Save Your Photos 2015

Save Your Photos 2015
by Jen White

We will use just about any excuse to celebrate, but this celebration is truly amazing. Save Your Photos Day—Sunday, September 27, 2015—is a day set aside each year to get you thinking about the status of the precious memories you’ve collected over a lifetime—your photos.

Here are a few opportunities for you to learn, save, and win.


First of all, let me tell you what’s happening now through Sept 27, 2015, in our shop.

  • Save 50% on all Templates & QuickPages
  • Save 50% on NEW 2016 Calendars
  • New freebie by Susie Roberts
  • Go to our store.

We also have a big selection of classes on sale.

  • 50% off Help for Heritage Photos & 10 Terrific Photo Techniques by Linda Sattgast
  • 40% off Photo Art Blends & Soulful Silhouettes by Michelle Shefveland
  • 20% off Fix Photos FAST & Enhance Photos FAST by Linda Sattgast
  • Go to our classroom.

Now for the fun(ner) stuff. . .



Thank you, AdoramaPix, for providing this coupon for 25% off Small Prints (12×18 & smaller). Take note that the coupon expires Sunday, September 27, 2015, Midnight Eastern. Simply enter the code at checkout.




Two winners will be drawn by random selection to receive either a:

  • Gift Certificate for $12 (Did you know we are twelve years old?) to the shop at Not valid on classes or Premier membership. Or,
  • Online Credit for $25 to be applied to a store account (store accounts are free) at


Follow the guidelines below to be entered into the drawing of two prizes (listed above).

  • Respond to THE BIG QUESTION (see below) via the following:
    • Leave a Reply to this blogpost responding to the question below. One comment per person, please.
    • Tag a friend (or several friends) in THIS POST on Facebook for an additional entry in the drawing. For information on how to “Tag a Friend in Facebook”, click HERE.
  • Check back Monday, September 28, 2015, for a list of winners.
    • The winners will be contacted via email (the one provided with your blog reply) on Monday, September 28, 2015. If no reply is received in two days, a different winner will be drawn.

WINNERS: Congratulations Jane aka Selra and Margalicia. We will soon let you know how to claim your prize. 😀



How do you save your photos?
Do you scan them, scrap them, back them up, use a firesafe, etc?
What’s your favorite way to save your photos?


We contacted our team members here at DS and asked them this same question. Here’s what they had to say:

  • Most of the people we contacted said:
    • They use an external hard drive to back up their files.
    • They use an online site to back up their files.
    • They make photo books for sharing their photos with their families.
  • A few people said:
    • They store back up DVD’s in a firesafe.
    • They have scanned their non-digital photos for preservation.

Happy Save Your Photos, everyone. I’m looking forward to seeing your responses!


jenwhite-48x48Author: Jen White | Contact Us
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Comments (51)

  1. Irene

    I have an online site for backup. I periodically back up to an external hard drive. I make photo books too!

    September 21, 2015 at 6:26 pm Reply
  2. Amy S

    I’ve scanned ALOT of older photos (though not all as it’s quite a tedious process). At this point, I believe I have copies of all my older scanned photos and all my new ones on at least three different locations (my computer, my mom’s computer and my EHD). I do try and back up to my EHD but I’m terrible at remembering to connect it to my laptop since I can’t leave it connected all the time. I LOVE making photo books. I’ve made family history books with older photos and LOTS of newer photo books for myself and my family as well.

    September 21, 2015 at 9:14 pm Reply
  3. Cynthia L

    I save all my photos on an external hard drive. I also create digital photobooks. I have just stated to scan actual paper photos onto my external hard drive and I make paper scrap books with the original photos.

    September 21, 2015 at 10:43 pm Reply
  4. bonnie

    I am pretty much awful. I have some backed up when I remember and this will remind me to do it. I do make albums, but that sure doesn’t cover all the photos and I believe you need another back up source.

    September 22, 2015 at 8:09 am Reply
  5. Florida Granny

    I’m slowing scanning old photos. I back up the digital photos onto an external hard drive, then I back up the external hard drive to another EHD. I also make photo books of vacations and special family events. That’s my favorite form of scrapping!

    September 22, 2015 at 8:09 am Reply
  6. grannymike

    That’s a good question. I have had two big EHD failures and one internal HD failure in the past five years. Yes, art. I did have an online backup at one time, and it helped me retrieve some photos. I do have them now on at least one EHD. I try to burn them onto DVDs, but i am behind on doing that. I also have copies of lot of my photos at Flickr. I have scanned a lot of my older photos as well, and they are also in the same places. Does it sound like a mess? Yes, it currently is. I used to be able to keep a large EHD running in the background, backing up regularly. The last two computers I have owned will not let one run constantly, so I find that frustrating. I am behind with my life right now, so why not with my photos? I have, however, made photos books regularly with most of my photos for the past eight years as well as photo books of older photos which I scanned. I have made a ton of photo books and love that way of saving my photos and stories for my kids and grandkids. Congratulations on being twelve years old.

    September 22, 2015 at 9:21 am Reply
  7. Lourdes

    I have an external hard drive where I save all of my pics, but I also use an online service to back up all photos. I yet have to start making photo books, but working on it.

    September 22, 2015 at 9:34 am Reply
  8. sandy

    I didn’t know what I was going to do with my photos until I started taking Linda’s classes. I did scan every photo onto my computer. I have taken the “best” and made digital/printed books for those close to me; copied all the photos to an EHD; copied to my Laptop (on my mini network) and I have another EHD that is constantly backing up all my work. My “books” are also backed up and copied to DVD/CD and kept in a fire safe. When I take new photos, I transfer from my camera to a “staging” file by camera; select the best to add to an annual “Book” to later print and then copy to their appropriate files on the EHD’s and laptop. Sounds like a lot of work but it is smooth moving. Thanks to Linda’s classes – I am happy with my routine and treasure my “Books”!

    September 22, 2015 at 9:41 am Reply
  9. Melinda

    I use an external drive to save my photos and my memory book pages. I have also scanned many of my older photos for safe keeping. I also make a memory page of all the places we visit or special events that happen in our family and I like to include full names with dates. My parents saved many pictures in boxes but very few have names and dates written on them as a result many of the people cannot be identified so I make it a priority to document my photos for my children and grandchildren.

    September 22, 2015 at 9:47 am Reply
  10. Loretta

    I have an online site for backup as well as I put photos on CDs. I also do a photo book each year so many of my pictures are printed in book format. Sporadically I scan older photos that are not in digital format and trying to preserve those too.

    September 22, 2015 at 10:03 am Reply
  11. Debbi

    Almost all of the above. I had a portable laptop scanner that I take visiting relatives and scan their photos as well…so I have a huge archive. I have multiple drives for backup, have provided DVD copies to family members and digiscrap as I go.

    September 22, 2015 at 11:22 am Reply
  12. BettyC

    I use several external hard drives. Also have my favorites on an online site. Took a class and have scanned many old photos myself. Several years ago my daughter and I each took a shoebox full of old, dear family photos to a professional scanning place…I had a DVD made for me and for each of our 3 children.
    It can be difficult to cope with all of the photos that accumulate. So much clutter can build up…just like housecleaning!

    September 22, 2015 at 11:33 am Reply
  13. Karen C

    I do a mixture of everything! I have an internal backup on my desktop computer and I also use an external HD. I have scanned some of my older photos, but it takes a lot of time and cleanup effort. I also use some cloud storage for the most important photos. I’ve made a few photo books and some photo albums. I only put the EHD in the safe when we are gone for a time.

    September 22, 2015 at 12:11 pm Reply
  14. Sharron Lamb

    I do it all too: Had our old photos professionally scanned, and which are on a disk.
    Everything is backed up to an EHD, and to Carbonite.
    I make scrapbook pages of my most important photos. I keep one copy and I give a copy to the family or families featured in the LOs.

    September 22, 2015 at 1:23 pm Reply
  15. Vivian

    I copy them from my SD card onto my computer with the intentions of scrapping them someday or using them in a book.

    September 22, 2015 at 1:39 pm Reply
  16. Ruth

    I have storage containers full of photos, my own ( children etc), my moms and grandmas ( as I’m a family history addict), and all my husbands. I began scanning several years ago…have most but not all scanned. I love making photo books and thanks to my daughter I finally got an EHD for backing things up. I have many of my family history photos saved to a family history site on the net.

    September 22, 2015 at 2:01 pm Reply
  17. Grace Taylor

    Backing up to an EHD is my favourite way to keep track of my photos, I also keep a copy on DVD. I have made several photo books and am currently using scanned photos from my mother’s album to tell her life story. I recently had my slides scanned by a service and so they are backed up too.
    I enjoy the support of Digital Scrapper, without the forum and the Your Story Now class I would never have persevered to make my first book.
    Thanks to everyone for the great ideas, inspirations and directions that I count on from Digital Scrapper

    September 22, 2015 at 2:11 pm Reply
  18. Chelli Purcell

    I am (slowly) scanning old photos and slides and saving them to 2 separate external hard drives. I save digital photos to the hard drives too. Some pictures have been saved to CD. I have a couple of photo books and want to make more.

    September 22, 2015 at 2:17 pm Reply
  19. Cristi Dropka

    We backup to an external hard drive.

    September 22, 2015 at 2:56 pm Reply
  20. Lois

    I back them up to an external hard

    September 22, 2015 at 5:13 pm Reply
  21. Pam

    I store my photos on an external. I back them up to another, All my scrapping “stuff” and photos are also on two portable HDs. One is kept at home to be swapped out for the one in the safe deposit box. I have scanned some of our slides and some of the old photos. They are then put in the folders for the photos. I have folders for years and months. Some photos are used on scrapbook pages, some for note cards, and some end up on greeting cards. We rarely make prints. I make them if I want to show some to a friend who does not like looking at the on a screen.

    September 22, 2015 at 5:37 pm Reply
  22. pjscraps

    My photos are on my backed up to an external hard drive and to an online site. I scan old photos, usually as needed for a project, and store the newly created digital files on the EHD and to and to the online site. The online site is great for sharing photos with family and close friends.

    September 22, 2015 at 6:34 pm Reply
  23. Terri

    I use external hard drive and internal backup drive partitioned off from my regular computer. I also use Backblaze for 3rd level of backup.

    My nondigital pages and my old photos I have scanned with large scanner and have saved them in all three places.

    I print some of my digital pages at 8×8 and put in album at 8×8 or do some hybrid scrapping with the 8×8 digital page onto a 12 x 12 layout.

    September 22, 2015 at 7:24 pm Reply
  24. Jeanne

    I have been scrapbooking my photos traditional style. Then when digital cameras came along, I started making photo books. I store my photos on my computer and back up on an external hard drive. For the printed photos that I’m still catching up on, theses are stored in boxes.

    September 22, 2015 at 7:42 pm Reply
  25. LindaHT

    I store my photos on my PC and back them up to an external hard drive.

    September 22, 2015 at 8:13 pm Reply
  26. pattya

    I have an external hard drive for backup and we starting to back-up to the cloud, also. I love to make the digital scrapbooks so that the photos are shared with others, as well. Thank-you Digital Scrapper for always giving me new ways of making those scrapbooks.

    September 22, 2015 at 8:52 pm Reply
  27. I store mine on my PC. I’ve scanned many predigital photos as well. Now I need to get with the program and get an external hard drive!

    September 23, 2015 at 4:51 pm Reply
  28. Kristin

    I scan all non-digital photos and back up those with my digital photos to two external hard drives.

    September 23, 2015 at 8:28 pm Reply
  29. Diane Turner

    Sitting around the dinner table, or BBQ bench discussing memories and absent family does not work well with a computer in front of someone. So I produce a 12 page book each year, and print my other pages in an 8x8format to go into scrapbooks. Pre-digital and historical photos are scanned, but also printed and placed among multiple family members so they do not disappear on the death of the family member holding the photos. All my photos and scans are backed up on an internal separate drive, and two hard disks. I try to keep one hard disk in the car, so they are not all in the same place in case disaster occurs.
    I find one of the biggest faults with amateur photokeepers, myself included, is not deleting the unnecessary duplicates we all take, or the poor quality snaps that will never see the light of day. Taking the time to do this means storage space is much less, and quality of photos is much more.

    September 24, 2015 at 4:57 am Reply
  30. Betty Birney

    I do things very sporadically. I save with time machine – from both my laptop & desktop. I also save on discs but am worried about how reliable they will be over time. Some photos are saved on Flickr and in Shutterfly. The cloud has not worked for me. I really need to learn more about it I guess. I’ve made a few photobooks but my goal is to start digital scrapbooking. Time has been my worst enemy. I love your classes and will continue to keep on learning. Thanks!

    September 25, 2015 at 5:06 am Reply
  31. Jane28

    I back up my pictures in three ways. ETHD, Memory stick and Books.
    I have come close to losing all of them to many times not to back them up.

    September 25, 2015 at 8:15 am Reply
  32. Andrea

    I save to external hard drive and a zip drive. I also try to give copies to my daughters (when I remember!) so there are copies in several places.

    September 25, 2015 at 8:20 am Reply
  33. I store mine on two different external hard drives.

    September 25, 2015 at 8:21 am Reply
  34. pixie

    I have 2 EHD’s for backup, and also have my favorites stored on a photo website. I’m in the process of scanning old family photos. I make scrapbook pages, and share them with friends and family.

    September 25, 2015 at 9:01 am Reply
  35. Judy (shorebirds)

    I have scanned old photos and back up everything on 2 EHDs When I import new photos through Lightroom I always check ‘make a copy’ to be saved on one EHD.

    September 25, 2015 at 9:49 am Reply
  36. Judy Shinlever

    I backup to external hard drive, I have made some books and digital scrap.

    September 25, 2015 at 10:16 am Reply
  37. Margalicia

    I use all the above. I store in an external hard drive and I also save to the cloud and microsoft drive.
    Haven’t scanned old pics yet. Overwhelmed with the digital lol.

    September 25, 2015 at 12:07 pm Reply
  38. Barb Temmesfeld

    I backup my photos several ways. First I have a Carbonite account and so everything gets backed up in the cloud. I also have two external hard drive that I put the photos on and one of them goes in the fire safe. I don’t do the external back ups as often because I have a busy life but Carbonite is always saving my photos. In fact right now I’m restoring my computer from a crash and getting all my photos back.

    September 25, 2015 at 12:14 pm Reply
  39. Nancy

    I move the photos onto my main computer from the camera card, then back up to a cloud (SugarSync), and also backup to an external hard drive. I also keep ALL my camera cards intact…so those are kept separate too.

    September 25, 2015 at 2:00 pm Reply
  40. patricia

    Thanks for reminding us of how important it is to keep our photos safe. I have used many methods to save them. I have scanned all the old family photos. I have put them on DVD’s to give to relatives. I also have them and all my photos backuped on 2 EHD’s. I have them backed up on Carbonite—an off-site service.
    Each year I make a book of my favorite photos for that year. Also I make each of my grandchildren an album for each of their birthdays. In case I ever need it, my favorite photos are on my Flickr site.
    At the same time, I am trying to keep in mind that technology is rapidly changing What works now, may not work in 5 years. My plan is to make sure that I have everything in a medium that I can change–when technology changes.

    September 25, 2015 at 2:32 pm Reply
  41. Terry

    I also use carbonite and external drives. For Christmas my family gets photobooks from the prev years pics. I have scanned in some old pics but also have a backlog to complete! I still print some pictures and my granddaughters are learning to scrap with paper also.

    September 25, 2015 at 2:53 pm Reply
  42. I am very conscientious about saving my photos. I use time machine on my mac which saves the photos currently on my computer. Then I have two external hard drives that I update, specifically for photos. Besides these hard drives, I have a flash drive, one for each year. Within each hard drive and flash drive, I have designated folders. Then within each year’s folder I keep photos organized by event. I also store the appropriate scrapbook pages within that yearly folder. (One of my past external hard drives failed. That’s why I am so worried.) I also make photo books.

    September 25, 2015 at 4:32 pm Reply
  43. Jane aka Selra

    I scan non-digital photos and slides. Then all digital images are backed up through an online backup service. I also save photos and documents to external hard drives, and, of course, some photos are digitally scrapped, and some of these put into albums to share with family members.

    September 25, 2015 at 5:44 pm Reply
  44. Gen

    I have 2 external hard drives and an internal drive that mirror each other. I print scrapbooks too

    September 25, 2015 at 7:14 pm Reply
  45. Terry

    Each month I make a digital calendar with multiple pictures of the grandkids and special times from the month before. That is then my desktop picture for that month. Then at the end of the year I make a photo album with all the calendars with all the special photos on it. Of course I save the multitude of pictures to an EHD also. Some are also saved to an online source.

    September 25, 2015 at 9:29 pm Reply
  46. Sydney

    I have a mirror back up hard drive, I back up with carbonite, I have an external hard drive and I never erase an image from my sd cards. I just buy a new sd card. I label the used sd cards and keep them in a fire-proof safe. I have made digital books with many of the pictures.

    September 26, 2015 at 12:31 am Reply
  47. Deb C.

    I use Time Machine to back up my Mac. I also back up all my photos to an external hard drive. I try to back them up on DVDs also but have gotten a little behind on them. I am planning to buy another EHD or try Backblaze to take the place of the DVDs.

    September 26, 2015 at 12:53 am Reply
  48. Tammy

    I store mine on an external hard drive. I have to say I panic that most of my none digital photos I need to scan, just don’t have the time. Living in Texas (Tornado alley) this sends me into a panic attack every time I think about it. I have made a dent, but a small dent. 🙂

    September 26, 2015 at 9:51 am Reply
  49. Michelle N

    I save my photos on an external drive and on amazon cloud.

    September 26, 2015 at 4:52 pm Reply
  50. Jenny Hunt

    I store in my computer print out Scrapbook them. I also have a backup hard drive and backup all photos.

    September 26, 2015 at 10:20 pm Reply
  51. Joyce

    I use an external HD and Forever backup service.I also make books and gifts.

    September 27, 2015 at 10:16 am Reply
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