Spotlight on Shirl

By Jan Walker

It’s February, and of course, it’s all about the love! And one of the most loving people among our creative community is Shirley Kimbrough… affectionately known in the Digital Scrapper Forum and Gallery as Shirl.

Shirl is one of those divine people who shows up to leave lots of love for everyone in the Galleries. Her comments are always encouraging, inspiring, and sincere. She takes the time to express what she really likes about your page and is lavish with her praise.

So it’s our pleasure this month to spotlight Shirl, and her own amazing work!

DS: Tell us a little bit about yourself, Shirl. How long have you been digiscrapping, and how did you get started?

SK: I have four adult children (two boys and two girls), five grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. I have been playing at digital scrapping since 2006 and I am in love with digital scrapping tutorials, so Digital Scrapper was the place for me!

Jai and GMa
Jai and GMa, by Shirley Kimbrough

DS: Have you always been a digital scrapper, or did you start out with traditional scrapbooking?

SK: I have always been a digital scrapper. Up to that time, I had been a dedicated PSP user and Digital Scrapper watcher and shopper.

DS: What would you say is your greatest challenge in digiscrapping?

SK: I have problems transferring my visual impressions onto my layouts.  Yet, since Linda’s classes, I have seen a gradual but true improvement in my time frame to complete a layout. This is excluding my physical limitations.

Elliott 6 Months
Elliott 6 Months, by Shirley Kimbrough

DS: What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?

SK: My greatest digital scrapping accomplishment was completing the Easy Page Design Class. That has given me the confidence to complete my layouts in a more organized manner. My personal greatest accomplishment is my faith in my God who has kept me and continues to keep me here for a purpose since 2008. I truly believe that Digital Scrapper is an important and ongoing part of that purpose.

DS: Well, you’re definitely a blessing to our community! What kinds of layouts and pages do you like doing most?

SK: I find that my taste has truly changed. Now, I love the blending of papers and photos for a soft and ethereal look. I love elements, but do not want them to overwhelm the photos, in other types of layouts, as the central point.

Elliott's School Photo
Elliott's School Photo, by Shirley Kimbrough

DS: What do you look forward to most each month in Premier?

SK: I love the Premier tutorials as visuals and accompanying PDF manuals. I have now included the templates in that group since I took the Get Organized Now class.

DS: Has taking Digital Scrapper classes helped you gain any new skills?

SK: Oh my goodness, the classes have opened up a whole new world for me that I am anxious to explore. I am not the greatest, but my layouts now have a warmth that was seriously lacking.

DS: Well, we think you’re the greatest, Shirl! And we can’t imagine you or your pages ever lacking warmth… 🙂 So, what does your family think of your digiscrapping hobby?

SK: They are indeed excited that I have found a hobby that has been both therapeutic and spiritually enriching for me.

We Are Family
We Are Family, by Shirley Kimbrough

DS: What are your future goals for creative pursuits?

SK: I plan to pursue more classes at Digital Scrapper and to remain an active Premier member. There may be times during the month, because of infusions, that my visit time will slack, but I will bounce back!

DS: Shirl, we know that you are more than a conqueror, and your generous spirit is one of the things that keeps you strong and vital! And since you’re kind of like a Mom to us all, what advice would you give someone who’s just getting started in digital scrapbooking?

SK: In spite of any frustrations, hang in there.  Seek advice from your fellow scrappers and teachers—this is the perfect site.  You will learn that some scrappers have innate layout design abilities, while others—like me—have to gradually grow in grace.

Man's World
Man's World, by Shirley Kimbrough

Thanks, Shirl, for chatting with us. I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel like I just had coffee with a dear friend! Be sure to stop by Shirl’s Digital Scrapper Gallery today and leave some love for the lady who always brightens our day!

Comments (27)

  1. Evelyn Stoner

    I agree with everything you said about Shirl. When I was taking the Easy Page Design Class, she was such an encouragement to me with her comments. At the time, I thought she must be on staff at Digital Scrappers because she took so much of her time to encourage everybody. That is a special talent!!!!! Love your comments.

    February 15, 2012 at 7:12 am Reply
    • marylc

      Dear Shirl,
      Like all your other friends at Digital Scrapper I love reading the comments that you write on our scrap pages. Your words are always loving, kind, and filled with encouragement. I have enjoyed getting to know you better through this interview, and look forward to seeing you as we scrap our hearts out! Blessings to you, and your beautiful family.

      February 18, 2012 at 5:07 pm Reply
  2. beayuman

    I had the pleasure of taking a couple classes with Shirl, and she was definitely an asset with her encouragement and comments. Thank you so much for this “Spotlight”. Shirl is an inspiration to me. Hope to meet again in another class.
    As always,

    February 15, 2012 at 8:44 am Reply
  3. Hi Shirl! I’m so happy to learn more about you and your approach to scrapping. Your layouts are always beautiful and you truly are an inspiration to me. I am always delighted when you leave me comments – they really are well thought out and sincere.

    Great interview, Jan! I do feel like I just had coffee with a dear friend – thank you!

    February 15, 2012 at 12:14 pm Reply
  4. Fulltimer

    Hi Shirl………I am so happy Jan has chosen to shine the spotlight on you. You are a fabulous addition to the Digital Scrapper community and your comments are always so beautifully written and appreciated.

    February 15, 2012 at 12:35 pm Reply
  5. Susie Roberts

    I’d like to echo Barb’s comment! I love hearing more about our members and this is such a perfect way to do it. Shirl, you are an inspiration and a blessing to all of us.

    February 15, 2012 at 2:11 pm Reply
  6. Kathy

    Oh, I’m so thrilled to see Shirl highlighted!! She is such a blessing and she does make my day with her wonderful comments to pages posted. I love looking at her pages represent her and her family, they are always so well done!

    Congrats, Shirl…well deserved!!

    February 15, 2012 at 4:36 pm Reply
  7. Linda Sattgast

    How fun to read more about you, Shirl, and to see your beautiful family and pages! You rock!

    And I do agree—you have the gift of encouragement. Thank you for sharing that gift with so many of us at Digital Scrapper!

    February 15, 2012 at 5:11 pm Reply
  8. Dorothy

    I am so happy you profiled Shirley! She is truly such a blessing in the forums and galleries. She is an inspiration to us all!

    February 15, 2012 at 7:56 pm Reply
  9. Andrea Graves

    Shirl is such an amazing person and has such a love and warmth about her and her beautiful pages, not to mention, she has the most beautiful family in her photos. Jan did an lovely job on this spotlight interview, what a treat to get to know Shirl better. Shirl is such an inspiration! 🙂

    February 15, 2012 at 10:25 pm Reply
  10. Fox57

    Shirl, Congratulation Girl!! You deserve the spotlight. It’s really nice getting to hear more about you. I so enjoy reading your kind words. You are and inspiration. 🙂 And I always look forward to seeing the l/o you create of your beautiful family.

    February 15, 2012 at 10:40 pm Reply
  11. Mikell Robinson

    I, too, am thrilled to read more about Shirl. I “met” her when I was taking the Easy Page Design class. What a delight she is! Not only were her layouts always fun and inspiring to see, she was always there with an encouraging word for seemingly everyone. I’ve not been able to be around any of the forums much since then, but I have nothing but fond memories of Shirl. I hope to b able to be a little more active soon and visit with her some more. Thanks for this wonderful interview.

    February 16, 2012 at 6:41 am Reply
  12. Thejage

    If anyone deserves this praise, you CERTAINLY do, Shirl! I’ve read your comments for a long, long time. Jan is right on point about how you express your views of someone’s LO – very thorough and truly sincere
    I loved reading this article and learning more about YOU. Also I love the LOs that are featured.

    February 16, 2012 at 7:41 am Reply
  13. roseb

    Shirl, you are truly a blessing to us at Digital Scrapper. I always look forward to the comments you make on my pages. I am so glad that you were chosen to be spotlight, now I know a little more about you. Love you!

    February 16, 2012 at 2:23 pm Reply
  14. Janine

    I absolutely love to read your sweet and perceptive comments Shirl. You are such a kind and loving person. You are an amazing women and set such a good example for all of us. Your LO’s are as beautiful as you are. Love you.

    February 16, 2012 at 8:05 pm Reply
  15. Jobascraps

    I, too, want to thank you Shirl for all the kind & thoughtful comments you have given. Your layouts are beautiful, inspiring & fun to see.

    February 17, 2012 at 8:52 am Reply
  16. Shirl

    Oh my, it is so heartwarming to read all the wonderful and loving comments. This is just what we do here at Digital Scrappers because our bond is based on true love for digital scrapping and for each other. This is what makes the world go around as we touch each other digitally from the four corners of this earth because we truly care. Thank you to every one who took the time to leave these words of encouragement. When Jan first approached me, my heart just swelled with wonder. After I read all the above comments, I admit my eyes filled with tears of joy. No way could I have responded without going all soapy. lol. So I gave myself 30 minutes to calm down. I am truly grateful. God’s blessings. 😉

    February 18, 2012 at 9:06 pm Reply
  17. Donna

    Congratulations on being spotlighted. I agree with all the others who say your comments are very specific as to what is great about a layout and you always are so positive and encouraging. Hugs to you and your beautiful family.

    February 20, 2012 at 4:43 pm Reply
  18. SimplyHx

    What a wonderful spotlight interview… Shirl, you were one of the first to welcome me here at DS and you did so with such warmth and enthusiasm, I’m so happy that you have been honoured in this way. You are such a super example to us all, not only with your kind, encouraging words but also through your courage and grace in the face of physical difficulties. Your LOs are always delightful and interesting, and they ooze the warmth and love you have for your beautiful family. Enjoy your time in the spotlight, you deserve it! God bless you.
    🙂 Hx

    February 21, 2012 at 3:38 pm Reply
  19. pattya

    Shirl, What can I say that hasn’t already been said? I, too, look forward to your warm and personal comments on my LO’s. You are one who takes the time to really think through what you are going to say in order to have the most possible positive impact. Thank-you so much for the encouragment that you have often been to me. I am so happy that you have been spotlighted this month because you so truly exhibit love. Your LO’s are beautiful and are a living demonstration of the love that you radiate. Thank-you again and may God richly bless you and your family.

    February 22, 2012 at 2:43 pm Reply
  20. Hunny

    Shirl! What a breathtakingly beautiful family – and your layouts are superb. Thank you for sharing your sparkling spirit and expertise. (If you and Jen White were runnung the world, things wouldn’t be falling apart so abysmally – hee 😉

    February 22, 2012 at 3:57 pm Reply
  21. Shirley

    Dear Shirl,
    This was my first thought (and others’ it appears) that it has been all your very thoughtful comments complete with details that have given us all sunshine in our days. I appreciate all the thought you put in such comments. I feel like I know you better now after this spotlighting. You are an inspiration. God bless you!

    February 22, 2012 at 6:14 pm Reply
  22. MaryTurner

    Thanks for the wonderful interview with Shirl. I believe she has posted on nearly every one of my layouts and most of the ones that I’ve commented on. AND they’re usually very thoughtful posts.
    Yea Shirl! Keep on keepin’ on!

    February 22, 2012 at 6:40 pm Reply
  23. dmrdm

    Hi Shirl, Was on vacation for a couple of weeks, so just getting caught up with everything. Loved the article on you. It sounds like you have a wonderful and loving family. The photos certainly are a reflection of the love and happiness you all enjoy and your layouts complement those good times perfectly. Look forward to seeing more of your work and those smiling faces!

    February 28, 2012 at 4:56 pm Reply
  24. Leia *the second grandbaby*

    I am so proud of you Grammie! You have done so much regardless of your health and I am happy glad and proud to say that you belong to me lol. I remember sitting with you typing your comments for you when you couldn’t and not understanding why it was so important to you even when sick to leave so many comments. I finally understand. Hoorah Grammie I am blessed to be related to such a wonderful woman. Now put up some more scraps of me lol.

    March 2, 2012 at 6:05 pm Reply
  25. mehrina

    Grammie….. you are a true inspiration. Love you

    March 4, 2012 at 5:48 pm Reply
  26. Ouisie Kelly

    Dear Shirl, It was so nice to see that they did a spotlight on you. You are just the “besttest” 🙂 I LOVE your comments. They are not empty, but one can tell you have paid close attention to all the little details on the page. Thanks for your lovely comments and for being you. You are an inspiration to me (and probably to eveyone in the site).
    God bless you!.

    March 27, 2012 at 3:39 pm Reply
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