September Digital Scrapper Premier

September Digital Scrapper Premier is here! For anyone who’s not familiar with Premier, it’s a monthly subscription program, and this blog post will cover what’s included and all the details of this month!
Here’s the perfect kit to scrap all those photos of childhood, children, and grandchildren. Chock full of fun flash cards, brightly colored animals, and whimsical elements, Alphabet Soup by talented digi-artist Christine Mortimer (Digilicious Designs) will inspire you to create delightful scrapbook layouts for and about the children in your life.
This is a kit that’s just perfect to create a special alphabet book for the child in your life!
This month’s exciting collection of 18 QuickPage templates (8 full double-page spreads, plus a front and back cover!) is also waiting for you, and will allow you to complete a beautiful album of your own in no time at all!
This was a particularly special album to me, since my family’s photos were the sample photos used for this album. Can I just tell you how fun it was coming up with a personalized alphabet for my own little family? I loved it! My kids ::love:: this album, and I’m in the process of getting a copy of it printed for each of them. Fun stuff!
Take a peek at the gorgeous Quick Page Album for this month’s Premier:
Keep in mind that these sample pages are shown filled with photos, but the Quick Page Albums actually come with blank white spots for you to fill with your photos and room to add your journaling and other embellishments from the matching kit to this album. You get to personalize this album to fit whoever you’re creating it for!
To take a closer look at this album, check it out here.
Isn’t this a beautiful Quick Album? I think it’s just fabulous, and Jen White is such a talented layout artist!
Have you been wanting to advance your digital scrapbooking skills? Then Premier is also perfect for you! Check out the easy to follow video tutorials in this month’s Premier taught by our amazing instructors in both Photoshop Elements and Adobe Photoshop (each lesson also comes with a PDF of written instructions for your convenience):
There’s also a really nifty Premier Newsletter that’s packed with goodies, like top picks from the galleries and an extra technique tidbit you’ll be excited to try out right away!
And, if that’s not amazing enough, when you post a page this month using this kit in our September 2011 Digital Scrapper Premier Gallery, you’ll receive a posting bonus — a fun alpha that coordinates perfectly with the kit and QuickAlbum:
All this for just $8.99/month – such an AMAZING deal! Check out Digital Scrapper Premier Membership today! Current Premier members, just log-in to access the September Issue of Premier today!
P.S. Remember, if you’re not a Premier member and you would like to purchase individual Photoshop Elements and Photoshop video tutorials that were featured in past issues of Premier, you can often do so in our Tutorial Store!