Scrapper’s Guide 8th Birthday!

Scrapper’s Guide 8th Birthday!

by Linda Sattgast

I just had my 58th birthday, so you know what that means. It’s Scrapper’s Guide’s birthday, too!

Yes, I opened the doors of Scrapper’s Guide the year I turned 50, so let me tell you a little bit of the story behind why I started this company.

I scrapbooked traditionally for a couple years before the digital camera revolution came along.

When I bought my first digital camera, I had no idea what resolution was all about, so I didn’t realize that the camera would only take very tiny photos. If I tried to enlarge them, they got quite pixelated, so I continued to use my film camera and only used the digital camera for special situations, like photos for our annual Christmas newsletter.

In the year 2000, right before Christmas, my digital camera stopped functioning. I had to make a decision—should I buy a new one or forget about digital and just use my regular camera?

I decided to get a new digital camera. By that time, the resolution of digital cameras had improved, and I got excited about using the digital camera for all my photography. Only one problem—I didn’t have a decent printer, and I was smart enough to know that one must print photos on archival photo paper using inks that will last.

After some research, I decided that the Epson 1800 printer had the best claim to longevity. Only one problem—it was a large format printer, and I didn’t need such a big printer to print my photos. But in the end, I got it anyway because I wanted my photos to last.

The evening Charlie brought the printer home, I looked at the pack of photo paper that came with it and said to myself, “Too bad I’ll never use paper that large.” With that thought, I went to bed.

A Bright Idea

At 3:00 a.m. I woke with a fully formed idea: The new photo paper was big enough to print a 12×12 page. That meant I could create my page with the computer and print it out on one sheet of paper. Wow! I had just discovered digital scrapbooking!

I never did go back to sleep that night. I got up and started designing digital pages on scraps of paper. Not only had I discovered digital scrapbooking, but I knew that it was going to be big and that I would start a business to teach people how to scrap digitally.

There was only one problem—I had no idea how to use Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. (Somehow I knew they were the gold standard for image editing and compositing.) I spent the next 6 months learning how to use those programs, and then I contacted Adobe before we started our business to make sure it was OK to teach PSE 2 commercially. They suggested I get on the Beta team for Photoshop Elements, so I’ve been on it ever since! Then I spent the next year filming the first ever video training for digital scrapbooking using Photoshop Elements 2! Shortly after my DVD came out Adobe invited me to teach a seminar at PMA (the Photo Marketing Association) where they had a booth.

My husband Charlie, who is always so supportive, helped me with the filming. (We used a video camera back then instead of screen capture like we do now.)

Of course, that was only half the battle. I needed a website, so Charlie found someone who could spend two hours teaching him how to use Dreamweaver, and from that point, he went on to create our first website, which I designed. Here’s what it looked like. Pretty pathetic, but we were on the world wide web.

Next I needed to get the word out about my great discovery, so I started the Digital Scrapper newsletter. My first newsletter tutorial was how to make a mini metal frame. I sent it to everyone I knew with the invitation to join my newsletter list, and a few of them must have signed up.

From there, Charlie and I started attending Creating Keepsakes conferences where I taught digital scrapbooking classes, and we both manned a booth. Digital scrapbooking was so new that people would walk by and mouth the words ‘d-i-g-i-t-a-l s-c-r-a-p-b-o-o-k-i-n-g,’ like they couldn’t quite comprehend the concept. But from those conventions, our newsletter list began to grow.

The Digital Scrapbooking Revolution

In the following years, several things happened. For one, I realized that I was not the only one who had ‘discovered’ digital scrapbooking. It was an idea whose time had come, and various individuals began to create online stores centered around digital scrapbooking.

Everything related to scrapbooking was in transition, and we were no exception. I started the Digital Scrapper Premier membership program in 2005, and our website went through two facelifts.

Here’s what our second header looked like:

Visit our website to see the third rendition. We’re currently working on another web facelift that will match the look of this blog, which was the first to change over. I’ve taught now and then for Adobe — sometimes at conferences, sometimes for online webinars, for two seasons of Scrapbook Memories, and most recently, at their first Pop Up store in San Francisco. One year, when I was doing a lot of teaching for them, including segments for the Scrapbook Memories TV show, I was dubbed Adobe’s Scrapbooking Expert.

Our team has grown from just Charlie and me to 10 part-time or full-time team members and around eight volunteers. In addition we have a variety of contractors who provide kits, QuickAlbums, or video instruction. Our team is scattered around the world, from our home in Portland, Oregon to New York to Australia, and many places in between.

From left to right: Linda, Charlie, Caleb, and Allison Sattgast, Susie Roberts, Mary Newman, Sharon Maughan, Jenny Binder (currently on leave with her 4th child) and Andrea Graves.

Core Team Members not pictured: Jan Walker and Jen White (shown above).

And why is Scrapper’s Guide here? Because of YOU! Our goal has never wavered — to provide training and support for digital scrapbooking. That’s why we get really excited when we look in the gallery and see the great pages you’re making.

It makes everything we’ve done and will do worthwhile.

To celebrate our Birthday for the rest of this week, come visit our shop for a 30% off sale with this coupon code: happy8th

Save 30% off our Scrapbooking Kits, Video Tutorials, and Templates! This coupon will be good through Saturday, September 10th at midnight, Pacific Time. (Coupon not valid for Classes or Premier Membership.)


P.S. Remember, tomorrow is the last day to sign up for my new Get Organized, Now! Class – it starts on September 8th, 2011, so be sure to check it out today.

Comments (18)

  1. charlyn parker

    I have enjoyed and your teaching has helped me a lot in my ditital learning, and I go by the name of Charley and live in a town, Fairview, in Oklahoma, not Utah. keep up the good work, and hope some day to be able to attend one of your classes.

    September 7, 2011 at 3:24 pm Reply
    • Linda Sattgast

      What an interesting connection!

      September 9, 2011 at 12:23 pm Reply
  2. Vivian

    LOVE this story and so glad that you woke up at 3 a.m. with an idea and carried it through! I can remember when I first heard of digital scrapbooking, and I thought “WHY”. It was a long time after that first introduction that I found out WHY. It was still a while before I got PSE 7, took a class and dipped my toe in the water, then…I found Scrapper’s Guide and Linda Sattgast. Life has never been the same.

    Happy Birthday Linda and Happy Birthday Scrapper’s Guide!

    September 7, 2011 at 5:09 pm Reply
  3. connieg

    Happy Birthday Linda and Happy 8th Birthday Scrapper’s Guide!

    September 7, 2011 at 5:37 pm Reply
  4. danesa

    Happy Happy Birthday!! I’m glad I found you several years ago. The contributions you and your whole team have given me is a wealth of instructional learning and creativity. May you have a blessed year (both you, Linda, and Scrapper’s Guide)!

    September 7, 2011 at 6:34 pm Reply
  5. Cherril

    Happy Birthday Linda and congratulations on 8 years of creativity and inspiration in digital scrapping. I for one, am still learning and really learn a lot from your classes. Keep up the great work..

    September 7, 2011 at 7:53 pm Reply
  6. 4grand

    Happy Birthday Linda! What an exciting 8 years you’ve had.
    I have learned soooooo much from you and your team – you have made my journey into ‘digi-scrap land’ a lot of fun.
    I thank you, wish you many more ‘Happy’ days and many more successfull years of guiding us through Adobe.

    September 7, 2011 at 8:26 pm Reply
  7. Janet H.

    I totally love Scrapper’s Guide and digital scrapbooking. I would never have accomplished what I have now if it weren’t for you, Linda, and your team! Thank you so much for sharing your story of the beginning of your site for I find it so interesing. You team is the best, and I truly wish that – the best – for you in the years to come.

    September 8, 2011 at 6:42 am Reply
  8. Reni Daniels

    Happy Birthday, Scrapper’s Guide! I am so grateful for all the hard work you have done. You have ‘guided’ me into the joy of much improved digital scrapbooking. Thanks and enjoy your celebration!

    September 8, 2011 at 7:51 am Reply
  9. SimplyHx

    Wow, Linda, what an amazing story! It’s wonderful that you ‘discovered’ digital scrapping and that you followed through with your ideas… you really are an inspiration and I love that I have learned so much from you and your amazing team. I am so happy to have found your helpful and friendly site, I’ve been so much more creative with my program and my LOs since discovering Scrapper’s Guide! I sincerely thank you for all you do. Happy Birthday… and may you and Digital Scrapper be blessed with many, many more birthdays!
    God bless,

    PS Can’t wait for the tips you’ve got in store for us in the ‘Get Organized Now!’ class… see you there! 🙂

    September 8, 2011 at 8:00 am Reply
    • SimplyHx

      PPS Thanks for the money-off coupon, that’s a very generous saving… I’m hoping to hit the store soon! 😀

      September 8, 2011 at 8:06 am Reply
  10. Patty

    Congratulations! I have benefitted so much from all that you have offered! Thank-you!

    September 8, 2011 at 9:18 am Reply
  11. Irene

    I have been subscribing since the very first newsletter. I started traditional scrapbooking in 1995, and all along thought how great it would be to use the computer for some of my scrapbooking. In 2004, I began designing papers and elements and joined a group of like-minded people, all of whom gave away our creations through a Yahoo group. We oohed and aahed over each other’s work – mostly learned through trial and error. I have learned tons through the newsletters and videos that Scrapper’s Guide (Digital Scrapper) has provided and am still learning new stuff this many years later.

    To anyone who is not a Premier member, you should be!

    September 8, 2011 at 1:16 pm Reply
    • Linda Sattgast

      Are you serious, Irene?! From that very first Mini Metal Frame newsletter? That’s amazing! How fun to hear that!

      September 9, 2011 at 12:25 pm Reply
  12. Darlene Badgett

    Linda, like you I started as a traditional scrapbooker. With 3 grandkids and 3 grown sons, it soon became very expensive.

    Digital scrapbooking has given me a fun and inexpensive way to enjoy my hobby.

    I have learned so much from you and have a wonderful stash of digital scrapbooking supplies.

    Happy Birthday to you and your company.

    September 9, 2011 at 6:01 am Reply
  13. Linda Sattgast

    Thanks to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday! I feel totally loved! Hugs and kisses to all! XOXOXO

    September 9, 2011 at 12:26 pm Reply
  14. Hi LInda, I want to wish you a very happy 8th and 58th birthday! I’m so glad that I too bought an Epson printer….that’s how I discovered you, digital scrapbooking, and Scrapper’s Guide! Thank you so much! for all you have done and will continue to do. And thank you to your team! I feel like I know all of you personally. I love you all, and wish you all the best!

    September 13, 2011 at 2:50 pm Reply
  15. Chan

    Happy Birthday. When digital scrapbooking first came out, I said that I could never do that because I enjoyed cutting and pasting. What was I thinking? Then one day I saw your ad and sent for your video. It was a dream come true. I was hooked. I have a closet full of supplies that I will save for the grandkids. I can not thank you enough for giving me this wonderful hobby.I continue to learn which is very important to me. I wish you all the very best. Thanks

    September 22, 2011 at 6:16 pm Reply
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