial Scrapper, and photoshop which I must admit
    I was terrified of using, I decided to take the plunge and joined Digitial Scrapper and took Linda’s classes
    and that was the end of it. I became completely hooked. Her classes were so good and explained so well
    even I could follow it. I of course now have taken many of her classes, and currently taking Designing
    Beautiful Pages which I am enjoying, I have discovered so many things, that I thought I already knew,
    but of course did not. I am now working on bringing back a lot of old pics that I found hidden away in a
    box in the cupboard, plus planning on re-doing my own Wedding Album and turning it into digitial, back
    when I was married there was no video just a photographer taking photos and then just put into a album and of course the pics do change with age, so lots of touching up to do, then I am planning to make scrapbook pages with them, also I am currently doing my S.I.L.’s Wedding, so lots of work, but
    something I love doing, thanks to Linda and Digitial Scrapper. Bubby

    May 7, 2017 at 6:07 pm Reply
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