2Save, 2Comment, 2Win—with Digital Scrapper and AdoramaPix

2Save, 2Comment, 2Win
by Jen White

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to save, comment, and win with Digital Scrapper and AdoramaPix.com. But most of all, don’t miss the opportunity to  experience  what I did when I made a special photobook for a very special person…

Carter Grows Up

My baby boy. Sniff. He’s not so ‘baby’ anymore. Sniff.2016-0524-dsnews-carter2

For the last 3 years, it’s just been Carter and me at home during the day. He doing homeschool lessons. Me occasionally chiming in while balancing a work-from-home routine. 

Carter is off to college in the fall. I dry my tears and look to the future. I tell myself, “This is something to CELEBRATE, my dear!”


Whether spring has brought you the little gift of a graduate, a bride, a grandchild, etc—it deserves to be documented in a BIG way. 

Indulge me for a minute, yes? I’d love to have you sit with me on my virtual couch and show you a snapshot of my Graduate book.


First, I have a confession to make. I saved this project till the last minute. Shocking, right? Well, don’t feel too sorry for me. That’s pretty much just how I roll.

Regardless of being ill-prepared, in less than a 6 hour time span, I managed to:

  • compile scans and digitals—one photo representing each year of Carter’s life to this point, plus a few favorites from his senior portraits
  • create 15 double page spreads plus a cover
  • upload and order an AWESOME book from AdoramaPix.com


How did I do it so fast?2save-3

Honestly, I could NOT have done it without Linda’s Picture Perfect Gift Books class. (See celebration details below.)

Here’s why:

  • I tend to make EVERYTHING overcomplicated. I think it’s a disease?!? But, this class kept me focused and thinking classy, yet simple. It made the project do-able (not overwhelming) in my eyes.
  • Linda includes templates for AdoramaPix’s books. This saved me a TON of time on research and trial/error. A TON.
  • Linda also includes a video showing how to upload, create, and order a book correctly—the first time. Again . . . no time needed by me trying to figure out the software on AdoramaPix’s website.


2save-4My Special Focus

Because I kept my Graduate book super simple, I wanted to give it a special touch to keep it personal.

So, on each page I created a list of big things that happened to Carter during that particular year. It ended up working as a timeline of his life.

I included things like:

  • his age and year in school
  • his first tooth missing
  • his broken arm
  • when he was baptised
  • mission trips he took
  • big vacations he took with family

At the end of my book, I created a section that featured some senior portraits.


How did he (and I) like the book?

Carter doesn’t get overly excited about much. He has a pretty even temperament. But, a mom knows when her son feels honored and thankful. Yes. He LOVES it! He will treasure it always.

Me, on the other hand . . . well, I DO get overly excited about things. (Hence—the CELEBRATION here on the blog.) Adorama’s photobooks are second to none. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will be gifting a quality book every time I order.

I communicate daily with other digital scrapbookers. They adamantly testify that AdoramaPix’s photobooks are far superior to other brands when it comes to value vs price.

— • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • —

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get on with the GOOD stuff. Here are the celebration guidelines:



SAVE #1—Book Class
Save a BIG $10 on Picture Perfect Gift Books by Linda Sattgast. Premier discount will apply.

Already have the class? Consider giving it as a gift (birthday, wedding, Father’s Day, Grandparents Day, etc).

Sale ends Tuesday, May 31, 2016, 10PM Eastern.

SAVE #2—Square Photo Books
Save 25% on all Square Photo Books from AdoramaPix
using this coupon code:


Coupon code expires Wednesday, June 8, 2016.



COMMENT #1—Answer the Question
In the comment section below, tell me:

— • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • —

Do you have a book highlighting your growing up years?
If yes, tell me about it. If not, could you still make one?

— • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • —

  • One comment per person, please.
  • All comments are moderated, so it may take a bit for your comment to appear.

COMMENT #2—Share This Post
For those willing to ‘spread the word’, I’m offering you an additional chance to toss your name in the hat for the drawings (details below). 

Share this post publicly on your Facebook timeline with the hashtag:

  • Click on the Facebook icon on the left side of this page. Then copy/paste the hashtag above to the description along with your words encouraging others to participate.
  • One share per person, please.



Two winners will be randomly drawn from a compiled list of comments on this blog post and Facebook shares including the hashtag (see above).

WIN #1—Free Class


One entry (see comment guidelines above) will be randomly drawn to receive a FREE Picture Perfect Gift Books class. (A $55 value!)

  • Keep the class for yourself or (if you already own the class or just want to be nice) give it away as a gift.
  • If you purchased the class during this promotion, we will credit the winner with the amount paid.

WIN #2—Free Book


One entry will be randomly drawn to receive credit on account for a FREE 26 pg 8×8 photobook from AdoramaPix.com.

  • Additional pages may be added with the winner paying the difference.
  • Shipping not included.BLANK

Learn Who Won

  • Two winners will be randomly chosen on Wednesday, June 1, 2016.
  • The winners will be notified by email. We will use the email address you provided when commenting on this blog post.
  • NOTE: In order to be eligible for the photobook, the winner must be willing to share their email address with AdoramaPix. AdoramaPix will not share your information.
  • The winners will be announced in the Digital Scrapper News.



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Comments (86)

  1. Bonnie

    I do have a book about me. It was a class from along time ago that Linda taught. I believe it was All About Me, but I did also take the class that was on sale and have made two books for my granddaughter. She loves them and when they read to her at night she always gets those two books.

    May 24, 2016 at 5:40 pm Reply
    • Jen White

      YES! I believe the class you are referring to is “Your Story. Brilliant!” That was an AWESOME class! 😀

      May 24, 2016 at 5:45 pm Reply
  2. Stacey Baker

    I did the book about me class and have it now complete.

    May 24, 2016 at 5:41 pm Reply
    • Jen White

      SO proud of you, Stacey, for finishing your book! That’s a great accomplishment.

      May 24, 2016 at 5:46 pm Reply
  3. Helene Rogers

    I have not made a book about my growing up years but it is something I would like to do.

    May 24, 2016 at 5:43 pm Reply
  4. June

    Shoot, no, I have very few photos of my growing up years, and thus no book. However…I COULD come up with one using the photos I do have mixed in with journal pages…OK…you’ve got me interested in doing that!

    And congratulations on your accomplishment, shepherding another child through high school! Amazing how they suddenly start growing older than we are. hee hee.

    May 24, 2016 at 5:50 pm Reply
  5. Kristi

    I could make a basic one, not complete. I could do the same for my kids. I think I can do much better with my grandkids.

    May 24, 2016 at 5:51 pm Reply
  6. Cheryl

    You’re a mind reader! I do not have a book about me. Thought about making one for my mother
    For Mothers Day.. I developed analysis paralysis…really needed this class.. Guess I’ll plan it for her birthday now… 🙂

    May 24, 2016 at 6:02 pm Reply
  7. Bernice Beznoska

    I have not made a book about my early years yet, but hope to as a legacy to my children.

    May 24, 2016 at 6:10 pm Reply
  8. Veronica

    I’ve always been very artistic. Sadly due to health problems, I feel as though the rug was pulled from under my feet. Going on 30 yrs Dr’s, medications, x-rays, MRI’s,CAT-SCANS,depression. I continue to buy crafting supplies, still can’t get over this BLOCK.
    I truly appreciate artist’s as you to be mentors for those of us who are unable to get creativity going. Thanks again!

    May 24, 2016 at 6:14 pm Reply
  9. Carol

    I do not have a book on myself, but I have created 3 books so far for my children from birth to now. My grand daughter gets to take one of the books and share one item for their show and tell portion of her school class (grade 4).

    May 24, 2016 at 6:16 pm Reply
  10. Gen

    I don’t have a book about me- I’m too busy trying to get one done for the kids. But maybe sometime I will get to it! I’ve haven’t taken Linda’s class, but reading your description about it, I could really use it to get through a book quickly!

    May 24, 2016 at 6:16 pm Reply
  11. PatriciaD

    LOVE Linda’s classes…NEVER disappointed in the classes she offers. Great teacher, thorough and takes you from knowing next to nothing to being able to create the most wonderful scrapbooks. And, of course, it’s always fun to win a class or a book.

    May 24, 2016 at 6:18 pm Reply
  12. Monica

    I do not have a book from my childhood or any phase of life, but I do have photos and my daughters have been after me to “tell my story!” I have started sorting, so am on my way. Thanks so much for this chance.

    May 24, 2016 at 6:19 pm Reply
  13. Tamara

    No, I don’t have a book about me yet. It is a project I would like to do. I have scanned quite a few of my Mom’s photos from my childhood, and I think I could tackle it – with a little help and inspiration!

    May 24, 2016 at 6:22 pm Reply
  14. Daryce Franzen

    I do have a picture album about me but would love to make a book about either my daughter or my two grandsons. My second grandson, by the way, is also graduating HS this year and will be heading to college to join his brother. Where does the time go?

    May 24, 2016 at 6:41 pm Reply
  15. Wendy Jorden

    I haven’t started a book about me – very difficult to do so as I am a ‘background’ type of person. I have done about 30 books – about travel, and every other member of my family. The comment above about leaving a legacy for the family is so true – so, I’ll move this book closer to the top of the list. PS: I have taken several classes from Linda and have learned something new each time – she makes it easy to understand and you feel you have accomplished something special.

    May 24, 2016 at 6:52 pm Reply
  16. Esther Farnstrom

    I do have an A, B, Cs book about me. I made it a few years ago and have now put it on Slate and sent it to my friends and family. It was a very interesting project finding photos about me and my family that I could use to match the alphabet. I used many different page styles.

    May 24, 2016 at 6:59 pm Reply
  17. Vivian

    No I do not have a book highlighting my growing up years and could not make one as there are only a couple or three pics of that time. Sad. Right? But I thoroughly enjoy looking at the books others have made. What a treasure for your son!

    May 24, 2016 at 7:13 pm Reply
  18. littlen

    I don’t have a book about me, but I do have books I’ve done for my grandchildren.

    May 24, 2016 at 7:14 pm Reply
  19. Debra Reynolds

    I don’t have a book on my life…however I have 2 Grandson’s, one just Graduated{I feel your sadness} and the other one will graduate next year, I have 2 Cavapoo girls {One furbaby in heaven, Parents in heaven} and I have a lot of great photos for each one mentioned above…this would be so Awesome to learn to do, then I could do a book for each of them.
    Thank You!

    May 24, 2016 at 7:15 pm Reply
  20. Karin

    I would love to put together a book about me but my parents were not photographers and I have only a few photos from when I was young. When I was in college, the camera was always put away because we were too busy studying. After college, I started taking pictures. The last 15 years are my favorites since I was married 15 years ago. I honestly believe I have photos to fill that time frame and might not have to digitize many. Now isn’t a nice thought?

    May 24, 2016 at 7:37 pm Reply
  21. Lynda Sanders

    I am 76 and have a lot of old photos of my life and it would be nice to scan and put them into a book for the grand/greatgrand grandchildren who never had the opportunity to meet my parents/grandparents. I always think of photos for others and never thought about doing one for myself. Not quite sure how to get started.

    May 24, 2016 at 7:39 pm Reply
  22. Linda Holden

    I did 2 books when I took Linda Sattgast’s class “Your Story Brilliant.” It took a lot of digging to get old photos but was well worth the time.

    May 24, 2016 at 7:52 pm Reply
  23. Joyce Davis

    I’ve thought about making a book so many times but it just seems overwhelming. I’d like to make the first one for my Daddy who has some dementia, congestive heart failure, and stage 4 kidney disease. I have akways been a daddy’s girl and still am at 66 years old. He going to be turning 90 on June 5th. I’d love to sign up for Linda’s class but being on a fixed income makes it impossible. If I win the the class it would be a blessing for me and my Daddy.

    May 24, 2016 at 7:54 pm Reply
  24. DeeDee Stanton

    I have a photo album my late grandmother put together for me, the “scrapbook” of it’s day, and while I by no means have a photo or memory of every year, it’s one of my most treasured possessions, and reminds me how much she loved me.

    My little baby is ALSO graduating this year, not sure how they are letting babies wear caps and gowns and such. I am really excited about the potential to stay FOCUSED on a project and present her with a photo book for graduation. I think I have just enough time to get it done. Thanks for the inspiration!

    May 24, 2016 at 8:12 pm Reply
  25. Cecile StJohn

    I took Linda’s Picture Perfect Gift Books Class and loved it. While I am not a simplistic scrapbook designer, I did learn many excellent and important lessons during the class that helped me create a fabulous 34-page book from AdoramaPix as a gift for my daughter. She loved it and already treasures it. True, an AdoramaPix lay-flat book is a great product for the price.

    Linda’s class has also encouraged me to create a 100-page Family Memories Book which I have started and plan to complete for Christmas. While it will be about memories of my parents, their lives and the life they created for my 7 siblings and me, not just about me, during the process I am accumulating ideas for a Story About Me project to be completed next year.

    I am very glad I took the class and encourage others to do so.

    May 24, 2016 at 8:20 pm Reply
  26. Kathleen Elliott

    Wow, What a opportunity The class or book, I don’t know which. I have followed A few of Linda’s classes and enjoyed them thoroughly. I did the first “Your story Brilliant” awesome class. I was having a tough time finishing it, too much got in the way and I never finished the time line. Then my pc crashed and I lost photos, kits, and pages I had completed…sniff…sniff.
    No matter, need to move on, right! I did get a chance to do the 2nd class at a discount but never jumped on it. So to answer, NO… I never put that book together, SAD!

    May 24, 2016 at 8:23 pm Reply
  27. debra ford

    What a great offer. I’ve learned a lot and still have a lot to learn. That is what keeps this hobby (obsession) going year after year.
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

    May 24, 2016 at 8:44 pm Reply
  28. Lois

    You have certainly given me food for thought! I do not have a book about me and I think at 78 years of age it would be fun to put together. I am sure my family would enjoy having a compilation of my life in the form of an album. I am going to start by putting photos I think would be interesting into a folder and then work on getting them in to layouts.

    May 24, 2016 at 8:49 pm Reply
  29. Bernice

    My oldest granddaughter is graduating next year. I would love to win Linda’s class

    May 24, 2016 at 8:57 pm Reply
  30. Kathy Schroeder

    You are so blessed to have Carter in your life. Good Luck to him (and you) as he begins his next journey. I have my first grandson graduating from high school this year too!! Here’s to CELEBRATIONS!!

    May 24, 2016 at 9:11 pm Reply
  31. I did an album in the “Your Story. Brilliant” class. However, it was my first attempt and I messed up some of the pages. I have been trying to motivate myself to do it over and add some new material, but….
    Congratulations on completing your album. I know that very proud teary feeling of watching our loved ones move on with their lives.I wish you and Carter the best of everything!

    May 24, 2016 at 9:25 pm Reply
  32. Peggy Merton

    I do not have a book about me. There aren’t many photos taken of me as I was growing up. I have made books for all 5 of my grandchildren and I made one for my Mother for her 90th birthday (thanks to Linda’s class). She loved it! Congrats on your son’s graduation.

    May 24, 2016 at 9:30 pm Reply
  33. Grace Taylor

    I have a book about me that I made with the help of Linda’s Your Story Brilliant class. I learned so much doing that class and am now inspired to do one about my husband. We have recently sold his family home so I’d love to make a book about him and his family.

    I still refer back to the class often just to refresh my memory. I love the Lifetime membership when you take a class. It means I don’t have to download everything and yet it is always available.

    Thanks for the wonderful instruction and inspiration that Digitalscrapper provides.

    May 24, 2016 at 9:43 pm Reply
  34. Vicki Hinshaw

    I have a book from the very early years of my life but would love to add to it. I would love to take Linda’s class as I know it would inspire me to move forward with a book for me but I would love to do a book for all three of my boys for Christmas. I need inspiration…Linda brings that to the table.

    May 24, 2016 at 9:57 pm Reply
  35. Aissa

    I don’t have a photo book of myself and creating it should be a writing project as a fire destroyed a good chunk. Instead I will try creating one for my elementary school graduate and another for my college grad. We got lots to celebrate too. Congrats to you and your son.

    May 24, 2016 at 10:14 pm Reply
  36. Rochelle P

    Would love to win. Have been working on layouts to put in a book for my son, ( for only the past several years?) so needless to say would love to win. Have taken several classes of Linda’s she is the best!

    May 24, 2016 at 10:41 pm Reply
  37. Debbie

    No I don’t have a book about me. Might could make one but would be a real challenge lol Have taken a few of Linda’s classes and they are great. Would love to win this one.

    May 24, 2016 at 11:21 pm Reply
  38. Nathalie

    I don’t have a book of my life but I would love to win Linda’s class!

    May 24, 2016 at 11:31 pm Reply
  39. RuthAnn

    Would Love to win. Have a book I need to get done – My granddaughters 13th birthday -(she’ll be 16 this year). How time flies!

    May 24, 2016 at 11:34 pm Reply
  40. Cindy Anderson

    No, I don’t have a book of my growing up years… most of my time is spent chronicling my son’s life. He’s my baby and he graduates this year also. Bitter sweet times….

    May 24, 2016 at 11:56 pm Reply
  41. Leaf Roberts

    I do not have a photobook about my growing up, but I may yet do one. My kids keep asking me to write down my memories and I have started a scrapbook called Grandma’s Memories.

    May 25, 2016 at 1:02 am Reply
  42. Karen

    I just need to finish my book that I started when taking “Your Story, Brilliant!! The hold up is scanning all of those pictures from the past. I’m thinking I need one of those new scanning apps for my iPhone or iPad – that would make it a lot quicker!!!

    Wow! Your last child off to college. It is a bittersweet moment but having adult children is awesome also. It’s a new phase of life for everyone and one I’m sure you will enjoy. Congratulations to you both!

    May 25, 2016 at 2:40 am Reply
  43. LeeAnn Snare

    I would love to take the class! It would be such a great help. If I were to win the photo book I would need it! Thank you for the chance to win either one. I so appreciate the classes that I have taken from Linda! Thank you!

    May 25, 2016 at 2:45 am Reply
  44. pjscraps

    I took the “Your Story Brilliant!” class twice and have a digital folder full of my story layouts. Occasionally I create another layout. Adding info about my school years is something I plan to do.

    May 25, 2016 at 3:02 am Reply
  45. Gill

    Realising that there were many unanswered questions about my parents’ lives which could not be answered as they were no longer with us, I determined to create a book for each of our children. They love it and spent most of the night reading it. It’s given them a greater understanding of who they are. I didn’t know about digital scrapping at the time so my book was the old paste and print book. I’d love to create new ones for our grandchildren.

    May 25, 2016 at 7:13 am Reply
  46. Debi Anderson

    Stacey, I love your book! Congrats on your son’s graduation!!
    I have not made a book of my early years, but i have most of the photos. My mother made a photo album for each of her 4 kids – and presented It to us when we were married. What a wonderful wedding gift !
    I have the photos scanned. And have scrapped some special pages – like my Baptism. Etc.
    but not my whole early life which includes interesting stories.

    Great idea!


    May 25, 2016 at 7:31 am Reply
  47. Karen

    No, I don’t have one, but I would love to! The thought of finding and putting everything together is scary!

    May 25, 2016 at 8:11 am Reply
  48. Yan

    I do not have a book about my growing up years. We didn’t take many photos. Not sure I would want to do one now though, not all the memories are good.

    May 25, 2016 at 9:05 am Reply
  49. Bev

    Linda, I have never considered doing a book about ME. That is amazing. I have made dozens of photo books, for my kids, grandchildren and about our travels around the world. I have never thought about how important a personal photo book about me would be. Thanks Bev

    May 25, 2016 at 9:37 am Reply
  50. Bev Mascara

    Congrats to your Handsome Son and to his Mom and Dad too! I plan to do a book about my childhood but only in the planning stages (I am 80 so I guess I better get going right?)

    May 25, 2016 at 9:40 am Reply
  51. Anna J

    I haven’t done a book yet on my own childhood but I’m working to create a book of stories and memories about my mom when she was growing up so that my siblings and I can have a compilation to look back on to get to know her as a person more. 🙂

    May 25, 2016 at 11:32 am Reply
  52. kathy jarvis

    I do not have a book about me. But, having reached a certain age I’m more concerned about my story being remembered by generations to come. So, it is something I’d really like to do.

    May 25, 2016 at 3:05 pm Reply
  53. Sherri King

    I don’t have one for my sons (grown up!), but I have started my first granddaughter a book!! I plan on keeping hers up to date, although she has a 1 1/2 year old brother that doesn’t have one yet….of course, they are both so smart that they could probably do one themselves!!

    I do have the pictures in files ready to go…. I tell myself one page per day…. 🙂

    May 25, 2016 at 3:32 pm Reply
  54. Pam

    Jen – I can relate to having a graduate. Mine graduates this Sunday. I had this great idea to do a guest book that highlighted activities/events he participated in during school and attendees to his graduation party could sign the page(s) that related to their relationship with the graduate. Long story short – I overdid it and it became a scrapbook and in my son’s eye it was “to much”. He said people would want to stay to long at the guest book to look through the whole thing (ok – good point). So in the end he redesigned it with only one picture on a page (so not my style). And since I had the other pages almost done, I had them printed 12×12 size and will now display them on the wall at his graduation party. It took a lot longer than I thought to compile pictures over 16 years…it makes me wished I would have started using an organizer at some point. Oh well, it is done. Maybe some day I will do one for myself.

    May 25, 2016 at 3:40 pm Reply
  55. Joyce

    Congrats on the grad, Jen! My baby just turned 31. The years do fly by!

    I started a book about me during a “Your Story” class by Linda.(Great class and teacher!) I haven’t completed it yet, but have all my photos digitized. I just haven’t seem to find the time lately to get at it. I also need to do some for my kids. I need to retire!

    May 25, 2016 at 4:07 pm Reply
  56. Chelli

    No I don’t have one about my life. What a good idea. My mother-in-law recently died, the last of our parents, and we realized how little we knew about her growing up years. My kids probably know just as little about mine.

    May 25, 2016 at 4:24 pm Reply
  57. Ruth316

    Would love to win this. I don’t have a book about me; in fact, I hardly have any photos of me as a young child. Cameras were not as easy to use then and photos were often taken in a studio when I was a young child.

    May 25, 2016 at 4:33 pm Reply
  58. Donna Englestad

    I love making photo books and my family loves receiving them as gifts. I have learned so much from Digital Scrapper’s classes over the years. Thanks for all you do!

    May 25, 2016 at 5:01 pm Reply
  59. Kimberly Goon

    I don’t have a book about me. My mom did write stories of our family adventures and had her friend hand illustrate them. They are treasures to me now. I would love to do a photo book about me though.

    May 25, 2016 at 5:28 pm Reply
  60. Regina Harris

    I have not made one for myself but have been focusing on those for my ancesters who emigrated to America from England and Germany. It has been very interesting to locate information about life in their native lands, why they would want to leave, the voyage, and life in America at that time. Pictures are primarily paintings, maps, and drawings located via Google.

    May 25, 2016 at 5:43 pm Reply
  61. Debbie

    I started putting a book together of my family and it morphed into a book for my Mother for Mother’s day. It’s funny how you start a project and it takes a turn. I still would like to make a book about me. She has been sharing her book with everyone so I think she liked it. !I have a good start for the next book. Congrats on your son’s book

    May 25, 2016 at 7:57 pm Reply
  62. Marjie

    When I was 8 years old my parents and I vacationed by car around the West for nearly 4 weeks. My mother kept a journal which I discovered a few years ago after she passed away. All grown up and grandparents, my husband and I have made it a mission to take each grandchild on a trip of his own to experience the national parks and the wonders of this country. I am making a book on the similarities of these trips using Mom’s old black and white photos and her journal entries from 1958 and my journal notes combined with the modern color snapshots of later years, some of which were taken from nearly the same spot, a half century later!

    Thanks for your inspiration!

    May 25, 2016 at 8:41 pm Reply
  63. Tonya Rasmussen

    I do not have one for me but I made one for my mom and her sisters.

    May 25, 2016 at 10:05 pm Reply
  64. Eyal Rosenfeld

    I love making a yearly book of the family,
    All the events and trips we took across the nation and camping trips
    The birthdays of the girls
    And happy moments
    It is a summary of the year that you can look at any time
    And not browse hours looking for them in the

    May 26, 2016 at 4:22 am Reply
  65. Irene van Loon

    Yes, I have one about be about me. It’s not a digital scrapbook but the old fashioned kind. I put it together from the stash of pictures my mom gave me after I got married. I’ve always wanted to do one for my kids, just haven’t got around to it yet.

    May 26, 2016 at 8:43 am Reply
  66. Susan Eisert

    I don’t have a book about me. I would like to make them for my children.

    May 27, 2016 at 3:34 am Reply
  67. Bronwyn May

    I have a photo album that my mom made, but its the old sticky page album where the pictures are under a plastic sheet. The pages are miscoloured and the photos are starting to fall out. So to create a photobook so that the pictures wont fall out when i pick it up sounds like fun. Would love to create a book for both my husband and i. He does not have any book only a large pile of photos and by two boys dont have one either. My mission is to try get a babybook for each of us:)

    May 27, 2016 at 4:39 am Reply
  68. Linda J. Walker

    No, I don’t have one.
    I have not thought about making one, but I probably should!

    May 27, 2016 at 6:36 am Reply
  69. Judy Wagner

    I have made a lot of books but haven’t finished My Story from Linda’s class. But I know I can do it, especially if I quit taking trips and making books about those. No way, but I will get my book in there one day!

    May 27, 2016 at 6:50 am Reply
  70. Andrea

    I do not have one of myself, but plan to make one for each of my daughters.

    May 27, 2016 at 8:13 am Reply
  71. Molly A McCulley

    I would love to make a book. Just show me how!

    May 27, 2016 at 8:22 am Reply
  72. Pam

    My autobiographical book about me is ongoing. Since I print my pages, put them in page protectors, and assemble in post bound albums, I can continue working. The albums for the grandsons are really biographical. I’m writing their life story as they progress. Although I had begun writing my story before Linda first offered Your Story: Brilliant!, I was able to make more progress taking the class.

    May 27, 2016 at 8:37 am Reply
  73. Kathleen Hoch

    I have not made a book of myself but I did make one of my grand daughter’s first year and sent a copy to my mom who lives farther away from us.

    May 27, 2016 at 9:09 am Reply
  74. Betsy

    My husband has requested a make a book about our parents. I think it would be a good project!

    May 27, 2016 at 9:34 am Reply
  75. Cathy

    I have never made a book about me before. Might be fun and interesting.

    May 27, 2016 at 9:44 am Reply
  76. Teresa McCloskey

    Congrats on your “baby” graduating and also the homeschooling! Big job…so congrats to you too. I did do a book years ago about me call “This is My Story” with Lisa Welchel- it was also a bible study that went with it.

    May 27, 2016 at 1:03 pm Reply
  77. C.J. Sturtevant

    I started a book about my life with Linda Sattgast’s Your Story: Brilliant, but I haven’t finished it. That’s on my to-do list…
    When it became clear that my mother was nearing the end of her days, I made a scrapbook of her life using photos my siblings and I culled from boxes of (mostly unlabeled/undated) photos stored in closets and garages of Mom and her siblings. It was a daunting but very fun and very educational task for me and my sibs. Even after Mom’s memory of current/recent events was mostly gone, she enjoyed paging through the scrapbook showcasing her childhood and young adulthood. I scanned the photos and made the pages digitally using Photoshop, and then created them as 12×12″ paper pages for a book she could hold on her lap and share with her “housemates” at the memory care centers she lived in for the last couple years of her life.
    I purchased Linda’s Picture Perfect Book class with the thought of making a book for one of my sisters, who will be turning 65 next year. I guess I’d better get on it ;o)

    May 27, 2016 at 1:40 pm Reply
  78. Rosina

    No, I don’t have a book about myself but maybe after I’m done home educating my youngest in another 8 years (Gosh! That sounds too long!) I might find the time to work on it. In the meantime, I’m the teacher so I could assign a project of the sort to each of them!

    May 27, 2016 at 6:40 pm Reply
  79. Jane

    Yes, I do have such a book. It was created when I took Linda’s Your Story class – a marvelous class!

    May 28, 2016 at 12:29 pm Reply
  80. Wanda Howard

    No book about me…..but maybe I should make one so my young Grandson’s would have something to remember me by.

    May 29, 2016 at 12:14 am Reply
  81. Liz P

    I do not have a photo book, but my mom was great at picture taking and has now passed the photos to me. So, a book is definitely a doable

    May 30, 2016 at 8:58 am Reply
  82. Catherine Wartgow

    I personally do not have a photo book, but I have made many scrapbooks through my daughters lives. My first is also graduating High School this year. Making a photo book for her sounds like a great idea! I could try it!

    May 30, 2016 at 11:21 am Reply
    • Gayle

      I do not have a photobook of myself, that would be awesome. But I did make one for my Mum and she just loved it.

      May 30, 2016 at 7:40 pm Reply
  83. Diane H.

    No, unfortunately I do not have a photobook of myself growing up. Pictures taken were few and far between. 🙁
    That’s why I have made sure that I made each one of my four grown children a full life photobook before they left home, documenting from their birth to graduation. We all love and cherish those special keepsake photobooks.

    May 31, 2016 at 10:44 am Reply
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